Good afternoon, Mr. Byooney! How are you on this fine Thursday?
Cable holding up okay?
Good afternoon, Mr. Byooney! How are you on this fine Thursday?
Yes, bitch
Jokes on you bitch, I don't use cable anymore
Never touch the stuff, actually. I watch shows on my phone with 5G connectivity. It's very liberating, ya know.
I'd buy cable if I was you
>Franklin is now some wagecuck selling cable plans
why do I feel so old, anons?
forgot pic
No thanks, doc. Cable's old and busted, like this old-timey candlestick phones of bygone days I just switched to while talking to you. Wireless is the new hotness.
That is, until you see your monthly bill you gotta pay. Makes cable look like dollar store expenses
He wants rabbit cock
Actually quite the opposite. Cable cutting has really helped me save a lot of money.
I even helped my best friend cut the cord and now he's rolling in dough. Literally.
Are you talking about that fiend that shot that poor innocent moon?
>Cable holding up
It better not be holding up since it's supposed to run through the ground.
Unfortunate collateral damage. He was actually aiming for that pesky satellite salesman that was pestering Bugs last week. They're almost as pushy as the cable company.
>tfw can't find any smutty baffy fan fic on the internets
life is suffering
Don't let your dreams perish user
Comission or write yourself. Sometimes you all you got
'DMV' and 'Customer Service' are my fave eps.
Doing great, thankyou for providing me with excellent customer service. Now would you send someone over to remove my old sattelite dish on my garage? Transvisitron Cable promised that if I switched.
*forgot pic
Is this guy browsing a red board? If so which one?
>absolutely sure user is full of shit
>check around
>find smutty fics
>they're all in Russian
What the fuck
After casually passing this thread i thought the turtle was shitposting on a red board
How the hell did Bugs manage to afford a place like that?
He invented the carrot peeler
I loved this movie as a Kid.
But I was a pretty dumb kid back then, I don't know if it was good or not.
Edit when
The parts with the cartoon characters were good, the human stuff was pretty lame.