Why the fuck are superhero men drawn as absolute peak performance muscle-bound gods among men (sometimes just Gods), while women are just drawn as someone with low body fat and literally zero muscle?
Why the fuck are superhero men drawn as absolute peak performance muscle-bound gods among men (sometimes just Gods)...
Because the artists isn't lactose intolerant.
user that's just spider-woman; she needs to contrast with her love interest.
Okay but Carol is still almost no muscle.
Why are there no mainstream heroines that look like this?
Please get out of here with your genderbait.
It's not a double-standard because women are drawn like sex objects to appease male gaze, while men are drawn as muscle freaks because it appeals to male power fantasy.
Yeah, true, I forgot about her modern appearance.
Although classic Sensational She-Hulk was slim as a twig.
>Okay but Carol is still almost no muscle
You are never read comics, right?
I am literally caught up with the latest Avengers run that has Carol.
>why are men and women drawn differently?
user most comic characters are drawn with ideal bodies depending on their gender and most of the time the women are just as tough as the men. And if you want big muscly women there's a lot of them as well. I mean look at She-Hulk right now. Might as well ask why everyone wears spandex or why aliens can speak English.
>>Okay but Carol is still almost no muscle.
because I don't want to fuck a goblin
>lesbians don't exist
>cumdumpsters don't love tall muscular men
fuck off back to tumblr
That's still only casual levels of "I go to the gym 3 times a week, but sometimes I only do cardio."
Nowhere near the hulking monstrosities the average male hero is.
user she is literally just tits and thighs
What is it like having shit taste?
I like having an excuse to text friends that refuse to hang out with me about what's happening that week in comics.
I guess you never read any PG comics if you think she has no muscles...Also, Amanda Conner's style is "simple", it doesn't go too deep in the details, but there's several shots and official arts where you can definitely see Karen's muscles ( biceps, abs...)
He didn't make either of those statements. What i believe he was saying is that the boys with power fantasies are and have always been the main audience, not straight women, gay women, or gay men. That IS the answer to OP's question, and it's not up for debate. And if you say otherwise you're either a complete moron or just being dishonest.
also, correct
publisher assume, perhaps erroneously, that most straight men don't want to fuck so they draw their women like Barbie
>I like having an excuse to text friends that refuse to hang out with me
Perhaps something to do with how unpleasant your company is might factor into how unpleasant your circumstances have come to be.
Because a natural guy will look muscular if he doesn’t get fat, but a natural girl will never be muscular.
Female musculature works differently than male musculature.
>reeeeee only straight white males read comics
>I am right and this isn't debatable reeeeeeee
fuck off back to tumblr and kill yourself