Hi, Yea Forums.
I'm from a parallel Earth where the DCU was dominant instead of the MCU, which was trash by its third movie.
After all the hullabaloo about this movie on this Earth, I decided to watch this piece of work, and by had some good parts...and it defiantly had some bad parts.
Overall, ask me your questions about the one from my Earth!

Here are a few spoilers to start:
Film starts with a well paced attack on Metropolis from Bruce's point of view
Bruce watches Lucius Fox die in his tower and saves his son; this is where they teased Batwing for all you comic book fans
Lois Lane is trapped in the bunker of a Syrian dictator watching him blast his people with chemical bombs
Her photographer says he's Jimmy Olsen, but in reality is a CIA agent named John Corben spying on the dictator using the photographer's name as a cover
Corben is injured and rescued by a blackwater team working for the dictator's weapon's supplier after Superman comes to save everyone
Blackops team led by KGBeast frames Superman by detonating a chemical bomb the moment he lands in the bunker, and since he saved Lois first, the deaths of all the dictator and his men are blamed on him
First shots of Batman is his sadistic smile in frame lit by a glowing red light, which is later revealed to be a brand
Apparently, Luthor is played by Corey Stall, and the start of his scene is where he goes out to greet a multitude of people as he is the most coveted person in Metropolis

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Batman in these films always look so goddamn weird. He has no neck and his torso seems bloated in comparison to the rest of his body. He just looks really goddamn uncomfortable in every single scene.

Take your fanfiction back to Redit

what about Reddit?

I wish we lived in a world where everyone was buying tickets for JLA: enter Darkseid like they are doing for le purple man.
Friends reunited, whole families, co-workers, couples, children... It's the fucking movie of the decade. Marvel was supposed to always be a copy of DC, a tier 2 company like how Pepsi is to Come.
Fuck this gay earth

This is what happens when you appoint unbelievers to run your church.

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Dude, just deal with it, you got your Arrowverse COIE coming up and DC Universe, just learn to deal with it

Haha, this. The template for your live-action future was pic related, not Superman: The Movie.
Schumacher was just ahead of his time.

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I wish DKeks would fucking kill themselves but you retards just refuse to accept reality

yeah I forgot how fucking amazing DC movies were before the evil Snyder ruined everything

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DC's future is failing streaming services and tv shows that would be canceled on any REAL network

Supergirl and Catwoman were both the results of pushing out the original creatives responsible for blockbuster movies, replacing them with a shittier director and a smaller budget, then trying to milk out a last film before the franchise death. This is a cyclical thing with WB, especially with Superhero movies.

Green Lantern I can't make an excuse for; they had the director of the excellent Banderas Zorro movies, and an earnest star in Reynolds and a solid supporting cast. Maybe it was an unwarranted sense of invulnerability after The Dark Knight. Maybe it was hiring the guy who would make Arrow to write it.

I'm just happy the movie of the decade isn't Episode IX which will be a footnote compared to Endgame

Directing great Zorro and Bond movies doesn't mean you're suited for CGI-heavy material

Unironically think Snyder could have been a good fit for GL because of that, everything's gonna be tinged one color, might as well be green

Yeah, tv series are going well, even Titans and Doom Patrol got a nice following, and in the comics department, DC is a little bit ahead in terms of quality but overall both companies are far from their better eras

But still hurt to see the DCEU like this, I feel like we, dcfags, are entitled to be the superior group, DC movies were to be the ones bringing people together under a symbol of hope (Superman) for the movie of the decade while Marvel dwells with low budget 'fun' tv shows.

Oh, DC games are doing better as well and the inevitable Injustice 3 on the mk11 engine is something I'm looking forward

now tell us your excuses for every other shitty DC movie like Jonah Hex, Steel, Batman and Robin, Superman 3 and 4, Return of Swamp Thing, and Teen Titans Go

The green bacon suit didn't inspire confidence but the script was the bigger problem. Like Hammond was more sympathetic than Hal and Parallax was a generic talking cloud thing but shit colored.

You just need to be down on your knees praying that WB doesn't utterly fuck up the Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Shazam sequels in the same fashion that they've managed to derail their past successes.

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this terrifying post is exactly why DC and it's delusional fans need to be banned.

too late

Cheetah gets her powers from a wish

Aquaman sequel will bomb harder than Lego Movie 2 since it won't be out until 2022 with some shitty Cloverfield Paradox tier Trench spinoff

and Shazam isn't getting a sequel now that it's a confirmed flop

I'm going to say something controversial
The movie is worth it just for the Batman warehouse fight, even including that goofy shot of him throwing the crate.
Don't pretend you didn't get the slightest bit giddy when he used his grappling hook to pull someone in only to punch them.

Where was this brutal batman in justice league?

You aren't entitled to anything, only results speak for themselves

Who dares wins and woe to the conquered

I could go on at length, but the short of it is that no one pulling the strings at WB takes the DC superhero stuff "seriously" at all (this includes Zack Snyder).
Superman 3 and 4 and Batman 3 and 4 were in line with the prevailing Hollywood wisdom that sequels are diminishing return cashgrabs, destined for lesser performance. It's the MCU that broke that expectation.

Swamp Thing Returns was a sequel to a film that itself only cost 3 million dollars. It's a schlock sequel to what is practically a college film.
>Teen Titans Go
Gooby pls.jpg

>Where was this brutal batman in justice league?
People don't want a batman that can actually strike fear in people.

>The movie is worth it just for the Batman warehouse fight
Nah, it wasn't worth 10 bucks to see a 60 second fight with Batman in it. Especially after sitting through umpteen Batman movies with Full Retard fight choreography.

What? I'm just venting my sadness from this massive disappointiment on a anonymous website. I'm just a little bit sad that is not my favorite superhero team o the spotlight, it's not like I'm sperging across the whole board because of this. This thread is just a big "what if" scenario discussion so I felt at home to do this

Don't worry, DC seems to be headed in the right direction and will probably dethrone Marvel in the future.

>he doesn't know
Oh you sweet stupid ignorant DC fan

>The lesson we took from Aquaman is we need trash-fashion Harley Quinn movies and arthouse schlock Joker.
Yeah, you'll have more luck praying for Cape Fatigue.

You’re not entitled to anything, Superman’s great and he’s still in the public eye, you don’t need a movie franchise to matter.

>arthouse schlock Joker
Shit, forgot I was on Yea Forums.

Did you just return to Earth?
Superman is a walk on role in a tv show, a faceless costume cameo, and an awful comic by Benis. This is easily the low-point for Superman from the last 75 years.

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Funny, I never lose sight that you're Yea Forums tourist.

Good eye.

Could be worse. Just don’t know how. Just in a rut, he’ll swing back.

Don't bother

DC fans have rejected reality and instead chose to live in their delusion where DC is still as popular as it was in the 90s and very early 2000s

Yeah, 2038 will be DC's year for sure!


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I don’t know, I was just trying to placate this guy

Shazam isn't a flop though

>won't even get to $400 million
You're right, it's a bomb.

Funny how it first was that it wont reach 300 mill, now its 400. Absolutely nice goalposting

Oh wow, it's at $300 million?
Great success, good job WB.

No. $282 million. It might make $300 million by the time it leaves theaters next weekend

low budget hitting 400m is pretty nice for such a "unknown" hero. It's doing this purely on its own, it's not like he got any major bump from the other DC movies

Truly, it is lofting high amongst the greatest of capekinos.

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>pretty nice for such a "unknown" hero.
This is meaningless in the MCU era and we both know it.


We're literally in the golden age of Superhero movies where the floor is $600 million

>most theaters of any of the movies listed
>getting beaten by Spawn
DC fans really are delusional if they think this is worth celebrating.

To be fair, it soundly thumped TMNT: Out of the Shadows.
It may make a fair run at Green Lantern before Endgame releases and swallows all box office everywhere.

In fact it's even worse because he is unknown and is not marvel, unlike Ant-Man that gets the MCU synergy boost.

You guys talks as if Billy showed up in the last battle in Aquaman and saved the day

So it might do as well as the first failed DC movie universe

I know you don't know this because you didn't see the movie like everyone else but Shazam has as much DC synergy as Ant Man maybe even more

>Implying a cameo in JUSTice League would have HELPED.

someone kill this fucking thread I didnt mean for it to get as much replys as this

superheroes were a mistake

We never stopping nigga

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>like how Pepsi is to Come
Who the hell ejaculates Pepsi?

Friendly reminder for all DC fans that you're a pathetic joke and always will be

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No one cares, ladderbro

Pepsi x Coca-Cola

Shazam was not catapulted in the other DC movies before having it's own, like WW who showed up in BvS (it's not like she needed it, of course, just using as a example, same for Aquaman and JL). Ant-Man has this nice MARVEL logo on it and this logo is just the hottest shit in pop culture right now.

Shazam hitting 400m is fine, he got 0 promotion from the other DC movies (as I said people who think he should get 1b talks like if he showed up in Aquaman and everyone went into a hype to see his movie).

No, Shazam was just a movie with average marketing and 0 mentions in the other DC movies and no big Disney brand to give him a gas. The only thing going for him is the capeshit "era". It doesn't matter if the movie is more DCEUish than Ant-Man is MCUlish, it doesn't bring people to watch him because of that because he is unknown to plebs

who died in the second part of Darkseid War? did they seriously forced Supergirl in the last moment as the new and stronger Superman?

Will Shazam even reach 400 mill? Endgame is coming soon and i personally see Shazam only reaching 350

>Shazam was not catapulted in the other DC movies before having it's own
neither was Ant Man you stupid fuck

>Shazam hitting 400m is fine
it won't

Hey, leave them alone. They’ve won awards, remember those razzies?

Or Doctor Strange for that matter.

As opposed to Affleck's DD, Ghost Rider, the two FF with Jessica Alba, Wolverine Origins, Spider-Man 3 and X-3?

why did they cast halle berry when Michel Pfiffer did such a good job in returns?

She was in her 40s, and you know Hollywood is

Razzies like the one Affleck won with Daredevil?

Yep, Worst Supporting Actor, Worst Screen Combo, Worst Prequel, Remake, Spin-Off or Sequel and Worst Screenplay

could never figure out why his costume was a weird patchwork mess.