What kind of ending would make you HAPPY?

What kind of ending would make you HAPPY?

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Something really edgy where he murders a bunch of people then ends up in Arkham.

The forced way he's making bruce to smile makes me think he already killed (or at least is partially responsible) thomas and martha.

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An ending where it will be clear that he's the real Joker and not just someone who will just inspire someone else to become the Joker.

He's probably just consoling Bruce, who would also be really hurt and feeling lost in the world at that point, in his own weird way.

Getting paid an upwards of eight dollars for having sat through it would be pretty sweet, might even make it worth it

I feel like this was an unrelated film that WB bought the rights to at the last minute when they decided to do a Joker movie.

Staring directly into the camera and saying the n-word.

I really hope so, even more since I saw in the trailer that they call him "clown"

>I used to think my life was a tragedy
>Now I realize, that despite being only 13 percent of the population....

Rupert Pupkin reveals it was all a pitch for a new Batman show in 1985, with him playing the special guest star who sets Joker off. The network turns it down and network head Vic Sage then okays the new, made-for-tv horror movie Blue Devil starring Dan Cassidy and Basil Karlo.

This, but he gets cut off and then the rest plays after the credits

Turns out to be another one of Joker's bullshit Origin stories. That he's telling a familiar looking blonde therapist.


>it's Leto's joker on the coach
How mad are normies?

>last scene is Letoker talking to Margot Robbie
Make it stoooooooop

This, could even have things be obviously inconsistent during the film itself.

I'd really love it if they implied that Bruce has nostalgic memories of this washed-up entertainer who tried to comfort him after his parents' deaths, not realizing that it's the same man who became the Joker.

I'd like it if, not so much that all of it was bullshit, but at the end it's shown that his mom and all the shit that made him go over the edge, where part of his imagination, proving that he didn't really need anything to go nuts and he was just insane from the start.

This will most likely will happen and he'll probably be happy about it.

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Bombs at the box office and forces DC not to try anything like this again.

It ends with Joker talking to Harley about his origin in Arkham and its that whole multiple choice thing all over again

The movie has one of the lowest budgets for a comic book movie, especially for a character like the joker. It's not going to bomb, it's probably going to do it's budget x 15

Bruce sees Joker kill Joe Chill in front of him

It better have some little flaws in the movie that Dr. Quinn points out at the end.

Whatever, just don't have him be "the joker that inspired the ACTUAL Joker" or some stupid shit about him being responsible or directly responsible for killing the Waynes

Joker takes off his pants, turns to the camera and starts shitting hot diarrhea straight onto it, laughing and farting loudly as he does. Bonus points if this is done without any CGI, by Phoenix himself.

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something like the ending from The Usual Suspects
not being Harley would be better though

>being Harley would be better though
yes please, the less there is of harley in the universe the better

he finally RISES UP

kek why is he so happy?

the movie should end suddenly like 25 minutes after the climax with Batman just punching the Joker in the face once.

Joker is Thomas Wayne's secret lover, he blames Thomas's death on Bruce and thats the new origin for Joker

Unironically, the only origin that I will accept.

The nig becomes his Harley Quinn.

Leto Joker being a faggot that was inspired by this guy.

"Joker" dies but there's still a shit ton of protesters using his iconography, and we get a post credits scene of some OTHER guy in a purple suit.

Okay but hear me out. What if they'll do the flashpoint timeline where young Bruce will die and Thomas will be Batman or for whatever reason Thomas is Batman in this one and also runs for mayor, like a double identity he has to hide and his line on the Trailer about a coward who hides behind a mask could be ironic because he also hides behind a mask.

Btw I don't mean to do flashpoint since this is a standalone film but I mean for them to only use an excuse to have Thomas as Batman.

This was the flaspoint DCEU timeline but without martha being the joker bullshit

This. I wouldn't really call it a twist, because Joker is a notorious unreliable narrator

Him making a clean getaway at the end after he's gone through whatever kidnapping/murder/robbery plot is at the heart of the film
Whatever clown movement he inspires comes and goes, but he lives to see a world that acknowledged his existence for a short while, and that's enough to keep him going

So long as it doesn't set up another movie or poison the reservoir, I'll be happy

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A self-contained movie without any sequel baiting.

Even if the studio wanted a sequel, they would't have phoenix to made it.

Did you reply to the wrong post?

I hope he gets some twisted revenge for his mother (i cry errytim) but that's halfway through the movie.
The rest is actual insane shit that makes him lose all the clown-masketta-man support and makes him a solitary twisted fucking psychopath.

We really shouldn't root for the Joker by the end of the movie. I hope they realize he shouldn't be an anti-hero.

I just want him to be HAPPY...

his telling the story then we go to the present and see the final scene of Killing Joke

Would be kino

That doesn't look like Phoniex in the back of the car.

I'd like for them to reference Batman's retort to Joker's "One Day" theory. Maybe a moment where Joker tries to convince kid Bruce to go a little mad and he rejects him.

If only....

Dubs confirm it will happen

Something like the clockwork orange

Even better if he realized it later. I wonder just how fucked up it would make him.

>What kind of ending would make you HAPPY?
Batman, why haven't you forced the Joker to give you your HAPPY ENDING?

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He's gonna die at the end.

Bruce get's adopted by Joker, flash forward to bruce older as Batman. Neither of them no the other's secret identity.

Similar to the way Brian Azzarello's graphic novel ends, with Batman arriving to stop him during a rampage sometime after a time jump. The two run at each other and the movie end.

>"Wait, Bats, stop me if you've heard this one before..."

a fucking 2 hour death sequence

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The very last shot is the Joker staggering down some alley after making his getaway from whatever his final caper is, only for Batman's shadow to fall over him, and Joker looks up and genuinely smiles.

I highly doubt that's Bruce, considering Joker's age.

It's Bruce. Casting confirms he's a kid in this movie.

>I highly doubt that's Bruce, considering Joker's age.
It's effectively an Elseworld. Anything can be changed up.

since it's a Taxi Driver ripoff, it will probably end with him being considered a hero in his own mind

So in this universe Joker's like 70 when he fights Batman. That's fucking retarded.

Yeah, the whole older Joker, younger Bruce thing is pretty uncharted territory. I can't think of a single time it's ever happened before.

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Stop thinking of it being like a traditional cape movie. It's a character study piece and like this user said it's essentially an Elseworld.

He wins, does some really fucked up shit but because the people love him the authorities brush it under the rug or something like that. would set up gotham as a too far gone corrupt hell hole, and leave it like that for a few decades till bruce grows up and becomes batman

A sudden pivot into the Emperor Joker storyline.

It's a retarded elseworld.

Honestly, this. I want an ending that shows him just completely disconnected from reality. Go full Baby Jane. Have him surrounded by horrified onlookers and laugh, having finally found an audience at last.

That would be way too sudden. Maybe some foreshadowing with a balloon that nearly fills itself before he notices.

I would rather have a movie about a clown-themed gangster who pulls off outlandish crimes. Origin stories for characters are never as good as just stories about the characters.

>Origin stories for characters are never as good as just stories about the characters.

Really? That's your pic? Not Burton's Batman?

Considering that Joker doesn't care that Batman and Bruce are one and the same, what if Bruce doesn't care for that either.

Die any day.

It should end with him making a public service announcement regarding the racial disparity in violent crime rates.

After how well the trailer was received ? Good luck with that


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>What kind of ending would make you HAPPY?

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His mom is gonna figure out he's the one doing crimes and confront him, the shame will make him snap and he'll kill her.

Joker dies while redpilling the audience

>well the trailer was received
Was it though

>Joker seems to be in his mid-to-late thirties
>Bruce is a child and his parents are still alive
>By the time Bruce becomes Batman, Joker will be in his 50s

It's nothing worth criticizing the film over, but I do find it a little amusing how the one member of Batman's rogues gallery who isn't significantly older than Bruce in Gotham is gonna be in his 60s while Batman's in his prime in his 30s.

Gordon doesn't do the rapings himself, stupid!

But he organizes them, hence his symbol.

He dies, succumbing to his insanity and being a legend in the eyes of the scum and criminals of Gotham. Movie ends at a carnival with the Valeska twins.

Not gonna happen, Laddercuck. Joker is gonna make Venom numbers

It was, idiot. Normies are loving it

Is Jokester a pedo in this?

rocks fall, everyone dies

Thomas Wayne becoming murdeBats

He gets thrown in jail. Catwoman is in the cell next to him for some reason. He says "there must be some way out of here" and All Along the Watchtower plays over the credits.

He goes to prison and gets butt raped shawshank redemption style.

Gordon pls

As Joker is getting away from a crime scene he hears, in a loud booming voice, "You are now in the power of Stardust," as the movie ends.


20% Rotten Tomatoes

>Movie fades to black
>End credits roll
>Screen lights up again
>Fleck jolts awake

Go home Snyder nobody wants your shit


Not that crazy really.
Bruce in the arkham series is like in his late 30's while Joker looks like an old man.

He dies by getting eated alive by a pack of bats

I don't care about joker being much older than bats but I will forever find retarded that the entire arkham series was in a span of 6 years

I came here to say the same thing, unironically I would love to watch a scene like that, heard the movie will be rated R either way.

The audience sympathies with him and then towards the end when everything is coming together batman swoops in and acts like an arrogant prick before fucking him up

After Glass, i expect to be dissapointed.

>The very last shot is the Joker staggering down some alley after making his getaway from whatever his final caper is, only for Batman's shadow to fall over him, and Joker looks up and genuinely smiles.
>Have him surrounded by horrified onlookers and laugh, having finally found an audience at last.
I'd be happy with a mixture of these. The whole movie seems to be forcing himself to laugh and smile and I think it's be great the one time it's genuine has people aghast. I also really hope his crime is comedic despite the danger like acid flower gag.

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Why is he entering from the exit? Is he that insane?

I want Joker to give him a lot of advice like "Don't give up" and "It's our job to make the wrong things right, regardless of the law.", although they both take the advice and do extremely different things with it.

I would love Joker to make a positive mark on Bruce's life but neither of them realize what the other became.

But who would be the present time Joker?

And who would be talking to? Gordon? Batfleck?

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Phoenix. One of the reason his story is bullshit is the fact Bruce is a child in it, while everybody knows Joker and Bruce Wayne are both around their late 30's.

Shame Batfleck isn't around anymore
But then again Cavill randomly turned up in Shazam, so who knows

It's a shame the DCU is dead. Too bad DC wasn't able to take it anymore.

He didn’t but supes did.
I feel this movie is gonna go the St. Elsewhere route and be all in his mind due to joker tism.

That would actually be a really good twist...

So mom's gonna freak?


It will flop like all dc shit

Dream on

Implying dc movies flops rt scores get that high

Cry dc incel Cry

Ambigous; is he born insane with bi-polar or multiple personalities? how could he be a two place at the same time?
...waybe he has an evil twin?

Kind of a "Lost Highway", "Jacob's Ladder" mixed with "Fight Club".

Nice try mate.