Predict the endgame cameo

Predict the endgame cameo

Attached: Stan-Lee-and-Avengers-Infinity-War-Background (1).jpg (963x491, 96K)

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He'll be the one above all and you know it

His toxic masculinity is destroyed by Captain Marvel and he gives up rights to his twitter so they can spam more advertisements after he died

He's gonna say "excelsior" and people in cinemas will start clapping

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 182K)

He got snapped and doesn't exist in any other realities.

>It's an end credit speech with him thanking the audience and hopes that they enjoyed the ride

They'll happen across him drawing his first official comic.

He will die in front of CM and she will be indifferent

Attached: Dr21SeoWwAEkkVw.jpg (816x1200, 154K)

She'd probably yell at him for oppressing her.

ANTS runs into him while being thrown around in the Quantum Realm

As the movie ends, it zooms out to show that it was being played in a theatre. Stan Lee is sitting in the otherwise empty room.

He scratches his head and asks aloud "What the fuck was that?"

His ghost walks through the screen and absorbs the audience’ life essence returning to life and simultaneously confirming that ghosts exist.

he'll be post creds galactus lmao

Time traveling Captain America will meet Stan in the 1940's (who will of course look exactly the same as he's looked for the last 30 years), telling him something inspiring.
Then Stan will run to a pay phone, saying "Hey Marty, you know how we've been looking for a breakout character? Well, wait till you see this!"
The camera will then reveal what Stan had been drawing: a picture of Hitler being punched by Captain Marvel.

He get dusted

This is so wrong in so many levels

he'll be either crying at a funeral or happy at a wedding

Attached: ricky tpb.jpg (400x400, 119K)

>her designer handbag even has her name on it
how can one woman be absolutely vapid and smug, it boggles the mind

please, god no.

Attached: angry pepe.jpg (403x392, 20K)

Whatever it is it can't beat his SpiderVerse cameo.
>I'm... going to miss him.

that was pretty good

Stan Lee returns from the afterlife and drains Thanos' life force until he dies.

The same happens in the movie.

A random casket is being lowered into the ground in the background.



A coffin?

We're gonna miss you stan

He sits at a far away bench during Steve/Tonys funeral and when everyone is gone he walks up and thanks him and tells him he's proud, then walks away and dissolves into dust. I can taste the nu-male tears now.

you know it takes years to make a movie like this he probably already filmed his cameo as soon as they started production "just in case"

Reverse snapped.

We already know it. The Avengers travel back in time and see him at a car show.

They literally confirmed that that was what they did

no, fuck that
that was KIRBY, not fucking LEE!
even in death he steals from others!!!!!!!!