Otto is now dating an old black woman over a cute midget

>Otto is now dating an old black woman over a cute midget

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the man's tastes are wide and varied

Doesn't the cute midget despise him? Good for him for finding love again.

The old black woman actually kinda hot though.

>Otto goes full Lex Luthor

She's warmed up a bit to him again and is basically 'assisting' him now and keeping him in check

GODDAMN IT! I fucking loved Ana Maria but I haven't read anything from that since superior.
What happened between those two?

I wouldn't deny that I popped a boner watching Lex do that to Waller.

She's still around

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Why does she say the same thing like five times?

Why is Doc Ock a Mary Sue nerd power fantasy now?

Should have kept him looking like a fat Guy Gardner.

Spock happened years ago.

Gotta shake things up every once in a while. He'll be the old design again in a decade.

>old black chick

what the fuck is next pre op tranny?

Well she's an intelligent woman that he respects and doesn't hate him. He'd get with Anna if she wasn't pissed at him. You know, because of the whole "used another man to win her over and have sex with her with that other man's body."

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Because Ock knows what's good

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I'm with this guy. Is he still in Peter's body? Is Peter back in his body but because of the reaction to SpOck, he's now like a main alt universe Spidey?

This, the guy almost married Aunt May. And not the smoking hot MCU Aunt May, 616 looks like everyone's grandma Aunt May.

Peter fucked up too much to still be the power fantasy

>coq au vin
>cock with wine

Don’t forget Otto dated an insecure fat chick and gave her the body she wanted with science

Cock as in a male chicken. Get your mind out of the gutter.

>and gave her the body she wanted with science

That's the supervillain equivalent of buying your girlfriend a gym membership and hoping she takes the hint.

Remember when he tried to kill 10% of the human?

I like how it's allegedly more realistic to completely fuck up the various romantic subplots of Spider-Man than for him to be married to a supermodel.

Good for him. Ock needs some peace

>Ock needs some peace

Wasn't being dead peaceful enough?

Long story short, a copy of Otto's mind is occupying a body created with both his and Peter's DNA. Peter gave him a chance to change his ways after he saved May from Norman. He's now working at Horizon in San Francisco under the name Elliot Tolliver and has gone back to being the Superior Spider-Man. Anna quickly figured out who he was, but is reluctantly giving him a chance to prove that he's sincere about changing his ways, and is also helping him become less of a snobbish asshole.

May as well post the rest of the preview.

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>Elliot Tolliver
>elliOT TOlliver

You'd think after everything he's been through he'd learn a thing or two about subtlety.

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He's too arrogant for that.

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>He's too arrogant for that.

Of course, I forgot, this is Doc Ock we're talking about, he can lose a thousand times and not learn a thing. I'd blame it on the brain damage but that stopped being an excuse about four or five bodies ago.

what is his face in the last panel?!

God modern comic art and page layouts suck

Silently praying she takes it well.


She looks like she fucks whitebois
>tfw spic

they also made her uglier. Kinda sad.

I swear to god this is just a set up for Otto to have a threesome with the thicc midget and the GMILF.

>otto taps into the sivanaforce

A man of fine taste, If I say so myself.

She is pretty cute.

Finally some propaganda i actually like.

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Is that a skintight, long-sleeved black sweater? I'm only used to seeing this sort of thing with a sweater-vest.

Remember that time Peter dated some woman that wanted to get a green goblin tattoo? Whatever happened to her

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Tsundere Anna Maria is fucking best

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>You're one of the top ten most wanted criminals in the world
>Actually top five because Red Skull is more infamous, but that's not my point
Otto's autism is a thing of beauty

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I genuinely want to write a high-functioning autistic/Asperger's Syndrome superhero. I think it'd be amazing.

>She looks like she fucks whitebois

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What would that even look like?

What's with that spagetti spiller a the end?

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Otto, you absolute idiot.

Thanks for the commission idea

>a body created with both his and Peter's DNA.
Why would they need both their DNA? And how is he "going back to being Spider-Man?" Is Peter dead or are they both wearing the same costume and fighting crime under the same name?

Miles Morales basically

So Otto is №5 and Skull is №4, who is in the top three?

Magneto and Doc Doom easily. Maybe Galactus?

The clone body was originally a Peter clone. Otto just added some of his own dna to change the looks. Plus he probably wanted to have spider powers again. And they are both fighting crime under the name spider-man. It's probably why they are sticking to opposite sides of the country.

>Is Peter dead
Do you really think that Marvel has the balls to do something as stupid as that?

Temporarily, sure.

That's odd, did we have a storytime yet? Thought it was due next week.

You know what? I DIG this. This man lost the both of the closest he's had to a perfect romantic relationship because he went into it pretending to not be Otto, basically building it under false pretenses. He doesn't want to fuck up again, and instead of doing the normal thing a psycho does and just plays more carefully to not get caught, he just TELLS her he's one of the most notorious New York supervillains in history.
Like, if she has a problem with that it would never be meant to be anyway. SMART. Fuck yeah Otto!

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It is. This was just the preview.

>Otto is a race traitor
Raimi must be turning in his grave.

To be fair they kept him dead for a lot longer than anyone expected.

Otto 'How can I make my hair even worse?' Octavius.