Can we get one last Easter thread for the weekend?

Can we get one last Easter thread for the weekend?

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I will not be tempted by the mini loli. My life for that creme dream.

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best bros

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To be perfectly frank, I barely remember the specific team memes besides the Easter princesses now. Waifus are a hell of a drug.

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The drawfags had such a good fucking time with that April Fools. Good on them for having so much degenerate fun.

Must admit, Yea Forums drawfags do good work. Even if my team/liege did get the least fan art.

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Wait, Easter happened? When the fuck was Easter?

It was Good Friday yesterday/today.

Huh. I guess I'm glad I'm not Catholic, or I'd be in trouble for forgetting.

Creme was best girl. It's criminal she never got more content.

Never really cared for that waifufag war stuff. Just goes to show how tribal everyone gets when you get arbitrarily put on a team.

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Really tells us things about our society.

Come on, it was all in good fun. I can't imagine being so cynical to take that nonsense seriously as a statement about anyone. Like talking philosophy in a ball pit at Chuck E Cheese.

That we live in one, mostly.

Bottom text.

Kinda amazed how quickly everyone forgot about this years april fools. Nothing good even came outta it either, just nonstop erp faggotory.

It was nice having #fortune again on all boards. And dice rolls can make for some good funposting. Spamming dinos and skellies had some novelty at first, but that got old kind of quick. Fortunes are great though, who can hate fortunes?

But the thing I'll always remember about this year's April Fools were the early morning threads on Yea Forums. They had a certain strong appeal for me.

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Mini is cutest and best girl

The pinned Yea Forums thread was fun

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Beata maria, you know I am a choco man

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Kill yourself

I made this a few years ago
I still wish I had peep gf

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Is their a booru where i can find good mini porn?

Make one of their flaws virulent racism

Why, yes.

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imagine being such a corporate cuck that you think a bunch of corn syrup is as important as an animal

>implying that would be a flaw

I think the Yea Forumsbooru and other drawfag boorus have them.

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more mini

>small teasing mini
Didn't know I needed this in my life so bad...


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I’ve missed holiday lantern stuff. Does that still go on?

"Faithful... enlightened... ambitious... PEEPS.

In but a single shitpost, a few mere touches of the keyboard, we have gathered a sacrifice to Princess Peep that will be made legend. was PEEP's PRINCESS who showed me the true path of freedom from our pathetic Chocolates and Cremes.
And what is this path? This meaning, this purpose to which we gather the skulls of Minis?

It is nothing. There is no meaning, no purpose. We spam. We shitpost. It is mindless savagery, this BOARD IS MINDLESS!

In mere hours, billions of "WHO /TEAM PEEP/ HERE" posts will be made. Innocent! Guilty! Strong and weak! Honest and deceitful! ALL of them!
Chocolates will scream, Cremes will burn, and for no purpose but that mighty PEEP may revel in their bloodshed!

And united in this void of purpose, fear, or duty... we shall at long last be free!

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>tfw you were a loyal subject of the Cream Empress

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>No bulge

Mini had the tiniest dick though.

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Yes, and?

p a t h e t h i c

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