Friendly reminder that bobsheauxs is still fucking absolutely disgusted by the JungleJackass/pedo Hugo and Rita the bratty slut.
Friendly reminder that bobsheauxs is still fucking absolutely disgusted by the JungleJackass/pedo Hugo and Rita the...
Oh hi how was the vacation
Bypass faggotchan bans is easy.
You're sick. You need to stop and get help.
Frkendly reminder that Hugofag was exposed and BTFO by a furry YouTuber, and only posts here to soothe his aching butthurt.
His deception lasted mere hours, but his humiliation is eternal
What happened?
Wait, was the true identity of Hugofag revealed?
>Wulle Wulle Fap Fap.
>Kysse kysse Fap Fap.
>Kilde, kilde!
He was a furry Bobsheaux fan who tried to rat out another furry fan for keeping Bob's exclusive videos in a public folder, and reeed when Bob and the furry settled the misunderstanding amicably. Bobsheaux and his wife publicly mock this loser to this day, and he blames this movie for every failure in his life
Back from Yea Forums? Did they make fun of you too?
Cool story bro
Is this even English? Can you diagram this sentence
i'm still confused
why does Yea Forums have the worst fucking taste in youtubers?
mrenter all the shitty fat retarded balding nostalgia critic people...
fuck you faggots
on other boards these people are mocked but here it's someones hero
God, that's really pathetic.
>Bobsheaux and his wife publicly mock this loser to this day.
>muh fake youtube account
>they don't even know who i am
>How the fuck would someone care about shitposting on Deviantart.
Chris-Chan 2.0 and his whore furfag wife have miserably failed.
>and he blames this movie for every failure in his life.
Not even true. You're just being a tryhard faggot at this point.
Tldr he's mentally ill
>He thinks Hugofag represents Yea Forums and isn't just a lolcow spammer
I agree that Bobsheaux is pretty dull and even this autismo's threads are more entertaining than his reviews, but
>how dare people like something I don't like reeeeee
You're still the faggot here.
It’s just one autist spamming him
Did you take your pills today?
Show me on the doll where Denmark touched you.
Have sex, tryhard faggot.
You call me a tryhard, but you keep making these posts, expecting people to rally behind you and hate these cartoons as much as you hate your mother
Do you know what the definition of insanity is?
Can it involve a fox and a one of a kind jungle creature?
How does Hugofag not have a Kiwi Farms thread?
I never thought about this but do you think OP is also the Vulpwood hateposter?
Both have a weird lingering hate for a furry show/cartoon and raise the same points every time.
Kiwi Farms is slipping
I don't think they even have any on Gallowboob and friends literally the biggest lolcow on the internet currently
He's not interesting enough. He's so pathetic he doesn't even merit ridicule
Spare me your shitty posts. It's obvious that you're the same butthurt furspergs who are desperately trying to calling me out for had roast your pedophilic wank material/movie.
Kill yourself
Literally who the fuck is this faggot?
Stalker tunnel vision. They're only interested in PK, Chrischan, Dobson etc even though they've grown stale long ago
>>Makes the same post 11 times a week
>>Assumes all the hate is furries defending the movie
Retard I never even HEARD of this trash until I saw 4 posts of it in one day. You are literally making the unintiated curious about the movie you hate. Your hate makes it stronger.
You Sisyphusian failure
Literally not a single person on this board brings up this movie besides you
You need some preperation h for that butthurt?
>Retard I never even HEARD of this trash until I saw 4 posts of it in one day.
Prove it, abort.
Reading KiwiFarms threads gets really boring and monotonous after a while. They all follow the same pattern
>*autistic shit gets posted*
>do you think God stays in heaven because this joke has gone stale a millenia ago?
>this is sick!
>ths is so not normal!
>yeah I agree
>yeah this people suck
>and it's their faulr they suck
>*another autistic thing gets posted*
Repeat ad nauseum. I used to think I could read and take part in these threads to just boost my self-esteem by laughing at the losers, but my self-esteem actually lowered when I realized I was among the losers who spend their time laughing at other losers, when there are so much more productive/enjoyable things to do.
>your heart when
I want you to very carefully look at yourself, and try to figure out how much energy you have given these movies. Has it made your life better? Are you a happy person?
>I want you to very carefully look at yourself, and try to figure out how much energy you have given these movies.
Zero energy
>Has it made your life better?
Yes. BTFO shitty movies is fun and it boosts my self-esteem.
>Are you a happy person?
Trolling you faggots makes me happy. You still haven't proved your unbiasedness, you useless sack of shit.