Today I was browsing the graphic novel section of a used bookshop and two girls laughed at me. Like, really...

Today I was browsing the graphic novel section of a used bookshop and two girls laughed at me. Like, really? You probably read Harry Potter and you're laughing at me? You probably think Game of Thrones is a work of genius and you're laughing at me? You probably haven't read anything but popular fiction your whole life abdd you're laughing at me? Now that I think of it, I'm not that offended. Roasties gonna roast.

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How bad is the Internet going to get when Joker comes out?

Either stop caring about what other people think or browse for your Yea Forums shit at home.

I regularly browse that section and no one ever laughed at me for it. Maybe they're laughing at your physical appearance? Are you ugly or unkempt?

this really says a lot about our society


>OP's fake shitpost story actually happened to me a few years back
>tfw I'm a walking shitpost

Whatever intensity Heath Ledger caused, scales up to current internet

Nobody laughs at anyone for reading graphic novels and if they do they're a weirdo. They were almost certainly laughing at you for doing something autistic

Well to normies graphic novels are autistic

Not true, one of the normiest normie fucks I know owns TKJ

Where do you live? Because in America most normies have at least a handful of graphic novels, and I know Europe is the same way.

Yeah but he doesn't lurk secondhand bookshops for Spawn compendiums while sweating profusely because he's fat af like OP does

You probably smelled, or they were laughing at something unrelated

Those aren't normies you fucking nerds

The guy I'm talking about is fot, charismatic, enthusiastic, does well on exams and is always nice to people. The very definition of what normies like. I hate how fucking perfect he is, I wanna punch him in the face sometimes. And yet he still owns TKJ.

>go into my LCS to pick up my pull list
>notice the girl behind the counter
>never see her because I usually pick up my pull list at night from the owner on my way home
>see her reading the tradeback for Spidey
>recommend her Superior Foes, they have the completed collection there
>next week I show up at night to get my pull list
>notice Superior Foes is now missing from the shelf
Feels good man, really hope she’s enjoying that read.


You got problems, dawg.

100% sure there will be a shooting around the time it's in theaters

Same, Lowkey kinda scared to get tickets.

TKJ is like the most normies friendly Batman book that literally everyone with a passing interest in Batman knows about it, try asking them about No Man’s Land though and they’ll look at you with a blank stare

ITT: Times you were the Joker

>Call a user a Redditor
>Browse Reddit myself


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>The guy I'm talking about is fit, charismatic, enthusiastic, does well on exams and is always nice to people.
So.. like a superhero, then? The people you spend your life reading about but can't bother to emulate in the slightest?

You're probably fat, ugly and/or were wearing something stupid like a fedora. Women browse the graphic novels/omnibus section at my local bookstore and comic books have been mainstream for years now.

Staying and becoming fit is a matter of spending three hours a week at the gym and making smart food choices, while getting good grades on exams at the undergraduate level with a standard course load means spending time roughly equal to a full-time job on school.

There's no similarly simple steps for enthusiasm and charisma, but being nice is the easiest thing in the world. I have no idea how you can be like your friend, but I assure you it can be done while maintaining your harem chart and strong opinions on Swamp Thing.

Is "ironically pretending to find The Joker relatable" the worst internet meme of all time?

Serious question.

OP here. I wasn't memeing.

The only part that is crucial for a superhero is "fit". The rest are completely optional. A lot of superheroes are brooding, melancholic, not knowledgeable in every field and can be legit assholes.

user, that's Rorschach.

t.doesn't understand Jokerposting

Who could forget jokers best monologue.

>No, the consequence is now on me, not you. I wish you'd been honest with me on Friday. All of this, all of it, was an effort to help you. Will you at least give me that?
>Because everything you are saying to me indicates that you weren't straight with me when you confirmed you didn't feel bullied by me at all and that we were good.
>Are you changing your story to say that I bullied you, or were you straight with me on Friday? That's all I need to know, then I'll leave you alone.
>I'll lose your number, you never need to hear from me again.
>Just tell me I didn't intentionally bully you or hurt you, because if I did, I need to know.

Truly terrifying.

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Ok guys, this one is crazy. I seriously started doubting my own sanity after this happened. You could say this event made me look at myself in a completely different way.

>open fridge
>see there's still some chese left
>say "wow, there's still some bread left"

I'm literally scared of what my crazy brain rn

I had something exactly like this happened with my shirt, I put it on inside out and left the house with it on like that!!

>can talk to woman without sperging out
Get out

It’s what happens when your adult brain fully forms around 26 or so, it’s pretty easy



Normalfags you nprmalfags

It's been normie for over a decade at this point turbotard

when the nice guy loses his patience the devil shivers


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MySpace was unbearable in 2008-09 thanks to Ledger Joker. Thank heavens the site basically does not much later.

Being certain of a mass shooting in America is like being sure it's going to rain in spring time.


Endless shitposting on Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums

It’s a meme, user.
user is the the unfunny Joker meme about GAMERS RISE UP and FUCK YOU STACY


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>You probably think Game of Thrones is a work of genius and you're laughing at me?
This but unironically.

Blogfaggotry threads are cancer and against >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
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