Janitors this is satire, it's from the Onion. Please don't ban me again.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm lost, who the fuck is this Sackler guy and what's going on?

Janitors don't have the power to ban you user. Only mods can.

Kelly's right of course. I hear a lot of whining about the opioid epidemic but there's such a thing as personal responsibility. Of course oxycontin is addictive and if you put medicine in your body irresponsibly you will become an addict and it's your own damn fault for not looking up the side effects. All this crap about painkillers being overprescribed is bullshit. You shouldn't even need a doctor to act as a middleman for you, as an adult you should unironically be able to pick up heroin at the convenience store and if you screw up and kill yourself that's the consequence of your own actions.


Kelly is truly the greatest mind alive.

Guy who created ROM the spaceknight and Rocket Racoon started a crowdfunding campaign to pay his medical bills and everyone's blaming Disney instead of the American healthcare system.

I'm sure I'm finna get dabbed on with this, but unironically John Oliver did a good piece on it.

You got banned for posting Kelly? WTF? Yea Forums is dead.

>This video is not available
Alright then.

>You shouldn't even need a doctor to act as a middleman for you, as an adult you should unironically be able to pick up heroin at the convenience store and if you screw up and kill yourself that's the consequence of your own actions.
Based and Ancappilled.

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>this video is not available

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This but unironically.
Also the fda should be abolished. If you can't tell if your food is safe to eat or if your medicine is safe to take, you deserve to die.

Alright. He's the head of the company that made Oxycontin, and he's rich as fuck on the misery of all these addicts. Homeboy hates having his name and picture out there, so we're doing the Streisand Effect.

Did he force these people to consume the product he was selling or did they choose to take it? And if they chose to take it, was there no information on the drug available for them to research? Did they think putting a drug in their body without researching the risks was an intelligent thing to do? Surely no one is so stupid as to think that anything a man in a white coat gives them must be risk-free. If I down a liter of vodka and choke on my own vomit or die of alcohol poisoning, is that the liquor store clerk's fault?

>Did he force these people to consume the product he was selling or did they choose to take it?
Kind of. His company ran addiction help lines that actually fed you to doctors that were known to over-prescribe.

>If I down a liter of vodka and choke on my own vomit or die of alcohol poisoning, is that the liquor store clerk's fault?
No but I would put some blame on the guy that put out an ad for AA in the paper where the meeting address turns out to be a liquor store.

Are you that libertarian nut-job from the Scrooge thread that thinks McDonalds didn't contribute to Americas obesity epidemic.

Yeah, man. I never forced those kids to take any crack, they should've known better. It's not like there isn't any info out there that crack is whack, so why am I to blame?

I'm not the person you're referring to, I never commented on McDonalds here before. But calories in, calories out is pretty simple math and yes, if you get fat from McDonalds it's your fault (or your parents fault if you're a kid). It is possible to eat nothing but McDonalds and lose weight. Or to ignore those golden arches and home cook a healthy meal for less money.
We're talking about adults with fully developed brains, not growing children, that's not an apt comparison.

Libertarians are the stupidest people on earth and you would be the first to die if you ever got the retarded government style you so desperately wish for. Fucking bootstraps lol, you need a boot in the face.

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>implying I'm arguing with you

I don't argue with stupid.

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One of these will treat severe nausea, one of these will cause severe birth defects. Which one is a good drug?

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But to be serious if Hell is real Richard Sackler is going to burn there forever.

The Kelly comics that aren't about him airing very specific, very petty personal grievances are usually low-tier political mud-slinging so he is often accidentally right.

I'll save you a watch: It's typical John Oliver. Trying to make things sound worse than they are, more fluff than anything. The Sackler quotes he plays off as being damning, for example, aren't even incriminating.

"A blizzard of prescriptions that will bury the competition" said to employees at a company event = "Our product is going to out-sell the competition, get enthusiastic!" Typical of any corporate pep talk.

"This is not too bad. It could have been worse" after seeing reports of overdose deaths = "Wow, the press didn't go after us as nastily as they usually do. I was expecting pitchforks."

"We have to hammer on the abusers in every way possible. They are the culprits, and the problem. They are reckless criminals" when proposing a way to shield the company from outcry = "We're not the ones faking prescriptions or buying and selling these drugs illegally. We have to make it clear that the overdoses aren't the fault of the manufacturer, but of people committing felonies to get it illegally."

The "this didn't just happen" speech = "Our whole team busted their asses to get the FDA to get off their butts and actually do their job. And as a result, we didn't have to wait years for approval of a perfectly good drug. We're proud of that."

The "dedicated my life to it" speech = "I've been busting my ass to make sure this company's product is a success." In other words, doing his job.

All the "I don't know" answers, smarmy answers, and evasive-sounding deposition answers = How you're actually supposed to answer questions like those in a deposition.

I watched this eagerly anticipating some real dirt on Sackler, and instead it was just annoyingly weak garbage. Couldn't they find any better quotes in that whole transcript?

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Putting food aside, what the fuck do you know about what medicine is safe to take.

If you're a real man you'll take your chance and pick one rather than rely on a nanny state to make the choice for you.

It's not like you're personally harmed by birth defects anyway.

Banned for posting Kelly? This place is such a shithole.

Enjoy spending all your time and money taking care of your severely disabled children.

It's all good. I'll just fuck them. This house ain't rent free. Cash, grass, or ass.

If my children are born with severe disabilities, I'll put them down myself, libcuck.

I thought abortion and euthanasia were bad though?

This is a strawman. No one (at least in this thread.. obviously is being sarcastic) is suggesting that there should be no regulation whatsoever and people should not be made aware of what it is they are consuming. Also mislabeling something would be fraud which libertarians are against.

>Did he force these people to consume the product he was selling or did they choose to take it?
Patients in accidents can receive medical care and treatment while incapacitated, yes.

Stop giving him (You)s, he's intentionally making the replies more and more absurd.

Yeah, but its fun to see how far you can take it.

Only if you're aborting the weak. Preservation of strong genes requires any and all methods of culling the weak. I will never allow my pure genes to be tarnished by some retard child.

What shithole country are you guys from?

Honestly, the overprescription of drugs is getting out of hand. When I had my appendectomy the pain lasted about a day and a half, I had enough oxy to last a month. When my brother had his he was given fentanyl while at the hospital for mild pain and prescribed Norco despite not having any pain after being discharged.

I don't blame them for people getting addicted (unless they're lying about how these drugs are very dangerous and addictive, some of them are and they should tell the fucking truth) but the decades of lobbying, lying, passing authoritarian statist controlling and restrictive laws through crony capitalism, etc. to make other drugs like marijuana illegal and have the Government confiscate your fucking Property and deprive you of your money and property and throw you in fucking prison most of the pharma crony Statists have done is fucking bullshit.

You can't be 100% for the Nanny State and Authoritarian as long as it helps just you personally and helping you to trample on the property rights and freedom of others you fucking Statist hypocrites that just pretend shallowly not to be Statistists and only gullible retards and your fucking shills swallow you Statist, crony lobbyist garbage. Fuck you.

>"A blizzard of prescriptions that will bury the competition" said to employees at a company event = "Our product is going to out-sell the competition, get enthusiastic!" Typical of any corporate pep talk.
How does that boot taste?

Thanks for the redpill user.

So, you'd never take the tard baby drugs?

>How does that boot taste?
Are you saying that wasn't typical asinine corporate pep-speak? Sure sounds like it to me.

It's a real good thing you'll never breed, user.

Not joining in a witchhunt doesn't mean I'm servile towards the person the witchhunt is being organized against. Actually, demanding government 'protection' against someone who is merely selling a product which I don't want to buy seems like the actions of a government bootlicker. If you don't want to buy the product, don't buy the product. Problem solved.

I think the implication is that you're a bootlicker for thinking taking that attitude towards drugs that can ruin lives and end them is acceptable.

What does any of this have to do with anything you were responding to? Are you having a stroke?

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Alcohol ruins lives and ends them, are you an alcohol prohibitionist? If you don't want your life ruined by alcohol, don't abuse alcohol. If you don't want your life ruined by oxy, don't abuse oxy. Seems simple enough.

I am unironically okay with both huge CRISPR use for as much genetic engineering as possible and aborting fetuses if they'll have ever any health, medical, or mental health problems as determined by genetic testing, but once people are here, we have to take care of them. Also, anyone can get sick at any time due to accidents, infections, spontaneous mutations, chemical exposure and shit so every single person could become disabled at any time due to sheer freak circumstances so deal with healthcare.

In return, something like genetic screening and only allowing certain people to reproduce or just engineering anyone's genome makes sense and is ethical. In time, fewer and fewer people with any imperfections will even exist. Until then, take care of everyone who is born and allow abortion while working like hell on CRISPR. It's more sincerely rational.

The difference is that doctors stopped prescribing alcohol as a solution to everything about a century ago.

I'm not following this one.Lots of drugs are going to kill you or otherwise mess you up if you overdose, or take them with other things, or take them improperly. Very strict laws and regulations are in place to try to prevent that from happening. Yet people find ways to get around the laws. But how does that have any moral relevance to the various companies that make them trying to gain market share over their competitors?

No, I said you're a bootlicker for your corporate dicksucking response. You either are completely uninformed about the power of lobbyists or you know and simply don't care. So which is it?

>What does any of this have to do with anything you were responding to? Are you having a stroke?
You said the pharma companies weren't doing anything wrong. But fucking with people who use substances that aren't yours and taking away their freedom is Evil. This is what pharmaceutical companies have done for fucking forever through using Big Government to prevent competition and it's horseshit. They can charge as much as they want if they stop buying laws that take your shit if you prefer different substances from theirs. That's not really capitalism and sure as Hell isn't' Free Market.

Only an idiot blindly trusts whatever a doctor says anyway. Take responsibility for your own health. Just cause a guy puts a white coat on doesn't make him God.

Pharma and medical organizations funding the Drug War and forcing us to go to prison just for growing plants is wrong. It just makes them hypocritical that they love it when people get addicted to their drugs and don't care about ODing or ruining communities as long as they make money. If they stopped pushing the fucking Drug War on us and taking people's shit it would be fine.

Oh wait you guys are antivaxxers now?

>You said the pharma companies weren't doing anything wrong
No, I said John Oliver did a shitty job of trying to show they were doing something wrong. And I hoped he'd done a better job of it. Reading comprehension isn't your forte, is it?

Are you the same one who's having a stroke? Maybe you should take your pills now.

Lol, what? No one mentioned vaccines. Drugs have side effects, many of them are dangerous. If you blindly assume anything that comes from a bottle marked Rx that a guy in a white coat gives you must be safe, you're not gonna be long for this world, with or without oxycontin.

>Lol, what? No one mentioned vaccines.
Just applying your own logic. By the way "Only an idiot blindly trusts whatever a doctor says" is a mantra of the antivax community.

>No, I said John Oliver did a shitty job of trying to show they were doing something wrong.
I'd say knowingly fraudulently marketing something as a "less addictive alternative" to drugs it is far more addictive than is something wrong.

Masking how addictive something is to create a dependent consumer base which you can then poison to death for a fee while knowing they're chemically incapable of getting out from under you is evil. There was also the whole "knowingly supplying pill mills because the profits gained from doing so more than offset the fines".

>I'm not following this one.Lots of drugs are going to kill you or otherwise mess you up if you overdose, or take them with other things, or take them improperly
Of which painkillers can do that with proper use.

So do you then think doing whatever your doctor says without conducting your own research is wise? But, oh dear.. You were just arguing that oxycontin was being overprescribed. Doesn't it then follow that blindly taking what the doctor gives you would indeed be idiotic?

No I think you're just downplaying the dangers of malpractice or doctors being ignorant because it hurts your argument that consumers need to be aware. Also I think it makes you a little uncomfortable that you're arguing side by side with anti-vaxxers using their same language and logic given how defensive you suddenly got.


Blindly taking what doctors give you is indeed idiotic. Refusing to take vaccines after doing the research is even dumber though.

It doesn't bother me at all, it's just funny to observe your Pavlovian response of instantly slapping a label on someone because they said a common sense statement that you associate with wrongthink.

Not that guy, but if you spend a few hours doing your own research, you'll find plenty of credible peer-reviewed studies and consensus that many opiates are addictive and dangerous. Meanwhile, if you do a few hours of your own research on the anti-vaxx shit, you'll see it's total bullshit that no credible scientists support. One asshole put out a phony discredited summary he wanted to make money on by pushing his shit, then idiot celebrities and airheads in California pushed a bunch of crazy unsupported shit. So I'm not sure what your point is.

The videos where they shit on rich fucks abusing the masses are the only good ones. Which is actually all of them.

>he thinks opioids are prescribed only for intolerable pain

Your common sense statement was classic libertarian horsewash.

>but if you grow your own plants and use them for pain, go to prison for the rest of your life!

I'm the one saying they should be able to take it freely. Obviously there are risks that should be weighed though.

Has anyone noticed a change in the amount of shitposting after 4channel?

Holy fuck, you're a sociopath.

Why do some people play devil's advocate for the ultra rich?

Because they dream of hitting it big someday

If you think the statement is horsewash, you necessarily must think blindly trusting doctors is a good idea, since the statement simply said that it isn't. So you think we should blindly trust the same doctors who you say overprescribe dangerous drugs? Is that your position? Weird.

fuck off back to /pol/

It's not about them, it's about us, we should be able to buy drugs and ruin our lives with them if we want to.

>was there no information on the drug available for them to research?
There was but he made sure they covered up the fact it was so addictive. Just so he could profit

But you can't anyway

guys this is the comics and cartoon board

I can guarantee you are.

/pol/faggots don't care they'll shit on your porch and call you a commie for telling them your calling the police.

Doing whatever the doctor says without research is indeed idiotic.
However, not everyone is capable of properly understanding the results of clinical trials of various drugs.
And trusting word of mouth, shady gurus or cantonese basketweaving forums over trained professional is even more idiotic.

There you go putting more words in his mouth.

>Cartoon and comics board
>Political COMIC is posted

Weird child abuse apparently, thanks murrlogic for the lesson. Maybe other trauma and brainwashing. Seeing poor people do it is fucking bizarre peak slave mind. Like seeing cuck fetishists I guess.
They get off on being cucked, pussy losers worshipping the Jeff Bezos and Zuckerbergs who either hate or don't give a shit about them unconditionally speeding towards a miserable early death and utter obliteration in a lonely unmourned ditch I think, unironically. They fap to people destroying the free market and working capitalism with globalist super monopolies along with values, culture, freedom, society, their own lives, even the fucking world. If you fapped to that sentence maybe you have this fetish too.

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Its been proven there was a campaign push by his company to encourage doctors to be generous in their prescriptions of the medication. You can review the gov commitie transcripts and see how much big pharma wine and dined doctors to prescribe this shit.

People are too fucking stupid to even do image searches and basic look ups of items on Yea Forums. You really expect some dumb fuck in w. va to be a drug guru and not trust their doctor on whats safe?

this man is the definition of chaotic neutral

The OP looks like a comic to me.

>waah someone disagrees with me they must be hitler 3000
That's you. That's what you sound like.

Alcohol isn't one hit and you're addicted. Furthermore it isn't given from a person in a position of trust as your only alternative to pain.

It's not because corporations are consistently behaving like psychopaths in their handling of ethics that it isn't terrible every time they do it.

Mods actually banned you for posting a kelly comic, When its common knowledge these get posted often on Yea Forums?

Reminder that monopolies are a natural result of the free market.

Right, three vital reasons:
First of all, most of them kind of earned it, most cash only lasts in family up until the 3rd generation, daddy makes it, I keep it, my son spends it. It's cyclical and one day it might be your family that is up there. Do you want them to be a target because you worked hard?
Second of all, the vast majority of their wealth tends to be, not in their pockets but in other peoples. You really think Jeff Bezos has a giant McDuck vault somewhere just filled with gold doubloons? He really doesn't, most of his cash is constantly cycled in and out of your and my pockets in the form of loans, wages, them paying third parties for shit, ect, ect. Technically, if you look at it from the other position our money is their money, since when you keep cash in the bank most of it goes into investing in stocks, or loans to big banks, or into consumer products. Basically they're, at their worst, a necessary evil since a big company like amazon can trade more easily and give you a better price due to economies of scale than if you and the other million other fuckers in the world tried to each sell your own products.
Thirdly? They're human beings mate. They've as much right to property as you do. You don't get to take it off them just because they're more successful than you. Because if you use that logic what's to stop Hilly the Hobo forking you in the eye for a can of baked beans? After all, you have it and he doesn't, you filthy, filthy comparatively ultra-rich fucker?

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We're talking about the ultra-rich here user, not the mildly wealthy who came from nothing and made it somewhat big through hard work and savvy. Very little of the 1% comes from anything below upper middle class.

If you're talking about the Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg set (and we are) most of them came from comfortable, upper middle class, or wealthy backgrounds and were also astronomically lucky along with intelligence and hard work, yes there are exceptions. You can do okay but to get to that level is basically lotto ticket territory. And the exceptions who came from dirt poor farms in sub saharan Africa or even and Bumfuck Alabama poor at shit town trailer park or grew up on the streets of NYC is even more unlikely to a few cases of that, like people winning money from the lottery or game shows, are rare outliers.
An okay existence isn't what we were talking about but multi-billionaires. And more multi-billionaires and high multi-millionaires (9 figs) came from pretty well off background and even with money leaving the family lots of people are still born into it, especially in America which has an incredibly low level of social mobility with most people not well off expected to stay that way for generations.
>They've as much right to property as you do. You don't get to take it off them just because they're more successful than you. Because if you use that logic what's to stop Hilly the Hobo forking you in the eye for a can of baked beans?
Nobody gives a shit that they exist though. The issue is buying politicians, post-competitive behavior like monopolies at their most extreme, using the government to deprive property and freedom from others and by unifying with a big government destroying all competition with unfair regulations when they lobby for any other competitors or especially new competitors to meet regulations they can't, stealing other people's companies and ideas and money through illegal means, using the governments they own to steal money from citizens (taxes) to give to themselves as "subsidies" and other welfare for corporations, making governments pick winners and losers through anti-capitalistic practices, and other shit corporatists do.

Fuck off back to worldstarshithop and take your nigger jive with you. It's not welcome here.