>Piece of shit like thor is worthy
>one of the greatest individuals ever isn’t
I don’t get it
Piece of shit like thor is worthy
Boy do i have news for you
Because "worthy" is subjective let's say there was a magical fork made by a cannibal god most people wouldn't be worthy to lift it
Reminder that the one defining what "worthiness" is in this case literally eats people. With some fava beans and a nice chianti.
You ever tried reading the comics?
roid user = cheater = not worthy?
Does Stormbreaker even have that enchantment, though?
>reading comics
>Not giving a thought to the medium that gave rise to the capeshit you watch.
>watching capeshit
I think that one is directly tied to Thor because of its creation.
Avengers! Assemble
Thor Odinson.
Now that's a name no one would self-apply where I come from.
So if Cap does get the hammer, would he be able to fly and do all the stuff Thor did with it
Its based off the norse idea of worthy not the american idea of worthy.
I think americans would hate cap and what he stands for
I doubt that.
Most Americans tend to not live up to what America stands for.
He moved it slightly Thor also noticed it.
It's either he can't pick it up fully because a drunk dick measuring contest isn't "time of need". (It's a criteria in the comics but wasn't mentioned in the movies)
Or Cap's downplaying it so he doesn't hurt the others' feelings.
Odin says the hammer is a good tool for a king, because it can create and destroy
Cap only knows destruction, war
he's uncomfortable in peacetime, this is brought up more than once
it's Odin's idea of worth, so it's not exactly gonna be about just being a boy scout
So Tony should be able to lift it
the guy that keeps fucking up with any kind of power he's given? not likely
He doesn't lift Stormbreaker, but Mjolnir
Cap doesnt enjoy fighting or killing. Some guys like the Punisher enjoy it too much. Thor is in the middle thus he is worthy.
How much of what Thor did was the hammer and not his natural god powers?
Mcu Thor is all over the place so it's hard to tell.
Captain America doesn't live up to what America stands for.
It's called the United States of America and first chance he got he decided to go against the unity of the Avengers and secede.
He's literally Captain Confederacy.
They'll just change the word to "swarthy" some day anyway.
So unity matters more than doing good?
Cap punches Nazis, of course he's a terrible person.
>Cap only knows destruction, war
he's uncomfortable in peacetime, this is brought up more than once
>unironically believing Quiptron
> Ithink americans would hate cap and what he stands for
Nowadays, with the US filled up with alt-right incels and neckbeards, yes
Uh he was worthy, he was lifting it just fine.
The reason he stopped is because Thor purposely used magic to keep it down and Steve knew it and stopped.
Essentially Thor would have look liked a punk if he let Steve lift it.
The reason that red skin robot man could lift it is mind gem made the hammer think he was worthy.
Basically Steve could lift it properly if Thor wasn't a whiny bitch
Chris Evans is a gun control advocate. Human rights deniers aren't worth. They wanted cap to be able to lift the hammer, but because the actor Chris Evans can't do it, they had to write cap's character around that.
>reee alt right neckbears and incels
We all know its the roasties and socialists trying to destroy the country who don't stand up for what cap stands for
>red skull is a much more interesting, relatable character
absolutely based
Cap would unironically join hydra if he saw what America would become
not for virgin roiders
Americans perfectly live up to what America actually stands for
Cap actually could lift the hammer, he just saw Thor's face when the hammer budged and he wanted to spare his bro's feelings.
My headcannon for it is that the Hammer is tied to Asgardian royalty, and has been passed down from Odin to Thor. It's not the Hammer that finds you worthy, it is the one who is bestowing it on you. So in the case of Captain America wielding the hammer it is directly tied to how Thor feels about him. In Age of Ultron, Thor knows Captain America but still thinks of him as a friend and a mortal man. By Endgame not only does Thor feel a stronger connection to Captain America / Steve Rogers as a friend and brother in arms, Thor himself is stronger and wise than he was before, like his father, which allows for the Hammer to be wielded by Captain America.
All this can be discarded for the rule of cool. Because the MCU synergy is not perfect and it is just giving the fans what they want.
it's a chad - virgin thing
Cap is a heterosexual white male, not sure if you realize.
What are you talking about OP? He wields Mjolnir in the final battle of Avengers: Endgame.
Yeah, because the White Heterosexual Christian Male is definitely going to side with the Left that hates everything about him.
The fact that he managed to move the hammer a little totally meant that HE IS potentially worthy, it's just that it wasn't the right moment, presumably because they were screwing around for fun and not in a serious battle.
Flying was always 100% the hammer tho, he throws that shit and just rides it
closeted gays can't wield the magic mallet
Comic book Thor could in theory use the same method of flight that either Red Tornado or Storm uses but nada. Comic book writers lack creativity.