I miss the 90s bros

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I don't.

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You ever get that feeling you've spent over 25 years being an idiot

Me too kiddo, me too.

I miss Elseworlds.

The kids of today should defend themselves against the 90s

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Attached: Superman_Man_Of_Steel_Annual_02-00-FC.jpg (800x1237, 306K)

The costume was stupid but this was actually a good storyline.


Works in progress...
Heroic team...
> Martian Manhunter (ostrander style)
> Scarlet Witch (with pic related outfit)
> Gambit
> ???

Villainous team...
> Cyborg Superman (rust colored armor)
> Amora the Enchantress
> Omega Red
> Mr Freeze (the post tas comic version with the bulky armor)
> Alistair Smythe (ultimate slayer form)

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I do now

I sure as shit don't

>> Amora the Enchantress
With this outfit & those sexy bulgy shoulders.

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The 90s were bluepilled as fuck.

Attached: Youngblood v1 010 08.jpg (962x1451, 365K)

This gave us Hitman, didn't it?

Attached: Youngblood v1 010 17-18.jpg (1411x1972, 514K)

> Cyborg Superman (rust colored armor)
Pic related version.

Attached: 9e954386000a85f695a79c928c284098.jpg (781x984, 199K)

Attached: Superman v2 132 - 00 - FC.jpg (974x1512, 259K)

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I mean, no one said all the comics in the 90s are bad. But the stuff going on in the main books and from Image/Valiant was putrid

Kingdom Come, Starman and Supreme were reactions to the overall 90s era...

Spawn and Savage Dragon should be on the list.

Attached: spawn - 7_01.jpg (1000x1510, 435K)

Add Ostrander's Martian Manhunter series.

Damn, I love Starman!
Nobody talks about it here, which is a shame.

i like this storyline even though i know it's kinda trash

Ah The 90's fascinating decade to be sure a alot more domestic terrorism happen in that period in history

That's fucking awesome you fag

Also a great age for British Comic writers....I wonder why??


I legit love Steel

Can you faggots go away? This thread's doing fine without you.

Those are bad comics though