ITT: Garbage

ITT: Garbage

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good taste



this thread




Attached: starvs.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

Steven Universe
Star Vs.
Gravity Falls
Teen Titans Go
We Bare Bears
The Legend of Korra
Adventure Time
Some troll answer like golden age Simpsons, Spongebob, or Ed Edd n Eddy
Didn't even look at this thread past OP and I can guarantee that at least two of the above past SU have been posted

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Very much this.

Never though I'd agree with Wakko, yet here we are.

Peppa Pig.

>there's still one more season left of this
unless they pull a samurai jack, it's going to be underwhelming as fuck

show stinks.

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Animaniacs is another good example of garbage

She-Ra 2018
No pic because I dont keep trash on my computer.

Horse show.
The loud House.
Ruby Gloom.
Mighty B.
Ren and Stimpy.

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I'd very much like to know why you think Horse Show is garbage. The first two seasons were great. Unless you're talking about the newer seasons only then sure. The Loud House has actually gotten better and never was "garbage" to begin with. It was just a show that existed until recently.

>Mighty B.
>Ren and Stimpy.
This post is garbage and so are you

We know, but we love it

I work at a school and needless to say all the braindead students have backpacks with all these cartoons.

These two images are all I agree with, for being disappointing as fuck. This thread needs to be kill, otherwise.


speak for yourself SUtard

I agree. All of those are garbage

ITT: contrarians who want a mouthpiece

That's more a case of a creator hating their own creation

>TFW i became too invested into the show that i cant stop watching it or obsessing about it, even though i fucking hate what its become and its not good for my mental stability to constantly let SU live in my head rent free

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You're on Yea Forums, of course you are going to get that shit

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>The first two seasons were great.
Those were literally never good and always generic kid show trash.

i've tried watching it but it bores me to tears and i can't see the appeal. does Yea Forums watch this snorefest just so they can talk about waifus?

The Loud House has literally the worst sound track I have ever heard in my entire life. In most of the episodes I have seen one track gets used like 50 times throughout an episode. Not to mention an incredibly repetitive slew of SFX