It has been 2,272 days since the last episode of Tron Uprising

It has been 2,272 days since the last episode of Tron Uprising

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Thanks for the reminder, asshole.

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been meaning to watch this for a while, Im just starting the first episode now

Enjoy, user. It's like a tighter Batman Beyond.


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It's good, Disney a shit

2,293 days since the last episode of Motorcity.

Honestly. It's kinda like Disney checks in like "Do people like this? Yes? Get rid of it/Lets fucking ruin it." It's amazing how Disney stays afloat when basically every decision they make is bad.

Tron lives!

Why were the elite guards pushovers in this series?

Because he's Tron

I'll never forget

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As I've gotten older I've started to feel like this, too. It's like they figured out how to nail it with kids on their animated projects but are absolutely garbage at trying to take risks with older audiences.

Everything they've marketed toward people over the age of 13 has either been mishandled by the network or gone to shit, with few exceptions. And while their live action endeavors are a phenomenal success and I might just be a depressed asshole, I haven't considered a single one of their live action films to not have serious flaws in the past 10 years (Tron: Legacy's absolutely poor writing included). MCU is boring. Remakes (of which they are doing one for nearly every animated release) deserve to have absolutely $0 in box office in a world where God hasn't abandoned us.

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Do you think it would have ended with Beck pulling Tron out of the water at the end of Tron II? I didn't like how they left his fate so ambiguous at the end of the movie.

Damn shame