>Jane Foster is Revealed as the New Valkyrie in This July's New Ongoing Series
Somebody else can paste the preview and interview, I gotta run
>Jane Foster is Revealed as the New Valkyrie in This July's New Ongoing Series
Somebody else can paste the preview and interview, I gotta run
Big yawn
Looks like your usual stupid trash from Memewing
And also she's Fenrir and she's Odin and she's Sif and she's
What the hell!? Yea Forums told me all of Marlel’s comics are full of movie synergy, where is Scrapper 147!?
Man, Aaron just can't let g---
You think Immortal Hulk was dirt on him? Time to straight bury this dude.
Even the movies understood that Jane is about as useless as a wet doorhandle.
>You think Immortal Hulk was dirt on him?
Who does?
>You think Immortal Hulk was dirt on him?
... What?
Anyway, I called this shit out, I knew it was gonna be Jane Foster as Valkyrie in this series, and people kept thinking it was gonna revolve around Angela. I'm not even following War of the Realms and knew it, I fucking should have screencapped it, goddamn.
Damn is there anyone that would think this would be a good idea? Obviously Yea Forums's going to hate it much like their shoving of Jane as Thor, but I'm sure just as many people won't like it for not being an MCU inspired version of Valkyrie.
What ever happened to her husband and child?
Glad I don't read Thor anymore, so who cares.
Nobody actually likes Jane Foster.
The dad from 1985 did
Sure, why not.
But I thought Jane die-
>Al Ewing
I'll allow it
>but I'm sure just as many people won't like it for not being an MCU inspired version of Valkyrie
I'm reading the replies on Twitter, people are NOT digging this:
Then again this person is casual as hell too, so whatever:
Maybe they are using Jane because they wanted to give Black Valkyrie a love interest. And will reintroduce Jane into the MCU as the new Valkyrie and the future face of Asgard.
We're going to pretend like that one user who circulates McGee's rant out of context hasn't been trying to sully Ewing's writing as propaganda?
You're stepping all over the bit with your questions.
they be dead
So was she. What's their excuse?
Jane Foster! After witnessing the massacre of the Valkyries in WAR OF THE REALMS #2, former Thor Jane Foster will take on a brand new Super Hero identity as Valkyrie. In addition to Asrar's cover, interior art for VALKYRIE will be provided by Cafu. Marvel.com talked to series co-writer Al Ewing about the newest coming of Jane Foster, what really happened to the most recent Valkyrie Brunhilde, and what's in store for this ongoing series this July.
Marvel.com: How does the beginning of VALKYRIE play into the events of WAR OF THE REALMS #2 (the massacre of all the Valkyries) and the end of that event?
Still here? On your own head be it. At the end of WAR OF THE REALMS #2, the Valkyries are dead. And Valhalla is gone. Because without at least one warrior taking on the role and the name of Valkyrie, there can be no Valhalla. And, obviously, the fact that we have a new VALKYRIE comic coming out means that someone does take up that mantle... and it's someone a lot of readers have been waiting to see in action again -- Jane Foster!
Valkyrie art by Cafu
Art by Cafu
Marvel.com: What is different about Jane Foster's Valkyrie that you can tell us?
Al Ewing: It's not like the old Valkyrie. Brunhilde is available for consultation occasionally, but she no longer belongs to the world of the living -- so Jane's mostly on her own. That said, she does have something not seen before in the world of Asgard -- UNDRJARN THE ALL-WEAPON, forged in the fires of the Realm-War, that can change its shape and be whatever the wielder needs -- including wings! Which doesn't necessarily mean no more flying horse, but I'm getting ahead of myself...
Marvel.com: What is this Valkyrie fighting for?
at least they got rid of the ugly bug eyes on her helmet
I was just trying to wrap my head around it... I don't understand how somebody would think one of Marvel's current best seller series is somehow a dirt job.
I'm not following the Thor books now. Isn't Brunnhilde around in Asgardians of the Galaxy? Or was it just Angela? I knew they wouldn't leave Jane Foster in the freezer for too long, but it's curious how this works...
>Still here? On your own head be it. At the end of WAR OF THE REALMS #2, the Valkyries are dead. And Valhalla is gone.
Oh okay Ewing, thanks for the explanation.
Al Ewing: There's a line in VALKYRIE #1: "Thor is a god, Valkyrie is a job." Jane knows how to be Thor, but the role of Valkyrie -- the warrior who fights for the living and the dead, and stands between both -- is a very different beast. It's a sacred task, and brings additional abilities -- and responsibilities -- of its own. As the first of a new generation of Valkyries, Jane has to decide for herself what that task involves, and that's a big part of what we'll be exploring in this series. If you're reading this, you know who Valkyrie is, but what she is is one of the big philosophical underpinnings of the book.
>Hey, this character never had an ongoing, let's fix that...
>Ongoing it's about a different person.
Why Marvel keep doing that? first with Wasp, Jan never had an ongoing, Nadia has two already.
What does that have to do with anything?
>That's for saying ''feminist'' like it's a four letter word
>race swapped in the movies
>sharing a body with Bunn's OC
>never had an ongoing
>when one is finally announced it's just Jane Foster culturally appropriating asgardians again
Man fuck Jane, I'd rather have a fast five mini.
At least Valkyrie and Flash can be togetjer in death
Valfags have had it rough, good thing there is only 5 of them. Did they really not realize Jane thor sold on the mystery, thor name, and novelty of a girl thor? A Jane solo won't sell.
>Brunhilde is dead/ a ghost
Sigh, Somebody else to add to my "pray for a resurrection list".
Eddie is currently wearing Flash as a skinsuit. Even in death, there is no peace for Flash. Got another man inside of him and other times he is inside of another man.
People have shitposted with plenty of other Ewing pages before. Faux outrage dies very fast, there's a billion "controversial" Big Two pages that have been reposted over the years for like a month after their release and then everyone gets bored, moves on, and forgets.
Apparently she separated from Bunn's OC, so Val dies but that useless dyke Riggs gets to exist.
Well, it didn't happen as far as I can tell.
I'm usually an advocate for supporting casts being used more, but Jane Foster needs to be retired already.
Check your gamma privilege Banner.
He was talking about an Image book
Their excuse is that Aaron got tired of people asking about them so he killed them off panel and then had Jane be mad in a flashback for two pages.
They're in different after lives, one would have to take the crosstown heaven bus to go see the other.
Even got the nerve to have Jane blame Thor for Jane's ex-husband and son dying in some gruesome accident that he was in no way responsible for.
In a move that should have been their first, they have Jane become a hero for a brand that actually makes sense. The Valkyries function as a legacy or a corps of warriors, and it would seem more likely that Jane would find herself as a Valkyrie rather than "Thor". Instead, Marvel went full retard and she was "Thor" for over 5 years. And now that they play the Valkyrie card, no one cares.
>kill character to sell shit replacement
Sorry Ewing, but fuck that and fuck Jane
He also completely glossed over the fact that Jane abandoned her husband and kid on the rumor that Don Blake was alive again.
Does an editor have a serious crush on Jane Foster or something
What the hell
Feige got rid of the creative committee
So is Dani Moonstar going to lose her Valkyrie powers again?
>it would seem more likely that Jane would find herself as a Valkyrie rather than "Thor". Instead, Marvel went full retard and she was "Thor" for over 5 years.
It's the worthiness enchantment draw, like stopping the Juggernaut some writers with a particular bent will want to have their characters go for these things against all other alternatives because it's been established as of significance to readers, which in turn make the writer feel as if being in a position to pass judgment or outsmart the gem makes their ideas and writing of significance by defacto, regardless of whether any of it is necessary or sensible.
But yeah, a person on their death bed with frequent contact with Asgardians most their life becoming a Valykrie would have been the most sensible first idea. There's a lot thematically in there.
it's xo manowar. he's taking over and christian ward is providing covers
His name is Jason Aaron.
Aaron isn't an editor and freelancers don't get to do whatever they want
Editors don't do shit at Marvel and haven't for over a decade at this point.
I support basically everything Ewing writes, but this I'm not sure of. I don't understand this whole thing with the Valkyries and it would feel like I'm jumping mid run. This is technically half-Aaron too so I don't feel too bad about it, but eh, kinda wonder if I'm going to miss anything if I don't read it.
Thoughts on future sales? I'm guessing four issues in and it'll be less than 20k sales.
Honestly it is what she should have been instead of Thor
What ever happened to kelda? Is she dead?
No matter how bad, they'll carry it for at least 12 issues. Probably 18.
For once I agree with the Carolfag.
It's a dark day
20k is generous. Calling it now, it's going to hover just above 10k.
Defenders is a Valkyrie book half the time.
Tessa style Valkyrie is in the Exiles comic.
And someone with a twitter call out that fucking retard about the metal dish bra comment. Tessa's Vallyrie's white outfit had metal breast plates.
On that note, is Thor actually using his fucking actual first name again or is he still just going by Odinson?
That's a given for any comic nowadays though. Writers write for the trade, now, and a two volume deal is standard.
Exiles got cancelled already because it was crap.
Editors don't hold those rules in place, dummy. Marvel is owned by a megacorporation.
Like off-panel? I was wondering about that when FD ended, but being a lazy fuck who lost pretty much lost interest in Marvel comics beyond shitposting after Secret Wars, never bothered to see it through.
Thor is Thor: God of Hammers now.
>Exiles got cancelled already because it was crap.
To the surprise of no one.
Yes he is Thor Odinson, God of Thunder again. Now pray that Volstagg doesn't get killed off for that fat Viking bitch that they keep pushing but do nothing with.
Kelda's been dead for years now.
Eve Ewing would be a better choice
> Twitter
> Facebook
> random news articles from God knows where
You're an outrage seeker from /pol
Nope... I just found out about it via Twitter and saw the replies coming from Marvel's own account. And I was replying to someone who mentioned the MCU link.
Calm the fuck down.
Hello, I'm Jane Foster, the new Valkyrie.
I was Thor but Disney solved my character.
And they also decided that I should not be sexy and I am forbidden to show my legs.
But who knows, I Jane Foster, the new Valkyrie and all the old Valkyries, we may in the future be able to vote and drive a car?
Now you know the felling
>Ewing on Jane Foster
>Ewing on cosmic
>Ewing doing more Thor adjacent work
I'm totally ok with this, he can start fixing Aaron's bullshit
Sucks for that dead lesbian stapled to Brunhilde, I guess.
And people are thinking that Disney has big plans for She-Hulk
These guys have no idea what they're doing
They are all attached to MCU, the comics have no more freedom to to real creators anymore
Wow how curious
This is exactly the same time that Disney bought marvel comics, is not it right?
No he can't because Aaron is along for the ride.
idk, she's got her mutant powers apparently now
It is at this time that I would like the marvel to have a crisis on infinite earths
and everything went back to what it was before disney destroyed the comics
She'll probably survive.
Next issue of Asgardians of the Galaxy will likely be set before the death and will see the two separated.
Bunn is absolutely convinced that she's a good character.
Disney comics
shit, I missed that. when can we get rid of Aaron Thor for good?
Marvel had gone to shit well before the Disney deal.
As someone who liked Jane Thor and never read anything with Valkyrie in it I will go into this with optimism. Pretty sure Yea Forums will hate it no matter what but that just means the threads will last to bump limit.
Side note, are janes boobs bigger?
Now THIS is a true crossboarder. Kindly fuck off.
The Frank Cho style died in Marvel comics?
Jane don't have muscles like a Valkyrie, shit flat ass and no tits
Who are they selling these comics for?
For kids trannies?
And they do not know why sales are the worst in 10 years
Jesus this is fucking awful
Fucking downgrade
How can Marvel hit the wall so hard?
Remember when Sam Wilson stopped being Captain America and nobody gave a shit anymore?
New book died instantly and he basically vanished entirely.
I really hope that happens here.
This... is actually not a bad idea.
Let’s go with it.
Marvel never had an idea what they wanted to do with Valkyrie from the beginning. Conflicting origins, first appearance being Enchantress pretending to be her, somehow being based on a writer's wife.
That's kinda petty of you, user.
I've been away from comics for a few years, but since we're talking about war of the reams, is the current loki the kid from journey into mystery or did his elder self come back?
You should read Loki: Agent of Asgard
That's surprising. Thanks, user. I'll read it and try to catch up on the current events
and I thought that mcu was a crap
you can say the same thing about all marvel female characters
they have no idea what to do with them
There's actually a Young Avengers book you may want to read first for context since it's set between the two, I just don't think it's very.
Good. Very good.
This is a super hero comics book motherfuckers
Make her beautiful, strong and thicc
This is what sells in comics, men want see women like that
Women want to see women like this.
little girls want to see women like this
Learn motherfuckers
I'll look it up, thanks. I really enjoyed Journey back then, but I don't even remember why I stopped following the story after that ended.
I guess Jane Foster stealing people's roles is going to be a thing now.
That said, I don't mind this. Eh.
So is the cancer finally gone or are they gonna beat that dead horse for another year?
No Hips
No Tits
Look like a dude
I am out
I still like this idea better. Jane Foster; THE POWER OR SURTUR! Or some dumb shit. Anyway as for this, still better than Jane Thor I suppose. Probably should have led with that
Wank off before reading comics and you won't have this problem.
That Falcon book was actually very good. It's a shame people ignored it.
This is a really unappealing design. I can do better than this and I can't even draw.
Frank Cho can't draw every book user, calm down
God dammit, why couldn't it have just been Aaron so I could ignore this.
>I can do better than this and I can't even draw.
Typical armchair expert here.
>This is a really unappealing design
It really isn't.
See the only thing I hate about this is too visually similar to Hawgirl imagery. But then at the same time when you remove the wings, the entire design falls apart. So now I'm wondering how the hell you would even fix it. Also for no reason here's this Valkyrie design. I guess outside of blue/silver armor there isn't much to their uniform.
>Top writers for Jane
>WW never gets anyone decent
How crazy is that Jane has 2 runs and they're better than anything that WW has ever had?
I thought Whor was dying of cancer? She should do that.
>Got another man inside of him and other times he is inside of another man.
sounds gay.
You haven't read Wonder Woman
People ignored it because it wasn't triggering them or at least no one told them to be triggered by it.
Her cancer went into remission because she stopped being Thor and did the chemo.
I don't think even Ewing can salvage this premise.
Why are they so damned determined to make some kind of superhero out of Jane?
Because Marvel is desperate for a heroine to be a winner since Carol hasn't panned out. Semi-related, but you know what would be great? If they'd stop ruining fucking She-Hulk by making her a dumb monstrous brute
Ewing's doing half of it, so I have moderate hopes that it'll be at least consistent with the lore and itself.
Also, more latex/leather fetish shit from Jane is always a plus.
She got better, unfortunately.
Thompson is actually writing a good She-Hulk in Carol's book
>Carol hasn't panned out
>#1 selling comic book over fucking BATMAN
>#1 at the box office
>hasn't panned out
>Because Marvel is desperate for a heroine to be a winner since Carol hasn't panned out.
The fuck are you talking about?
>#1 selling comic book over fucking BATMAN
I have to assume you're referring to Civil War II, an event book that sucked.
that user is refering to Thompson Captain Marvel #1 that sold HUGE numbers. dropped hard, but that's to be expected, Coates Black Panther dropped like that too
Of course her fucking #1 sold, especially after the movie hit. However, Carol's books tank. What, 7 reboots in 5 years?
>m-muh reboots
>exactly the same amount as every other major hero
so pretty much as many relaunches as every other Marvel book? got ya
>7 reboots
Every time. She's only had 5 ongoing series since 2012, 2 of them from the same writer (KSD), and 2 miniseries. Not too different from Captain America or Iron Man.
That's not a good thing, anons. Marvel books for the most part have left much to be desired (not like DC has been much better lately).
Thank you for clarifying that.
>Feb. 2019
>Captain Marvel #2 :37,380
>39th in units sold 42nd in dollars sold
Nothing against Carol but she is hardly selling well in the comics. The movies never did more than minor short term bumps followed by massive dips in subsequent issues, especially gimmicky relaunches/renumberings to #1. Its hardly a surprise when the MCU is designed to make viewers mostly happy and the comics are designed to piss off long term readers.
>Carol is flopping
>no she isn't?
>ugh, OF COURSE she isn't
Okay, it opened at #2 behind a Batman mini and the second issue was at #39.
Yep, Carol's lighting the world of comics ablaze.
Number 1's aren't a sign of quality, user. Those always move. Look at the dropoff
Are we sure Jane Foster doesn’t have a secret power to throw other characters under the bus and then take their spot? Because this is now twice in a row with her since she started appearing again
Super heroes have to be super
Athletic body is what makes them look different at first sight
The basic comic lessons these new Marvel folks do not know
Just like you
This Jane Foster looks like a cosplay at a weekend comic con convention
>sales don't matter
>by the way look at the sales?
In that area at least DC has absolutely been better lately.
Relaunches aren't remotely as common as at Marvel.
Wasn't there that secret Avenger recently with that exact power?
That’s not even She-Hulk. It’s a Jen who can’t access her powers. We want her to not turn into s dumb brute when she hulks out
yeah it dropped hard, which is a shame cause issue 1 was sloppy but it's been improving and issue 4 was great. Hell, it's the best Jennifer Walters has been in a while in that book, and she doesn't even Hulk out, she's just confident fighter
It's more that Jason Aaron has the power to never be told "no."
Do you mean Avenger X?
Okay so are you just pretending to be a fucking moron, you dumb phoneposter? How fucking hard is it for you to grasp the inflated sales of any given #1 issue?
instead DC is hiring all of Marvel's shit
>Fraction soon
Not going to say King because I like his stuff still
>Jane Foster is Revealed as the New Valkyrie
Why? Is the back catalog of Marvel characters that shallow that they can't find a solo female who won't break the whole fucking continuity?
Goddmanit. Everything is awful.
>inflated sales
Post the "empty theater" pics already, seething cunt.
When did Aaron learn to harness the power of Bendis? He wasn’t like this when he was writing X-Men or in his early Thor
.......um, Tigra? Songbird?
Have a pity (You), you fucking tourist
>>Captain Marvel #2 :37,380
That's a fine number considering the amount of books currently out and the hypersaturation of X-Men and event minis. Guardians of the Galaxy, a very hyped series with a lot of variant covers, is on that same list at:
>30° Guardians of the Galaxy #2 43,662
In fact, let's look at some of the most recent series:
>44° Miles Morales Spider-Man #3 35,408
>35° Captain America #8 38,651
>38° Shazam #3 37,905
You mean to tell me she isn't selling well, when she's around the same range as other series that also had their first issues recently? Nah brah, by your logic, she should be selling half her numbers, because "she isn't liked". Oh and for the record, before you say she got a bump "because of the movie", I included Shazam and Miles too.
user....She-Hulk isn't a different personality. This is her personality, sure she isn't hulking out (and good cause this is better than that these days) but she is still in personality the Jennifer Walters we love
Sure, but that's not what we were talking about.
Hell Dani Moonstar is a Valkyrie already
No, apparently I was thinking of Grandmaster's daughter.
I hated his X-Men and Thor was largely carried by the art.
>"empty theater"
yeah, cause taking pictures of an empty theater 4 hours before the show starts means anything
I may have bad taste but I really like this design.
Yes but Aaron is having that her intelligence drops to dumb brute when in Hulk form. Showing base Jennifer being capable doesn’t rectify the She-Hulk issue
Hmm, fair enough. I suppose it's too early at this point. These things usually start telling around, what, issue 6-12?
She doesn’t really take anyone’s place, just inserts herself into their memories. Though recently, she’s just a glorified transport
never implied it did, Thompson doesn't have the weight that Aaron does so she wouldn't be able to make that change, so instead her solution was depowering her and giving her power armour. And it works.
WCA got only 10 though. What happened there? I'm surprised it didnt last at least 12
After the first arc, which should finish next issue I believe. GOTG should show its true colors around #6, though by the way the sales are going, it might drop further by that time. By all means Captain America is holding out well, while Shazam is literally selling at Carol levels. I don't know if Miles sold well during Bendis but I'm gonna say yes.
All of these series are outselling Iron Man btw, though that one has been around for longer:
>46°Tony Stark Iron Man #8 33,940
Yea but suddenly he can just do whatever he wants and no one tells him ‘no’. It’s like they needed to fill the void left by Bendis
Circumventing an issue in a book most people don’t read doesn’t really help much
>doesn’t really help much
take it up with Aaron, I get to enjoy the Jen I like and I will take that
Meanwhile in DC women are still hot, as always
At Marvel today they look like meh
>while Shazam is literally selling at Carol levels
The near-constant delays don't help. I'm actually pulling the series and periodically forget it's on my list because each issue gets delayed longer than the last.
Jane foster is a Thor character, she's part of the "mythology" since the 60's.
An unwanted and obsolete part of Thor's lore.
The fuck are you talking about? It's been a monthly release. It's not Doomsday Clock
I don't care, I'd fuck Squirrel Girl and Gwen without hesitation.
>Athletic body is what makes them look different at first sight
She looks quite athletic there, and she was definitely buff while she was Thor. I don't see the issue? And you were complaining about no tits and ass, as if actual athletic women had tits. No, instagram thots who focus on their asses and abs aren't the way actual athletic women are supposed to be.
nice meme, HiC is not nearly as sexy as Nightcrawler. I never got people's love for Clay Mann, he isn't bad, but he's not anything special
>unwanted and obsolete
Apparently not since her ongoing as Thor was one of the best-selling Thor runs of the 2000s.
And over 5 years, before anyone tells you it was simply because she was squatting on the name. You'd think they would've dropped her after the first one or two years, but nope.
>Meanwhile we're stuck with Spider-black
All the legacy chars have a name of her own, well kinda, except that faggot
The Valkyries they should not cover their legs
should be a norm
they are not humans
Why they must follow the patterns of the Earth?
This lack of vision that has killed modern comics
It wasn't a Thor run, because she wasn't and couldn't ever be Thor. Thor is Thor.
I do not remember anything memorable
New 52?
Is it because aliens shouldn't wear pants, or is it because you wanna get your rocks off to drawings, user?
Sorry sweetie. As the inscription says:
>Whosoever holds this hammer,
>if SHE be worthy,
>shall possess the power of Thor.
Read more comics.
>It wasn't a Thor run
It literally was, stop moving the goal posts.
>shit, I missed that. when can we get rid of Aaron Thor for good?
Last story after the war of the realms
>That's a fine number
That really isn't very good. Guardians of the Galaxy is a heavily revamped team book that has sold like shit for some time but it still sold more than Carol despite not having a movie to increase awareness of the title. Miles Morales is also pathetic considering the boost it should have gotten from his movie. As for Captain America, his issue #2 of the current run sold over 61k. If Carol Danvers sales decline at a similar rate from now on, she will be down to the low 20s by issue 8. Still better than what she did in the past but those sales still usually trigger cancellations/relaunches.
They could use She-Hulk, it's fucking easy.
Make her train with some character and after a while she comes back with some upgrades
Gray and white version
And the power to fly
>not having a movie to increase awareness of the title
>GotG not having movies
regardless movies have rarely created much impact in comic sales. and Cates has been pushed by Marvel far harder than Carol has recently, he's the main writer they advertise now
I thought Universal got the absolute to everything relating to a She-Hulk movie including co-staring in a non She-Hulk movie.
All that goalpost moving just to make it look worse than it is, without enough context to realize most series that aren't minis are selling around these numbers, and the only ones above them are literal events, #1's and special minis: comichron.com
And you can spin it any way you like, but GOTG shouldn't be selling around these numbers on a #2, not after all the Cates jerkoff. Without movies, Venom #11 is selling 84,904 in February (and that's with the truckload of variants). Immortal Hulk #13 is selling 40,496 in comparison.
>Cates has been pushed by Marvel far harder than Carol has recently, he's the main writer they advertise now
Marvel has a galactic universe
But all the aliens have the same personality of humans and get dressed as Disney wants
Look at the world, Muslims, Latins, Asians
Each one has its way of dressing
In Marvel the aliens have no personality, had in the past, as it was said these people who are currently in charge of the comics do not understand what they are doing
I'm familiar enough with your posts to know you're just using these as excuses to justify being upset at not being able to masturbate to comic books anymore, user.
She will be on the new Disney Plus streaming in a live action
Yes, they will miss the chance to have a new Hulk movie with Jessica
Because of this channel they will kill a great opportunity to have She-Hulk on the big screen.
>you sound like a lazy flat ass chick
start working your butt without life right now swettie
>as it was said these people who are currently in charge of the comics do not understand what they are doing
You can dress it up in any florid way you want, but all this means is that you want them to be naked, basically. Like they're aliens, but they should show skin AND should be humanoid enough to have big tits, hips and ass, otherwise it doesn't count.
And you sound like you need to get laid, buddy.
At least Flash isn't alive to see this.
>I'm familiar enough with your posts
It looks like we have a cyberstalking here.
Dani is the only Valkyrie in my heart.
No thanks, I prefer real woman
I mean... at least she's white.
Why are they so dead set against letting Sif do stuff?
Comic books aren't real, user.
Not really. When someone posts in threads like these in almost the exact same way on several occasions, you begin to pick up that it's the same person. Same reason why people here were able to single out TommyLando threads after awhile. You don't need a tripcode to be spotted out when you're repetitive enough.
Have a healthier life with exercises
Do not forget to consult a doctor before
Thor is Thor. Whor is Whor. Know the difference, it could save your life.
considering Ewing is writing this I'm willing to give it a shot as Ewing's stuff is usually good
it hurts bro
I mean it's not like she has a long standing history and relationship to the major players in the Thor mythos..oh wait.
So you're a BR, that explains a lot.
So they can make a shape shifting weapon for Jane, but they can't make a goddamn hammer that won't break for Thor.
Aaron must hate her for some irrational reason, even in WotRs she's only showed up in a few panels, maybe got one line of dialog
Mjolnir is far more powerful than some shitty shape shifting hammer.
The problem with Sif is that she's very much a 'main character' kind of person- she's highly skilled, direct, tough, no-nonsense kind of character, and she doesnt have any weaknesses or interesting personality traits. The fact she loves Thor and is occasionally his consort is also a limiting storytelling thing- are you gonna add a romance when Thor's already out there kinda-sorta-maybe?
Claremont had a pretty good idea what to do with them.
Make them sexy as fuck and put them in fetish problems.
Sif should be with Bill and they should have cosmic adventures together
Sorry Creel old buddy but she hasn't learned her lesson. At least this time she took a female character's name from her still warm corpse.
GotG 2 came out in 2017. Any sales bump they got from it was squandered by Bendis long before the current run. GotG hasn't been main characters in the recent company wide crossover events the way Carol has. I'm not sure if GotG are even involved in the current War of the Realms bullshit. Meanwhile Carol is right next to Thor on the cover of issue #1.
> the only ones above them are literal events, #1's and special minis
That and Uncanny X-Men, Amazing Spider-Man, Superman, Batman, The Walking Dead, Green Lantern, Flash, Detective Comics, Action Comics Wonder Woman, The return of Wolverine and Fantastic Four. Superior Spider-Man #2 with 37,684 did better than Carol Danvers and he only had issue #1 sales of around the mid 60k region.
If you have to explain that Thor is Thor to some one, then they are already a lost cause.
Dude, the guy does this shit constantly. He was in last week's Symbiote Spider-Man thread complaining that Black Cat's costume had been censored and that her tits were too small even after other anons pointed out she's currently wearing her classic cheesecake costume and if anything her tits are even bigger now. And he always goes silent whenever enough people point out how wrong he is or give examples that directly discredit him.
There's plenty you could do to develop her the same way you can do any other character. Hell remember that whole bit where she went murder crazy.
She was better with Bill anyways.
GoTG were the main characters OF THE LAST FUCKING EVENT AT MARVEL. holy shit
I'm not talking about mjolnir, it's obvious that Aaron is going to have it fly back to Thor at the end of this shitty event, I'm just talking about how apparently no one can make a hammer for Thor that won't just crumble after one use.
I thought that implication was more that Thor is just treating them badly than them being useless. To use a metaphor, mjolnir is the girlfriend who dumped him and all the other hammers are basically his one-night stands.
My bad. I forgot about Infinity Countdown/Wars. So much wasted potential.
>That and Uncanny X-Men, Amazing Spider-Man, Superman, Batman, The Walking Dead, Green Lantern, Flash, Detective Comics, Action Comics Wonder Woman, The return of Wolverine and Fantastic Four. Superior Spider-Man #2 with 37,684 did better than Carol Danvers and he only had issue #1 sales of around the mid 60k region.
A lot of these are #1s and events still. That's plenty to fill 30 spots above her, but you don't even talk about the 100+ comics right below her... Nice standards you got there, not transparent at all.
>GotG hasn't been main characters in the recent company wide crossover events the way Carol has.
Infinity Countdown and Wars, not to mention they weren't shelved or anything, as soon as one run ended, the other began. Also, DONNY CATES is way more shilled than Carol at Marvel, specially Cosmic Ghost Rider, a character created solely to boost cover sales.
Is that Subzero on the left?
The only one we need
I like all this and y'all still got me retroactively mad it's not a Dani Valkyrie book
So is Jane just one of valkyries or did Valkyrie the character die?
they all got killed in this weeks war of the realms. jane's gonna rebuild i think?
Is War of the Realms a shitshow, btw? Or worth reading?
I think it's been fun but i think Yea Forums hates it because event. it's only 2 issues out so it's not like there's a ton to catch up on
so far it's pretty bad, I'm just looking forward to Giant-Men
Claremont cracked the waifu formula before the japs
Hrmm, I guess I'll wait and see.
They are fucking color swaps
That's the best part of those posts, they complain about modern Marvel removing diversity from female character costumes and say they should go back to the good old days when they all wore the exact same leotard/high-heel combos with different colors.
i dont think any americans would ever get that reference lol
have Immonen write more Sif
Elektra, She-Hulk, and Kwannon are still wearing those costumes. Storm's gone through a dozen costume changes and half of them have covered her up quite thoroughly (including her punk and 90s costumes), so she barely counts.
None of those listed were #1s #2s or even #3s. Most were well into the double digits and double shipping with WW, Superman, Batman and Flash well into the 60s. Walking Dead is at 186. On the sea of comics below her, they are either well into their runs already like Harley Quinn and Deadpool, part of independent/niche imprints or ready for the chopping block. Carol ain't deep into her current run, Marvel is investing a shit ton on her and she will likely be cancelled/relaunched soon if her numbers continue to decline at normal rates. Pretending her sales are great won't change that.
As for GotG, I repeat, I forgot those events existed and I was wrong.
What the heck is going on in this page?
I don't think comparing TWD to anything but Batman is fair, that book in an anomaly and I still don't get the popularity
Nice sequentials m8
It's in Duggans' last issue of Deadpool. Deadpool wants to be taken in to custody by The Avengers and figures the best way to do it is to coat himself in an alien bioweapon and wander around Brooklyn until they come for him. Unfortunately it turns out the bioweapon just makes everyone violently sick and throw up everywhere. Hilarity ensures.
Deadpool #300.
Fucking loved that book.
>On the sea of comics below her, they are either well into their runs already like Harley Quinn and Deadpool, part of independent/niche imprints or ready for the chopping block.
Liar liar, pants on fire. Literally the only independent book appears nearly 15 numbers below and it's Image, while most of the others are #1's, #2's and #3's, with exceptions like Harley Quinn in double digits.
The evidence is right there, and you're still trying to construct a false narrative here.
She IS selling fine for her numbers, as other characters are right now. You're a faggot.
>outselling Avengers No Road Home
wow, I have liked both books but I thought No Road Home sold a lot better than that
It did. Avengers No Road Home #1 sold 64,505... Remember this series came out weekly, so every other issue sold 30K that month, until April.
>Avengers No Road Home #2 36,396
>Avengers No Road Home #3 34,837
so only issue 1 outsold Captain Marvel. being weekly doesn't mean you should add the sales together. I honestly think Marvel has to lay back on these weekly comics a bit, have one a year or so is fine but it's way too much
Is English your second language? You asked about my opinion on the hundred plus below her and I gave you an honest answer. KYS shit for brains.
>You asked about my opinion on the hundred plus below her and I gave you an honest answer.
And you lied, because every other series below her are also #1's and #2's, selling just as fine as her; which by the way, issues #3 and #4 went to second printings, so it's not like it's underperforming.
>being weekly doesn't mean you should add the sales together.
Sure but these were ordered together, given the constant numbers among them. It's likely the next issues during March also sold around 30K, until April in which the last issue is probably gonna sell around 45K.
Sidenote, but No Surrender had similar sales back in the day, so I would say it's a decent range. I'd agree with you about laying off the weekly comics a bit, unless it's series like these... Because Uncanny X-Men had no reason to be weekly.
Straight to my check list.
>And you lied, because every other series below her are also #1's and #2's, selling just as fine as her
>Six titles in the middle of user's screenshot are #3 and up.
I'm sorry for telling you to kill yourself. I had no idea you were a retard. Feel free to continue shit posting and have a nice day.
thank you to showing the class where the shitpost comes from, resentful DCucks. As always.
How tiresome, i don't even open threads about DC announcement because i simply don't care but you guys, of you guys can't get enough of Marvel. I don't blame you.
Yeah, six... Out of 14.
>I had no idea you were a retard. Feel free to continue shit posting and have a nice day.
Hahaha, move along, imbecile.
Here's more of the list, still mostly low numbers, showing that there's not much of a gap. And most are Marvel and DC too, aside from a couple of Image... No "niche imprints" like you said.
Imagine being a capeshit cuck. wew lad
Not sure about this.
On the one hand: Why?
On the other hand: I really want to see how Ewing handles this. I've seen him turn shit into gold before, so I trust that he can pull this off and somehow revive an obscure 90s character in the process.
I don't think that would salvage this.
Valkyries are Asgardian, not aliens.
Point still stands.
There's no point. user wants all of them to have generic leotards with boots and argued that it was justified because they were all aliens, which they aren't. Asinine point for a dude who wants to get his rocks off with a comic book.
That's what I was telling him, user. He's just using 'They're a foreign culture' as an excuse to whine about them not wearing revealing costumes. He's disingenuous as fuck.
It's also a non sequitur.
The argument is:
Asgardians=aliens => ergo more t&a
Just because there is another culture does not necessitate more swimsuit constumes. You could justify the leotard with "alien culture, I get to decide how they dress". But the reverse does not follow. They don't need to be skimpy because technically aliens.
Into the trash it goes. The artist sucks too.
>Have Sif and Brun
>use Jane
Why? Nobody likes jane
Remember when comic used to be allowed to have sexy female outfits and not just topless men?
It's always the same. ''T-they're not humans, they don't have to wear earth clothes!'' But it's totally fine for the men to run around topless with bodybuilder muscles.
not the same guy, but She hulk has the problem with her being made dumb and overmuscled. Psylocke needs to get her body back from Kwannon (the recent addition of pantyhose too the costume is acceptable). I though elektra was wearing one of her worse netflix costumes currently?
And for what it's worth I want Brunhilde back or for whoever she fuses-uses as a host to look like her. Tight leather pants aren't the worse thing ever, but if we're trying to make change for "realism" I'd rather see a Xena/Wonder Woman battle skirt.
>I though elektra was wearing one of her worse netflix costumes currently?
They seem to have quietly dropped it. She's back in her classic costume in the recent Marvel Knights mini.
Man, Brunnhilde was fucking cool.
Can we get OG defenders back again
Why not just make a Valkyries team book instead? You could have Brunnhilde, the movie one, and Jane. An Asgardian Charlie’s Angels deal
>No Tits
I didn't know blind people could read comics...
Woah, Jane really stole the spotlight from other asgard girls.
Let's not act like any of us gave a shit about Valkyrie.
>But it's totally fine for the men to run around topless with bodybuilder muscles
Only time that's really happened with Thor was when he was unworthy, i.e. when he was depicted as a wandering vagrant who'd basically stopped caring about his self-image. He started wearing a shirt again after he got his act together.
I gave a shit about her when she was in defenders and was pretty chummy with hellcat
I think this artist doesn't understand walking.
>UNDRJARN THE ALL-WEAPON, forged in the fires of the Realm-War, that can change its shape and be whatever the wielder needs -- including wings!
Sif is for suffering
No it's just Clay Mann. The guy probably has to have notes specifically added for him in scripts to remind him to not make moments sexy where it's not appropriate.
I still think it's dumb to throw "Thor" around as a title like Captain America or whatever.
>Got downgraded from Thor to Valkyrie
Isn't that kind of downgrade from being Thor. Not that I liked her as Thor to begin with. But it's like making Terry McGinnis into Robin.
I bet the weapon is made of the broken chunks of the ultimate Mjolnir.
she's going to be even more overpowered than before and will finally take her rightful place as the One Above All.
>somehow revive an obscure 90s character in the process.
What the fuck are you on about?
I wouldn’t equate Valkyries to sidekicks
Isn't that what the book is also about?
Jane bringing the Valkyries back is a subplot
Are you new to Marvel?
If they could turn Thor into an Amerimutt again like they did with Eric Masterson they would.
They only push burger characters and Jane is the best of both worlds, classic character attached to Marvel's premier mythology and she's a burger too!
I was thinking it was the manifestation of the "Mother Storm." That way they could shill her as more powerful than Thor again.
It feels more like him doing clean up again.
He's not the one who made her Valkyrie, but he's going to be the one to make sure she's a good character.
I mean, if he can do clean up on CW2 by fixing all the plot holes, he can do clean up any anything.
Well I might actually check this out then
fuck Marvel
>we will never have a good, ongoing Exiles run again
this is not a great concept artwork
this suit looks awful, like the new captain marvel and spiderwoman suits
does not seem to be created by a comics artist, but by a fashion stylist
No, they are not.
Does anyone miss the old Marvel?
Reminder that the new weapon UNDRJARN is most likely made from this
Not only will she be as strong as before but also the best Valkyrie ever!
At that point they might as well have gone the Beta Ray Bill route and just given her her own hammer
noun [ C ] US /ˈeJ·li·ən/
>a person who lives in a country but is not a citizen (= member of a country with specific rights)
>An alien is also a creature from a planet other than Earth.
You says she isn't getting her own hammer?
It's not about leotards, it's about every species outside the Earth having your identity
Your own body language when walking, when talking
This existed before in Marvel comics, now everything is as generic as in the MCU
What Kevin Feige must do is look for the Marvel old editors who helped Jon Favreau and saved the script for Iron Man 1
And Disney should bring these old editors and give them freedom, to save Marvel comics, which are in the worst creative phase of history
And there is one user in this topic that defends this
Jane looks like shit in this preview
who cares if she has the best vibrator of the universe?
still look like a shit
a generic character
I’m more insulted about She Hulk being a moron now
Another case of Aaron giving us foreshadowing that never pans out. Just like Aaron looking like Thor would get that hammer only for him to reject it
How do you go from the stuff about the aliens (which isn't true by the way) to suddenly jump to talk about Feige as if he had anything to do with Marvel Comics? Specially right after claiming everything right now is "as generic as in the MCU" while talking about Feige in the next sentence?
The other user was right, you have a talent for non sequiturs.
None of these issues are from recent arcs, crossboarder. In fact, 90% of the pics from Carol's corner are from a single run in A-Force, from 3 years ago, and the other is from 2 years ago.
I also like how this picture was clearly updated to include something as recent as Gamora in Duggan's GOTG (from 2017) yet this is how Carol looks like currently.
Bunn ruined og Valkyrie years ago and shes not gonna steal thor's name again so im pretty indffrent to this
If Ewing is writing, it might be ok. As long as Aaron doesn't have much input.
Christ is that guy terrible.
Think of the bright side, since they share a body, Valkyrie dying probably took Annabelle with her
Smile: Restored
Well this time Jane looks a lot more like a Wonderwoman ripoff.
>Recommending Gillen’s Young Avengers run to anyone
Just read a brief synopsis of that book and you’re good to go.
So how soon will Aaron make his way to DC?