New episode out today
And look at that smile
Doom Patrol Thread
>tfw you never noticed the smiths lyrics in the last pages bottom panel
Wait what issue is this?
>Mr. Nobody creeping around on Danny
thats an edit the issue is 63
Fan art but it's based on the last issue. Dumbass.
You could even see the Painting in the centre.
>last issue
of morrisons run you DUMBASS
Yo, I read Morrison last Issue too.
It was a Fan-Art, right? And its also from a completely different angle how should I know?
Plus it looks a lot like Derrington's style, I expected it to be from Way's run.
Don't need to be a dick about it.
I know nothing of the Beard Hunter until last week's thread so I can't say if the episode did him justice
That said, this episode really made me like this dude
im a britbong please tell me he sneaks off to the bathroom with some oil a musclemag and a fake beard?
Not exactly, for better and worse
>Cyborg responsible for his mom's death
>Grid taking over
Ah shiiiittt
He’s weird and I love it
Al Roker seemed to be only one who watched the show and it looked like he was one of us bros
You are an imposter and should be ashamed of yourself
Al Roker has always been based and /our today/
What the fuck was that ending though
Did Beard Hunter track down Niles only to get caught by Mr. Nobody?
when will a torrent be up?
Meganon we need you!
Niles got a cave waifu
Next week's episode is Frances Patrol.
>S1:E11 — While Larry pays a visit to his long-lost love, Cliff and Rita travel to Gator Country to reconnect with his daughter. Vic worries about his operating system.
Also we're now 2/3 through the season. I need official confirmation of Season 2, dammit.
It seemed more to me that this is wherever Niles hid his primitive cave gf, and the doll seems like it's meant to keep her company whenever Niles isn't there. Maybe checking in on her is part of what he does when he goes on his trips.
There may not be a streaming service in a few months let alone a season 2 announcement
I'm here early because of the holidays so give me a torrent or mega already
They might add the shows to the Warner Bros streaming service if they get rid of DC universe
that'd be a relief, especially if that's international.
The guy in the beginning is using an 1886 lebel right? Here is Brendan using an 1886 lebel
but usually it's up within a few hours of it being up
what's different about today
Good Friday
>pirates are christians
kinda ironic
It's not about today
People just stopped caring about the show to upload it. The same thing happened with Fuck Batman
It's not usually up until the afternoon, what are you even talking about
Fuck off already
We rarely have it until like 2 PM, what the fuck are people talking about
Company wars son, it's always company wars
What time is it for you now?
Almost noon
that was fun
Gonna be honest, this ep was the first that I found kinda disappointing
The past three have desu, this is suffering from Marvel Netflix syndrome.
There daughters are basically dating in the comics it's fine.
Nah, Danny Patrol was great and Jane Patrol was pretty good. This ep was just a bunch of flashbacks which I get had to happen but at the same time I don't really like the chief
How can you not like Timothy Dalton?
The actor is fine and WAY better then the guy on Titans, I just mostly care about the core Doom Patrol guys and aside from the tiny bit with Cyborg and Grid nothing really happened with them.
Damn jane why you gotta be such a bitch? Also I've never seen a robot looked this dejected.
This, was really hyped for a beard hunter episode, but it turned out to be a stealth Niles episode.
>11 am in my country
>nothing on Doom Patrol
>nothing on JoJo
This is the only reason I have to wake up on a Friday and it's already ruined
waiting for the mega is the worst time of the week
receiving the mega is the best time of the week
>all these late viewers coming in thinking they know when it's uploaded
I hope this show is ending with season one just to spite you people
hella autistic post
Please Jane give Cliff a break
Beard Hunter was a treat though
It's UP
Posting it here now
Well torrent's already up
Thanks, user.
No new episode included
It's in the process of uploading be patient.
i will gladly support DC if they actually made DC Nation available in my country
It's not even available in Canada for gods' sakes. If they wanted their service to succeed they should have literally anywhere outside of the states.
Thank you! You were my source for the last episode too. :)
I wish bongland had access to it instead of waiting for three months after everyone else has seen it.
God bless you, meganon
How much is Vic praying for Darkseid to invade when the beard Hunter is eyeing him?
>It's not even available in Canada for gods' sakes
one episode a week, started in April
And because it's on Space, it will probably be stuck on Crave, not Netflix (since Bell owns both)
I liked it a lot more than the gay town or the Underground
Last two episodes were meh, but the Jane one was the worst by far. This one was great
thats what it looked to me, defiantly had a tube mag and a straight bolt
I gagged my beard hunter ate the hair
Binged all but the last episode last night, really great show. So glad they leaned into the inherent weird and goofiness of the Doom Patrol.
The niles subplot felt like a great old pulp story from like the 20s, super comfy
I'm so glad Doom Patrol is here to make my Fridays worthwhile.
Press F to FLEX.
there's a LOT of hair involved in this episode.
>I don't really like the chief
Niles is the only one I do like.
I liked it.
Are they unfucking the Chief?
she brought him back to the stone hard age
>Mr Nobody tries to guilt trip Niles for killing the Bureau of Normalcy guy
He literally did nothing wrong in that scenario.
I can imagine feeling a little bit more conflicted if he like snatched the gun and shot him point-blank or killed him on sight, but he had to do what he had to do.
>Guys Niles is super evil and shit because he protected a loved one
My guess is Niles felt guilt over the situation and Nobody just stumbled down that path only to discover a new vulnerability by accident
i dont see that as the show telling us to think that, I see it as mr nobody doesn't understand what people will do for love
That better not have been why everyone on the show keeps shit talking him
>Next Episode
>Jane says nobody saved her
>Might mean Nobody saved her
Honestly the more worrying thing that Niles said that he didn't care about what happened to the Doom Patrol so long as his secret waifu is safe.
Woah, didn't expect my lad Niles to get it on! Good for him
So was cave girl Dorothy, or did Niles and cave girl have a baby thatll be Dorothy
>So was cave girl Dorothy
>Dorothy is now Niles's daughter.
>beard hunter
This fucking show
>While Larry pays a visit to his long-lost love, Cliff and Rita travel to Gator Country to reconnect with his daughter. Vic worries about his operating system
This is going to hurt
>Cliff kills his daughter
>More depression patrol
Beard Hunter was great, and I hope he's not dead.
Niles subplot was amazing.
Rita and Cyborg were by far the weakest part of the episode, most of their dialogue felt so wooden and expository.
My one concern about the show is that they seem to be making Mr. Nobody way more evil than he ever was in the comics. With the exception of a few cops and nazis in the comics he was never particularly violent or emotionally manipulative.
Pretty damn good
>three(3) filler episodes in a row
>without Flex Mentallo
Mr.Nobody is torturing us
the stairways are the metaphor of journey to Canada. Ofcourse they didn't have enough budget.
>niles get s caveman gf
>little chimp woman
>hairy little secret
anyone have gif or webm of raptor head robbery?
>that Flex tease
I don't know how much longer I can wait
Beard Hunter was great. I really want him to show up again somehow.
He was really the best casting job I've ever seen.
>take someone who was once at the top of his life
>fucking JUST him
>basically already knows what it is like to be Cliff
>Brendan's plan all along was to method act for us these past 16 years
We don't deserve such a dedicated actor.
so what's the deal with this dude?
I haven't smiled that hard watching a tv show in so long. I fucking love this shit
I am REALLY shocked how much I have been enjoying the show. Especially as I dropped Titans after 1 episode.
So what, exactly, did chief do that's so bad? Like I feel they are setting him up to be liked...while telling me i shouldn't.
Yeah I stuck with Titans the whole way and was pretty worried Doom Patrol would be the same almost farcical gritty tone, but it's been fucking great. Everything I would've hoped for with something trying to stick to a Grant Morrison adaption
I think it's going to be an anomaly. They'll try to replicate it and it just won't work after Doom Patrol.
I gotta admit, this scene made this show stick out to me.
He hasn't done anything outright terrible yet. So far we've got: hiding that Cliff's daughter is alive, keeping the original Doom Patrol in an illusion world, potentially siphoning Mento's funds while he's incapacitated, preparing to put Jane in the same illusion world, and putting Dorothy's safety above the new Doom Patrol. Pretty much all of which is at worst scummy, but most have some sort of justifiable reason behind them. I can't imagine we'll see what's actually so dark/sinister about Chief until whatever episode where they go into the reason Nobody absolutely despises him.
It's sad knowing that some of them will die and none will be Jane
Wait, so that really was supposed to be Dorothy?
>Mr. Nobody: Not all of them will make it to the finish line.
Uh-oh, mama Rita gonna die!
what do you think that cavelady smelled like?
salty milk and coins
like maple syrup and dead animals
No official confirmation yet (we'll probably see something via twitter, discussion on DC Daily, or the actress' social media accounts in the next couple days), but Dorothy is the closest character from the comics that cave girl matches.
>I can't imagine we'll see what's actually so dark/sinister about Chief until whatever episode where they go into the reason Nobody absolutely despises him.
This again? Did you even watch the third episode?
>he saved the hairy ape
What if he just killed her off for the eternal life and thats what he is hiding from everyone while working for a backup plan in case it stops working
He cannot tell because it has something to to with that Wendigo like creature...was that ever in the comic?
Did you like my episode, Yea Forums?
I immediately theorized that she was Dorothy once I saw the creature appear during the funeral, but she credited as some other name in the credits, so I don't know.
"French Patrol" WHEN?
Yeah, and when they show him interrupting Nobody's procedure, Niles also rips off whatever Nobody had brought in exchange to have the procedure done. Sure, it could be Nobody holding a grudge over the procedure getting botched, but the show is alluding to a lot more history to Niles and Nobody's relationship, both before and after the procedure; I think it's more likely that there's more foundations to the hatred that are going to be revealed than it being tossed out there early in the season, and then that's it.
Credits only listed the actress' name, Pisay Pao.
Is it me or does the Creature on the “We Defied the Witch Doctor” look a bit like the deer bear monster with the cavewoman
Mr. Nobody had a different origin, rather than become the post modern man, his transformation was interrupted by Niles, so he has a personal stake in fucking with the doom patrol
I genuinely don't want this service to shut down. Maybe it's because I'm an oldfag and I finally have a disposable income, but I just want this to keep going. My Friday nights are so comfy now.... Doom Patrol at 8 on DC and Joe Bob at 9 on Shudder. What more could an old man ask for?
I am genuinely excited for a fucking tv show. I legitimately can't remember the last time this happened.
Got me a stiffy
Cliff inner struggle merged to the (third) Jane episode
Brendan actually being Brendan in the Jane Patrol episode makes me glad that he hasn't lost any bit of acting chops. He was fantastic in that episode. Also everone but Jane was fantastic in that episode and I don't even like Anna Lore that much
Slow build up. So far we saw he doesn't visit the old and messed up comrades after leaving them in a retirement home and then killing a guy to protect his wife. We'll probably see more and more less grey shit he has done.
The way I'm calling it is Niles and cave lady are going to be Dorothy's parents, what this guy is is just a maturation of Dorothy's power.
Nobody and the Bureau are both looking for Dorothy, Nobody because she can make things weird, and the bureau for the same reason as in the comics.
Okay guess, let's bet who will die and who will survive
Rita is fucking dead
Cliff, Jane = Alive
Rita = Dead
Cyborg = Memory wiped
Larry = Rebis'd
rita dies because I can't have my 50 ft waifu
What does Rita scream at the end of the promo?
Wendigo feels like one of Dorothy's imaginary friends, in how it just sort of shows up.
"You've always been a man comfortable with compromise, Niles. After all, you fell in love with a Canadian"
Most Mr. Nobody line yet.
>I genuinely don't want this service to shut down. Maybe it's because I'm an oldfag and I finally have a disposable income, but I just want this to keep going.
Service? Why are you paying money for freely available internet content. It's not even like this show is some obscure thing without a lot of options to find for watching, it's a super-popular show and anyone with the slightest bit of effort and a search engine can get to it early on the same day it airs each week.
I'm probably even older than you are. Being old now means being really familiar with the internet and not falling for the "paid proprietary versions of shit you already have" meme. Unless by old you mean literal boomer in your 60s. I have plenty of money I could be wasting on paid services for freely available media too, but it's the principle of the thing that you shouldn't. Every dollar you give to some "business" like that is you further enabling their fraudulent idea that information is a commodity they own and are uniquely privileged to "sell" it to you.
Cliff, Rita, and Larry survive and Doom Manor is moved to Danny Street
because if everyone thought like you, there would be no show at all?
Ah shit. My money is on her playing a role in this episode's ending. What with her power set and all.
Not the guy your responding too, but I’m on the app because I want to support the shows I like. Didn’t realize they were planning to release the shows on iTunes/digital and physical copy
>because if everyone thought like you, there would be no show at all?
No, that's bullshit. What would happen is show production would adapt to the new reality and find a different way of monetizing that didn't depend on people paying money for nothing.
Probably Dorthy's mom. They probably ended up having a love child and that's why he's so hell bent on protecting the secret.
I'd fuckin sell a kidney if I could get doom patrol episodes of this quality for the rest of my life
you dont have to the kino is confirmed and its staying
What if the girl Mr. Nobody is referring to is Dorothy? She could be Niles's daughter and she would have the ape face from her mother and her mother's ability to summon stuff.
Plz sauce
I want to believe
Dorothy Spinner and Flex Mentallo have been confirmed to appear this season I believe.
almost threw up when i saw this. I'm weak.
im still gagging thinking about it
DELET this disgusting webm. it was so gross...
no he was meant to be weird so they made beard hunter weird
its doom patrol!
That isn't at all what was implied
So about episode 13 they'll probably find that place where Niles hid (his daughter) Dorothy. Silas is working with the Bureal of Normalcy and he's using Victor to find the girl that Niles is hiding, once he does he'll try to capture her and Niles, that's probably where Mentallo comes in and helps them, but i still want to know how they'll all end up dying, maybe Victor finds out that Silas was the one who actually killed his mother and he goes berserk and murders everyone. Also, because Mr. Nobody is the narrator, we getting to see the Niles flashback is because he was just now finding out about it, so he couldn't just tell what happened, we were experiencing it with him for the first time.
I am so happy about him.
Grid. Grid is the answer. Cyborg goes fucking mentol on them because Grid
Her death would hurt me the most, she's also kind of the den mother of the group even if the other characters treat her like shit. But once she's gone they'll feel it.
Beard Hunter was legit the most disgusting thing I've seen in a TV show in a very long time
Yeah, I was kinda hoping we weren't going to do the Grid storyline but oh well
Larry and Cliff are safe especially since it doesn't require much of Matt Bomer and Brendan Fraser's presence in the show so they can keep going.
Cyborg will make a sacrifice to get rid of Grid, he might lose his humanity completely but he won't die. Silas won't make it.
Jane won't die but one of her personalities will and it will seriously affect her.
Niles might not make it, then again I want him to go on to season 2 facing the consequences of every bad decision he made.
Rita will bite it, she's becoming the emotional support of the group and she also spent her life avoiding conflict and wants to redeem herself from something awful she did in the past. Maybe we'll see her grow or do something crazy with her powers to save the team and sacrifice herself. Everyone will be devastated, probably Vic and Larry moreso since they're the ones who are closest to her. Rita is also the one that stayed dead in the comics after the DP sacrificed themselves and she's the one missing in Morrison's run so i can see it.
So how is the show going to do Red Jack and who will take Rhea's place.
His butterfly collection is probably in the trophy basement at Fake Doom Manor.
They could use their version of Rhea.
>Doom Patrol
How can anyone watch this show? It's pure sjw-garbage shit.
gender queer street that kidnaps government agents and turns them into degenerate tranny faggots. wtf?! jane is annoying feminazi. robot is a beta cuck. mummy pilot is raging homo faggot.
bureau of normalcy did nothing wrong
Show Mr. Nobody is basically Red Jack
Grid, men from nowhere, the uncreator, bureau of normalcy, mr. nobody,
lots of cool adaptions we might never see again.
people questioning niles, niles is a pervert, loves the fucked up and weird, and doesn't really want them to change. If they had control of themselves they would be boring to him.
Only one I see surviving is cyborg
so niles is ~140
rita is ~100
larry is ~100
jane is ~60
cliff is ~60
jane is older then cliff
rita is older then larry
cyborg is a baby
This desu.
Dalton is always a delight.
You're from /lgbt/, aren't you.
>Rita and Cyborg were by far the weakest part of the episode
They usually are. Cyborg is a fucking bore.
Is Brendan unJUSTed?
You're a fucking faggot, aren't you.
Imagine having taste this shit
I want Danny to take me away and make me a drag queen
Based and powerful.
Al roker seems like a cool dude.
I skipped Jane Patrol because it's fucking Jane, did I miss anything important?
You missed a great Cliff episode
Not really.
You missed cutie Penny
Jane's been pretty good lately.
I love this fucking show.
Each to his own, I guess. I gotta give the actor props for really portraying him as the stick in the mud he is supposed to be.
Pretty sure I'm right.
Unless her being good was entirely within that episode I'm going to disagree.
Cyborg is great though
I just want Rita to be my mommy it's not fucking fair
>when he eats the drain scum
You aren't
Sure thing buddy.
Tell me what was wrong with Danny Patrol or Jane Patrol that were objectively bad and completely unenjoyable without bringing up politics
Why would I do that? I didn't think either was bad.
Can't tell if just pretending or not the original guy and you just don't know how to follow a post trail.
Either way I can see this is a waste of my time.
Bureau agent, pls
I'm I never implied either was bad. But calling the Danny one great is a bit of a stretch, unless you're very ideologically aligned with the narrative. I just thought the end was corny and kinda rushed. I didn't really think the musical number with what's-his-name was great either.
>user, get on the floor right now!
nah man, Danny Patrol hit the hardest of any episode. You have all this fun from Larry and then it just cuts to
>I don't sing
at least at the end he was singing before Danny teleported him away
Was that Ragdoll at the end? Or am I an idiot?
Anyone got the bureau of normalcy’s symbol? Maybe I’m crazy but I swore I saw a symbol in an episode.
Danny episode was the most shit one thus far
The tweest kinda lost its impact since I wasn't a fan of the number anyways. It was still sad tho. I like Larry as well.
Shut up and gamble my stamps!
>Anyone got the bureau of normalcy’s symbol? Maybe I’m crazy but I swore I saw a symbol in an episode.
What are you talking about? The symbol was given closeup shots and made clear in multiple episodes. It's not some subtle easter egg.
I meant a screen cap and ty
Now that we know that the show is actually good and can be adapted. Is there any other comics you’d like seen turned into shows?
Would give my left nut for this.
I don't think they could do it well, but I think L.E.G.I.O.N. could be a fun show.
>rita is ~100
>larry is ~100
>jane is ~60
>cliff is ~60
Your math is off.
I think Legion already proved that any comic book CAN be adapted. Before these two shows many people said some things can not be adapted.
I honestly really want to see if Sex Criminals will actually make it to a show, it's been hit by delays. But looking at my shelf I would have to say one adaption that I would love more than almost anything is a Manhattan Projects adaption, that would be fucking nuts
I'll confess that I haven't seen Legion, but I'm mostly hesitant because TV shows often fail to make aliens look good and L.E.G.I.O.N. only has one or two humans in the main cast at any given time, so the costume/CGI budget would be stretched thin.
>Now Doom Patrol
We're living in a golden age of comic books adaptations and tv shows as a whole.
There isn't a single alium in tv Legion tho.
Pretty sure there are zero aliens in legion
You guys are talking about different things
kek, sorry I jumped to a different Legion thing and thought people would be smart enough to catch on...guess not
You should watch it, it's fucking amazing
I'm just so starved for good Alien content
Ha, no worries, there are a lot of legions in comics.
It looks really neat so I'm definitely going to have to check it out at some point.
The show is pretty good but I definitely have sympathies for Bureau of Normalcy.
>but I definitely have sympathies for Bureau of Normalcy.
How? Are you retarded or something?
Their entire goal is just to murder anything weird they find, how can you possibly sympathize with that in a non-ironic way
look at it from their pov bruh
yeah, killing everything you don't understand is the perfect way to the future. Fuck this board
>huh this harmless but weird ass living street that isn't doing anyone any harm exist
>better murder it
>Huh, their is some totally weird cave chick out there
>better go murder it!
Yeah, I don't see it.
The only one that is even sorta defend-able is Larry and even then they went about it in the most needlessly dickish way possible
>killing everything you don't understand
you seen Dunwich Horror perhaps?
the fuck was that thing in the end
Dorothy's imaginary friends, since there's no way they'll adapt Damn All and Darling Come Home
Niles Caulder sex doll
decoy installed to trap beard hunter and the others
>Why are you paying money for freely available internet content.
Because I want Brendon to get a season 2 and to continually be paid
the fucking are you talking about "it's just information" people have to make the show. If they aren't making money off of selling it, they won't make it.
Except then it's just streaming shit for free with ads. And then it just becomes more network TV shit, where what gets made has to be broad and basic enough to draw in big audiences to make it worth it for advertisers to pay for commercial time. Things like Doom Patrol and Swamp Thing being produced as they are now wouldn't be possible under that structure because instead of mainly targeting DC/comic book fans who will pay and support and spread the news around of good shows to possibly draw in normies, the main target just becomes normies, and it turns the shows into something more like you see on the CW.
seeing as the main characters seem unfazed by chief's aging, do they know what's up with that or is it "lol nile's secrets"
They don't age either so I think to them it's a moot point.
Though cyborg may bring it up at one point since he didn't start hanging around until recently
Niles has done literally nothing wrong so far.
Well this show clearly isn't for you. Go back to watching Last Man Standing.
Timothy Dalton is 73 years old. He portrayed Niles in that episode during the year 1913, and it was stated during that episode how he did NOT yet have immortality when he wrote in his journal how it never even occurred to him before to think about it as a possibility.
1913 - 73 = 1840
2019 - 1840 = 179.
The TV show version of Niles is around 179 years old.
Which I find a little disappointing by the way. I know it wasn't in the actual comics, but after they started having him appear un-aged compared to events as far back as the 1930s I was kind of hoping it would keep on going that way until we found out he was originally a caveman from the dawn of human history Vandal Savage style or something.
They're no different than Christian fundamentalists deeming anything they fear or don't understand as Satanic.
I don't know if they're just playing at him having some horrible shit in his closet or if he actually will. Everyone that said he has done awful shit has been a bad guy, right?
If there is some twist to it, I'd imagine that they'll make it to where him having a daughter with cave lady allows him to be immortal too. Though if they were to die, he would lose that immortality. Making his goal of keeping them from harm to be a selfish thing and not at all about their own well being.
You missed brendan unjusting himself
>Everyone that said he has done awful shit has been a bad guy, right?
No. Kipling and Joshua are both good guys.
>Niles has done literally nothing wrong so far.
He got access to Cliff's brain and used it to build a robotman. That's not something most people would consider morally sound. He also straight up told him he murdered his own daughter in a car accident when in fact she was still alive.
They clearly are aware they live in a superhero universe where strange things happen often enough that a whole small town being sucked into a wormhole is only a local news story and where something like Animal Vegetable Mineral Man robbing a store only makes it on to the "Strange Crimes of the Day" segment of the local news. The Justice League exists, which means most people at least kind of know about stuff like aliens, Atlantis, and other fantastical things. We know from the last episode with the Beard Hunter that people with "minor" super powers exist and aren't really anything special. Living a long time probably doesn't seem like that big a deal considering the circumstances, especially for Rita or Cliff where they have very obvious reasons for not aging.
Ah, forgot that Kipling implied it. I can see where Joshua would think so, what with how Niles treated the original Doom Patrol. Though he still insisted that Jane keep looking, so he must not think he's too awful.
>so he must not think he's too awful
I think the general consensus everyone who knows him has had is that he's a practical bastard. He will do fucked up things but they'll be for reasonable ends. It's the difference between him and someone like Superman who would typically not only pursue the right ends but would also do so using morally sound means. Both Niles and Kipling are the kinds of people who would casually murder a child to save a much larger number of children, while traditional superheroes would not.
Also you don't get the reveal Niles is the one who caused everyone else's accidents which turned them into the freaks they are now until the end of the Morrison run, so if they do go with that they probably won't reveal it until the end of a season.
Don't forget that they casually refer to the "Brotherhood of Evil" as a team of super villains back in the 30s and they are not really surprised at all that the Chief was fighting evil Nazis back in the day. I would not be surprised if we get an off handed mention of the Justice Society at some point when they talk about the Chief and the Brotherhood back in the 30s and 40s.
>We know from the last episode with the Beard Hunter that people with "minor" super powers exist and aren't really anything special.
I wouldn't call TV show Beard Hunter's powers minor. He's able to completely dominate a relatively powerful superhero once he got access to his mind. And he was chosen as the best way for a shadowy government agency that knows almost everything about everyone to hunt down Niles from an unknown dimension beyond ordinary space and time.
Yeah but think about that in a context where people like Superman and the Flash exist, and where someone like the Beard Hunter is literally a loser living in his moms basement until some most likely underfunded and forgotten federal agency needs someone with his very, very specific skill to solve a very, very specific problem for them. Obviously no super power is really "minor" and we can think of a million uses for even the most obscure of abilities, but when compared to real superheroes it is really nothing at all.
>Timothy Dalton is 73 years old
Shit I unironically thought he was in his early 60s
There really is no difference between an average 60 something year old who doesn't do much and a healthy 70 something year old who takes care of themselves. Once you get into your 50s, how you look really just depends on how well you take care of yourself and actively monitor and maintain your own health, though obviously genetic factors play a small part as well.
Do the Bureau know about Mr Nobody, or know that he has Niles? As far as I can tell they were just looking for Danny and then when they realized that Danny was involved with Niles and being aided by associates of Niles they shifted their focus to him. They clearly know who Niles is and where he lives and have a history with him, and if they had been actively pursuing him before they could have shown up at the mansion years ago. From what I understand, the encounter with Danny and Danny's association with Niles is what has started the current search for him, and I don't think the Bureau really knows about his current situation and whereabouts.
I thought the big twist was that Niles really only cares about the woman because it's his key to eternal life but I really have no clue anymore
I mean the comparison seems pretty on the nose as a reference to most religious organizations. It's no coincidence that the Danny episode featured a lot of gay and transgender people as society's outcasts
Planetary seems perfectly reasonable to adapt. It never even gets THAT weird
It's very rare for someone in Hollywood to be playing a character exactly their age. People have 'playable ages' If you're 25, you can have a playable age anywhere from 16 to 30.
This episode was a step down, should’ve focused more of Victor and Rita
>Do the Bureau know about Mr Nobody, or know that he has Niles?
They probably know Niles isn't in normal space and time since Beard Hunter knows he has to go beyond normal space and time to find Niles and also since a standard scan of the entire known universe like what Cyborg ran with Grid shows Niles isn't there. And they didn't even use someone with special powers to track Danny the Street, so there had to be an escalated need with Niles related to not being able to find him through their normal approaches.
Not sure what your point is. If you want to pretend he's younger than 73 in 1913 you're welcome to. It just means you subtract whatever number of years younger you feel like imagining his portrayal was compared to his real age.
>focusing on the worst characters can somehow make the episode better
uh, ok
But did Beard Hunter know where Niles was before, based on his briefing, or after he ate his hair and gained his awareness?
>Beard hunter's powers are actually incredible powerful
>Wastes him life in his mom's basement
What the fuck? He could literally instantly learn everything the world's smartest men know.
We know he didn't know where Niles was from the hair since the hair led him to the wrong place.
I’d rather see more of Beard Hunter fucking with those two than Harry and the Hendersons
honestly i hope its Jane
>not wanting more Cro-Magnawaifu
are you a fag or something?
Intelligence isn't motivation. Child prodigies ending up not applying their mental abilities to anything practical and wasting their adult life working menial labor jobs for minimum wage is basically a trope.
Rita won't be the one who dies, April Bowlby has said in interviews that she is excited for the second season and hopes to show off more of Rita's powers.
I am sure that Beard Hunter, like quite a few of the side characters set up so far like AVM-Man, Ezekiel the Roach, Admiral Whiskers, the cave woman, and Danny the Street will show up again in these last couple episodes of the season to tie everything together. We still need what is clearly going to be a big Flex Mentallo episode from all the teasing they have been doing and we will almost certainly get some version of the Brotherhood of Evil or Brotherhood of Dada.
Fuck off Darren
I'm just going to take this opportunity to make a point here and say that capitalism does not actually reward intelligence or ability, it instead rewards the ability to follow rules and sociopathic behavior generally.
Same Horror whose last words were "HELP ME FATHER!"
>Yog-Sothoth: "Look at how they massacred my boi."
Were you reading the same book as me.
Old as the Cult of Dionysus
So he was around when Wine was, which makes him old. Old as balls.
I'm calling that Larry will die and Negative Man will come back some time later as Rebis. Cyborg will "die" so that he can either be brought back later or move to Titans.
She might just be going along with it, if she dies she won't spoil it. That said I don't think anyone will die.
Making Larry be anything other than gay will piss off people.
>on the worst characters
Your taste is still garbage
Rita + Larry = Rebis
not every oddity is an attempt at a gate to the goddamn elder gods.
they're both caucasian tho
I think that Nobody's going to have had the procedure done to deal with Niles.