DC SuperHero Girls

#TacoTuesday youtube.com/watch?v=1oAEuqeRQ3Q
also, new comic!

Attached: BEEYOURSELF.jpg (1280x720, 264K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The fact that people like this is a testament to how much shit taste there is on this board. Nothing about this show is original or attractive or worthy of discussion and it should have stayed that way.

>he likes Adventure Time

>how dare you enjoy things
>everyone needs too be a joyless pessimist like me!!!

Nice, I hope we see more of Jessica next, god knows she need more development.

I want to see the rest of the boy team!

Bee a cute!

Giant Redhead wants her beef taco.


What is her endgame?

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Attached: I'm going to claw that bitch.jpg (445x670, 135K)

Supergirl needs a short and episode for herself.


Hiatus to end when?

2 weeks, is the fucking hell

Right in the pussy?

yeah, and marry her, I just want Diana wife goddamn, a cute goddess wife

Artist is Markydaysaid

I'd wife Zee after weird science 4 and her proving she's top tier when it comes to standing up for those she loves.


after hatetriangle she is the third one with more development after diana and babs

All the baby wanted was a taco. Poor thing.

Attached: 1555717868196.png (1280x720, 489K)

Do Amazons shave?

Big dildo
Little girl

clay statues don't have anything that's not sculpted into them. she's smoother than a baby's bottom

That looks like a double-headed dildo or a feeldo

I need that Kara bunny suit edit, you sluts.

shit that was cute

Karen is cute and I like her a lot.

That wasn't an edit.
Was it?

someone used the (You) edit of that pic i did.

i am proud.

Attached: kara bunny.png (1366x768, 626K)

she's like, "Where are the fishnets?"

Huh. I thought the pose was more flirty/suggestive.


No fishnets! I want immediate access to that plump meat.

Karen is for breeding.

Like any good Kryptonian whore, yes.

Oh, you meant Bee? I'm sorry.

Attached: sorry, boo-boo.jpg (480x360, 21K)

It’s fine. Both are definitely for breeding. You know what, all 6 are for breeding.

Since they mention Project Cadmus, are they gonna kill Kara?

Attached: Kara_lying_in_smoking_green_crater_Kara_Care.jpg (1920x1080, 588K)

>all 6

That just makes me wonder if anyone in this show is ever going to take a beating nearly as bad as Supergirl gets from Galatea in JLU. I'm not even sure you could show that bad of an asswhupping on modern Cartoon Network, it's actually pretty painful to watch if you go back and see it.

Attached: 7OGBYv.gif (320x180, 847K)

God I wish...

That's the whole point of this show isn't it?

Attached: Zee is getting some vee.jpg (854x480, 81K)

Attached: 1554239780273.png (1217x685, 746K)

So I think this may change some of our perspectives of Supergirl...

Attached: 20190419_231911.jpg (2880x3840, 803K)

The kid is clearly mistaken; I do think they're actually cousins. But I am intrigued about the Clark/Kara dynamic.

>A hug
Would user risk broken ribs if a hug was reciprocated? Or a broken face if not?

Attached: 335948A2-7FF1-4678-BDEC-33490055710E.jpg (1280x996, 148K)

1 - what site is that?
2 - are those fingerless gloves on her wrists?

foot fags BTFO

I mean, there are people who unironically like shit like Sanjay and Craig on this board.

you pedos and horsefuckers are disgusting

>Sups' sister
blessed Faust

Attached: Power_Girl_Portrait_Color_web_1024x1024.jpg (662x1024, 118K)

Daily reminder to give zatanna your love.
For she is best
Have a good easter everybody

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Where are the profiles from?

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Of course

Anything to hug her

Post the profiles for the others

Karen is not for sexual. She is for protect


Attached: 2A30FE4B-2E12-4711-8DAC-7A48B6B6C569.png (1280x720, 600K)

And getting pregnant

Nogger (classic)

Attached: F4320F5B-C198-4006-A87C-50D9D320D83F.jpg (1280x720, 129K)

Karen is for sexual bullying

The profiles were from the app, I’ll post them. They may have made Diana a bit too flawless, the fish out of water weakness is more of a gag and will get old if they use it too much.

Attached: 845CF2CF-2756-4210-B34B-3068B909C6B1.jpg (1533x979, 360K)

Babs definitely comes off as hyperactive with a short attention span, haven’t seen them address her being the weakest member of the team yet. Although she is the heart and soul of the group. Also still a Batman fan girl. Series finale with Batman maybe?

Attached: A8F8DACB-915A-4813-9539-A3F76080E82C.jpg (1529x1049, 378K)

Jess is Jess, probably the least likable character.

Attached: E450DFC6-8241-49A1-8893-D5FD279B512B.jpg (1402x1125, 368K)

Kara again for completeness’ sake.

Attached: 1708E6DD-BC1F-44CD-B5B2-578B18E58EFA.jpg (1362x1072, 340K)

Karen has the power of meekness, but she’s an endearing character.

Attached: F250DFA3-F25B-4084-BDAB-E1395B1072A9.jpg (1401x1080, 362K)

And Zee, probably the most likable of the girls for being altogether attractive while still being flawed. Central figure in the comics as opposed to Batgirl.

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NEEDS to use those hips for the greater good of my dick

shouldn't that be "rigid" in her righteousness?

Or is righteousness what she calls her construct boner

>mfw reading these profiles, seeing how similar the artstyle is to Lauren’s other show, hearing people say that the characters here aren’t like ones in Lauren’s other show, and how suddenly interest in this show began to grow.

Attached: F87547DB-0BEF-4FF1-894B-EF0C3F3BAD7A.jpg (474x311, 58K)

Who is Jess supposed to be

Requesting a mini comic where Barbara claims she has caught Joker, but then she realized its Persona 5's Joker

Attached: 1554994252162.jpg (758x817, 57K)

Really cool profiles

I like how the designs are slightly different from the actual show

Hmm, Karen's hair highlight is on the wrong side again.


App: Golden scrunchie. Show: hastily-edited-out non-scrunchie

Attached: diana.jpg (1527x909, 191K)

I like the way her hair looks on the show

App: open jacket, pins. Show: zipped-up jacket, no pins

Yup I think both are good, I just like subtle changes like that.

Attached: babs.jpg (1430x1033, 209K)

App: hair flows to the sides out of the beanie
Show: hair flows as a direct continuation of the beanie

Attached: dirty hippie.jpg (1407x936, 182K)

App: Hair covers more of her face, pockets are same color as jacket, wristbands/fingerless gloves, more rips in pants, belt buckle same color as belt and not shaped like the S logo, no beltloops
Show: Hair covers less of her face, pockets are lighter than jacket, no wristbands/gloves, belt buckle shaped like S logo, beltloops, only two rips in pants

Come to think of it this is a great change that makes it way easier to see her eyebrows and facial expression.

Attached: kara.jpg (1282x1072, 195K)

Thanks, animators

Attached: dem curves.jpg (287x543, 35K)

Her sweater is bigger and saggier on the show.
And yeah, graphics designers don't give a shit that if you mirror a character you flip the left-right asymmetry of their design.

Attached: karen.jpg (1351x1080, 206K)


New video with episode clips

Show: bangs/fringes more puffy instead of flat on her forehead

All of the changes are really good I think. Also shows that the app assets were handed over early in the design process.

Attached: zee.jpg (1092x1080, 197K)

user why do you deceive
There are no new clips in that video

Attached: lies.jpg (480x360, 52K)

Are DCSHG kosher?

Attached: 56649613_654835044936890_3191169047069056598_n.jpg (1080x1080, 144K)

Jess is probably catholic

They sure as shit aren't halal.

You just know one of them is Jewish, every ensemble cast has at least one Jewish girl shoved in there.


jess chatholic
kara rao
karen babtist
zee hindu
babs batdick
diana greek pantheon

based and redpilled

95% of these threads are /mlp/ cancer anyway

You'd think Zatanna would be non-religious, what with having met and interacted with gods.

Honestly who gives a fuck, Cartoon Network after 2010 sucked ass and still does to this day.

The fish is Jewish

Nice, good ol' Bumblebee. Going to try drawing her again. Someone wanted her pudgy sometime ago.

What are the other 5%?

Attached: nipples.jpg (111x211, 22K)

MSHG probably is though
They have to be because of Kamala

A Karen who's gotten a little too chubby for her suit might be fun.

I'll do my best to finish up something for the thread. I still have yet to draw Jessica, but I already have an idea for her.


I want to make Diana a bad girl. Just a little.

Why, that's the proportion he views as people actually talking about the show from his own biased and wrong viewpoint

Pudgy embarassed Bumblebee in a skimpy bikini was what I wanted, but any Bee is good Bee.

Thank you. I recall seeing your suggestion.

Doesn't he know a whole 1__ percent of these threads is actually related to the source material?

Gonna go down to the Burrito Bucket and order like, a hundred burritos.

Attached: when super me becomes super weed.jpg (700x700, 249K)

Babs will NEVER partake in the devil's lettuce!

Draw some Gymnastic Diana, Hatebutt. Some butt-stuff related Gymnastic Diana.

>Thanks, animators
>She looks up
>caught you mirin
>pulls her shirt down a bit with her finger

Isn't that just an edit of that other burrito-bullshit you drew for a previous thread, you hack?

Why are you being mean to the drawfag who's making OC?

I must be higher than I thought because I saved this as a .jpg and fucked up the transparency.

It's Bat-job-repellent.

Some day.

Technically I didn't even draw it for that thread, I made it for a new Twitter icon then decided to repost it here afterwards. That probably makes me even lazier than you thought I was. Happy 4/20!

Attached: when super me becomes super weed.png (700x700, 242K)


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hack and/or fraud

"Hee hee haw haw!"

Attached: m.png (1280x720, 728K)

Makes sense to team up the bugs.

Ok is it just me, or this Supergirl is actually ùuch more like Power Girl?


>short hair
>strong biceps
There's no way this is Supergirl.

Attached: Karen.png (479x370, 406K)

>season ends with her tearing the S off her top, leaving a hole.

>When you turf and splat like a Rank X

Attached: wumi.png (1280x720, 497K)

We've been over this, old man. Why spend time making Power Girl pop, when Supergirl is automatically at that level?

DC Superhero Girls: Friendship is Adequate

There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to purge evil or use your powers to make people think you're cool.

Dude, just pay for it.

>Nothing wrong with using your powers to make people think you’re cool

Say that shit to my face and see what happens, poser

Attached: 494B5297-3AA4-4586-BBB3-4DACCFC32401.jpg (362x402, 58K)

Fuck that steroid whore, when's best girl getting in on that bunny action?

Attached: 74227301_p0_master1200.jpg (1200x1200, 670K)

Nobody cares about Powergirl on the mainstream and definitely not someone like Lauren Faust who isn't even a huge comics nerd. Be glad by sheer coincidence you got something similar to PG.

Grumpy hippie Kara is cute

Attached: Kara hippie reflection.jpg (1220x798, 533K)

when she has an episode or short involving bunnies

>sheer coincidence
I still maintain that there was some push-back to using Peej, so Faust just kept her, and put her in a Supergirl outfit.

I wonder what Jess’ reaction to this outfit would be?

C'mon, son.

Attached: 74227301_p0.jpg (3071x3071, 2.69M)

Not sure, Faust had used Supergirl in the previous show.
She's reusing Rainbow Dash, but with muscles this time

Attached: Batgirl lip bite.jpg (2220x940, 686K)

Does she make this face when Ace the Bat-Hound gets the knot in or only after it pops out?

Also, do dogs even exist in this universe yet?

Don't be gross about dogs though

Attached: #TheLateBatsby DC Super Hero Girls Super Shorts.mp4_snapshot_03.06_[2019.04.14_05.17.02].png (1920x1080, 1.37M)

It's a completely natural act of nature. Just like teenage lesbian orgies among teenage super-heroines.

>Don't be gross about dogs though
Uh user? I have some bad news for you. Most girls with access to a dog will at some point end up exploring him. Not to say they'll fuck him or blow him, but they'll at minimum touch the rocket. Especially if they've never had access to dick before.


Attached: #SuperSleeper DC Super Hero Girls Super Shorts.mp4_snapshot_00.21_[2019.04.14_05.08.54].png (1920x1080, 914K)

And I can pay for pizza by playing jazz and dicking the deliveryman

Attached: I'm going to punch you.jpg (326x325, 34K)

in your fucking dreams user

>t. someone who has never talked to a girl with their guard down before

Seriously dude. You don't need to meet them irl or anything. Just go on one of those livestream apps, don't be a fucking sperg, and get to know some teen girls. They'll be far more open with you than they should be. Ask them about what they've done with their dog before.

Do we need need to have this conversation every thread? I think at this point only drawfags can settle this down, In the meantime no, Diana and Kara dont give a fuck about their bush, Jess is actually proud of hers, Zee and Babs keep it clean and Karen just started growing it.

yeah, i really don't give a fuck about it when it's a throw-away image reference for a barely request post

She is so cute.

Attached: Bumblebee chest armor.jpg (2127x1080, 695K)


why do retards get so much amusement out of mexican food?

Why hasn't Mera appeared yet? Seeing how successful Aquaman was, i honestly expected her to be here by now

Attached: bümblebëë.png (1280x720, 742K)

>I see you fapping

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I liked this detail. Power girl is nothing more than a Supergirl from another universe after all.

You can maintain whatever delusional fanboy assumption you want to pull out of thin air man, but it's not going to make it true. Specially since like the entire cast is mostly new takes on old characters, to the point where some really only share design and name.


Attached: GAxDCSHG1.png (1539x1091, 620K)

Maybe i shouldnt share it with the twitter link.

Attached: IMG_20190420_204014.jpg (1539x1091, 121K)

Attached: bee lube.png (1280x720, 852K)

none of the girls are but Garth and Hal are to make up for it

Any idea when new episodes are coming?

1 week after you stop asking

Hal had his wiener snipped?

Attached: yum.jpg (640x640, 77K)

Hopefully next month, but knowing CN it's anyone's guess.

Totally not Rarity
Totally not Fluttershy

Totally not a thing we've heard a thousand times.

Why does "heart and soul" always have to come buckled with the most annoying useless character?

Jess's NEEDS would be a lot more endearing if her "NOT GIVING INTO PRESSURE" hasn't so far been a complete and utter unwillingness to compromise for the greater good.

Big adventure

Tons of fun

A beautiful heart

Faithful and strong

Sharing kindness

It's an easy feat, and magic makes it all complete

Are you implying that being a strict nonviolent pacifist is an ideal that a superhero cannot reasonably hold?
That's ridiculous.

Attached: Aku Soku Zan.jpg (1892x470, 84K)

user they are all basically OCs wearing the skins of established characters

Established characters who in all their publication history have barely ever had consistent personalities.

Here's a pudgy Bumblebee.

Attached: Pudgy Bee.png (1000x1500, 979K)

And here's Green Lantern.

Attached: Embarassed Naked Green Lantern.png (1200x1600, 1.6M)

so Zatana is just called "Zee"? why?

SB99 artworks?

I look up on his twitter and none of those pic weren't there. Source?

Yes, they're done by me. I usually post these on Yea Forums first.

If you are SB99, do you take requests (Mostly here or elsewhere) or commissions?

I know you're busy, I would like to share your ideas for your drawings.

Sometimes I take requests here. In fact, a majority of my DCSG art is requests. But message me on Twitter involving commissions. I'd like to discuss some ideas.

Very well.

I don't have Twitter unfortunately. However I'll give you one obvious guess: Look on your DA notes (I know you don't use DA recently, is there any other way?)

DA is just fine. Thank you.

Because her first name is Zee?

Do you think Gar was originally intended to be Aquaman but they had to change it after his movie did well? The way they're making Gar look lame seems like something you'd see a normie say about Aquaman before Momoa made it cool to like him. Not complaining, only pondering.

Her full name in regular media is Zatanna Zatara, Zee sounds like a nickname based around the first letter of her name

Not in this incarnation. It's literally Zee Zatara. Zatanna is her superhero name.

Also stage name. But in all official media for this version of DCSHG, Zee Zatara is her official name.

Attached: 0F75B297-39AE-4126-905A-DA05431D5BE0.jpg (400x400, 12K)

I want Zatanna to go goth or rock chick for one of the shorts

Attached: #BatAndSwitch DC Super Hero Girls Super Shorts.mp4_snapshot_01.07_[2019.04.14_10.06.59].png (1920x1080, 1.06M)

Giganta violated the sanctity of Bumblebee's taco.

Livewire seems to be goth-y in this incarnation, will she do?

Livewire doesn't have the thighs to bust through skinny black jeans
I want to see that purple hair get messed up, maybe with a black streak through it.

Attached: 08 #MeetTheCheetah (1080p HD).mp4_snapshot_05.26_[2019.04.14_04.14.12].png (1912x1072, 1.78M)

Good lord look at those proportions!

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Attached: 08 #MeetTheCheetah (1080p HD).mp4_snapshot_05.23_[2019.04.14_04.13.51].png (1912x1072, 1.85M)

needs more lewds

Attached: 08 #MeetTheCheetah (1080p HD).mp4_snapshot_05.25_[2019.04.14_04.13.53].png (1912x1072, 2.36M)

Not for lewd

Attached: 08 #MeetTheCheetah (1080p HD).mp4_snapshot_05.25_[2019.04.14_04.13.55].png (1912x1072, 2.2M)

What kind of secret experimental gadgets do you think she has?
Not even just sex toys.
A low dosage kryptonite tranquilizer dart for when Kara has Super-PMS
"Sorry girl, but I can't let you cave may face in just cause solar flares are amplifying your cranky coochie"

Attached: 08 #MeetTheCheetah (1080p HD).mp4_snapshot_05.28_[2019.04.14_04.14.15].png (1912x1072, 2.28M)

Peegee is love


When will Mera appear? Seeing how much of a succes Aquaman was, i thought she would've showed up by now

A full "Fuck Kryptonites" kit is standard for all Bat disciples.

Attached: #StreetStyle DC Super Hero Girls Super Shorts.mp4_snapshot_00.55_[2019.04.14_05.03.58].png (1920x1080, 1.11M)

This , a set of batarangs, a hook or two, that mini "gas mask", marbels in both varieties, the ones filled woth thick gas and the explosive ones, lockpicks, micro trackers and a trusty bat credit card

And two condoms.

a lot of sleeping pills for Kara

Attached: perfectsuperbutt.png (639x350, 178K)

This is literally just MLP with DC girls isn't it?

Yeah yeah and if you ignore all the differences they're exactly the same
>Kara is the strong one and she grew up on a farm!
>Kara is the cool one who flies fast!
>Karen is the shy yellow one!
>Jessica is the one who loves nature!
>Diana is the leader who comes from out-of-town!
>Babs is the one who comes out of town and brings the team together!
>Zee is the girly-girl one who loves fashion!
>Zee is the purple one who loves magic!

The premise, "girls with special powers go on adventures", is shared across many, many shows. Things like "the shy one", "the fashion-loving one", "the leader", "the one who loves food" are not unique to MLP.

Attached: b2eb8bc13f3e6720a7006c022c163a3f.png (500x364, 552K)

Is this entire gallery of what people can write for girl characters then?

The fact that these people can't differentiate between Kara and Rainbow Dash shows more about their lack of the ability to distinguish between them than the actual similarities between teh characters.

Pick one. Let's say the leader. Twilight is the reluctant hero (at least initially) who is pushed into being a leader by her mentor. Diana is gung-ho about saving the world of man and joins a team of superheros despite her mother/mentor chastising her for it.

And so on and so forth.

If you ignore all the differences they're exactly the same.

Attached: Winx_Civilian_S7.png (1280x720, 1.3M)

>extra sauce
>Ball control is her specialty

Attached: Batgirl cringe.jpg (1200x1080, 423K)

I make webm
Any requests?

Attached: Kara face punch.webm (960x540, 291K)

The entire band was a cringefest of manufactured hype.

Make Kara's tits jiggle (and the rest of her body, too). It doesn't make sense that her entire body is PERFECTLY still while she gets punched in the face.

Looking forward to new eps

>If you ignore all the differences they're exactly the same.

Wow. You just opened my fucking eyes bro. Not even shitposting.

I don't know what comics you've been reading then because they've at least had the core of their character regardless of writer. This iteration has literally nothing of who they are, instead replaced with high school cliches

>fat karen


>not liking a bit of chub
What's it like having such shit taste?

Not him, but
>neck-hating barbarian Wonder Woman
They're not THAT consistent in the publishing history. Blame the writers and the absolute STATE of DC.

I'm glad someone else likes chub here. What do you think of Karen's tummy?

It's cute and I hope SB does more chubby art for my dick's sake.

Any more characters you'd like to see?

Karen's good for it being a nerdy girl and Diana could probably end up getting addicted to sweets now.

not him but I'd sell my left nut for some chubby Zee art

Attached: 1553303299772.jpg (322x590, 33K)

Okay so I know that this is a cartoon for literal babies, but it still bothers me how NOTHING in this short was remotely like a real school

>Zero structure, Bee's just hanging out in the library until she gets hungry
>Lunch line is super long but Bee's still the last person in it when she gets to the counter
>"Here's a single taco, no plate or tray or whatever. No payment necessary. I'll hand it to you with my ungloved hand."
>Bully just fucking standing next to the lunch line waiting to steal someone's taco, lunch ladies don't give a fuck
>Bully chases Bee through the halls, screaming and ripping doors off lockers, again nobody gives a fuck
>The resolution is that there's "no food in the library", which obviously means that the librarian will take your taco and drag you away by the ear

I spent lunch in the library a few times and the rest of that is just cartoon stuff

that taco needs some lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, and shredded cheese.

>says he'd sell his nut for art
>doesn't actually pay for art
Why must you lie, user

It's a special school where staff is allowed to use physical violence.

Imagine Diana having trouble fitting in her outfit, thus having her chub poke out.

what could you see her do?

>Dude i dont like the horses show i am not that autsist
>OMG that new dc GirlZ!! show is amazing , but no i am not a horosefucker

Comedy at this point

Are these threads gonna be overrun by the weight-gain fetishists? I don't wait them to be overrun by weight-gain fetishists.

Attached: Super duper supermen.webm (640x480, 253K)

Her gym leotard shows of her belly.

perhaps Zee eating too much Easter candy?

I feel like a better thing for Zee would be a spell's side effect.

Damn I didn't even think of that

There are worse fetishits around, too. If things get out of hand, might as well report around and nuke the general out of existence.

she casts a spell using a licorice stick instead of her wand and gets big because of it.

Almost as funny as shitting on the show with Cartoon Network's best character design in years because it triggers you to think about horses.

Keep downvoting it, maybe we'll get DC Superhero Girls GO! and it won't look like Faust had anything to do with it.

I just like a bit of belly. /trash/-tier blobs are gross.

perfect goddess

added to sweeters.booru.org/

Attached: 21.jpg (1925x1093, 440K)

Just call it dcshg booru for fuck's sake

sweeters sounds like some dumb sweater fetish

At that point you’re just cherry picking instances of writers not getting the character and treating it as if you can’t read 3 issues without the character having a totally different personality. This series however just comply disregards the entire character of these characters and just replaces them with high school cliches to the point that they’re that character in name only

I'm not defending changes for the cartoon like Jessica's personality. I'm just pointing out comics can't even get their shit together, either.

Why is this still going on?

Just know that I'm willing to hear suggestions. That said, it won't stop me from continuing with regular lewds. I still need to do one for Diana.

It's not often that I see people who prefer small chub. It's usually SSBBW/blob stuff.

Attached: Bustybee.png (1200x1600, 1.56M)

Bumblebee with Double D's

the best nigga I've seen in my life

Yeah. Thick and chubby is good, but there's a line where it just does nothing for me anymore.
As for suggestions, how about Barbi showing off belly or booty or both, whichever you prefer? If she can't beat Diana athletically, maybe she can try a different path to popularity.

That's makes sense.

Also it would be great to see Winx Club in Lauren's style someday.

I think showing off her booty would be great. I'll keep her in mind, though I'd personally like to have more fun with the main six.

Though with Diana, I could see her dealing with a bit of belly after consuming so much sweets. Or a bigger butt.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-03-08-19h05m26s116.png (1920x1080, 1.51M)

God I really want to hug Kara

Attached: you're the cutest anon.webm (1280x720, 373K)

Either sitting in the booth at Sweet Justice or with her costume's skirt not covering her butt?

Since you want main girls, Zee could have this . I like Karen, but can't come up with any fun ideas.

The latter sounds perfect, actually.

I like Karen too, she seems more likely to have a paunch, especially with her baggy sweater possibly covering up something good.

Zatana would be very self-conscious about having a gut, but it makes for a cute reaction.

I mean I like fat girls a lot but I wouldn't want to sully the thread with them. I want these threads to remain pure.

Yea but still an apples and oranges kind of comparison

>still posting the inferior version

Attached: cutestanon!.webm (1280x720, 1.4M)

Yeah, thicc Karen is believable, she likes to wear baggy clothes so I can see her not noticing if she's put on a little weight. She could always let her suit out a little.

You have good taste, user. I'll see what I can do for next time. Just reading that was enticing enough.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-03-17-18h25m47s128.png (1920x1080, 944K)

You leave this sweet little girl out of your fat fantasies!

Attached: AB4BA19A-7BEE-40DF-834F-7AE5F3811A5E.jpg (666x774, 135K)

>posts a picture of Karen about to vacuum up her thrice-weekly ice cream feast

And you wonder why we think she'd be a little chubby.

How about my fat titties fantasies

Not to mention that the way her sweater's shaped here makes her look a bit rounder.

Just fucking eat the taco, goddammit

Just fucking eat my dick Bee, goddamnit

That was a decent-sized taco, it's not like she could just stuff the entire thing into her mouth at once.

Plus, of the four members of the cast who have regularly gone to Sweet Justice for years, she's the only "normal" one of them. Zee has magic, Kara's an alien, and Jess has alien tech. If any one of them is going to pay the price of one too many trips to the ice cream parlor, it's probably going to be Karen.

If you ever want to discuss more ideas about Karen or any other girls you'd like to see with chub, let me know.

the best episode was the Cheetah episode

Awesome work. But if I may bitch about something, where is her hippie bush?

>Winx club
I believe she is the only one who could make that shit work.

>If you ignore all the differences they're exactly the same.
This is so retarted that if we werent in Yea Forums I would call it bait right on.

How about the mane s- I mean all girls in the locker room getting a shower and changing into their clothes after a very intense P.E. class.

Zee seems like the girl who would flaunt it if she had it, especially if it would get her attention.

She's 17, next year she'll be legal. Your little girl is growing up.

Hardly a fantasy really

Goodness, you think she's purposely pop a button or two?


April 28, no new episodes.

Attached: April 28 no new episodes.png (500x300, 21K)

Attached: tfw.jpg (633x758, 31K)

This is a CHRISTIAN imageboard

Attached: D4rpU9dW0AACyLK.jpg large.jpg (1024x576, 64K)

inb4 Faust quits the show over creative differences

Attached: the future.png (1160x660, 84K)

Oh no!

She definitely would.

I just hope when it does air again, it sticks to a regular schedule and doesn't get screwed with constant breaks like this.

passover is legitimately the most gruesome holiday they are literally celebrating g*d killing egyptian babies

>it’s another “highschool kids apparently have nowhere particular to be while in school so they can just wander all over the place” episode

Anybody else kind of annoyed when this happens?

Why are they even delaying the new episodes? Was there a production problem?

I know.

Attached: boner ups.jpg (496x474, 48K)

I beginning to see a patter in her career, the good news is that so far the episodes have been good, so even if she leaves the show will stay good.

Unless it's Gumball or TTG, CN doesn't care about it. Adventure Time was a big deal back in the day, and it got fucked over airing the last episodes.

No, just you dumb normie

>unironically using normie
>while posting online
>while posting on Yea Forums


Attached: 1544922997379.jpg (1200x675, 71K)

>perfect teen body, ready for sex
blessed Faust


Alright you bros, i'm gonna start making bodypillows designs of NuDCSHG, which one should i make first?


What will the girls be wearing?

You really should make a strawpoll outta this.
But if you start with Zatanna it will be greatly apreciatted


so, that her whole career in a nutshell

Attached: 1538240585656.jpg (484x365, 24K)

Im thinking of 3 variants: Casual, Supersuit and naked

People say that, but other than Pony what show has she quit over creative differences? Medusa was a Sony corporate fuckup, and... that's it?

You fuck a sheep ONE TIME...

made a Strawpol

Why can't Faust stay on her own shows? Even on the show that shall not be named she was there until season 2 IIRC, she didn't even go 5 episodes this time.

That looks to be a fake cap, btw.
It actually made me check earlier. Apparently the girls are finally gonna see some Dick and there's gonna be a Solomon Grundy episode down the line.

We're getting all the titans dude. Except cyborg hasn't been confirmed. Just Robin, BB, Raven, and Starfire

maybe cyborg will be replaced with Blue Beetle or Wondergirl

Seems kinda weird, because even if he was in the JL or something, there's no reason for him not to show up. Plus if they kept him high school aged, it's super easy to introduce him as just vic stone coming to play a football game against hal.

There's also a dragon episode in the writing stage. Does DC have a Fin Fang Foom lookalike?

...And I just realized Egg Fu would be a perfect villain for this show.

I know not many people like her but Diana. Normal / school wear and leotard. Her Superheroine outfit is okay but I like those more.

>Jess gets no love

sniff sniff

Attached: Kara recliner.png (1080x760, 886K)

Who is just re-used fyrefly, her favorite g1. It's even her DA account name

No sure Firefly was that feisty in canon back then, it's been a while... but sure.

Suicide. Consider it?

Attached: consider suicide.jpg (500x373, 29K)

So would Condiment King for Babs. After burrito bucket an episode with CK almost writes itself.


I think about it every day.

Attached: #TheLateBatsby DC Super Hero Girls Super Shorts.mp4_snapshot_00.37_[2019.04.14_05.13.13].png (1920x1080, 1.76M)

Nice! Good luck with the project

zeee god fucking damnit zeeee zeee do it now zee zee's perfect hips and perfect ass please goddamnit i need that i need that now now now now

Attached: 1554674072463.png (692x542, 419K)

Attached: Zat butt pain.png (625x1030, 608K)


I want that vespa

Attached: 03 #SweetJustice, Pt. 3 (1080p HD).mp4_snapshot_10.07_[2019.04.01_00.08.50].png (1920x1080, 1.31M)

O fug Suberhero gil :DD

Ride on shooting star

we need a drawfag to draw Batgirl and Haruko Haruhara having a drag race on their respective Vespas.


>not Catholic