ITT-super villains that should be in Yea Forums media
ITT-super villains that should be in Yea Forums media
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Reminder that they were filming this scene when they learned about 9/11. He took a moment of silence dressed as a weird turtle man.
I saw this at the movies as a little kid with my big sister and loved it. Last year I rewatched it for the first time since.
Holy fuck, it's legit one of the worst movies made in the past 20 years.
The very first Barry Allen villain was the Turtle
Comics do enough political shit, they don't need to make fun of the Senate Majority Leader too
Did CW Flash already introduce the Turtle?
Because if they didn't they should probably cast Dana Carvey.
Our Fearless Leader.
Moose and Squirrel LIVE IN A SOCIETY
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.
So Tell me, fellow pottsylvanian, how would you kill that filthy squirrel and his damn moose?
I don't get it OP, Koopa Troopa has been in a lot of Mario comics.
>am i not turtle enough for the turtle club?
>this is what you're doing, this is what i want you to do
>i'm going to be the master of disguise, i'm going to be--
So is the only thing people remember the stuff from the trailers?
My family and I left the movie around this part, this movie sucked
There's also the pie scene.
>google this scene so I can watch it again
>people won't shut up about 9/11 in the comments of the youtube video
Looks like Doctor Sivana but worse.
The Virgin Master of Disguise vs The Chad Corky Romano
I feel bad for Dana Carvey. It was like he could never catch a break post-SNL.
>Chris Kattan
Technically, he is Yea Forums if you count The Inspector cartoons (where "The Commish" is based off of him), but supervillain!Dreyfus in Pink Panther Strikes Again is unironically one of my favorite movie supervillains. Dude broke out of an asylum, broke out an ordinary bank robber from a speeding train by helicopter, pulled off the biggest heist in the history of France, kidnapped a scientist and his daughter, built a death ray, atomized the U.N. and blackmailed the world just to kill one retarded detective, all within 48 hours. Then he was undone by a toothache.
Morrison will never top that, no matter how much acid he does.
You guyth want some...cookies?
Robbie's brother gets corrupted when?
>that scene where he just bites someone's nose off and spits it back on
how powerful is he?