Why did the MCU do him so wrong?

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Still better than Aaron Thor

Laziness and lowest common denomination

This is boring and not entertaining

its inspiring and heroic

Because white men are fat oafs

>power fantasy inspired by an ancient power fantasy from back when people were retarded
Real people are inspiring, this is silly. The movie treated it with proper silliness.

The fact they didn't want to play up his power fantasy too hard.
Part of what makes Thor so fun in his comic runs, or at least in his comic runs where he is fun, is the fact he's dealing with these massive threats and colossal issues head first, doesn't back down, and if there's drama involved it's not drama about his love of one human, but rather his desire to protect all humans in conflict with him not wanting to go full nanny-state on them.

Giving him the power necessary to play with that would invalidate a lot of the MCU, as well as be harder for johnny casual to relate to him.

Exactly. That's why I only am inspired by Allah.

Inshallah my brother

"never will i fall to despair, no matter what happens ill die fighting for my principles w my spirit intact bc i am a symbol and warrior of my people"

thats the pride of a great man and its absolutely inspiring but i notice your attempts to cast it as a silly fantasy instead of a nobility and strength people can look at and strive for. classic gir/weakness is strength/strength isnt real behavior.

im sorry you hate men, and want to pretend our ideals and archetypes are silly, but thats your problem. it you dont like it leave and leave us to be silly w our ideals you dont share and go enjoy yours.

Projections are not strength, hypocrite. Not everyone who thinks superheroes are silly is a SJW, though of course you would love to pretend everyone who disagrees with you is a member of a silly mockable social group of haturz, so that nothing ever challenges your worldview, am I right? Wow, such strength.

He is saying he will never give up or give into despair to accomplish his goal, how is it not inspiring? Whoever you are you should be able to relate to this.

thor is an archetype of a specific kind of man. these guys exist in real life and regular guys can reach this by following the examples of courage and conviction we see in stories and role models. its why heros are important, its why stories of deeds are passed down.

i didnt say you're an sjw, bug you can tell on yourself some more if you want. i called you a girl, someone who thinks this kind of strength isnt real, and a member of the weakness is strength brigade. ive seen language like yours for a decade at least and it always comes from people who try to denigrate something admirable they think is unattainable and therefore not real.

if you have a point, tell me why this page is silly

I hated Ragnarok

Well, comic Thor is a badass noble warrior type who is quite wise despite his sometimes hotheaded personality, while MCU Thor is a pretty boy with severe mental retardation.

Accessibility + Hemsworth can't act

Semi-related but what are Yea Forums's thoughts on Donald Blake, the mortal persona of Thor? Was he one of the bad ideas that was better off forgotten, or would the movies have benefited from this frail mortal form? Is the wooden handle of Stormbreaker a reference to the walking stick?

It wouldn't have worked. Hemsworth's Thor is too much of a brainlet to pass as a doctor in his mortal form.

Old-school Thor, through its use of formal and antiquated English, made Shakespeare much easier for me when I got to high school. I'll always miss that. But I suppose you can't reason ably expect kids to look up words they don't know nowadays.

God I miss Shakespearean Thor

It’s not just him, the MCU has fucked up a lot of their characters, I don’t know why everyone says that the MCU is so faithful to the comics.

>I don’t know why everyone says that the MCU is so faithful to the comics.


I think it was a good idea, but after Thor learned humility, and that strength isn't everything, his Blake identity became kind of pointless.

Thor is a special case where not only were they far off base, but didn't give us anything interesting to replace what was there. Like for example I know the GotG are WAY off base, but can somewhat enjoy what we got. With Thor you're just sitting there waiting for him to through Mjolnir because the base world we're working with is so mishandled

>I don’t know why everyone says that the MCU is so faithful to the comics.
Who said this besides people that never read the comics?

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It was kinda meh desu. It got some laughs out of me, but damn did I like Thor’s powering up

Blatantly showing off your insecurities is not strength either, user. All you're doing right now is showing that you have some sort of an artificial worldview comstructed inside your head where everyone who doesn't furiously jerk off to your favorite unrealistic power fantasy automatically stops being a man in your eyes for whatever reason.

Acknowledge that I only ever said this page is silly, never even mentioning genders, and then you made it about them anyway. This is the textbook definition of projection.

>if you have a point, tell me why this page is silly
>how is it not inspiring?
Real feats by real people are inspiring. Soldiers persevering despite all their suffering and fighting in a war that seems hopeless is inspiring. A magical god thingie that can just beat every magic monster thingie up with his plot device of a magic hammer is silly and childish. If real soldiers had magic hammers, they wouldn't have to fight extensive wars. Thor wouldn't be able to do anything without his magic plot device superpowers. That's why attempts to make him "epic and serious" are silly, because at its core the story is still a meaningless power fantasy.

That’s not what was happening here though, he was fighting against the most powerful Celestial, beings that dwarfs even his father, Odin. Mjolnir has been destroyed and his armor as well, all of this to protect the planet of a race he had just met. He knew he had no chance but he went up against them anyway. That’s a little heroic to me, even if it is fictional.

Not that user but I really didn't hate it, but I wanted a Thor movie, not GotG with Nordics.

It was kind of faithful until the end of phase 1, then it became its own thing.

you did say it was silly and you didnt have to mention genders. i already know how you feel.

i can tell by how you're miscasting this as a power fantasy and lying about the character and how he fights and his traits so you can mock it. "its silly bc its unrealistic!!!." dishonest, typical, and expected

the spirit that makes those soldiers perservere is what is being talked about in that page. if you werent trying so hard to downplay the page and downplay the value of these moments in stories you'd get that. the literal point is to show that thor is more than his hammer, that w or without his powers or an overwhelming advantage his soul, his perserverance, his courage, and his principles are what make him special, not a fallible hammer.

for people who want to take it as a lesson it can be that, for those who want to take it as entertainment its can be that also.

now tell me why its silly w/out lying about the character and the page. or did you just not know anything about thor in the first place and just came to down it in typical ghoul fashion

she doesnt care. she'll keep saying whatever to try to convince that thor is silly. its a power game. there'll never be a good reason why thor is silly bc she doesnt have one. she just feels that way