Nice try, but no. You see me debating. Sorry it's not fitting into your narrative.
>Snyder's Superman IS dark. That's his whole point.
And he was going to become the symbol of hope in any event, because he is Superman.
>Putting aside the fact that Snyder simply does not have the writing talent to pull off the whole "but how would people REALLY react to superheroes IN REAL LIFE REALISTICALLY???" wannabe Watchmen thing (which is why his movies failed), you can't reasonably expect an audience to car about how the fictional people are reacting to the plot when they themselves don't care about the plot.
First, it's debatable on Snyder's talent - he's clearly got some or else he wouldn't be hired in the first place. Second, it's applicable, Watchmen was part of DC's canon as well, it's not wrong to apply such things to other parts of the canon. Finally, the plot isn't....that hard to figure out?
>Man of Autism is only a Superman story in the broadest sense, like Brightburn or Hancock.
I see Superman in it, retard.
>But this is actually addressed in X-Men movies, Kick-Ass, Spawn and a mess of other movies. And better, too. Superman isn't supposed to be controversial and divisive.
What's wrong with DC characters addressing it? If you saw a guy in a cape flying about with limitless power would you immediately assume he's a superhero?
>All the movies you listed are easily better than BvS. And the worst of them are equal to Man of Steel.
Very debatable, very debatable.
>Not the guy you're responding to here, but you do this in so many threads I have to assume you're deranged or damaged.
No, I'm just going against Yea Forums's newfound reddit hivemind, so it seems.