a friend recommended me to see one punch man I saw the first season but I have a doubt, is it saitama a hero?
A friend recommended me to see one punch man I saw the first season but I have a doubt, is it saitama a hero?
That isn't Yea Forums
Fuck off to Yea Forums and stay there
Of course he is, saving people and the world even when he doesn't get any gratification or praise from it except from a handful of weirdos.
Dragon Ball Z can be discussed on many boards
>no honorary Yea Forums
Fuck off and go back to eating dicks, you putrid turd.
But Yea Forums shouldn't be one of them (aside from Toonami general)
There's no honorary Yea Forums
There's no honorary Yea Forums
There's no honorary Yea Forums
You're either Yea Forums or you're not
oh yeah, but books for some reason are okay here.
but what about the astroboy story times
The man is a fucking idiot, don’t bother replying to him. Yea Forums is the only one he named with no /honor/ statuses, and it’s a legit hallmark of their board. Yea Forums doesn’t call it honored, but you can talk about the adapted source all you fucking want in a thread, the mods are too burned out banning under age feet threads. Yea Forums talks about anime and cartoons all the time, sometimes you don’t even need a fucking vidya OP. Hell the mods just looked the other way for a few weeks while they got Shaggy Blanco out of their system.
Spit on the idiot and move on.
If there's no such thing as honorary Yea Forums then what exactly is the popular Sam Raimi film Darkman (1990)
This thread still isn't Yea Forums
And all those are signs of bad moderation
Darkman had a comic book run. You can post that and sneak the movies.
Can we actually stay on topic?
Are asking if Saitama is a hero? Your answer is yes.
imagine being this autistic
Anons like you are blight to this board.
Have the decency to keep content to their respective boards and threads.
You remember the saying right? The one with everyone, a bridge, and you?
>There's no honorary Yea Forums
...yes there is. Do you honestly think there isn't a ton of Yea Forums material prevalent there with how many videogame companies are based in Japan?
Saitama is basically the answer to "What if Superman was just... kinda lazy?" He's got the overpowered ability, the desire for justice and protecting the innocent, and in that sense represents an ideal. But he's also an introverted/passive bum who'd rather sit around playing video games all day whereas Clark is more of an extroverted/active force.
>What if Superman was just... kinda lazy?
He's not lazy, he's depressed and back to the almost suicidal state he was back when he was an unemployed person looking for an unfulfilling office job.
>Or asking on Yea Forums what if Batman showed up during the Cell saga
What IF Batman showed up during the Cell Saga?
On Toonami
What kind of question is this
Then that'd give Gordon the opportunity to ask Piccolo for a favor
>worm isn't Yea Forums
I know deep down that it isn't but I'd still like to discuss it with you guys
I think it’s more asking the question, “what would motivate someone to try to be an invincible superhero” and “what would they do if they actually became one”.
When you look at Supers most of them, outside of the few like Batman, have a very straight forward motivation like “do good” or “stop bad”. The things that makes them fun to read is that they aren’t capable of fulfilling their goal instantly. There is always some stronger monster of the week or some limitation they can’t surpass, so in many ways it still allows them to grow as a character.
Saitama’s goal was “be the strongest hero” and one day he just... was. No weaknesses. No challenges. Nothing left to move towards. I think a major point of the story is about the depression that happens when you only have a simple dream that you easily can accomplish. Or maybe I am projecting to much.
Piccolo is asexual.
>Saitama’s goal was “be the strongest hero”
Maybe i'm forgetting something from some earlier chapters but I don't think that was ever the case. He started out being a hero because he wanted to be like the supreme good guys on the tv shows he used to watch, and as he got into it he started enjoying the thrill of fighting, and then it went down hill.
So he's a yoshi?
This. It was never his intention to be the "best" or the "strongest", he wanted to be a hero to replace his daily grind with adventure and excitement.
why are you asking it here
Is worm the super hero story about that girl who could talk to bugs? What was her name? Skitter?
Fuck off to Yea Forums
You should read the manga also.