Why is she so perfect Yea Forums?

Why is she so perfect Yea Forums?

Attached: toph-character-web-desktop.png (510x490, 94K)


Yes. Are you blind user?

Yes user, they are quite clearly a girl

She makes a good Venom

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Delete this horrid image you fuck

She's a terrible mother and a slut

Source? I didnt watch that shit fest korra. Also
>implying thats a bad thing

In LoK Toph has two daughters, they have different fathers and neither of them know who their fathers were.

Wasnt one of them an aorbender or something? Wouldnt thatvmean that aang inseminate her? Idk i just pick what i can from threads

No, both of Toph's daughters were earthbenders

Tomboyish, rebellious princess that overcame her physical limitations and became the most powerful earthbender in her world, while still a vulnerable girl inside.

No, that'd be one of her grandchildren.

why did they make her a 12 year old though

Toph got pretty crazy during the reconstruction period after the war

Attached: 668r46y.png (720x1110, 773K)

I guess they wanted her to be less mature than Katara

The implications of this are hot

Much better than Katara and cuter too

Attached: Toph hits on Sokka.png (444x490, 127K)

I never knew i needed longer haired toph ubtil now
>implying sokkas snow monkey ass is worth her

What's it like being a big gay?

Attached: Venom_Toph_by_morganagod.jpg (600x776, 40K)

She likes him and Sokka was cool user.

Here hair is already long. She just needs to take it out of that weird bun and comb it out.

Debatable. He kinda sucked. And its not his lack of power, its just...him

all the main characters in ATLA are incredible, i can't really put on one above the other, all of them are filled with charisma

Attached: iroh firebend.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

But that's not Azula.

Aggressive cute tomboy born to satisfy Azula's massive futa cock

user, no

Nah he was great user.

Top boys in ATLA
1. Iroh
2. Bumi
3. Sokka
4. Aang
5. Zuko

I see you've read that too.

>tfw she canonically fukked Sokka yet Bryke dont want to confirm it

love route > slave route

Why'd Suki join the Gaang at the very last moment?

user yes

Shut the hell up. Shes too pure for snow monkeys

So she cucked Suki?

user, go back to your board please...

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Its not even avout that dipshit. Hes not even that dark. Hes just literally a snow monkey

Corruptionfags need to be gassed

I wish it hadn't taken him 10 years to continue it

he's obviously the comic relief character you retard
besides that he's basically the "brains" of the party and in the last season he become quite the skilled warrior

Yes i will agree to that. But still...i feel like hes just a retarded clown who got lucky

I'm guessing they thought Sokka should have spent more than three episodes with his designated love interest before the end of the series

Well she's fucking Zuko, so he can have Toph and Ty Lee as side bitches, only seems fair

But hey he's at least continuing it now. I personally thought he'd given up on it.


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lucky in what way?
he literally invents the air baloon and submarine in the avatar universe,he's obivously really fucking intelligent and on top of that he's funny as hell, he is unironically a masterpiece of a character

Yes hes smart but
>funny as hell
He literally can not make a joke to save himself. Not even as ironic "bad jokes guy" does he work out

i love my wife Toph !

he doesnt need "jokes" to make himself funny,he is funny by the situations he puts himself in and the comments he makes on different situations, irony is funny too

His humor is dead in the water

absolutely fucking based
his slave routes are always gay
the love route for fire was boring ngl
and generic in the water one


you're either retarded or autistic
his jokes are supposed to be dumb,even Bato points out "you have your father's wit",that's what makes them funny

>eyes looking to the right
Would have been better if they were looking int he wrong spot.

He probably put a baby in her, user

>The best character outside of maybe Iroh
How about you suck these nuts?

Whatever, Hitler.


Im quivering with laughter
Probably rape. Probably not even his
Oh boo hoo, not everyone likes deranged fetishes