ITT: Annoying simpsons characters

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I kind of was Martin growing up, so I can’t hate him.

That's precisely why you should.

that lawyer


Patty and Selma were never funny even in times they were supposed to be. I know the bulk joke of their existence is the in-laws thing but as characters whenever the writers tried to give them some bit that was clearly intended as funny, it just never was. Primarily the monotone centered gags.

Patty and Selma are for jacking off only

In the same way Toots or whatever her name is from Drawn Together is for jacking off.

It’s toxic. You have to let go. You can’t keep hating yourself for things that are done.

>describing a feeling or action as toxic
Tumblr please.

You’re still young yet. I wouldn’t have believed you at your age either. In fact, I didn’t. But you have to accept life and go forward. That’s all.

I wasn't that user but I have no fucking idea what the hell you're trying to say.

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Definitely Rodd and Todd. I don't think it's ever shown where they go to school, right? Because it's hard to believe these overtly religious kids would've survived in the real world just as they are. It pisses me off how sheltered they are.

Also Abe Simpson. It stops being funny when his old man antics ruin things for everyone.


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>I have no fucking idea what the hell you're trying to say.
>You’re still young yet. I wouldn’t have believed you at your age either.
Don't worry user. You will

Lionel Hutz?

the most annoying Simpsons character is post season 8 Lisa

Martin's hilarious though.

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Highly likely they were homeschooled but I can visualize a time they were in a school setting so maybe not.

the one with diabetes

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Disco Stu


what the FUCK was her deal?

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Prime example of them not being able to make new, interesting characters.
>Yes Guy debuted in 1998
Oh boy.

Hill or whatever his name was, that annoying guy who's always hit by irony.

Martin was based in this episode and the go-kart one too. It's a waste that they never did anything cool with him again.

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I hate Lindsay Naegle, and for some reason Mike Scully loved using her.

TheRealJims delves into Rod and Todd.

Thats not funny

He had a strooooooooooooooooooooke

Otto was never that funny and after The Otto Show the writers quickly discovered how thin of a character he was.

Sideshow Mel

Rodney Dangerfield

have sex

Hah! I was watching season 6 just now and this happened. First time I catch it too. Not exactly related but still.

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I'm sure they go to school, I remember watching them there in some episode amongst the rest of the kids in old episodes, they just don't show them often.

Generic blue haired glasses lawyer guy.

Agnes Skinner

Professor Frink is annoying.

I always hated him with the whole poor Gil has a crappy life and then the newer seasons make him a complet cunt that still gets shit on, but it didn't feel better just make me hate him more

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I hate that guy so much.

Krusty and Barney

Mr. Largo has never ever been funny.

Comic Book Guy. Especially when the writers use him as a strawman to beat up Internet Simpsons fans.

Helen Lovejoy.

Shut up, Boco

Yes sir...

I grew to like him actually

Professor Frink and Bumblebee Man

Gil was funny the first two or so times he appeared on the show. That was it.

Superintendent Chalmers always annoyed me.

Hark to the tale of Nelson, and the boy he loved so dear!

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I agree but that's like an iconic archtype now, at least for women. That specific arrogantly perky corporate leech.


I just watched this episode. I like it when there's some worldbuilding.

Chief Wiggum

>Post one of the funniest bits in the series
What are you on, user?

>That episode where he's found out to be a massive tax fraud and we're supposed to sympathise with him.

How these fucks can bring up Frank Nelson and fuck up his whole act proves the Simpsons should have been shitcanned decades ago.

Fuck, Frank Nelson was the yes guy from JACK FUCKING BENNY, FROM THE MOTHERFUCKING 40S

>not a gif

such a waste

Hans Moleman

"now i DRIVE the school bus" is a great line though

God tier taste

Rich Texan

Sideshow Mel is pretty bad and never does anything interesting. Maude was rather eh as well. Then there's the obvious ones like Crazy Cat Woman, Disco Stu, and Duffman even though they're mostly just gag characters.

Helen Lovejoy but that's probably intentional. I think maybe Gil is the only character that consistently angers me.

Gil, Crazy Cat Lady, Rich Texan Guy, Cookie Kwan, Sideshow Mel and Helen Lovejoy. So yeah basically everyone that has been said already. Also note how most of them are from post-Season 8.

Never was into Marge, unless she were to slowly transform into a Patty and Selma copy

I never cared for Krusty too much either, actually.

And I don't have a problem with Helen. The whole point of her character is to be annoying, so if people dislike her, her usage is effective.

I don't know if I'd say Helen is supposed to be annoying rather than antagonistic. The perfect use of her character is still her very first appearance, in Life on the Fast Lane.

I kind of lump together a lot of the more recent one-joke characters: Crazy Cat Lady, Lindsay Naegle, Cookie Kwan, Rich Texan, and Disco Stu are all pretty meh.

Bumblebee Man
Lindsey Naegle
Sherri & Terri
Ned Flanders

all of them

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the one without a name. hutz was based.

>samefag upboating your own post

The Grumple is the one that comes to mind when I think of a latter-season character who was never funny but they keep forcing into the show. Fuck I hate that piece of shit.

Todd is Moe's bastard child.

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it was odd when they had ezekiel and ishmael to replace those two

I did laugh at how crummy it all was, but that's it.

Seems like the most obvious attempt at ripping off the giant chicken fight from Family Guy.

It was only one episode

What about the Grumple reminds you of the giant chicken fight? He's a one-note gag about terrible low-quality christmas movies from like the 50s, with cheesy songs and rhymes to go with.
nah he showed up a couple times didn't he? Bart watched his terrible movie in school and then he had like an ice show in that episode where Gil stays with them too long... and at least one other appearance.

That half ass attempt to punch him gets me every time.

Snow day episode was a different grinch parody he only appeared in that ice skating episode as far I can remember

Krusty has usually been used to satirize the entertainment industry and in LA this is probably close to the writers' hearts, but I've never been a fan of it.

I never liked Ms. Hoover.

Farmer #1 is shit but farmer #2 was alright

No that was Milhouse for his random out of the blue crush on Lisa they've yet to explain to this day. He use to be cool back then.

looks like nelson don't like so much to be trolled, gif-ed, memed, and, dare I say it, pwned

I watched this a couple days ago

Gil has and always will be my favorite side character. I only checked this thread for the sole purpose of seeing if he was in it.

I don't even have a reason for liking him so much. He's so easy to forget that I'm delighted when someone remembers him, even if it's just to shit on him which he very much deserves.

Classic episode.

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