Favorite non-straight pairing?

Like it said, what is your favorite not-straight pairing. Personally I’m a big fan of Korra/Asami, as the OP image shows.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I also like Catra and Adora.

You're going to summon you-know-who

This takes me back.

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It's not mutual. Yet.

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saying such things is heresy here

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No sound?

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I love Kimber X Stormer.

Attached: kimber_and_stormer_by_leesamariecroal-d8vi3lm.jpg (752x1063, 103K)

At least Pinky sees it that way

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They are from Jem and the Holograms.

All Yea Forums webms have no sound because Moot thought they could get spammed.


But that’s a straight ship user :^)

Casspunzel is for wholesome and safe only

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I ship them too.

i ship them

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that's pretty cute op

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Ruby and Saphire, fucking fight me

Nope, I agree!

Pak wrote a good gay.

Attached: Wolvercles.jpg (951x614, 366K)

My favorite Yea Forums pairing in general.

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Quit fussing.

Lol. Silly cucked femcel and her fantasies!

>Implying Adora doesn’t have a dick

They should just fuck.

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The sisters from Frozen. That's a popular one, right?

No incest!

But incest is the best!



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Foolish mortal. Dark Incel Goddess Cass will make Cassunzel canon, even if it means rewriting the universe to do it.

Attached: cassunzel.jpg (1280x1920, 780K)

Mabifica is honestly fun. I'm cool with Dipper/Pacifica or the "Pineswest" OT3 too though.

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Shit characters shit show shit OP

Let's see how long it takes us to get him over here.

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way too cute

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My girlfriend I used to roleplay these shitheads, but the show never went anywhere with them so we got bored.

Do we have bad taste? Yes.

Do I have any regrets? No.

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hell yeah brotherrrr

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user, it's gay.

>Thread about non-straight pairings

We are just pretending, right? In fact we are all Christians.

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Only the gayest of babies.

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Seeing as they are rats, would they shove humans up their asses?

This comic is too hilarious and reminds me of the LolRawrzXD era.

>This comic is too hilarious and reminds me of the LolRawrzXD era.

yeah it feels exactly like something from about 10 years ago

Attached: enid and red.png (640x360, 265K)

Forever and always

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I never liked this. Asoka x Riyo however...

Yes, they have to rule the world and show dominance somehow

I wouldn’t be shocked if that person made a similar comic to pic-related

I just can’t take that shit seriously without being reminded of that era. It’s also so out of character.

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surprisingly good comic in general

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Fuck you if you don't like it.

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Too bad the Kimber/Stormer relationship was one of the weaker aspects.

How was it a weaker aspect?

Its the same shit. At least you are not a genetic dead end if you are into wincest, even if the result is habsburg-tier.

Attached: That moment when Korrasami became canon.jpg (1066x1600, 305K)

New fave

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Something is like...really hot about the idea that Harley is one of the few people who is immune to Poison Ivy. Their sexy times would literally kill anyone else.

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you are a mad retard

>Favorite non-straight pairing?
OP and his bull


>thread question
Canon? either Mystique and Destiny or Rictor and Shatterstar
Probably canon? Beast and Wonder Man
Wishful thinking? Beast and Wolverine

My husband and I cosplay as Steve and Doctor Weird, because he's a balding bear and I'm a ginger otter. We kissed at a convention while we were sharing lunch, just a normal casual thing for a couple to do while spending time together not like full-on making out, and a fangirl went insane and fell over squealing. I guess every gay pairing has at least one fujo squealing over it. If I had pictures on this computer I would post them, but the story seemed relevant and it's fun to share.

Attached: avengers14 beast wonderman best friends.jpg (1192x687, 335K)

>as in 2
Shit taste

Scandal and knockout


Oh damn son

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I do wonder if they’ll ever give her a new body later or if she’s confined to being a stando forever


The answer is simple

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Probably a new body, I mean she was revealed back in SDCC with detail changes to her outfit

Was not aware of that

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I like these spoons.

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Shipping is such a fucking cancer.

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Soup-du-Silence via Tumblr

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i wonder if korra had always known she was bisexual or if she saw asami one day and thought lmao ok if i was straight at one point i’m not anymore

i have this headcanon that when she was younger and found out katara was married to her in her past life korra would get excited and be all “does that me you’re my wife?” and then if someone was rude to katara young korra would yell something like “don’t talk to my wife like that!” and just basically assume being with women was okay simply because she’s already been with them in past lives

Its 50/50, I find some cute/romantic, others being pure cringe and disgust.

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Learn punctuation.

> Apple and Raven
> Dexter and Hopper
Ever After high had some decent gay pairings.

My absolute despair that we never got any canon gratuitous muscle korra scenes

Couldn't get into Korrasami, it felt rushed and appeared out of nowhere, even though it got further fleshed out in the comics.


Out of nowhere? The creators started dropping hints from the start of season 3 on.

Susan x Frieda is better than your obviously shit and pandering taste

desu i see them as close bonded sisters than a shipped couple

They were a canon couple until Cates got buttmad about them.

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>no good snu snu art of susan absolutely breaking every bone in frieda's body

Siscest is the best.

No, it's not!


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For me, it's Bumblebee!

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Me and Yea Forums.

Like that too!

Korra's reaction...


I remember when that was one of Yea Forums's original power couples.




>not-straight pairing

It's almost invariably pandering to fat, ugly chicks with silly hair colour who make loud demands.

Attached: Batgay.png (300x256, 185K)


>worst pairing in worst show

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Came here to post them

>> Dexter and Hopper
>Not Briar/Hopper/Cupid Team Pink OT3
>Not Dexter forever alone
i shiggy diggy

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>this is what /u/fags actually believe


Its okay man I am gay and I hate SJW's too, lets just suck each others dicks okay.

Look at the math one person did on how much time they spend together in Book 3.

good taste bro

dexter was worst boy honestly

You may not like it, but this is what peak a/u/tism looks like

Based and gaypilled

Super Saiyan duo

Attached: Super Saiyan tangled.jpg (977x720, 137K)

He so was. There was absolutely nothing about him that was interesting or remarkable and it was super annoying whenever he got focus.

Those were the best of times, my friend. I don't see any of my favorite old images on this computer, I might have them on my external hard drive if I can find it. In the meantime, do you have any good images of that lovely pairing?

Oddly enough, I ship Batman with only two things: Being alone with justice, or dying alone with Catwoman.
Dick is probably pan or bisexual in my mind, but the idea of his adoptive father being with him kind of undermines the idea that you can simultaneously be a man who likes men whilst not being a deviant. At least to me. Now DickStroke, THAT'S a good NightwingxDaddy ship. I always figured Tim was gay, Jason was straight, Dick would fuck anything that said yes, and Damian is only into Jon. Red Robin with Superboy and Damian Robin with Super Son means two of each of Batman's and Superman's sons wind up together and that seems like a nice way to cement their friendship, and make it one big family affair when Clark and Lois have Bruce and his family over. That sounds cozy to me. World's Finest indeed.

Attached: gay for cheeseburgers.jpg (471x464, 77K)

>i have this headcanon that when she was younger and found out katara was married to her in her past life korra would get excited and be all “does that me you’re my wife?” and then if someone was rude to katara young korra would yell something like “don’t talk to my wife like that!” and just basically assume being with women was okay simply because she’s already been with them in past lives

that sounds adorable

The only non-straight pairing I'm 100% OK with is Shadow/Robot in Gunnerkrigg Court, since both are actually genderless beings.

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OP here, that kind of thing is why I specified "non-straight" instead of just "gay"



I see.

i like em

if someone have to count screentimes of a ship to prove that their ship is well-developed and not a bad writing then it's probably not a well developed ship in the show

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I only respect this pairing when Asami is the dom or at the very least a power bottom.

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everyone knows korra is a sub

Doug Ramsey/Cypher and Warlock are my favorite interspecies male/male human-on-alien romance.

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You know, Ruby and Sapphire from Steven Universe would also count there.

I'm actually surprised at how much I like this ship honestly.

I always thought South Park shipping was fucking dumb, but these two are nice. I'm glad Trey & Matt decided to keep them "gay" because it kinda ended up giving them more screentime, and both Craig and Tweek have been among my favourite secondary characters for a while.

I don't watch South Park, who's the blonde?


Tweek Tweak

Height rule applies

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How do you know?


I don’t do “shipping” In the tumblr sense of the word, that shit’s fucking obnoxious. But I guess I’ve got characters I wouldn’t mind seeing in a relationship.

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Attached: Laura and Jubilee.jpg (1260x1686, 1.19M)

Trust me.


What qualifications does “shipping in the tumblr sense of the word” include?

subhuman fags

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Op being subhuman who likes trash because he is a loner with value alive

kill yourself genetic dead loser your ship was made real and killed series and you life has no value i won

I would guess they're talking about that weird quasi-religious "following" obsessed kind of shipping, complete with hating and attacking rival shippers or even just non-shippers in crazy ways. But that's not just a tumblr thing. Look in the Star vs. threads here, for example, or other places like Yea Forums in general, you'll see similar bullshit. But since almost everyone is anonymous, some of the really batshit personal attacks you see on tumblr just aren't even possible here, that's all.

Not the same guy but I have this one.

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>They interact once
>Gets shipped to oblivion

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Cates is just bitter because his own marriage went up in bitter flames. It's so stupid how bad his run is.

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I wonder when we'll have a main character thats a homo male in a kids cartoon.

Already happened.

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Desperately wanting your ship to be real.

Pardon my ignorance but what series is this

MAIN character.

Voltron: Legendary Defender

Yes. Main. You honestly don't think Keith was the lead, do you?


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It was Lance.

>Cassandra wakes upl without legs in a hospita as she gets a text message of Raps being in bed with Eugene that reads: "You ok best friend?"

Who are these two?

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Luan and Maggie from Loud House



I've seen Bees but no White Rose

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Are these the only still alive gay superhero couple that DC has?
Damn that's sad.



not a furry btw i just think theyre cute

this is a cake topper steve sculpted for his own wedding

i also like ocelot/big boss a lot but thats not Yea Forums

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What about Sam and Luna?

Oh, I love that pairing!




So, like Yea Forums?

Despite the politics tumblr and Yea Forums actually have a lot in common.

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I know that guy is probably going to eat Viren's soul or something, but I hyped for whatever mess they cause together in the meantime.


the creator and artist of sam & max

on tumblr, people dont get invested in a show unless theres a gay ship. on Yea Forums, people dont get invested in a show unless theres a waifu.

Same. In the meantime, I'll enjoy the hot fanart.

user, come on: harrow x viren is clearly the superior ship

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too bad there’s like nothing for this ship

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this is so cute

They made the wrong sister gay, for sure.

Luna is bi.

La dee fucking da.



any one as long as they're both cute canadian girls



not really and tumblr's politics include pretending you don't understand the most obvious shit. They are stupid

not true a waifu is nice but I can live without it and the plots as well

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I didn’t know Robbie was gay. Or is this just an “I wish he was gay with this guy” thing?


Without a doubt my favourite Shad pic

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So does Marvel, I believe. And their’s is far less engaging and interesting than Midnighter and Apollo. Wiccan has potential but they’re not using it properly

Attached: Candace and Stacy.jpg (1214x437, 135K)

This forever.

Attached: Both_cuddles.jpg (1280x1347, 330K)

There are no good non-straight relationships. Faggots, troons, and dykes need to get roofed.

Thanks for sharing.

Eh, it’s possible, anything is



two hundred and twenty second post best post

You just need a good dicking and you'll come around ;)

Welcome to Yea Forums.

And Yea Forums isn't stupid? Are you new or are you just pretending you don't understand the most obvious shit?

Attached: 2deep4u.png (160x294, 88K)

Shut up!

I've been here since 2015 and nope, tumblr and reddit are 100 times more stupid


>since 2015
Please, go back to where you came from.

Marvel's two new best girls?

Attached: 1742534ae365ec56438fe8ba4d5d2b2e.jpg (994x936, 208K)

Who is the one who isn’t Marvel?

Are you genuinely retarded

Gay representation was a mistake.

Moon Loli.


Not a big Marvel guy, I know Miss Marvel, not Moon.

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My nigga

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seriously cute

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>T. Rebecca Sugar.



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I think that if Gary did have any feelings like that, Avacato didn't reciprocate.

Just a cute comic, I have no idea what the source is, but it reminds me of the people who keep jumping in here to call us fags.

Thanks, comrade! Seeing them together brings back memories. I haven't read a whole lot of DC in recent years; have they appeared in anything together recently?

I like this! I actually did some art of this pairing myself, if I can find it before the thread nukes itself I'll post it later. Who is the baby supposed to be?

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Does this count?

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fuck you bendis

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I remember the day when just Marcy was a spoon. They really toned down the spoonness on her.

completely original post bud

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People who say this always feel autistic to me.

You don't shit anyone in any fiction at all? Seriously? It's basically just a version of "I like these two characters' relationship and dynamic" put in a romantic context, it's not a weird thing to ship people. In fact it's probably much weirder to not ship anyone and think the concept itself is stupid, like you're a robot or some shit.

Just cause shippers are faggots doesn't mean you have to be a fag to ship stuff.

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honorable mention

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It just means they're not teenaged girls.

Danny Antonucci likes it too.

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actually really good art there

also bickity bam i just saw that eustace thrad

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I really liked these two. Shame we'll probably never get more of them.

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But now you pedos can self insert as Jon.

Damn it Shen! Need more!

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whatever you say user

Attached: tumblr_plzrxzhMME1vw38f9o1_r1_1280.jpg (1280x917, 374K)

This is so cute. Curse Greg for not dashing my hopes and dreams early before this love for this ship could bud and sprout.

More, please!

>I hate being sing so much

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Whatever they say.

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I'm going to samefag and say I'm actually really feeling this one my chest has the ouchies

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they're hot but i'm still not sure how i feel about this ship

Walking Dead!

No you ape

How do you fuck the holographic A.I.?

>Just a cute comic, I have no idea what the source is



I also like dirkjake

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I bet you like davekat too fujo

Bumping the dishwasher up and the setting

>holly mistaken for mistletoe



I got you.

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The reactions in the bottom panel don't help it.

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Oh god if you find it, please do post it!! Like I said before, there’s like NOTHING on the sfw side with Steven as an adult.

The artist (silkoodles) said that it’s Steven’s, but not Connie’s, and that they just imagine Steven and Connie could stay best friends without being romantically involved. I’m just imagining the baby is his and Lars’ adopted child

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Literally the only GOOD gay couple in TV history. The only ones who were guys that just happened to be into cock. TV needs more gay people like them.


wait, what?

>which faggot couple is your favorite

I thought I was on /lgbt/ for a second, since when has Yea Forums accepted and celebrated faggots? Did I miss something? Back to your containment board literally made to contain your faggotry.

Who made you post?

He's being tsundere. He wants even more gay-ness.



What is yer offer?


Since forever, you fucking reddit newfag. Take your (you) and go back.

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i kinda like those arts where they are older

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Patrician taste.


Attached: tumblr_o0rgxvvAwf1tc7j2vo2_1280.jpg (1125x760, 94K)

More, please!



Attached: tumblr_on4ex2300f1qf6m81o1_1280.jpg (800x937, 659K)

The finest of taste

Ask and ye shall receive.

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Technically speaking, neither really has actual sexes that are recognizable like humans are.

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We need some damn doujins with them as grown ups.

That Ladybug show? I've never actually seen it


These YouTube videos man

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Have some more.

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Didn't realize that it was so popular

Bout the only good shit that came from SU fandom.

Came here to post this, Creek is the only m/m Yea Forums pairing I legit ship.

I also adore Tomco but in a mainly bromantic way

Attached: S2E19_Tom_and_Marco_riding_a_tiger.png (1920x1080, 1.7M)

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I don't watch this show but these two are cute, what's their history?

Not /u/?


Frankly this. I'm not ashamed to recognize I started watching South Park because of this episode and the fans reaction. I like to believe the will look like pic related when they grow up (minus the kid, he's lame)
Btw is Fractured but whole worth it to play?

Attached: tumblr_oygn4jrJwS1wdycy7o1_1280.png (1280x1030, 491K)

It's honestly pretty horrible

>Demon boi is MC girl's ex bf, vicious temper but is "working" on it to try to get back with her
>Mexican is her normie best friend, suspicious of demon and cucks several of his schemes
>At one point demon boy cajoles mexican into hanging out and although it's revealed it was initially just to fulfill part of his anger management program the two genuinely start to hit it off, no longer become actively antagonistic, actually become more or less friendly
>then the show goes full retard with the love dodecahedrons as MC girl gets back with demon boy while pining for mexican while mexican pines for her while he's kind of involved with a pile of hair girl and mexican and MC girl kiss at one point while she's still with demon boy and he finds out and they actually stay together but are obviously doomed to split again because MC girl and mexican seems inevitable so demon boy is living this bizarre cuck's existence and it's awful fucky when you look at it

Use commas.

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DC should make boostle canon already

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>Of course we are a couple...!
>Of guys!

It is as good as The Stick of Truth.

not even davekat likes davekat


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I heard somewhere that the creators wanted to make it clearer that Korra and Asami were interested in each other earlier, on, but were worried that Nickelodeon would get mad if they did, so they waited until the last episode.

Hello! I also love domestic abuse!

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At least kids don't watch SU but many little girls in my country watch Ladybug. I hope the dub censor this or at least try to leave it ambiguous like a close friendship or something.

DirkJake is the fucking worst. Did you even read meat? But I like DaveKat, so...


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The word "pairing" implies two.

If a character has multiple versions of themselves in the same canon, is it incest or something else for them to be together? I know, it's an age-old question, but I don't know if I've seen any same-person ships before. Pic related, this is the Council of Reeds, and I've seen what Yea Forums thinks of stretchy people...

I love that spoiler text because that was my first thought. I still haven't found the art, but to describe it in case I do, I did a few pieces. One is of college-aged Steven, PeeDee, and Lars all asleep and snuggling in Greg's van. One is of adult Steven on the beach with Lars. Both of those predate Lars being pink. I also drew pink Lars putting his cape on a sleeping Steven in his spaceship's command chair. I think my sketchbooks and folders are all packed up; we moved last year but I have an artificial portion of my spine so my husband has been an angel in terms of letting me go slow. He can't decorate or clean to save his life but gosh am I fond of that man and he pays my bills and drives me to doctors. I live a life like a real ship.

Attached: COuncil of Reeds.jpg (1280x1970, 1.15M)


Those all sound so cute!! ;w; I’m sorry to hear about your spine tho!! Nice that your husband is willing to let you lead a more relaxed/sedentary life, I could only hope for that whenever I meet my other half

I guess I’ll just post the only other piece of sfw Stars art I have, I drew it last year. Maybe I’ll draw some later today to fill the pool up a bit. Whenever you find it, you can post it the next time you see someone post about Stars here since it’ll probably be me lol

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They were funny, at least.

Attached: Unicorn Shockwave Marco and Star.jpg (1280x1344, 391K)

Well, Star DOES seem to be bi...

I don't see Marco as cis

So does Marco

I think the creator described him as an "In Touch With His Feminine Side" type.

Who are those?
Left kinda looks like a more in shape Max Tennyson.

It's Race Bannon and Dr. Quest from Johnny Quest.

Attached: dr-quest-and-race.jpg (640x360, 48K)

Ah, got it.

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Attached: PB Marcie dresses.png (600x677, 464K)

>If a character has multiple versions of themselves in the same canon, is it incest or something else for them to be together?


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The best.

You're misrepresenting it pretty badly due to your own bias. The show makes it clear Tom isn't just ""working"" on his issues, he actually works on them for his own sake and does a pretty good job. Also there's no "several schemes" that Marco'd bust, there's one and Tom immediately owns up to his mistake and confesses to it once Marco points it out. Tom was "actively antagonistic" in like one half of an episode


>what is your favorite not-straight pairing
LGBTBBQ x Lake of Fire

Attached: 1_YM8rnp3sS7lA5lG3GLdqbg.png (550x282, 71K)

But Jesus and John were totes gay

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>This thread is still here.

Maybe there is still hope for Yea Forums.

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Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

Chat Noir and Adrien

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You're shipping them... with themselves. Really?

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stairs bro


Yeah, really?

Masturbation is healthy and normal user

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let's laugh at the guy who thinks Chat Noir could possibly be Adrien.

Who doesn't want double sexy cat boy though


Why, though?

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Obligatory haircut.

Weirdly enough a lot of girls watch this show and like the idea of these ugly fucks being a couple

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Only California, the east coast and western Europe is totally cool with gays and lesbians; and even they have some problems with showing the TQIA+ to families.

Lars had a whole story arc where he becomes some space captain and everything.
It's ronnie who didn't do anything thank god.

Tbqh it would be hot if it weren't for that ugly ass cgi

Which means you have shit taste

Who would be the top? Klump has a higher rank

Look at how Enid is barely keeping her cool

How come?

Bi Enid is cute

Yes, she is


>no one has posted this yet

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At least Leatherhead can handle the turtle dick. Usagi would not survive.

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Does the artist have more stuff?

bump into the darkness

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>As Told by Ginger

But where one goes the one, two and three goes


Great opinion, user. I could practically find that kind of joke in Family Guy.

actual confirmed pairing? none, they are all tras...
ok this one was nice.

John R. Dilworth kind of regrets them.

Goddamn rare pair hell.

Attached: pymdevil.png (614x510, 189K)


Never heard of them.


Wow. It has been FOREVER since I watched that show.


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I thought I'd find at least one supercorp pic

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Really? Post source. Sounds interesting if true.

>her eyes in the last panel
>she wants this now
Something has awoken.

Can I ship Cass with endless suffering instead?

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You wish.


>the east coast and western Europe is totally cool with gays and lesbians


One has not been to NYC

New Zealand's pretty cool with them too.

t. gay kiwi


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>this wasn’t endgame
>Ginger ends up with Darren
>Courtney gets JUST’d by the narrative and vanishes



If the show were made today we would've gotten it.

Courtney was too good for Ginger.

Beck & Paige was just as good, but....

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It was good ship dynamic

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>that linger on the hold
O my

I hope not for this shit ship.

What? When? Source?

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seems familiar, where are from?

>I come to ship threads to complain about ships
Keep seething, faggot.

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It's just really good fanart.

Robbie Reyes and Amadeus Cho, Marvel

Attached: 1576575567767.jpg (500x369, 49K)

How does Fry fuck him?

>implying Fry tops

Good point.

Classic and based.

Nah, it's just a matter of being a drooling brainlet which you indeed are


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best ship right lads

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Ginger needed Courtney's loving idiot positive vibes to counter the whole existential dread shit she ran into during the later parts of the show and Ginger's down to earth steadiness would have been an anchor in turn when Courtney's family and money troubles started

Please tell me there's porn of them fucking.

I'm a pleb what can I say

yeah she definitely gave off vibes

there is user

Post links

>gives Ginger a blowup doll of herself when she leaves for that art academy


who needs a rope

Which is Bumblebee?

lol, stay mad.

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Blue board.


super gay

why did this exist so long?

My only gripe with gum lady and grey binch is that trend where the real gayness happens at the end so the relationship gets cold cocked just as it should be getting going

Indeed user

Yea Forums is majority bi.

Thanks for the auto sage!

There will always be our headcanons user.