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I was surprised it lasted as long as it did

Anyone in the threads could have told you this

This surprises no one and definitely doesn't deserve your respects

What was it about anyway?


>another pointless x-men show

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Is Legion guaranteed that third season, or is nothing guaranteed in this world? I'm open to that third option.

Why was there no gifted 616 comics. I thiught Marvel was all about synergy. I will also miss the waifus.

>let's make X-Men but without the X-Men
>let's replace action with family melodrama
>let's make all the same shitty mistakes Heroes did TWICE and hope for different results
As others have said I was shocked it lasted past sweeps season.

Hawley got out in front and said the third season is the last

Which the story supports frankly

The jokers behind this show couldn't feel the way the wind was blowing if they were in a hurricane

Marvel failed at synergy on it's own damn TV shows so never mind this one.
The Gifted was under the Fox banner before the buy out anyway. Plus they were pulling Gotham bullshit where they alluded to characters but never said that was them or a fill in character.

Xmen lite

>no more Polaris
>20 Captain Fungus movies and cameos in the near future

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The MCU will just recast the X-Men characters

>>let's make all the same shitty mistakes Heroes did TWICE and hope for different results
You would think all super hero shows after that would easily avoid the giant doo balls left by Heroes yet The Gifted stepped in each and every one of them.

Not surprising. Not just from a poor ratings standpoint but from Fox going through a transition period.

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I dropped the 2nd season sometime around the first 5 episodes or so, somehow it became a chore to sit through. I'll say this: it was a very entertaining show during season 1, and despite its low budget I liked how they kept including some deep lore stuff. Plus the Cuckoos were really cool.
I might check out the other episodes I downloaded, and hopefully it ended in a satisfactory way.

But they did. Season 2 wrapped up all storylines rather satisfactoraly.

Then they added a cliffhanger to the very end in a last-ditch effort to milk a third season out.

>it was a very entertaining show during season 1
This. Second season was boring, but the first one was pretty good.

A friend highly recommended season 1 to me and I watched it and didn't care for it. He dropped it midway through season 2 so it couldn't have been that worthwhile.

Who knows. There's Marvel shows all over the place that people are barely aware of. I'd be happy for everything but the Disney+ stuff to get the axe