How were the guys on Magiswords able to do this?

How were the guys on Magiswords able to do this?

Attached: WitchDoorway.png (1128x1679, 1.23M)

Other urls found in this thread:!U5xE3BIC!vfNNVS7dWCR8tSUggVBBFg!v7pnAA7L!j-x_zQ3aLUY83oiC3svkjQ!elZTkSjQ!J51VbqeSJP6YudjaONruIqF7dRBG17tBwEahewBNYvo!LpRyDBDD!BaCrgkXqdIyLoW6RrmSFjob8TAsQDSUm2ZIlzNPn0DA!exYwwIpI!igw45zj34oITYGCto8GguvdStCbAWAdzq_K5xi5yQfI!2xo2USoA!RM5tAjv6ksQNc4R5VosX3wATnAFjbqk5rBsCwrWZ7Dw!KxpwgYwL!4X2_BJfv-StUvwPZ4r7ETJL-zRSua9p_IjR0sMalJSY!ypA1XLrb!KY5H3w018EIf_6enSrtVxw_gzps3jjEt1rUHdKLOpm4!a5REhSKL!cjQeX6SfhFZ7FvFmNAV8bsXYsSp-b5mnK5aGRqHiCco!Xxx2ACKR!y5bPKPVy7k4tvXJAY8LiqZelAcpVEb7lW6N6d3LUioU!TkQByD4L!KTuBT9CKrXgIoHLWgUSUBFz9Cv8rzJUf4ll35xAlBQA!PxwECQLD!0KdSQZl9LCGXf4Ia4G7KIIY4q2ToZ9X-fUNZtCX-aYE!a8QhRZ5b!Mh-LtHxTVwf3iyT_lHlPC5iu7aUA1eu71rbag7T5u20!b5ZV0YDQ!WExDIXtiJEAWcKEBqr93j_XTSYqmrbQkYw-SFJyf4tw!zwgC0S6I!sAhB5WcGhoalV679-Mmjyq60d93hEWvR10XOgW6gOKk!bhY3DZpa!bPD5Rpql30fdGSbH1YuX42NG50yPOFq_o35H3OPClEA!EphnXDZJ!lkuphmFAMzvw-wdpqr6cFA!ishxxKqY!JYMLFTpSVTiiQ45XGfLG6gdBMADkxb3YAkkXP-sAlIA!T9IU1TrA!gEsi8rULX15ip5zE8VOOnygrgkpxBqJvjwFF_qY0Pko!qhwGCBhC!eSRAfZ9w8SjbNgKcdCW9DF4lvgiL-8LU28buj0vz5Js!C4BgCa5L!5YW96KmKfw1gy7nRdhsyY9g9KF8cQp6mTL9Lcr0Zyao

They knew nobody was watching.

Yeah Gato look like a sex offender

What the fuck happened to this board? People are spamming and shitposting left and right, and there’s a new thread popping up every minute.

Is this what a school holiday causes?

>He didn't expect the quality drop

Attached: 1539435244448.gif (144x150, 189K)


Attached: bane.png (576x388, 228K)

Is this going to be a Magiswords edits thread?

Attached: 1513531442173.png (1280x738, 623K)

Attached: 1547890040996.png (1920x1080, 1.13M)

Biddy best girl

Attached: 1555486852337.png (824x691, 123K)

She's pretty great

Attached: dd3c9f4a-e236-422c-bfc0-219d017c981d.png (600x600, 248K)

Attached: MorbidiaCurvesII.png (1920x1080, 784K)

Why would you post that?

The same way they got away with this

Attached: cheeky vambre.png (1280x1525, 400K)

You could at least post the enhanced version.

Attached: 1553042598838.png (1280x1525, 455K)

I didn't know there was an enhanced version.

Now you have that knowledge, use it well.

Indeed I shall

Attached: D2O91E2VYAIK.jpg (1194x1509, 193K)

Attached: Dx_KXa2UwAEN7nC.png (699x992, 437K)

I'm still surprised that there is a Japanese fanbase for magiswords

Attached: DwnCe53UcAEFUVy.jpg (2208x1242, 218K)

Shit thread. Just like all the threads in the past months. We are nothing without Baryl, and it's our own fault for getting so dependent on his content.

He's just one guy I don't see how he can make a thread instantly better just by showing up.

Attached: 1554877638171.jpg (992x697, 143K)

I mean it's nice when he does show up but he isn't the only source of fan art.

Attached: D2FcR9RU8AEOOPV.jpg (2830x1568, 471K)

Attached: DxHZmfpVsAIN3FJ.jpg (1024x1006, 141K)

Attached: 1535986331528.png (699x893, 375K)

Which is funny considering that the show is heavily inspired by (read: ripping off) Slayers. Also, source?

Attached: Morbidia Naga.png (887x1176, 372K)

>Is this what a school holiday causes?
Yes, sadly. Then add 2016 bringing in a bunch of kids and niggers that think 9gag is actually funny and phoneposting making banevasion something literally any braindead shitposter can manage and you have a recipe for aids and fail.

Such a great butt

Attached: 1547958820604.png (944x1174, 504K)

aside from the main two characters looks, the two shows are vastly different that they can shrug off the similarities?

Attached: deadpool-deathstroke2.jpg (1400x700, 1.08M)

It's art from the Asian exclusive(?) game CN arena.

This show was decent for what it was, and Witchy Simone was cute. Is there anyway to watch the show online?

If you have hulu everything that's aired on tv is there

Attached: DvMIAM4U8AA51sG.jpg (2891x4096, 2.41M)

Yes but is there a mega or torrent?

I didn't expect German Bimm's voice to be this cute

Attached: DmNME_eXgAASfNa.jpg (1818x2486, 301K)

We're getting close to summer, high schoolers are preparing. I am so sick of anons telling I'm problematic or transphobic, there right but I expect that from reddit

Those cats a couple or something?

I believe they are siblings

Everything Bimm does is cute.

Attached: A62BD86E-8178-46FF-AD9A-8504F632B8D9.png (605x577, 141K)

Who's got a better butt, Simone or Morbidia?

Wonder if being a witch just naturally grants a nice pleasing thicc figure.


Attached: 1547352267158.png (1606x1150, 1.18M)

Where is the first half of season two?

Hey Squirt

Attached: 1500178206090.png (1136x640, 632K)

Attached: D3_2Z9LUcAAT1R_.jpg (768x768, 73K)

We've had a similar conversation before.

Attached: Butts.jpg (1440x1635, 647K)

who's the artist for this?

Some dude calling himself deep end

his pollution was best left forgotten.

I'm not going to disagree but the guy wanted the name

You've gotten me sort of curious now.

That's hard to argue

Attached: 1535277437813.webm (962x714, 622K)

Simone a qt

Attached: 093adc089ec767083808486ab76f43f810028fb8.png (975x1040, 301K)

Well he is voiced by a closet tranny

Attached: arin hanson.png (386x546, 176K)

Shitty bait topics guarantee posts.

why does Simone have whiskers?

It's her cat outfit from a Super Teamwork Combo

Attached: 1500065146363.png (1280x720, 1.12M)

cat outfits, huh...?

Attached: 6c8f799d5d626f77f806a200f85ef386cc7bed4d.png (1800x920, 674K)

Love to see Zange in a cat outfit

Is there a colored version of this?

only version i know of.

>shitty microtransaction-heavy line defense mobile game
Is this the ultimate fate for magiswords?

Attached: Morb.gif (284x458, 1.6M)

Unfortunately it looks like it's going to be that way.

Attached: DzzdsKMU8AAVw_A.jpg (1280x720, 158K)

>Morb is only lvl 1
Is she not that good in it?

I don't know, I found this screenshot on one of the Japanese fan artist's twitter.

The game has english language support but it doesn't seem available for download in the US, maybe Australian anons could play the game.


Attached: Dwdt8vNXgAAIiix.jpg (537x589, 48K)

Attached: 1500478100321.png (1280x720, 852K)

>Vambre's legs are covered
That doesn't seem right

she was tricked, don't say anything.

>Japanese fan artist's twitter.
>Does the most art but has the simplest artstyle, really likes Simone
>Really likes Morbidia, this is the art I posted
>Doesn't seem to favor a character
>doesn't post often but does some of the best stuff stylistically

Those are the ones I know

Attached: DNUFGkQVoAUgDoy.png (675x600, 187K)

I think Kyle's wife drew some gift art for them

Attached: 1539529609787.jpg (565x800, 88K)

Yeah, Kyle and Lindsay did a meetup with them when they were in Japan.

Attached: Do_DwqJUwAEStTL.jpg (1531x2048, 272K)

Attached: Do_uLzvU0AA0Y8Q.jpg (550x800, 72K)

Attached: Do_DGlDVAAAxoND.jpg (1803x2048, 410K)

Attached: Do_VGlFU4AAhkXl.jpg (1519x2236, 487K)

Attached: Do_VHbzUUAEM1d2.jpg (1766x2048, 599K)

Attached: DpDvJDyV4AAxUY6.jpg (1478x2048, 478K)

Last one

Attached: DpDvJD0VsAAkuif.jpg (1786x2048, 534K)

Looks like it's easter now, guess we should post rabbits

Attached: DIrejzHWAAAPSnK.png (2570x2994, 464K)

At this hour a sleepy,half-decent rabbit would be well suited

Attached: 84481316ee105a5049689683768a04e4097e7149.png (700x559, 165K)

What is it with the Warrior men and being denied the snoot boops?

Is there a more asshole thing than giving someone food made entirely from magic so when it dissipates, they are still hungry?

I'm not sure that's how magisword food works. If they eat it immediately then it's just as filling as any other food but lacking any nutrition. If they save it for later and you don't tell them that it only lasts for so long then yeah that's a dick move.

Shame she was just a one-off

Attached: DmHyOg6UUAEKIyA.jpg (1200x1700, 208K)

Is this show actually worth anything besides the female character art? I saw the first season and I think half of season two. I remember being mildly entertained with it, enough to stick through a whole season at least. Pacing was a little fast but honestly wasn't a big deal. Should I watch more?

Yeah, definitely give it a go. These threads tend to focus on the girls but the show definitely has more to offer than that.

Attached: CX61NkmWMAAAZGe.jpg (843x690, 65K)

Anyone want to post more silly art?

Attached: D4NIw_jU8AAkcNi.jpg (2830x1725, 287K)

Sure. Let's see what you got


Attached: squirt gun.png (502x528, 75K)

Attached: 1508085878880.png (799x748, 171K)

Attached: 1529132865454.jpg (792x790, 260K)

Happy Easter

Attached: 1535750421447.jpg (1172x682, 304K)


Attached: 1535428151172.jpg (804x719, 330K)

Attached: vambre warrior.png (1276x720, 854K)

Attached: suck here.png (1136x640, 570K)

Attached: vamb997.png (1280x720, 864K)

Attached: cum here.png (1136x640, 712K)

Attached: vamb999.png (275x492, 152K)

Attached: vamb33.png (754x770, 175K)

Attached: vamb332.png (793x1010, 587K)

Attached: vambre9.png (347x501, 158K)

Attached: vambre8.png (1275x720, 364K)


Attached: vambre97.png (619x490, 270K)

I love these two

Attached: 1527188981480.png (1280x720, 738K)

Attached: 1534988558507.png (1280x720, 800K)

What's the context here?

Attached: bab154703273f5f97a232acfbd058b91a8cc8cfc.png (829x715, 181K)

Human Danelda and bunny Vambre?

fresh delivery

Attached: easter_comm__witchy_simone_extra_thicc_conttontail_by_ck_draws_stuff_dd55fiv-pre.jpg (795x1005, 115K)

But how did they get that way?

Why's Squirt look so shocked? Did she not realize what a revealing outfit she was wearing until now?

If were talking about new stuff this popped up last night.

knowing her, that part of her outfit probably just exploded off her ass a moment before.

What are they pointing at?

Attached: 171210220551761.png (1920x1090, 2.13M)

the girls in this show are cute, is it a good show?

Cattus the One Blade


Attached: DxJ7h-sUcAAFNg2.jpg (1362x1902, 342K)

I don't know, someone probably asked for it as a draw request.

You don't know what that word means in the context of these threads, do you?

But I wasn't talking about the Simone picture

Anybody have these?

Collection Infection!elZTkSjQ!J51VbqeSJP6YudjaONruIqF7dRBG17tBwEahewBNYvo

To Balderly Go!LpRyDBDD!BaCrgkXqdIyLoW6RrmSFjob8TAsQDSUm2ZIlzNPn0DA

For the Love of Narwhal!exYwwIpI!igw45zj34oITYGCto8GguvdStCbAWAdzq_K5xi5yQfI

Winning at Whining!2xo2USoA!RM5tAjv6ksQNc4R5VosX3wATnAFjbqk5rBsCwrWZ7Dw

Suitable Armor!KxpwgYwL!4X2_BJfv-StUvwPZ4r7ETJL-zRSua9p_IjR0sMalJSY

Changable Terraingable!ypA1XLrb!KY5H3w018EIf_6enSrtVxw_gzps3jjEt1rUHdKLOpm4

Fixing a Flonk!a5REhSKL!cjQeX6SfhFZ7FvFmNAV8bsXYsSp-b5mnK5aGRqHiCco

Whats my Name?!Xxx2ACKR!y5bPKPVy7k4tvXJAY8LiqZelAcpVEb7lW6N6d3LUioU

Aint That a Kick in the Side!TkQByD4L!KTuBT9CKrXgIoHLWgUSUBFz9Cv8rzJUf4ll35xAlBQA

Vambre's Guilty Secret!PxwECQLD!0KdSQZl9LCGXf4Ia4G7KIIY4q2ToZ9X-fUNZtCX-aYE

Status of the Cattus!a8QhRZ5b!Mh-LtHxTVwf3iyT_lHlPC5iu7aUA1eu71rbag7T5u20


Team of Broccoli!zwgC0S6I!sAhB5WcGhoalV679-Mmjyq60d93hEWvR10XOgW6gOKk

Mall of Shame!bhY3DZpa!bPD5Rpql30fdGSbH1YuX42NG50yPOFq_o35H3OPClEA

Agent of Destruction!EphnXDZJ!lkuphmFAMzvw-wdpqr6cFA

Straining Day!ishxxKqY!JYMLFTpSVTiiQ45XGfLG6gdBMADkxb3YAkkXP-sAlIA

Helping Cattus Help!T9IU1TrA!gEsi8rULX15ip5zE8VOOnygrgkpxBqJvjwFF_qY0Pko


The Incredibly Tiny Warriors!C4BgCa5L!5YW96KmKfw1gy7nRdhsyY9g9KF8cQp6mTL9Lcr0Zyao

Thank you

Why does this look like Gob's art?

I mean I like Gob, but his art's not the strongest part, if you know what I mean

Who is that?

What's her name, again?


Attached: 1547947950214.png (911x1075, 550K)

Start reading this, don't read any spoilers. You won't regret it.

Do you like?

Attached: 41UMby1Nm3L.jpg (300x482, 28K)


actually drinking some right now

Attached: 1530171256418.jpg (1412x1461, 1.37M)

Attached: when_you_waste_your_precious_study_time_in_bullshit.png (1800x920, 894K)


Attached: witchy simone.jpg (366x487, 71K)

>ywn breed Morbidia while she talks dirty to you.

Attached: 1489739362027.jpg (272x348, 20K)


This thread is lacking ghosts

Attached: Dx4P1skVsAAGV6x.jpg (3571x4096, 623K)


Attached: e17dcdcd10c6814ab8948841850a928ba5b4ad6c.jpg (924x792, 282K)

Attached: 1523071227426.png (815x1000, 462K)

Now a little bit more exposed

Attached: 1555951858818.png (944x1174, 497K)

Ah yes, the character who sparked Yea Forums's interest in the series

Attached: Penny negligee.png (1280x738, 425K)


I disagree

What is it about this show that lends itself to so many lewd edits?

Attached: Vambre POV Edit.png (1280x720, 327K)

It's kind of a shame the last couple of edit threads have been DOA.

It's because all the editors stopped browsing Yea Forums once they formed their own Discord server

That's lame

Not as lame as the requests people gave in those old threads

That still means the chances of getting new magiswords edits here are pretty slim.

it'd help if there were new morbidia screencaps in this thread or any new screencaps in the edit threads to keep them alive

If you want Morbidia caps I could try and make some.


Attached: oching1.png (3072x1728, 2.07M)


Attached: oching2.png (3072x1728, 2.06M)


Attached: bewitched1.png (3072x1728, 2.15M)


Attached: Horror1.png (3072x1728, 1.97M)

Attached: Bewitched2.png (1920x1080, 1015K)

Attached: Witchway.png (933x925, 604K)

thank you user i appreciate these :)

If you're taking suggestions on what to do with them I think would work well with a nightie like


Attached: 1507141786637.jpg (720x480, 39K)

Most of these were removed does anyone have a backup mega?

Sorry, doesn't seem like it. I could have sworn there was one but I don't have it.

Guess I'll post a few more that I've seen around

Attached: 1547892323263.png (1920x1080, 1.53M)

Attached: 1553986652428.png (1920x1080, 1.29M)

where there are fresh screencaps the deep end shall partake :)

Attached: MorbidiaCurvesVI.png (3072x1728, 2.19M)

Not really a fan

Attached: Angry Warriors.jpg (1920x1080, 376K)

Bump in hopes for working links

what's it like being a fucking hack??

What if Prohyas had also been a girl, would the show have changed much?

Attached: DpMhwZvV4AA8fag.jpg (1536x2048, 555K)

Attached: DMVsggCVoAAh9T8.jpg (1614x2048, 570K)

Attached: f8468458-caa9-4fc7-97c2-328a7c5919ae.png (751x924, 140K)

You know that kind of post were you have nothing to contribute but you still want to bump a thread

Attached: 1528971217107.png (1280x720, 855K)

Bimm is cute, please more Bimm

Okay, sure.

Attached: 1502840066567.png (949x622, 227K)

Attached: 1535522552006.png (2127x2226, 457K)

Attached: 1525764107873.png (893x1200, 1.12M)

>boy Vambre doesn't like sleeves
Nice touch

doesnt arin hanson voice these characters

Yes, he is the voice of the cat Gateaux

that's hot

Attached: 8825bd61-1618-494f-9b3b-e9fdd78641d3.png (650x750, 179K)

I bump one last time just in case

Attached: disbelief.jpg (568x597, 198K)