Doomsday Clock #10 and Doomsday Clock #11 Both Slip Another Week

DClock #10's been delayed for the 7th time, now solicited for May 22nd. #11's been pushed back to the following week.

Has this been the single most mismanaged book at DC in the past decade?

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Is it good at least? I've been putting off reading it until it's completed, butvwho knows when that will be.


I just want it to end bros

It’s ok, at best. If you’re expecting some sort of spiritual successor to watchmen then you’ll be disappointed but uh, it sure is something to read

It's better than heroes in crisis. That's about it

it's so sad it's not even funny

This is worse than forever evil at this point

That's not saying much

Its trash anyways.

who cares, everyone not retarded is ignoring it already

This thing is turning into the new All star Batman and Robin, mark my words.

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I stopped caring last year.
And i'm usually the kind of guy who, even when the events are shit like DClock, wants to see how a story ends.
But this ain't worth it.

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Is this the Civil War 2 of DC?

Johns can't write anything as fun as Miller

No, it's trash and even shills have gotten to the point of saying "it's not bad" or lying and saying only "my sacred cow" people hate it.

It isn't good on it's own, it's terrible as a successor or response to watchmen.

This is already well past that.

nothing about doomsday clock is as offensively bad as civil war 2 it’s just mediocre bad

at this point, i wish the even was handled by Bendis.
At least we could have had some fan-service together with a shitty story.
Sure more characters would have been dead for no apparent reason, but at least with him this garbage would have been over in two months.

At this point, isn't the smart choice to just take it off the schedule until it's actually done? A weekly delay update just makes the whole thing look stupider and stupider and riles up the fanbase, when they could just say "we'll put it on as soon as it's actually done."?

I just want to find out what happens when Superman punches him in the face ffs

So Moore definitely cursed this book? Right?

Manhattan is going to pull off his face to reveal it was a mask and it was Alan Moore underneath it the whole time.

Then “It” begins.

Top kek

When was it supposed to be finished again?

Before Christmas last year.

Bleeding Cool is the herald of the end times

Does anyone actually give a shit about this book beyond the fact it's basically holding the LoSH and the JSA hostage?

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If it was ASBAR we’d all be having fun.

Moore doesn't have to do anything when Johns didn't even prewrite a fucking outline.

Seems Johns took "nothing ever ends" to heart.

>It isn't good on it's own, it's terrible as a successor or response to watchmen.

To respond to the Watchmen, you'd have to actually understand the Watchmen. Johns can't fathom anything beyond twinkees and sugary cereal.

Personally, I feel the Watchmen is actually an optimistic work.

Do you really want a JSA book after this bullshit?

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I haven't been following DC but what exactly is the holdup? I was under the impression Doomsday Clock was a big plot point of rebirth and it seems completely moot at this point.

If you liked the original Watchmen to any degree then not really. It's not even hilariously bad like Before Watchmen, it's just kind of mediocre.

JSA is never coming because Doomsday Clock will never end.

Nah, that's Heroes in Crisis, this is Secret Empire mediocre and irrelevant


No Asbar was a masterpiece.

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It's just a Geoff Johns comic.

Most Moore works are somewhat ambiguous and bittersweet.

based frank

Bendis is doing LOSH stuff in Superman. Doomsday Clock is becoming more and more irrelevant.

here's my theory for DoCo:

DC Universe will be rebooted after it. Except unlike the new 52, this time they are making sure they have all the details worked out

That's why it's taking so long

>this time they are making sure they have all the details worked out

Looking back at prime Lee and Frank's ideas. Man, that was fun. It was like my tastes, my aesthetics were celebrated. Now? Barely tolerated. I'm scarping buy. Instead of the greeter at the restaurant that's capecomics taking me to the center table, I'm waiting at the bar.
What do we have now? Mann?

Is this a epic meme or all quotes are real Frank's comments???

it reads like they went in knowing the tone of the book but not the point

>Make. Them. Drool.

Moore literately couldn't care less about Johns desperately failing to get an evergreen book

Sure, but I'm pirating the fucking thing so I don't give two shits about its release schedule.

They're real.

mann is pretty much it

i think benes is semi-retired? connor just does pure cheesecake. cho can't do a monthly

what are you dense?

>yfw the REAL reason for the delays is Johns desperately trying to keep the JSA and LOSH out of the hands of Bendis and King for as long as possible
He's not the hero we deserve, but he's the one we need right now

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LOSH was going to go to Hickman though. Johns fucked that one up.

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>Bendis wrecking JSA
Suddenly it all makes sense.

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CW2 was delayed because the artist's wife died DC is delayed because the writer hasn't written it yet..

people joke but the batcave page in ASBAR is easily one of the best spreads of all time.

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Bendis is creating a proxy LOSH in July

>Bendis doing a multi year bullshit plot to establish the United Planets
>Orlando establishing the actual UP in the final issue of Electric Warriors

>Never been there.

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In terms of delay? It surpassed it. In terms of being a shitty story? Lol no CW2 was fucking awful

Pretty much this

Did this ever get finished?

Hickman already debunked that.

They need to drive those two back to Marvel.

You guys do know that Didio is basically letting Bendis move forward with his LoSH plans anyway in spite of this, right?

Look on the bright side guys, at least it's better than BEFORE WATCHMEN.

I wish the user who made it to go with my edit saw the times I've posted it to show his good work didn't go unnoticed or unappreciated.

I like this meme because it implies Bendis actually has plans instead of making up bullshit by the seat of his pants.

Is anyone even reading Electric Warriors?

>What do we have now?

Just read manga, dude.

That pic reminds me of all the different “based johns” memes that used to be posted here.
Where did it all go wrong cerealbros

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this is the modern day Deathmate

i don't like this meme because it implies that legion/jsa fans are unaware of the potential shitstorm instead of screaming loudly in fear

Apparently the guy who primarily decides when to resolicit non-trades was laid off

The art alone makes this untrue

Really? Doomsday Clock is worse than "It's time to shit"?

Yes, because you can't even laugh at it, and the art is way more boring than anything on BW as well.

I dunno, to me mediocre and forgettable will still always be better than a flaming trainwreck. Like I'd rather a work provoke no emotional reaction in me than make me angry over how absolutely incompetent and bad it is. But I probably wouldn't buy either comic.

With one you can laugh at the writing and enjoy the great art. With the other one you'll just wonder what the hell are you doing with your money and/or time.

At this rate, the damn book isn't going to be done until 2020.