Good evening owls,
Because I couldn't remember what we were going to read, we're going to revisit a classic of cocaine tonight
Good evening owls,
Because I couldn't remember what we were going to read, we're going to revisit a classic of cocaine tonight
Other urls found in this thread:
welcome to new york
Wow this looks like dumb garbage
No thanks
I forgot to check if we were on until now, glad it started late! Still work posting.
Hope you had a good trip OP!
I don’t think you missed much.
>copyright 86
Is this post Crisis? Hey DC do the thing after a Crisis where all your books are experimental and awesome again
HI user
I had an awesome trip but we were off last night because I was asleep because flight delays caught up with me
this one's amazing because it's like, legit indie comics that somehow DC decided to publish
We definitely read this before right, this isn't some Mandela effect shit
What a day
Hellboys done(Eh?)
No Road Home is done
The Ewing Valkyrie series is about Jane as the new Valkyrie
Life Story #2 was good
yes, we read this, I just got home 20 minutes ago and went "fuck, what are we reading" and behold
oh wew, the image glitch is back?
OP, you're gay
>where all your books are experimental and awesome again
Didn't they half try that with DCYou? And it bombed hard.
So you want them to lose all of the lcs market, especially after they had a disastrous bookstore sales year in 2018?
>The Ewing Valkyrie series is about Jane as the new Valkyrie
I'm still laughing, when I saw it popped up like that
DCYou wasn't experimental at all, that was pussy shit. Might as well call Young Animal "experimental" as well (it's really not)
this apartment is too large for NYC
I’m so conflicted about Jane Valkyrie. I liked her as Thor and the creative team, c’mon it’s Ewing, but I dunno.
so who here is old enough to remember Joe's Apartment
Good. Let them finally die. The streaming service cancellation was a good start
I remember but I'm not sure if I saw it on TV or the Internet.
You may have linked this the last time you storytimed this.
Hello, Storyteller.
Angel Love again, eh? I'm down. How was your trip?
odds are good!
I'm not allowed to have any fun for a few months now but it was great
Based reocurrent DC shitposter
Has anyone tried the DCU streaming things comic collection? They added a fuck load and I’m super tempted
I’m more disappointed that I can’t make any jokes about Ewing making Val’s girlfriend finally likable
what a page
Who draws the best hair?
>Oh no, not the black one!
Yep. This is still really fuckin' weird.
I like the implication that you are literally mot permitted to have fun. Like your boss has given you explicit orders to not enjoy yourself in any capacity, or you'll be in trouble. The image is almost as surreal as Angel Love.
Perez for my money
well, more like "my budget for fun got destroyed"
It's going to die soon so you'd be wasting money
I saw no Vertigo and immediately lost interest.
A shit load of that is on comixology unlimited, like all of Sandman Mystery Theatre
I know that, but DC promised ALL OF THEIR COMICS EVER so long as they still exist and then didn't deliver.
I recall thinking Don was Bi-Polar. Imagine my surprise.
Phil Jimenez. The only time I've liked Maxima was when he drew her with excellent flowing hair in a JL Quarterly issue.
Vertigo isn't DC
So about DC's latest event. I know I've said this before, but it bears repeating. Can we just... stop with the so-called "epic" cosmic wankery, and just go back to stories about vigilantes fighting crime and injustice, please? This shit is tiring, especially since the villain is yet another giant person, just like all the other fucking event villains.
In fact, has there EVER been an event book that has just been a lighthearted romp, or is there a law stating that all events must be ultra serious affairs that threaten all existence?
Also, Perpetua is a really stupid name that reeks of trying way to hard.
Oh, right.
Explain all those Sandman issues that take place in Arkham, then.
>In fact, has there EVER been an event book that has just been a lighthearted romp
See, the thing is, when you need ALL the Superheroes in the world to get together to do a thing, it's not because it's gonna be an Ice Cream Social.
It's as much DC as NXT is WWE.
>666 Fifth Avenue is a 41-story office building on Fifth Avenue between 52nd and 53rd Streets in Midtown Manhattan
Fucking Hypercrisis.
That's KS for storytiming this, I've been wanting to read it ever since it popped up in one of those threads about odd/obscure books published by the big 2.
Those never happened.
Now, please buy Action Comics 893 for the DC universe debut of Death!
I'm fine with them in concept since they're meant to be the equivalent of big budget blockbusters but they need to quit with them fucking up the status quo for other books
Crossovers lost their appeal long ago anyway since characters team up so much, so them being bugfuck over the top madness is the only thing they could have going for them
it's a cursed building with a Uniqlo in it
If this comic was more well known, that panel would be a proper meme.
Also, is it weird that I really like the art style? I dunno, the simplicity of it appeals to me a lot.
Why not? Again, there's no rule that says there has to be a planet busting threat. Hell, I probably would read six issues plus tie-ins of every superhero having a lit ass party.
the art here is very 80s indie cartoonist, too
This is one of the weirdest comics DC ever published.
It LOOKS like a kids' comic, but it's clearly R-rated on themes alone. If you read the letters pages literally nearly 100% of the letters are literally little kids and their parents complaining about the comic being inappropriate for children.
Because the artist literally was an 80s indie cartoonist.
Because that wouldn't be an event, hence "event comic"
Kusher owns it now, right?
There was an issue of the very boring Moench Spectre series where the old ghost almost kills himself trying to hold the building up after someone damages it.
it's great!
That 666 building is also the one I think Jared Kushner has been trying to sell for years.
Anyway Snyder JL rules, I know y’all love your superheroes eating Chinese food and talking but we can’t always have it.
You're not going to be prepared for this shit. Angel Love is probably the single most deceptively adult comic ever published by any publisher. It's dressed up as something for children, and if you read any random page by itself it usually will seem like nothing's out of the ordinary, but (without spoiling anything) it's one of the most ADULT books DC was publishing at the time.
That last panel is a TMBG song waiting to happen.
It doesn't help that there are just so goddamn many of them, pretty two per year at least.
>fucking up the status quo
Another reason to lower the stakes for once.
>80s indie comic
Especially in the coloring. It's very expressive and eye catching despite using kind of a wash out color scheme.
yeah, it's the one he got underwater on, badly
Every time someone defends a brainless superhero comic by saying it "rules", the combined IQ of the entire world drops 10 more points
my favorite "this is 100% for adults and how did it ever get sold to children" thing is Rocko's Modern Life
Now I'm excited to read it
so how are you owls?
I dunno, nearly every superhero in the world throwing a party sounds like one hell of an event.
>can't always have that
We almost never have that. Fatigue has firmly set in over everything being epic epic epic all the time with no breaks and no end in sight.
At this point, they should just let the multiverse die, since it's a completely futile effort to preserve it.
>nearly every superhero in the world throwing a party sounds like one hell of an event
The Guy Gardner series from the mid 1990s did that a few times in his bar. It even included rare cameos from Constantine.
And wasn't DC One Million advertised as a giant gathering of heroes?
OP is a _______
i think she actually shows up in a random panel in crisis
This is nice. A bit slow but presumably it picks up more.
I gotta hand it to the MCU even though I don't watch the movies, they've managed to create a narrative that
1) has crossovers that properly escalate off of each other and build excitement in the audience every time we even get a hint of what's gonna happen next
2) don't interfere with the storytelling potential of the individual characters in their own solo movies
3) actually get the audience excited to see new characters while somehow not just feeling like a commercial for whatever new stuff they want to push
And a bunch of other compliments I could give the franchise for how it's managed to engage audiences so much. Pretty sad how with comics pubs desperately trying to get a slice of the movie pie, all they've done is try and incorporate the most surface level aspects and haven't taken any lessons from how they tell stories and keep audiences invested.
credit to board
Fine-ish. Had a bad headache all day, and my eyes feel strange. Nothing serious, far as I can tell, but still inconvenient.
All I know about One Million is that it was about far far far future versions of heroes.
this is...pretty much what it is, although there's a bit of a plot
>call me when you're straight
was prescient.
Angel is cute. I like short haired '80s girls.
IT Rules super hard
MCU doesn’t come out 12 times a year tho.
Events don't either
It's the overall storytelling I think Marvel and DC should look at, not the individual films themselves
If you have one big crossover event a year, you can build up excitement for it, especially if you don't take 7 goddamn months to release all the issues
Even though stuff like Blackest Night ended up taking over the line and being crap, they had been hinting at it through story for a long time and people were really excited when it finally came out because they had invested themselves in the storyline
Real nigga
This comic is practically made for reaction images.
So, since DC published this, does that mean it's in the DCU? That would explain all the talking animals that are otherwise not acknowledged by the human characters.
>they had been hinting at it through story for a long time and people were really excited when it finally came out because they had invested themselves in the storyline
>War of the Realms has been prepped for over four years, and is finally on now
Ewing is definitely the exception and knows how to do it
thanks for reading back Saturday
Aaron’s run started in 2012 so longer than that. Snyder’s also talked about having planned out 2+ years of JL. And City of Bane is paying off 75 issues of build up.
Angel, you trolling bitch. I forgot how likable the characters are in this.
I know, right? Low key goldmine.
Prez was better than anything else they publish
Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller.
Angel Love is just as weird and oddly compelling as the first time. Shame it never went past a few issues, nor were there any more books like it, really.
Isn't that Aaron?
Battle for Bludhaven if we wanted to read some trash
You're right, it is Aaron. I haven't followed Marvel in awhile.
Also voting again for BfB
>2) don't interfere with the storytelling potential of the individual characters in their own solo movies
This is a joke, right
You literally cannot watch the 3 Captain America movies in a row and get a comprehensible narrative
Good argument
Ok. Still not experimental.
>wanted to read some trash
Pair it with Brave New World and thenfirdt Freedom Fighters mini? It's the second mini that's more of a trainwreck though
>Little girls actually bought and read this thinking it was a cutesy and inoffensive story
Well shit, I didn't know we were on tonight.
Hey, no CCA logo, DC was in the clear, tits those parents fault for not installing NetNanny to keep the kids from the DeepWeb.
>Here's Joe's number
Good punchline.
Never gonna happen again. It could only work with the strong, experimental comic shop direct market of the 80s. The Diamond monopoly strongly encourages them to play it safe, because there's no margin in print anymore.
Because Jane was a better Thor than Thor, so she can't just go back to being a half forgotten supporting character nakedly transposed from Romantic Nurse archetypes!
Movie yes, series no, because Canada.
Kinda love that movie. Jerry O'Connell a good egg who woulda made a good LA Captain Marvel 20 years ago when he was just voicing him.
Wow, this does have a lot of Joes Apartment going on.
This starts out really tame, doesn't it?
Sins of Youth?
I think Fifth Week events were much more suited to the light and fun side of things.
Also very Archie, which was pretty clearly intentional.
Yet. Gotta save something for Phase 5.
(Also, Disney Plus may end up being that.)
This wasn't such a big deal. It was fun.
What is the problem?
We should just reread LoSH from the beginning again.
>shallow interpersonal drama
>characters are a bunch of twenty sonethings
>random magical fantasy sidekick
Was Angel Love a webcomic before the Internet?
They're kind of all assholes and scumbags though.
You've clearly never read an 80s "underground" comic (or a 90s one either for that matter). Or read any 80s hipster novels. Or seen any 80s indie movies. Or just remember anything from the 80s in general.
Do you not remember yuppies? This is how they delusionally saw themselves. This is basically a comic for yuppies being sold to 4 year old girls.
Ok, now do ‘Mazing Man