What if Felicia came across this hat that compelled her to wear it and make her silly...

What if Felicia came across this hat that compelled her to wear it and make her silly, whimsical and strange while basically making her a low level reality warper?

Attached: Black Cat in the Hat.jpg (1004x796, 93K)


She would probably use it to make her tits bigger.
You know, because it would be whimsical and funny haha.

she be a magical creature that would rape spidey when ever she wanted.

>Starts fucking with Spiderman by making a mess of NYC in a matter of minutes and then out of her suit and hat come out contraptions to fix everything.

>Spiderman doesn't want to make spidercat babies with her.
What is he, a gay?

>possibly inheriting luck powers
It’s like a goat and a sheep having sex, even if they can reproduce you don’t know if the offspring will be alright.

What happens if Felicia fights Domino?

something something /ss/

>luck powers combined with spider sense

jesus fuck that sounds OP.

She would probably instant make it so Spidey fucks her.

God I wish I was spidey in that case

>Spiderman realizes in horror as the events of kids being found sleeping in alleyways nude and cum all over the place increase and the kids get younger and younger.

God she looks so fucking adorable here.

>Black Cat Luck negates Parker Luck
A Parker that actually gets to be happy?

Truly a match made in heaven.
And it's not going to happen because good things aren't allowed.

Looney Tunes. Then they go for a girls' night.

>it manifests as the ability to predict and prevent unlucky happenstance and bad possible futures
>Peter and Felicia hire Murdock to babysit
>this one kid just follows him around the house announcing every loose floorboard and breakable object
>”kid- I appreciate the warning, I really do- but do you have to say it? Or could you turn that off while I’m cooking?”
>”but you’re operating an open flame that doesn’t register on your radar. The handle on that pot could potentially give way- you should be wearing shoes.”
>”and I like the concern, that’s sweet. But you’re gonna have to deal with other kids, and some of them might find that ability a bit upsetting- some adults even.”
>”ok sir, I’ll try.”
>eventually Matt steps on a lego and preproception kid starts crying

>Felicia can't enjoy junk food anymore cause her kid keeps telling her she'll get fat.

Never read a comic with this slut, is she wearing a wig or what?

Would she chop her tail off and try to swear?

Attached: tenor.gif (480x360, 3.88M)

It’s called platinum blonde, it’s rare but possible. She probably dyes it.

Attached: 94F41B91-74C6-471B-A602-9CE20DAA1AFB.jpg (400x600, 63K)

Id prefer if her hair was actually straight up white.


Is that not white?

close but still blonde.