Hercules will be openly gay in the MCU

>Hercules will be openly gay in the MCU
>Comic fans are angry because muh SJW pandering >:((
>Hercules has been bisexual for over 3000 years

what the fuck is wrong with you people

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Bitching about the sjw boogeyman is the same as fighting for social justice. They have become the sjw, or maybe they've always been as such.

Are they going to make him gay or are they going to make him bi? There’s a considerable difference.

Agreed. There's a difference between being gay and being bisexual and it's how you choose to get your dick wet when given the choice of man ass, woman ass, both ass, or neither ass.

Wolverine was originally supposed to be bi. Makes all the time he spends with Nightcrawler take on a very different interpretation.

Bisexuals are being erased, it sucks. At least Kelly Thompson confirmed everyone in WCA is Bi

So when he gave Nightcrawler a photo of himself for christmas it was aupposed to be a dick pic?

All that needs to happen is for Taylor Swift to come out as bisexual and everything will be okay.

I'm fine with it. I fucking hate how they made Catwoman bi though.

Hercules being gay/bi is from progressives missunderstanding of greek homosexuality

They ignore that for the greeks fucking another dude was about power and dominance

Lots of love is about power/dominance

Dude was so heartbroken by Hylas' disappearance that he missed out on the end of the whole Argonaut adventure because he was too busy searching for him

Bi is gay but gay isn't bi my dudes. the difference is negligible at best.

source: am bi

just male bis

sucks to be us

>When I fucked that it wasn't gay it was just a domination/submission thing

It has become so annoying

>progressives think hercules was bisexual just because he fucked dudes
fucking libtards

>They ignore that for the greeks fucking another dude was about power and dominance
It really wasn't though.

By that logic, bi is also straight, and thus we should have no problem with bisexuality because they're still able to babymake.


bisexuality is a quantum superposition and all bisexuals exists in binary realities spinning opposite directions

Same. also nice dubs fren


females tend to be way more open sexuality wise and catwoman isnt exactly a prude.

Correct, there is ony one person we can never copulate with, the Pauli Exclusion Principle says that.

Catwoman being bi is more for fetishistic bullshit than being woke.

All women are Bi though

Hercules is not even in the movie.

People assumed he was because one of the breakdowns called for an unnamed "Greek god", but that role is a bit part, and is probably just a nameless throwaway character.

The gay character, codenamed "James", is an entirely different character, and his description doesn't match Hercules at all ("Intellectual, empathetic, strong sense of family"). Plus Marvel's top choice for the role is this guy, who is clearly not a Hercules type.

TL;DR You all got memed.

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>the breakdowns called for an unnamed "Greek god", but that role is a bit part, and is probably just a nameless throwaway character.

also Zuras and Thena both fit greek god roles

Tanks. Also nice dubs. Very Impressive.
Because the only person that she's ever really had a legit relationship with is Bats. It wasn't forced either and had a great build up till she stood him up at the altar.

The point is it wasnt the gay paradise they want to make it out to be, it was more like legal pedophilia.

I don't care. Him and Wolverine were a well written gay couple in that Dazzler book. Would rather see more stuff like that than Bobby you're gay and shit.

Compromise. Hercules and Iceman hook up and Herc turns Bobby into an icy otter

My guess is that he'll be bi but they'll give him a male love interest and that's what news sites will be running with.

You clearly know nothing about Greek homosexuality. There was a ton of differing literature on the subject, the idea that it was literally ALL about dominance is incredibly myopic.

This doesn't mean ancient Athens was a 24/7 Pride parade, of course.

>>Comic fans are angry because muh SJW pandering

Wow, its ghostbusters all over again. My dislike is misrepresented to portray me as a bigot.
Im bi. My issue is that Hercules could have been bi. Homosexual men get a lot of representation. Bi men are thought to not even exist, they're just gay men still in denial. And now we have a bi character, made gay, because for some fucking reason, being bi isn't good enough. Fuck you.

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>You now realize the main reason Bendis made Iceman gay aside from his own vanity is because Bobby's svelte ice form always made him a target of homo:lust in the fan community
Truly, fandom is the worst

>Comic fans are angry
Correction: Some losers who don't even read the same comics they claim to protect are angry about it, even though it canonically makes sense and there have been hints of this before.
>because they're still able to babymake
I don't understand why people think gay people can't reproduce... You do know they aren't infertile, right? They just aren't attracted to the opposite gender, but nothing stops them from impregnating a woman if needed.

So what you're saying is that if we allow gay people to proliferate, the declining birth rates will necessitate government-mandated girlfriends for the purposes of procreation and reproduction.

Shit, I gotta find myself some boipussi and get in on the ground floor.

Can your retarded brain understand the difference between bi and full gay? Do you need a stick to figure it out? Are you Bendis?

>all these bianons
I used to think Yea Forums was gay but i guess it is actually that Yea Forums is full of male bisexuals. Guess that makes more sense

Kate isn't bi, she's straight. No reason to believe Clint is bi either.


I'm bisexual too and I don't give a single fuck, you know why? The portrayal of bisexual men and women has led in the past to half-measuring LGBT representation, only through vague hints and winks. There's been plenty of bisexuals on television at least, just look at Quentin and Elliot in The Magicians for one, and lots of that in The Expanse (where "straight" people are rare and most are bi/pan)

>So what you're saying is that if we allow gay people to proliferate
I mean, that's... Not your call lmao, unless there's some eugenics shit going on.

Bisexuality is actually more common than most people think.

don't get fooled, it is just pretenders just to bitch about something

Hercules isn't gay or even bi. He's so manly that whatever he fucks turns into a woman.

I have 0 problem with making Hercules gay, and if they were going to make any Marvel character gay, he's the one they should go with. Make him the gayest hero of all time, hell if I care.

What DOES bother me is that they're making Hercules the male lead of The Eternals when he's not a fucking Eternal. Hercules is NOT Gilgamesh.

I'm straight, Herc should be bi

ClintXTwo Gun Kid is my OTP

>for the greeks fucking another dude was about power and dominance
... no, it wasn't. Yes, Greek's gay culture was extremely different from ours, but it wasn't "about power and dominance." If anything, it was more like an apprenticeship or mentorship.

>What DOES bother me is that they're making Hercules the male lead of The Eternals when he's not a fucking Eternal
I don't think it's gonna be Hercules, but it's true that Eternals were originally a group of proto-Gods, whose stories inspired human myths. While different from Asgardians, they're still cosmic powered and basically earthly equivalents to the Celestials.
But no I am sure that was just some early casting, they'll have the main Eternals be their own thing before introducing Hercules, since they still have to resolve the whole Olympus thing and its place against Valhalla.

I mean, in practice, in a universe where Hercules and the Greek Gods don't exist then Gilgamesh/The Forgotten One IS an Hercules. Afterall, it's the myths of Gilgamesh that created Hercules. My issue is two-fold though. Within the movie itself, making Hercules the male lead makes me worried that it's going to basically just be them doing a story about the Greek Gods with the Eternals' origins as an excuse for why they exist like the Asgardians' "well, they're actually just aliens." thing from Thor 1/2.

My second issue, and bigger issue, is that I don't want us to get a The Eternals ongoing with Hercules and company as the main characters.

But then, I'm also just extremely apprehensive about this movie due in large part because I've only managed to complete 2/3rds of my original The Eternals run and this movie has already caused the costs on the remaining issues to skyrocket and its only going to get worse when the movie comes out. Luckily, I got #1 a little over 10 years ago for like $10, whereas now it's being sold for like ~$500.

>It's a bi-mob bitch thread
How about you take it to ? Nobody wants to see you come up with dumb excuses for a comic character to be the patron saint of you indecisive fucks.

>Implying this isn't a false-flag by Tumblrettes and "radical queers" who think gays are too mainstream

>It wasn't forced either and had a great build up till she stood him up at the altar.
It was completely forced and pathetic. Get the fuck out of here.

Marvel didn't reprint the Kirby run as they should have upon hearing about this movie, and has made IMPOSSIBLE to buy either of the two volumes at decent prices. I gave up on that; I only own vol. 1 of Knauf's run (which is pretty good and people should read it) and I might get Gaiman, but my goal is to buy both trades of Kirby's at some point.

>My second issue, and bigger issue, is that I don't want us to get a The Eternals ongoing with Hercules and company as the main characters.
I feel you and I agree, it would suck. But I don't think they'll do that if the people who I think will be involved in this (Ewing and Zub) deal with such book. They'll want to keep them separate while intersecting here and there, all to keep the continuity nitpicking in check. If Aaron gets his hands on that however, DESPAIR.

Synergy is already striking but it may not end up bad. At the end of No Road Home the greek gods are all reborn as Kirby New Gods in space. So we shall see how that goes

These SJW are really making it look like there are way more gay people than it should. Like less than 10% of the population is gay but if you look at the media it seems to be more like 1/3 people are gay. Disgusting really.

>gay ppl haev cooties!!

>gay people must exist in every facet of our lives
Even if you people aren't cooties, you people sure are spreading like one.

Or like British fagging.


There’s no such thing as SJWS, all Cishet men should die for their homophobia

Bihets aren’t LGBT, please fuck off