Fuck marry kill
Fuck marry kill
whoever the fuck the other two are
based goldman
Fuck Buttercup
Marry Blossom
Kill Bubbles
mercykill bubbles
buttercup,blossom: $\frac{marry \pm fuck}{\sqrt{2}}$
Fuck Blossom
Marry Bubbles
Kill Buttercup
I'm fine with fucking and marrying all three of them, not sure if killing them is even possible. Anyway, if I get to fuck and marry them, then I wouldn't even think about killing.
Hatefuck Buttercup because she is a slut
Marry Bubbles because she's bubbly and thick
Kill Blossom because she is the worst girl
Kill all three of those abominations
Fuck and marry the Powerpuff Girls
Fuck Blossom
Marry Buttercup
Kill Bubbles
You'd think that after all these yers their bodies would have partially caught up with their heads.
this nigger gets it
Bubbles gets to be Head Wife, though.
I convert to whatever the most tolerable religion is that allows me to marry all three
Neither of these options because I'm not a child abuser.
>Neither of these options because I'm not a child abuser.
Oh I'm sorry Mr Edgelord for not being enough of a pedophile for this board. I should've known better!
you cringey little fucker
Kill ditz
Fuck fire-crotch
Marry tomboy
Yikes, shame on me for waiting until they get their first periods at least, wow.
Most people here have loli waifus desu.
Is this porn?
The OP's image is them being aged up to adults you dunce
Yeah no shit I'm just having a laff while posting my collection, in case you didn't notice.
Eyes are too small, would trash in an instant
dont know the characters but im assuming this is what they're like based on appearance
red: good/proper
blue: dumb cheerleader type
green: punk/tomgirl
if so: kill red, fuck blue, marry green
How underaged are you?
>dont know the characters
Either underage or living under a rock
>dont know the characters
Dumb fucking zoomer
Based and femininepilled.
Fuck Bubbles
Mary Blossom
Kill Buttercup
Don't let yourself be bullied, user. It's okay if you're not autistic enough to know about a cartoon that barely came out in 2016.
I refuse to believe that this is a real post.
It just can't be.
>Complete retard doesn't know who the powderpuff girls are
>Still makes the right choice
Hoo Lord
Zoom Zoom, faggot.
Fuck marry kill the Rowdyruff Bois
The only right answer.
-fuck Sedusa
-marry Ms Bellum
I think the real question is. Which one can give me a handjob?
Fuck Blossom - Dem titties but shit personality
Marry Bubbles - No negatives
Kill Butchdykecup
I've always wondered where the meme of grown-up Bubbles being a titty monster came from. Is it just because she's a blond?
Also, would you watch a more "realistically" styled PPG reboot? One that was maybe a bit darker, and had a higher TV rating?
>enough time has passed that people that didn't grow up while the original PPGs was aired frequently are old enough to post
Oh. Oh no...
>I've always wondered where the meme of grown-up Bubbles being a titty monster came from. Is it just because she's a blond?
It's an old trope that bubbly happy girls are titty monsters. I have no idea where it came from but I've seen it in media at least as far back as the 50s.
I want that Bubbles for all eternity.
hatefuck Blossom
marry Buttercup
can I just tell Bubbles to go home?
Patrician choices.
I have yet to see any artist draw them as adults in the original art style and make it look good.
Nah, you want a darker PPG then go read PPGD by Bleedman.
This may piss some people off but I think Nu-Powerpuff Girls could have actually been good. They got the cutesy slice of life shit right but they cut out the violence that made the show so jarring and fun. It still wouldnt have been better than the original but it wouldn't have been an utter fucking disaster.
Some episodes came close to killing them.
I do want a PPG reboot in some form, maybe a movie. I've been watching the show online because I'm too young to have seen it as a kid but I'm nearing the end of Season 5 and it feels like the quality is starting to dip.
>Fuck them all
>Marry them all
>Kill their clothes
the power of either bait or good character design
>Nah, you want a darker PPG then go read PPGD by Bleedman.
I actually admit to having PPGD on my mind when I made that post. It's a premise that's really intriguing to me: the PPG being as powerful as ever, maybe even more powerful, but also growing up and not being kids any more. Well, maybe not growing all the way up, but at least getting to middle school or high school. I think there's room for interesting stories in that premise.
The trouble is that Bleedman is shit and PPGD is bad. So I guess what I wish for is that the concept would be taken up by someone who could actually execute it well.
Imagine hard, "Little Evil" domination from the PPGs. Forced to lick their nubs and worship their freakish bodies.
We all know those strange "hands" of theirs are practically made for fisting.
Oh God. Season 5 and 6 is hard to get through.
is that a stocking for your dick?
See: He knows what is up.
Why buttercup so flat?
That’s cheating
Or because Tara her old VA has tig bitties dur
>is that a stocking for your dick?
No, THIS is a stocking for your dick.
Bubbles, Buttercup, Blossom.
Nobody said cheating was against the rules gottem
They honestly look better this way than their canon adult designs
this is the right answere, the rest of you are faggots
Tomboys are allways best girls
All of them
All of them
Eh... let’s wait and see which of my new wives piss me off first before deciding on this one.
good art
I don't know what's more impressive, the fact that you don't know the PPG or the fact that you were spot on with their personalities with just a glance.
Truly patrician taste.
creepy Jew
Lemme tell you something. I'm from The City Of Townsville and I say kill-em all!
Fuck buttercup, Marry blossom, kill bubbles.
great bait user
>the fact that you were spot on with their personalities with just a glance.
That's called good character design.
Fuck Bubbles Marry Buttercup kill Blossom