What did the author mean by this?

what did the author mean by this?

Attached: 785F8D41-48E6-4C2E-9891-4121F37BB843.jpg (1696x1697, 931K)

That in this instance providing unconditional love for her boyfriend meant that he'd stop being her boyfriend.
While he's feeling great she's feeling shitty and a little sorry for herself.

Attached: I want v to leave.jpg (548x500, 43K)

>it's because of your gender issues, right?

Attached: DtH8jvqWkAM3pDB.jpg (357x304, 27K)

The bitch is straight and is aware traps are gay.

Does anyone have that webcomic where the strawman character is saying something along the lines of being willing to try harder to use a transgender persons pronouns, and the main character grabs their face and tells them that it isn't about them?

It looks like Leth realized she made herself out to be a cunt and deleted it because it's been scrubbed off of twitter.

She realized she's not attracted to feminized and mentally ill men

Its an honest topic to talk about. Too bad tumblr tier nutzi transpeople and the bigoted end of LGBTQ have tried their damndest to shut up any conversation about the trials of cis/trans relationships and letting go.

She's attracted to men, not women.

Attached: where in the world is.png (1696x1697, 2.43M)

LGB are pretty bigoted against T in general, especially L.

this desu

Lesbians are some of the most hateful, bigoted people I have ever met, and unlike /pol/, they don't keep it to themselves in real life.

Sounds pretty based to me.
Fuck trannies.

Love is always conditional.

Nice, based

i think you mean she's not attracted to men who like to cross-dress and pretend they're women, user.

You mean B.
You can't have B and T.
It stands to reason.

The hard truth is that sometimes it's best to let certain trans people know that if they transition for real, they won't "pass". That basically it's not all sunshine and rainbows for them, and they might end up having a worse life than before.

What the fuck are you talking about? How does bisexuality preclude trannies?

I meant what I said. Sorry if you can't handle that, /pol/.

everything she did, she did for love of him. but when he stopped being him, then they were no longer the man she loved.

that's the thing, lesbians don't want to fuck trannies, no matter how hard trannies insist they're just like other women

People insist that neither exist and that both are just attention seeking gays.

actually, they all kinda hate each other.
B gets hate because they're seen as wanting the "best of both worlds" and "weak for refusing to pick a side."
G and L hate each other for...some reasons.
G and L hate T because they see T as blatantly and maliciously brainwashing GL youth into being T's. This is not without merit, as most of the signs that a person used to be gay or les have been coopted into signs for being trans (boy likes fashion and boys? he gotta be a girl. Girl likes sports and girls? she gotta be a boy). The fact that most of these kids are in a tough place trying to figure out what they are makes them super susceptible to buying in that they're trans, when in fact just being homo, or even more statistically probable just having a phase, ends up wrecking their lives and bodies when they were likely never trans in the first place.
And of course the T hate everyone because anything other than being Trans is a transphobic attack on trans people.
>lesbians are some of the most hateful, bigoted people
you mispelled trans. I'm not saying lesbians can't be hateful, but they pale in comparison to transpeople and their ability to be hateful and destructive. I have seen trans people destroy everything from religions to social institutions to people's lives for daring, DARING to question trans. The absolute hell they have unleashed against "TERFS" is insane.

> I have seen trans people destroy everything from religions
The fuck you going on about?

>The absolute hell they have unleashed against "TERFS" is insane.
Nah that shit's self-inflicted, mate. And that goes double for SWERFs (anti-sex worker)

That guy's definitely AGP.
>has a girlfriend, attracted to women
>blushes when his legs are shaved
>feels up his fake tiddies when they get inserted
>basically ends up looking like a "girlier" version of his girlfriend, with wavy hair and a similar string top, but with a skirt instead of pants
The best outcome for him is if he realises he's not actually trans, but his girlfriend lets him dress like a girl for sex every now and then.

>falling for the feminine penis meme

Attached: tranny_freak_montreal.png (759x602, 558K)

It fucking crazy. It makes perfect sense for a kid to try and put on a dress/pants to see what it’s like to be the other gender, because kids are curious and hard gender roles usually don’t get explained as super sinful if you deviate for a while. That’s just kids exploring the world and the difference between boy and girl. They usually go “huh, ok” and get on with their life when they nail down how they are supposed to act and why some things are split along gender.

The only time it really becomes an issue is when they child is genuinely intersex and the parents ignore their condition in favor of assigning a traditional role, or the kid is so bonkers you have to come up with novel solutions to keep them stable enough to reach adulthood.

Imagine that wasn’t a special snowflake advertising themselves as trans and was just a butch looking girl.

pants havent been a gender thing since, i dont know, the 40s?