Remember this shitshow?

Remember this shitshow?

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I was having problems with meds and got rejected by a long time crush shortly before this, i originally didnt want to see the movie but my dad convinced me and while i liked the mandarin for the first half after the twist i was so mad i kept screaming in the car for 30 min straight before crying myself to sleep. In hindsight i overreacted but i still feel bitter to this very day.

Fuck you amber

I don't actually. There have been so many worse things to come out over the last 5 years.

You still got closer to a girl than the OP, if that's any consolation.

>That sinking feeling of despair when the Fake Mandarin scene started

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Which one is the better of the two: IM2 or IM3???

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>*ruins your movie*

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>Unironically wanting Kingsley to play the original Mandarin
>"Fak you Iron Man, your western science has rittle power rhen compared to the magic of my rings"
>"Rhy you no take metal boots off rhen you enter my rair Tony Stark? Such restern indiscipline"
>"Fo years the great people of China rere addicts to opium; now the midrest is addicted to opiates, and the supremacy of the east is assured!"
>"But Mandarin, aren't you just a mixed race Chinaboo anyway?"
>"Fak you Meester Stark, you assume incowwectlay about mah hewitage, I am pure blooded Chinaman"

See, I saw people complain, but mostly those were salty footbal fans who were bitching about their team of blue rentboys losing a game.

It still hurts, honestly now im kind of glad though since IM3 really soured the MCU for me and made me realize how dumb capeshit really is. So in a way it made me into the man i am today.

What did you expect after IM2?

Batman Begins did the twist villain right.
Henri Ducard was a memorable character with the build-up of varying subtlety so he didn't seem underwhelming compared to decoy Ra's or Scarecrow.
Killian was just a joke. Compared to what was promised he was utter shit.

Compared to the Marvel films that would proceed it, Iron Man 3 is pure gold.

Was more pissed of at the treatment Extremis got.

By the half way point the Trevor twist didn't even faze me, I just wanted the shit to be over.

>crying myself to sleep over a bad movie and woman I didn’t know turned me into the man I am today
Big yikes and a small kek.

IM3. The scenes where Tony doesn't have the suit and has to get by on his wits are some of my favorite moments in the MCU.

The villain was meh, the climax was boring and the way Extremis was treated was a huge waste. But those scenes are great.

Meanwhile, IM2 just sort of... exists.

>Unironically wanting Kingsley to play the original Mandarin
Why the fuck not? You say that like it's a bad thing to want a top-tier actor to play one of Iron Man's most iconic villains, if not the most iconic one. They didn't even have to make him Chinese but they could have easily added into the story that the Chinese government was looking for him because he's a terrorist from their own turf. The TV spot Kingsley's Mandarin made was a hundred times more intimidating than pretty much every other villain in the franchise. Given the fact that the MCU went cuhrayzee with their plots and characters somewhere down the line, a wizard fighting Iron Man with magic rings is a plausible idea

I remember that he was funny.

IM3 doesn't deserve the complains he gets.

>b-but muh mandarin!

Mandarinfags didn't existed back then and don't exist now, stop pretending.
And even who cares, i had fun watching it.

>every thread the exact same retarded post

This movie was good. Unique memorable action sequences.

>every thread
How man times you made the same dumb anti-IM3 thread, OP?
It's been over 6 years, people don't care about your shitposting either way.

>hurr if u disagree u shitposting
It's just funny how you always make the exact same retarded shitpost, get blown the fuck out, and then proceed to do the exact thing over and over again. Grow up already.

Iron Man 3 had a lot of problems, but Ben Kingsley was absolutely not one of them. Neither was Guy Pearce, especially when he was on fire and shouting a lot.

Guy Pearce is trash and his character is utter shit.

Fuck all you retarded comic purists, this was a good twist

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I remember them never following up on it

>Mandarin has the country by the balls
>Whoops! He's just an actor/soccer hooligan
>One-shot is released
>Oh hey, there really is a Mandarin out there.

>ITT shit taste
Guy pearce was fucking boring, movie was a cheap cop out

I really don't get the hate for IM2. IM3 is such fucking hot garbage.

people who defend 3 constantly hide behind the Mandarin twist as if there aren't a laundry list of complaints about it. Mandarin was the least of it's problems. Hell, it could have been worth had Killian not been such a fucking drag.

>Mandarinfags didn't existed back then and don't exist now
Fuck you. I grew up with Iron Man TAS and loved Mandarin. I was looking forward to seeing a huge fight between Kingsley and Tony, especially since they started setting up Mandarin in IM1. I agree that my criticism for the movie basically boils down to "muh Mandarin" and that it was a good movie apart from that despite my thinking that Killian was a boring villain but I feel like it's valid criticism when fans are tricked hard through Disney's marketing

>hey you guys like kingsley as mandarin?
>haha wouldn't it funny if he was a joke and the real villain was a generic one that we copied from the previous two iron man movies

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This. Had the real villain been something special, nobody would have complained. Him essentially being Hammer 2.0 was not only redundant but also boring as fuck

Hammer was on another level and stole that Mandarin short.

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>having this much autism

Yes user, everytime someone on Yea Forums assblasted and humiliated you it was actually me all along, my mission is to show everyone how dumb you are.
So far you are doing just fair by yourself though.

That's why Killian was an even worse villain. Easily the weakest villain out of the entire trilogy. I really don't understand what retard thought that Extremis would be an interesting storyline for an IM movie anyway. Also
>not using Favreau as a director so he can complete his trilogy
That should have been the first clue that Disney is full of fucking dimwits

I grew up with TAS too and i didn't minded it.
And the Mandarin was dumb af in that, generic villian you would see in the Ninja Turtles.

Guess i'm simply not a manchildren.

The only person you ever humiliate is yourself by showing everyone how dumb you are.
>hurr I'm not the same person, I just make the exact same post over and over

do you intend to samefag until this thread reach the bump-limit, OP?

Maybe I'm reading too much into it but Favreau did that Chef movie where he's a chef at a popular restaurant and leaves because he butt heads with his boss and decides to start his own business. And RDJ and Scarjo are in it. He said he parted ways from Marvel amicably and he stayed to play Happy but I'm willing to bet he left because he wasn't happy with executive meddling which was really bad at the time.

>everyone who disagrees with me is LE OP
Why are IM3-fags so retarded?

>The only person you ever humiliate is yourself by showing everyone how dumb you are.
Gee, all you can do is copying what i say? So unoriginal.
Keep insulting you and the retarded kind who spawned you isn't even worth it, never change mongoloid.

And stay assblasted knowing that the next time someone will say something that will hurt you, it will actually be me! kek
What a loser, bye.

Last bump i give you OP, not going to play your cuck game.

You're the only one ass-blasted here. I'm just laughing at the idiot who can't even come up with a new argument for 6 years.
Keep proving everyone how autistic you are. Iron Man 3 wouldn't be the same without your retarded-ass autistic whining about people liking a character you don't.

Same """argument""" that consistently gets absolutely destroyed, I must add. Please say "muh Mandarin" some more. I like to laugh at your retarded ass.

>he left because he wasn't happy

>I grew up with TAS too and i didn't minded it.
well, many others did mind. are you too dumb to empathise with what other fans think of the material?
>And the Mandarin was dumb af in that, generic villian you would see in the Ninja Turtles.
So you are basically saying that only because a villain is generic in a cartoon, that means that screenwriters can't make them compelling in a movie? Mandarin is literally one of Tony's top 3 villains in the comics so why not give him a solid representation in the movies?
>Guess i'm simply not a manchildren.
No argument at all regarding the way the character was used in the movie. You are literally saying "I didn't mind shitty storytelling so others shouldn't either". You're stupid as hell, mate.

>I'm willing to bet he left because he wasn't happy with executive meddling which was really bad at the time.
wasn't that confirmed somewhere? Iirc the execs wanted to go another way and Favreau didn't like their approach. I feel like he was the only person who saw all the shit Disney was bringing to the table coming from a mile away. Shane Black didn't make an Iron Man movie, he made a Tony Stark movie, which is fine in itself but just didn't manage to convince as a final movie in a trilogy. Had it been Extremis in Iron Man 2 and a real Mandarin in 3, it would have been perfect

A plot twist done so poorly Fast and Furious pulled it off better.

The Last Jedi before The Last Jedi. This was a precursor of things to come. "B-BUT IT SUBVERTED EXPECATIONSSSSSSSS!!!" No fuck you it was stupid.

I legit think IronMan2 is way better.
Ya got Black Widow looking hot as hell, you have Tony's self destruction to push away his friends as he dies (which is 10x better than "PTSD from Avengers ending that he just gets over"), and Whiplash was better than the shitshow they made AIM.

Correct, but the issue was the shitty follow through.

Here's something I don't get.
How come I never see "no one cares about Cottonmouth" in Netflix capeshit threads for instance. Cottonmouth is a bigger literally-who in comics than Mandarin, and yet people mostly agree that the show version is a great villain who was similarly wasted and replaced with a shittier villain.
I only ever see this sentiment in Iron Man 3 threads.

Another one bites the dust.

>This was a precursor of things to come
It really was in hindsight
Why the fuck does anyone think that's an intelligent way of describing why a movie was good
It was goofy at times but a nice Iron Man movie. 3 was probably better from a story point of view but 2 was just a better movie in terms of using the characters that were established in the first movie

Can we at least agree Lisas are even worse?
I fucking hate Lisas.

Because people just care about characters which are treated with respect? Mandarin wasn't so people are mad
>who was similarly wasted and replaced with a shittier villain
not the same at all though. he was his own character and served his purpose. Also, nobody yelled "I'M DA REAL COTTONMOUTH!!!!" so there's that
>I only ever see this sentiment in Iron Man 3 threads
probably because more people watched IM3 than Luke Cage

The point is, when people complain that the show wasted Cottonmouth I never see it being followed by anything like "no one ever cared about this nigger anyway". In IM3 threads people seem to be unable to grasp how people could like the legitimately threatening antagonist shown in the trailers or how someone could be disappointed by fucking Killian.

I hated this twist on two levels: As someone who actually loved Invincible Iron Man, and as someone watching the movie.

The Mandarin is the “Oh shit” villain of Iron Man. I always hated when they tried to make him another businessman, because that’s not what he is. He is as opposite to Iron Man as possible, and as such is on an earth-threatening scale. He has always been a warlord and terrorist who follows his own rules, and puts his faith in powers he will never fully understand. Unlike Tony who commits to SHIELD and has run-ins with the American government, the Mandarin is so radical that the Chinese government is too scared to even intervene. Instead of using armor, he relies on his incredible physical prowess and technology he never made but mastered. He’s honestly the ultimate opposite to Iron Man, and was even the final boss of the first 100 issues of Invincible, which culminated in a showdown for the fate of the planet.

As a movie, Kingsley’s Mandarin was a perfect way to adapt the character.
>Kept the Chinese warlord theme, making it even stand out
>Kept the terrorist theme from the first film
>Gave Mandarin a built in motivation, as the Ten Rings were his men so they acted on his orders in the first film
>Keeps the strong contrast between Tony and Mandarin by keeping the Mandarin radical
>Ben fucking Kingsley

>jk Here’s White Businessman #3, played by a plank of wood, with a really stupid “kill the president because Congress doesn’t exist” plan

There were a LOT of issues with Iron Man 3, but that was the flagship.

Iron Man 2 was just wasted potential that resulted in a dull movie. 3 was straight up awful.

I really think IM3 could have been better if they made AIM a bigger threat.
I mean you gotta a group that is second to only HYDRA in use/popularity, and the movie did practically nothing with them.
Just a bunch of mercenaries with guns, and a single super science idea that they have been failing to perfect for like a decade.
Imagine if that small town Tony goes to investigate, and talks with that smart 10yearold, was actually all AIM and the whole town was secretly a bunch of superscientists that go to fight Tony with homemade laser guns and jetpacks and Tesla rods and shit. That would have been so much cooler.

There is the fact is that even if Diamondback was the inferior villain, he had some entertainment value in him and an off-screen presence as a villain prior to him showing up. Also, Cottonmouth's death, while abrupt, wasn't a twist and him dying that way was an emotional moment when paired with the backstory he was given. In comparison, Killian is just some generic douchebag with a history that makes him look pathetic. So when you're trying to defend IM3 on this point, you're basically stuck with trying to diminish Mandarin while skirting around Adrian "the fratboy look is perfect for a middle-aged guy" Killian.

>durr every opinion i dont like is samefagging
IM3 is shit, get over it

But the funnier thing is that the Mandarin in the comics is a staple Iron Man villain. It’s like doing a fake out on the Green Goblin or Reverse Flash.

The mercenaries aren't even AIM, Adrian and Maya are the only AIM members in the film.

I hated the twist at first, but then realized two things that made me change my mind on the character.

1) The twist had never been done before.
2) The real Mandarin could still show up.

>The point is, when people complain that the show wasted Cottonmouth I never see it being followed by anything like "no one ever cared about this nigger anyway"
Yeah, you're absolutely right about that. It's mostly halfwits who are unable to grasp why people are bothered by IM3's mistakes. I bet they would freak the fuck out if someone pulled the same thing with Batman's Joker

>that second paragraph
That's actually the single best explanation that showcases why Mandarin is IM's best villain I have ever seen. I also agree with all your points regarding how they could have treated the character. Hell, it was an easy thing to do due to the set up he got in IM1 so why they didn't follow through with OG Mandarin + ten rings is beyond me

>Just a bunch of mercenaries with guns, and a single super science idea that they have been failing to perfect for like a decade
The use of AIM and Extremis in itself was fucking retarded after a goddamn AVENGERS movie. How were they a threat at all when the Avengers could have mopped the floor with them if Iron Man had lost? Mandarin would have been a much bigger issue and a perfect way of providing the movie with a bigger scale

I really can’t wrap my head around why people defend Iron Man 3.

>Humor is literally “Actor babbles for five minutes until a joke pops out, then we move on”
>RDJ’s performance turned from “Tony Stark but with some RDJ in there” from the first film to “RDJ mugging at the camera for two hours”
>Villain promised is cool and different from the others, but no here’s Killian, who has the charisma of a rock
>Minions are uncharismatic fashion models
>Obnoxious kid character overtakes a chunk of the movie
>PTSD plot goes nowhere
>”Oh by the way I got rid of the shrapnel”
>Rhodey manages to look useless in every scene
>Movie pushes butt fucking ugly new armor, but it’s absolutely useless and none of the clearly superior armors are used except for the last fight
>Tony just gives the Mandarin and the world his fucking address, despite Pepper and Happy frequently being there, so he put their lives in danger for no real reason

>which one is better, the worst one or the best one???

The twist had never been done before because it was fucking retarded. Some things aren’t done because they’re stupid. Also, the twist made everything the same as the first two movies.

Also, “The Real Mandarin” is damage control. He’s never going to happen.

From what I understand, RDJ has been wanting to adapt Extremis since the early days, but Marvel putnit off until Iron Man 3.

The issue wasn't the Extremis plotline; the issue is that it was sidelined for a mediocre version of the Mandarin that didn'y play off the hype generated by the pre-release promotion materials.

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>1) The twist had never been done before
That was nice in itself but fuck's sake, why do it to Iron Man's number one villain? Why not do it with Captain America or Thor? The latter would be the perfect opportunity since Norse mythology is full of epic twists
>2) The real Mandarin could still show up.
My dear user, I thought the same but after all these years, it's just time to give up on that last shred of hope, especially since it's probably Stark's last movie

>The twist had never been done before because it was fucking retarded
Not the guy but I think that had it been the exact opposite of what was done, it would have been great
>Killian villain throughout the movie on a smaller scale
>huge explosion happens
>suddenly cut to the Mandarin tape
>reveal that Killian was a hoax and that the real Mandarin is fucking shit up
I feel as if that would have been some baller shit

>the issue is that it was sidelined for a mediocre version of the Mandarin that didn'y play off the hype generated by the pre-release promotion materials.
well, I was only saying that if they had been wanting to use Extremis with some stupid corporate fuck, they should have done so in IM2 and then upped the ante for the third movie with Mandarin

I remember how trailers made me think we're getting our first truly great MCU villain. I was enthusiastic about the movie and kept asking myself if they'll make him a full-blown psychopath or someone more sympathetic and human.
Well, it was neither. They made him a joke.
Haha. Sure subverted my expectation, eh?

See, that reversal is more in line with the Mandarin’s usual MO.
>Use some politician/businessman to do all of his dirty work, who becomes the main enemy of the story
>Turns out the Mandarin was masterminding it all, and is pretty much 75% done with his “conquer the nations” plan by the time he’s revealed
>Iron Man desperately pulls out a Hail Mary to stop his plan at the last second

One of the great IIM tropes.

>I remember how trailers made me think we're getting our first truly great MCU villain
I feel like that was the biggest mistake. It hyped people up hardcore and then it was played off as a joke. I heard about the twist on Yea Forums prior to seeing the movie but I thought it was just a joke and the real Mandarin would actually show up. It was literally the first time I literally said "What the fuck?" out loud while watching a movie in a theater

It would have been great, fuck. The directors and suits saying that the entire thing was just done to subvert people's expectations makes the thing ultimately shit. Had they said "we don't want to do magic rings when we're already doing magic stones in the future", I would have somehow understood them but it was just blatantly retarded and disrespectful. Even if they use the real Mandarin in a future movie, nobody will give a fuck anymore

>Even if they use the real Mandarin in a future movie, nobody will give a fuck anymore
Schwarbage. They could start filming Iron Man 4 with Mandarin and Fin Fang Fucking Foom next week, and they would make 1.5 billion guaranteed.

But you tell yourself whatever you gotta.

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I mean the real fans won't give a fuck anymore because Tony will die in Endgame. There's no point to using Mandarin then anymore and FUCK NO, I'm not watching a Riri movie because after Endgame, I'm done with paying for this shit anyway

My thought is that they should’ve done
>Killian, one of the heads of the Extremis project, sells it to AIM, who secretly is in bed with the Ten Rings
>Mandarin uses the Extremis to power up his men, who look like the first movie and not fashion models
>Mandarin raids Tony’s home and warehouses and gathers basic Iron Man tech
>Mandarin reveals that he’s dying of cancer, and that he needs to fulfill his destiny as the usher of a new era
>Brief reveal of the Mandarin’s past shows him as a child stuck in a war torn part of the world, who slowly rises to power through classic Chinese warfare tactics
>The Rings are symbols of his reign over his territory, each representing some value he holds
>Finale is the Mandarin pumping himself full of Extremis to insane levels, then using an armor combining Chitauri and Stark tech to master it
>Final fight is Iron Man, Rhodey, Pepper, and the armors against Suped Up Mandarin, who uses extensive martial arts techniques and a strong control of the Extremis, and even molds a Chinese Dragon out of the fire just because it’s cool
>His plan is to release a deviant Extremis on the world that has a build in control system that he has access to

Even though a Mandarin-Shredder would be alright, I'd have wanted them to just go full-on comics and show us that fucking ring magic. That would have shown us a glimpse of the possibilities in terms of magic in the MCU