Bill Mantlo, writer for ROM, Micronauts, and creator of Rocket Raccoon and Cloak and Dagger is desperately in need of medical care. He lost his ability to write in 1995 after being hit by a car. He is not receiving any money from Endgame for his character.
>his character Rocket Raccoon is property of The Walt Disney Company.
Nathaniel Foster
>Needing crowdfunding to pay your medical bills I can't imagine actually living in America, your healthcare system is like, fucking decades out of date.
Isaac Bailey
Wouldnt let me post the link on my computer for some dumb reason so i switched to the phone and it still wouldnt here
Jack Myers
It's not about his medical bills, he needs to get out of all the debt he incurred taking care of Bill over the years so he can start adapting his house so Bill can spend his last years on a comfy home instead of some hospital
Also you know who you are, not even getting an @ with your post number, let alone an actual reply, but no one thinks you're cooler for having a shitty unjustifiable opinion.
Jackson Long
I tried replacing the peroods in the URL with DOT and it still flag me for spam