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cardboard booty

And goblin feet, fungus and all.

La Creatura...

You can plumb a wall with how straight the back is.

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stop making fun of her

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>"user! they bully me!"
>ywn cuddle brie cheese

Seeing more and more interviews with her and other cast members I'm coming to the realization nobody likes her. I think the reason no cast members have called her out is due to them being professional.

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Do you think she's going to commit suicide?

Atleast her stunt double looks alright

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>SEETHING incels still trying to smear her

Never she loves herself too much

Lol give any MCU movie the marketing and theaters Disney gave Captain marvel. user If we made a movie with the push of Disney our marvel movie would hit billion

How can Marvel even compete

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O-oh my

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Why is RDJ kissing her on the head so many times, why is Chris Evans walking with her while holding her waist

does it smell like genuine leather?

Did you guys know the RT audience score is still dropping? It's at 56% now. It's almost as if it wasn't some conspiracy to derail it and the reality is that people really do think this movie fucking blows ass, weird huh?

>look mom I'm still using bots to drop the RT score!

Imagine being so pathetic and so lonely that you need to make threads like these

>Did you guys know the RT audience score is still dropping? It's at 56% now
White genocide is over, we did it, reddit!


I'm confused. I thought White women stopped having flat asses in like the early mid 2000's

Damn, Kryptonians look like THAT?!

Imagine getting paid to steer conversation instead of free thinking.

Please advise.

I wish I got paid to insult incels honestly

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>dude no we're totally not woman hating incels it's because of the character being shit and the movie looking bland
This is why we can't have nice things, people who have legitimate and fair criticisms get lumped in with /r9k/ mongoloids like you faggots that just confirm their assertions that only incels hate this shit

>womyen bad
God, this board as fallen so low with all those Yea Forums cross-boarders.

Damn. Now this is attractiveness. Should replace Brie.

Preggo or chub?

God I wish she was fatter

tfw fucking quiptron has a better ass than Captain Fungus. They probably spent more money on his metallic derriere than all of the CGI in Black Panther

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Was that before or after this?
She just comes off as an incredibly insecure bitch all around.

>autists confused by friendly bantz


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>I-Its just banter

Dont do this to me, not here man

Not even gay men can appreciate that flat ass.

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Chub. Prego would be firmer.

Only a toon lover can


>when your "Captain Marvel" flops at 283 million.

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Why did Marvel decide trying to appeal to the Irish audience would be a good idea?


Well Evans is a total leftist idiot so I am sure they get along great.
RdJ probably knows he is done after this so he is just playing nice and running down the clock.

You ain’t seen nothing yet bros.

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I don't know man, Don Cheadle look so fucking uncomfortable during that bit.

Its not a flop though


Did she blackmail Fiege or something or has he just completely cucked out?

Umm... is that a personal attack or something...?

Why did Brie Larsen scowl through her entire movie? I swear the only times she smiled was when she was making a snarky quip or looking down on someone.

>Yea Forums level thread



based and spoilerpilled

Because she wasn't acting.
She's just a cunt.

Who's this twink?

Nah, she looks and sounds pretty upset there and Chris definitely seems to be a bit caught off guard.
Hoping to only make 300 million certainly sucks though, but Marvel's sucking all the oxygen out of the box office. WB should REALLY have just gone for a Christmas release as was clearly intended, but if anyone if going to fuck up a DC movie it'll usually be them.


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Thats true. Really dumb that they didn't release it around that time


Man, those ass-less chaps really work.

Today I will remind them what we could have had

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Actually, considering most stunt doubles look the part of the super heroes, why didn't they just use the stunt double? It's impossible to have her act worse(or not act at all) than Brie anyway.

Stunt double has no name draw, and by the time you figure out the stunt double is better, contracts and schedules are set.

Looks like a witch with that chin, but atleast she is fit

You goddamn monster, I just woke up. But I wonder if brie would look better if she gained weight, and put on muscle.


Have Sex

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she is not attractive at all

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Why? Is this shopped? or some producer has a fetish?

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Those biceps are hot

Love that belly. I want to stroke it

Holy shit that ass is so fuckable, his face isn’t that bad either

Ahw man.....

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Have sex

Damn, I’d wanna fuck a chubby Brie

She has no ass.

I thought she did her own stunts. Wasn't that a meme recently where she shit talked one of her costars?

The Lizard Brie
The Chad Holland

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Isn’t he wearing butt pads in this though? His ass isn’t that big in real life

Bryce Dallas Howard would've been perfect

did he mean by ?

I would sincerely a Brie



would smash

Stupid Sexy Superman.


hello again

could draw Brie Larson in this bathing suit. Wow her ass looks underdeveloped.

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You could level a picture frame on that ass