So Feige is basically they're setting up Riri and Chavez to take on the mantles either through a solo movie or a...

So Feige is basically they're setting up Riri and Chavez to take on the mantles either through a solo movie or a spin-off show in the streaming service.

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>and Chavez
Ms. America is not Captain America.

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No they're not. Stop spreading lies

>Let's tank our movies as fast as we tanked the comics!

captain marvel is the best adaption of a comic ever.
too bad the source material was conplete garbo

The Fuck mantle would America take up? She's not even a legacy or sidekick.

She's female and has America in her name. Good enough.


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I thought Disney paid for most of the tickets?

Yall know they have all their characters back? They wont be using these shitty newish Mary Sue's

You are retarded

You just know they are gonna make a south American captain.

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Aye. Loads of reserved seats in the front that nobody showed up to sit in. Pretty sure Disney knows by now that it's better to drop some dosh to save face rather than look the flop in the statistics.

This, for god’s sake. They don’t need generic black women when they have fucking Storm now and probably plan to make her a bigger deal than Fox ever did.

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How is Feige setting that up? He controls Marvel Studios, not Marvel Entertainment.

>and Chavez
¿Por que? Nadie quiere a esta perra.

Congrats on a billion

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Nadie queria a Morales tampoco
Movies / tv series can fix horrible ideas, they r pushing hard all that crap in the cartoons

Source= your ass.


Marvel's pushed their SJW replacement anti-life creatures to the point of basically nearly killing the company. Abandoning them NOW, just because they now have the rights to the X-Men, would be a tacit admission that they fucked up and now one, NO ONE likes them and that pushing/creating them was a huge mistake to begin with.

Also, given how badly they shit the bed with Star Wars plus how well loved the Fox X-Men films are, there is the tacit notion that there will be hell to pay if they fuck up the Disney movie version of the X-Men. Especially since they are already struggling mightily with the Disney-Sony collaboration of Spider-Man due to shit like turning all of Spider-Man's supporting cast into tokens and making MJ black. Fucking up the X-Men would be a death sentence

But Morales had potential. Chavez is a turbo manhating dyke that comes from turbo dyke dimension. And she is every bit the cunt we all believe she is.

How the fuck can someone fix something that was born covered in shit?

Well Loved?

The same X-men that wore the black rubber suits for a decade?

Lol those characters were only pushed In the comics because they only had half their own characters. do you read comics? Do you see riri at all?