Predict the Rotten Tomatoes score

predict the Rotten Tomatoes score

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0 to my Moner-boner.

69% for my boner

It's Dora.

If you weren't too old to care back then, you'll probably like it. If you were too old to care, it's something for your kids to enjoy.

my what

30-40 critics, 60-70 audience.

Attached: illegal.png (363x72, 2K)

I predict a tepid, mediocre run
Devoid of scares, and no pun
Over 40 on the tomato it will be
But not over 70, teeheehee

Attached: smugEtrigan.png (457x357, 65K)

I wanna fuck her face

same, and her everything else too


my last two digits

Friendly reminder that you live in a time where 1000 likes on your platform of choice can be aquired for as little as 5$.

tl;dr: Scores that can be influenced by users are meaningless.

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delet this

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Im not joking lads I want moner to spit in my mouth countless times holy fug

Fucking lol

My last two digits.


Attached: Isabela-Moner.jpg (720x405, 49K)

She's got some fucking flippers on her let me tell ya

reminds me of my Venezuelan ex
I have seen her somewhere else before though


>my Venezuelan ex
in Canada.

Good thing I really don't care

That's the best part.

Disgusting footfags.

She's hispanic, not black or gay.