What’s the difference between Yea Forums and Tumblr?

What’s the difference between Yea Forums and Tumblr?

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You can't say "nigger" on tumblr but that's about it.

If there is one, it’s growing smaller by the day

He's usually a solar gem, but well...

You can’t say it on Yea Forums either or you get reeeeee’d at

There is no difference

Yea Forums used to be good.

Meta threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/8 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

Ehh, all users say that a certain board they frequent used to be good

Awww, They’re angry!

See what I mean? Never used to be faggits quite as flaming as this guy in 2008.

Lol I bet an angry cis white boi wrote this

Nah, you can’t say it here either. I’ve literally gotten a 3 day ban about 3 times this month, for writing nigger. Yea Forums mods don’t care about porn, off-topic conversation, literal cucks talking about their daily lives and bull prepping (yes, that’s from an actual thread here), but write nigger, insult niggers or call out the niggering propaganda in media, and you get banned almost immediately.
There’s no difference. Just check out the Doom Patrol Thread about the tranny singing bit.

I saw it, and the StevexBucky and Hercules thread....

That because all boards are getting worse.

sure can smell the totally unbiased /pol/fags in this thread.

tumblr is a dead website once populated by teenage girls going through their rebellious phase, furry porn artists, feminists and /tg/ drawfags

Yea Forums is a Yea Forums board populated by nostalgiafag xoomers and millennials upset that kids networks are marketing to teens and tweens rather than them, weebs in denial, youtube tourists like and trolls who don't actually watch cartoons

I fucking wish the cis bois on Yea Forums would leave

what a bunch of fucking niggers

suck an ass shitposter

Yea Forums has it’s fair share of Teen girls and Feminist. Take and for example

We need /cape/ and /cartoons/ separated

You have actual autism if you think is serious

I’m fucking serious, I hate seeing the hatred given on such an innocent board, most of it caused by anti-LGBT, racist,
Heterosexual white dudes. I wish I was trolling but Yea Forums really needs to step it’s game up and clean them out.

>anyone who doesn't wan't off topic /pol/fags pyre bombing there board and spamming bait on the board is the enemy boogeyman
kill yourself immediately

>you don’t like trannies
>that means you’re a YouTube tourist
What’s next nigger? “Yea Forums is love”? I came here to have some bants about comics. I remember when “create an AU” threads were full of creativity and reached bump limit. I remember when we used to hit a bump limit on Iron Man threads even. But these days we only hit bump limit on Twitter Screencap Threads, where half the posts are trannies seething and niggers unironically posting “gib reparayshunz”.
Shit’s depressing.

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>mobilefag complaining about being banned
whens that email requirement update coming

>>you don’t like trannies
>>that means you’re a YouTube tourist
never said that but no

It used to be that tumblr had porn while Yea Forums didn’t but now the only difference is that Yea Forums keeps falling for tumblr bait threads like this one

I can’t wait...

Oh, fuck off. People have been hating on dumb idpol shit in Yea Forums material long before /pol/ became what it is today.

I thought we was allowed one meta thread daily to discuss the problems with Yea Forums?

They banned those after a month or two because they would actually have to address the concerns raised. Instead they pushed them off to /qa/ where they never both looking/cleaning up (it's an even slower and somehow worse Yea Forums board now).