Ty Lee and Azula

Who is the best person to pair with Azula, and why is it Ty Lee?

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This could be really interesting from a narrative standpoint, but it would be super toxic and unhealthy for the both of them. Azula is far too damaged to handle any relationship, and Ty Lee deserves better. Asides from the drama and sexiness of it, I don't know why you would want this.

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All of my favorite Azula ships involve breaking up one of the main pairings


I guess we could always pair her with Toph. Maybe that one guy joking about Lin's dad wasn't really joking at all.

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fuck youuuuuuuu faggots

Be nice!

>who can calm down Azula so she isn’t a raging bitch
also, that isn’t the answer.

Now, you have to give your answer.

Well first we have to set some groundrules

>Azula X Ty Lee?

>"Hey hey~!"


>"I can eat your and my pussy out at the same time..."


*wiggles eyebrows with increasing speed*


Aang is the better person
Because I'd rather have the actual male shipped compared to the crossdressing Aang

You can't pair Azula with Zuko.

Aang for Healing
Sokka for Squealing
Ty Lee for Feeling

Well that goes without saying. I meant what are the limits for media? Crossovers or just Avatar? Just Yea Forums or do other boards get a chance too? Are there rules for how Azula and whoever else it is have to get together, or can we come up with our own scenario?

hanging fags to trees should be concidered a community service

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I don't follow.

Don’t say stuff like that.

Shippers are always putting Azula and Ty Lee together, like they completely forget that dynamic.

Does everyone completely forget that Ty Lee is the one who assaulted Azula so that she and Mai could get the fuck out of there? She hates and fears Azula, who treated her as a servant as a child, then marched back into her life and dragged her away from everything she cared about.

Azula then proceeds to lock her in the worst prison in the fire nation, and the first thing she does after getting out is join a (nominally) earth-kingdom militia on the other side of the fucking world.

I understand porn. Porn makes perfect sense because it doesn't have to make sense. But the people who blubber on about how perfect they are for eachother need to watch the show again. Ty Lee is objectively more likely to bang a Kyoshi Warrior or, through that acquaintance, literally any of the Gaang before she lands in Azula's lap.

>I read this in her voice
Fuck you.

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Azula and Ty Lee are put together because they are hot. If you don't like their "canon" dynamic on the show, there are a lot of fanfics that reinterpret it.

I don’t know who she is, can you explain?

What is the non-Shinji stuff from?

No, he can't explain because you're a fag and roping you should be a community service.

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I don’t know who THAT is either.
Also, my earlier post still stands.

Aya from the Green Lantern cartoon. She's an AI with a construct body.

Oh, so something I have no reason to care about.

Be nice

I'm just saying...
So has no point, basically.

They’re just a jerk, yes.

Okay, glad we're on the same page.


Same for you!


bumping you up

So, who's the weakest Yea Forums character that could oneshot Ozai?

Just let him get a gun

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Are you for real? Pulp Fiction.


Not familiar with it.

You didn't miss much.

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>not Azusa and Zuko
Into the trash it goes

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Remember those stories of those fags dragged behind cars in the American south? You should be in an article like that.

Literally what spawned this ship? I can’t think of. Single time she interacted with him.

Never underestimate the creativity of shippers.

Wait till you see crossover ships, you got Carl Brutananadilewski, Steven Universe, Doctor Doom.

Azula wasn't gay in the show.

>Steven Universe
I've seen that guy around here.
>Doctor Doom
That's just funny.
>Carl Brutananadilewski
It don't matter. None 'a this matters.

Bump into the other

Because Grey Griffin ships it herself.


Sokkafags thinking he’s a chad harem protagonist. Same people who think Ron from Kim Possible is some chad.

Grey Griffin?