Fun bit of trivia, Todd liked to hide spiders in his covers...

Fun bit of trivia, Todd liked to hide spiders in his covers, and would put the number of spiders you were supposed to find underneath his signature. On this cover, he put in SO many spiders, that even he loses count, and so underneath his signature is simply: ?.

Attached: 1555632546984.jpg (1280x1980, 1.01M)


This is such a good cover god dang so simple but such a great action pose

Here's another cover, indicating 4 hidden spooders

Attached: 4.png (1000x1538, 2.92M)

Another fun bit of trivia: Todd McFarlane is an idiot that can't count higher than six

i'd trade the ability to count for 300 million dollars any day of the week

You’d be tricked into being given only 3 dollars and being told that was 3 million

>tfw you find all 4 spiders

Anyways spider-man is a bastardized super hero who needs more ground to earth stories and less of BIG BAD VILLIAN DESTROYING DIMENSIONS
why can't we just get a story where spider-man has a cold and has to fight that, or go to the grocery store in his costume, or try to set up a bank account and prove its him because the bank has policies against super fraud?

Is this really what Slott made Spider-Man? I haven't read any modern spidey


Literally every fucking arc, has been trying to one up itself, which usually involves some UNIVERSE DESTROYING BIG BAD THAT SPIDEY HAS TO STOP being involved. At this point spider-man fighting his rogues gallery is like a fucking filler arc in anime put between the actual arcs

Sounds like fucking garbage. I had an inkling that's what it was all about because of all the spider-verse shit he pushed but man that sucks.

Do the ones that are part of the suit’s actual design count, or just ones aside from that?
Is the one in the white box one of them? I know there are three on Mysterio’s left arm/hand/glove, but is there another I’m missing?

It's on the right arm, right under the UPC box

Spencer is doing a decent job keeping it street level, and Slott wasn't all bad he had a decent start (though getting to switch off with Zeb wells and the other guy helped) but as the user said he kept trying to one up himself once end of the earth happened pretty much everything just got worse and worse and worse.

FUCK The Gauntlet and Grim Hunt for trying to change the game with the classic rogues, too.

There's one on his right too.

You're trying too hard to fit in, people don't actually hate Gauntlet

I dont read any stories where spider-man gets help from other spider people or the avengers or xmen. It literally goes against his character to do such a thing and makes me hate him cause hes always an uppity bitch in those situations

Yup. It's fucking dumb. Putting Peter on the Avengers and all that shit. People will disagree but I think they've just been putting up with dumb and bad comics for so long they're used to it.

Well I do.

God I hate the way Todd draws Spider-Man's eyes.

Oh, so there is.
Well I literally only missed one, so I’d say I did a pretty good jorb.

Well the good news is that Nick Spencer has been the Spidey writer for nearly two years, so "modern" Spidey is definitely not Slott.

He has had all of those stories.

Pete nearly joined the Avengers in his third Annual, only failing his test because he was too much of a hothead to listen to them about the Hulk.

That's strange, in the first Avengers issue he told Iron Man to pound sand because he was too busy to help the Avengers.

Peter is famously temperamental. He was probably having a bad day.

yeah old spider-man got moody a lot

I never knew this. This is awesome, I most of his run on Amazing Spider-man, I'm going to have to pull them out to check this out.

When there's no number is means there's 1 spider hidden. It's like a Where's Waldo for every McFarlane Spidey cover


ITT: old people circlejerk about how their husbando used to be better back in the days