A Cuban actress is playing a Mexican character

A Cuban actress is playing a Mexican character
Why isn't twitter swarming with SJWs screaming miscasting and cultural appropriation ?

Attached: IMG_1331.jpg (602x650, 87K)

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she's half white half peruvean

Do you see a difference?

when did they ever say Dora was mexican?

anyone below the equator is the same
where have you been?

Because all hispanics look the same to everyone

Dora the explorer isn't mexican culture.

Isn't that hypocritical and racist from liberals ?

In geography class, apparently.
look at where the equator is in the map.

They only care about "race", not anything like precise ethnic groups. Just like racists.
See also Black Panther.

Ah yes because a Spaniard looks the same as a Mexican
.Dora is vaguely brown, it won’t matter to the general masses as long as she’s vaguely brown and speaks Spanish, only people who would potentially cause a stink are Chicanos, Mexicans wouldn’t give a fuck

Who said anything about liberals?

>Comparing Euros to South Americans

Attached: 1555392016267.png (808x853, 729K)


>South America

Exactly. Technically anyone from Spain is Hispanic.

Same fucking difference

>They only care about "race",

Then why didn't they say anything on Heimdall being black ?

Was she even Mexican?

isn't dora puetro rican?

Wikipedia says so

Sure, if you're a bloody idiot.


Attached: DORA4.png (740x4792, 1.98M)

white people are retarded in a funny kind of way

>Ah yes because a Spaniard looks the same as a Mexican
Some do

Because they live rent free in your head and you should be asking Tumblr, not Yea Forums. Not that you're being genuous in the first place, of course.

Unironically looks like a decent flick

I don't think SJWs care that deeply about ethnicity when it comes to races and treat things only at face value. If she looked slightly whiter than you'd get some sort of outrage.

Because literally no one was expecting a Dora movie. People are still in the "why does this even exist" phase.

Mexicans and cubans are the same people, our culture, history and resistance to colonialism makes us one an the same.

So, fuck off imperialist pig.


A thread died for this

you are dumb

I'm more concerned why a show for preschoolers is being made into a YA movie.

Off topic, but I remember the show first started right after I decided I was too old for these kind of shows. I remember them advertising Dora on Nick. So, I never watched it.

Probably because the preschoolers who watched Dora the Explorer 10+ years ago are teens and young adults now.
It's the first case of Gen Z nostalgia bait

We had a Spaniard playing national icon, actually existent Cantinflas and no one gave a damn, you think we're gonna care about whoever they cast as flipping Dora the Explorer who's not even a Mexican invention?

Because only us blacks attack our own when we see each other succeeding. Latinos are just happy to see another latino doing well. Negr0s would sit there and cry about the actor being too dark skinned or not woke enough.

Crabs in a bucket, we deserve the lack of respect that we're given.

Attached: kodak-black-expeditiously.jpg (1080x1080, 65K)

Then why did they stay silent when Mary Jane became black ?

Then black and white people are the same people too since they are all human


Because people honestly can't tell the difference.

You don't get it dude it's a translation issue. The people is "el pueblo" the people of our nation, privileged pompous descendants of genocidal invaders, sons of slavers and their house niggers ae not part of the people.

they don't know the difference

speak for yourself

Because it isn't Mary Jane. She's the Mary Jane equilavent for the incarnation but not Mary Jane.

Because they don't care, just so long as she not white.

Any more?

>I thought you were smart. But you're just another one of those cats strutting down the avenue in your clown suit with all that mess on you! Looking like a monkey! The white man sees you and laughs. He laughs because he knows you ain't white!

What is this and where can I find more

Attached: Titanlaugh.png (212x344, 77K)

>Burgers trying to make sense of what Latino Americans are because they can't figure another country would have ethnically varied backgrounds, and think everyone in Europe is the same
It will never no be funny.

Attached: Luis-Hernández.jpg (660x906, 97K)


Because latins don't have inferiority complex, unlike blacks...

what about heimdall ?

Which of those are different people and which are the same? Or are they all the same person? Or all different?

>Exactly. Technically anyone from Spain is Hispanic.

Unless we're talking about middle eastern migrants, everyone from Spain are whites. Hispanics only come from Mexico or South American countries.

It's 4 pictures of Isabella Moner.
This is too.

Attached: isabela-moner-nickelodeon-halo-awards-9.jpg (1110x1600, 348K)

Burger detected. Stop posting about things you don't know any time.

Go ask twitter. Why the fuck are you asking us?

half of latin america is above the equator dumbass


It's like they casted this specifically for me to fapp to.

Is she 18 yet?

Imagine being this stupid.

they dont know the difference between these people to begin with, as long as its brown

A Latina playing a Hispanic? Ay-yi-yi.

They hire australians, brits, canadians to play characters from USA


Hispanics are all the same to SJWs, they don't see any distinction between cultures because they're to busy focusing on their skin color.

SJWs are unironically some of the most racist people you'll meet.

They hire them to play everyone from Europe too. Russel Crowe has been a Spaniard and a Frenchman.

More like cuteban.

A third, I'd say.

I'm mexican and i don't care.

Not really. The reason white people get upset is because PoC start the outrage. But if no Mexicans are getting upset, there’s no reason to get outraged for them.

Mexicans and Cubans are pretty much the same, just that Cuba has more black people

More like Isabella Boner

No white people do it without colored people's help all the time.

>Hispanics are all the same to SJWs, they don't see any distinction between cultures because they're to busy focusing on their skin color.
Are you stupid? We're too heterogeneous to actually be distinguished by "race" you fucking idiot, and for the most part we can blend in our neighboring countries with ease because there's some shared elements in all of our cultures. Dora isn't "Mexican" culture anyway, she's some undetermined brown girl.

That isn't even remotely as egregious as how Miles Morales slowly shifted from hispanic spiderman to nigger spider-man. Could have been worse.

>Why isn't twitter swarming with SJWs screaming miscasting and cultural appropriation ?
Becaouse those SJW are actually really ignorant and label everyone from South America as Latino.

>slowly shifted from hispanic spiderman to nigger spider-man.
His mom spoke fluent Spanish in Spider-Verse and there have been references to her Hispanic heritage. Afrolatinos also exist... Are you stupid too?

Liberals are hypocritical and racist remember? The sheltered ones are at least.

SJWs don't care about any race that isn't black or Middle Eastern.

ITT: Neocon zoomers ignore the actual Latinos telling them it doesn't matter just so they can rant against SJWs all morning

You're putting words in their mouths.

Dora's country of origin is never specified. She's just "Latina."

I guess that makes Canada North America and the US Central America too?

Kill your self

What is wrong with Koreans?

Thanks /pol/ for getting mad on my behalf, I appreciated.


here's full link

dora speaks english here because dora didn;t teach english in korea, she taught us english for some reason

Dora isn't Mexican.

Because no one in the entire world give a single shit about a live action Dora the explorer adaptation.

All I'm saying is that the mainstream's idea of diversity is j ethnically ambiguous brown person who acts white.

Trust me, most SJWs wouldn't the difference between a SEA and a EA in terms of casting and think it's all the same to them and one can pass for another without complaint. As for cultural appropriation? Everyone knows that concept is a total joke. Countries borrow ideas and cultural customs all the time. The modern business suit is a Victorian fashion trend that is literally adopted all over the world, from SEA to Africa. No one bats an eye or complains about it. It's like complaining about how countries appropriate pizza, no one cares, and no one is going to do anything about it.

I think it’s more racist that you assumed that a hispanic cartoon character who’s never been tied to a specific Spanish or Latin country is “Mexican”

Why would you go and point out the real elephant in the room instead of complaining more about how SJWs are "the real racists"? Stick to the script.

I took pill once and then i woke up with my butthole with a size of wine bottle, thick end first. But did i complain? No, i turn out to the bottle and then when i woke up again i saw you guys. You need to stop fallowing the lie of happines and throw away that chocolate pudding of you crushed assessor. Clean your black hearts with ability to confort the reality of your past actions.

Ive jerked off to her twice in the past 24 hours. I feel no regrets.

Why is Dora so hot...

Nice false flag