Iron Man Dies in the New Avengers

Iron Man Dies in the New Avengers

Captain America goes back to 1940s

Stop buying tickets to Jewish movies

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Drink one for my boy.

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>Stop buying tickets to Jewish movies
So all movies?



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Moonman Moonman, can't you see
I already learned all this shit while on Yea Forums
Trolling me was never going to be that easy
Because when it comes to buying tickets, I never do the deed

Real talk though, I’m glad the far right is finally starting to overplay their hand by going full unironic terrorist. I knew they would eventually go this route anyway but this’ll just accelerate their downfall.

does he ever drink in these movies even once?

>I’m glad the far right is finally starting to overplay their hand by going full unironic terrorist

I wish. We need some actual Moonmen running around.

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He drinks all the time in the early flicks. But Post-Avengers I think they cut it.

I can forgive terrorism, but I'll never forgive spoiling Endgame. I will spend the rest of my life fighting far right every way I can. You messed with the wrong nerd.

No, that would take screentime away from him ordering Burger King.

Buying tickets to this shit is just another Jewish plot
Any ass in those seats is bound to get shot
But better my bullet than let your brain rot
Since Hollywood hasn't had a good flick since Spamalot

Time travel, professor hulk
Boomer Thor puts on the bulk

Captain Marvel's Dyke hair cut
Everyone's back from the dust.

More gauntlets more fights
The visuals are not that tight

Steve wields mjolnir hip hooray
What else do I have to say?

You'll never stop avengers
Have no fears we've got stories for years

Like a Black widow prequel
Despite the fact we've already killed her off

Sorry for the spoilers
Have no fears we've got stories for years

Based Moonman strikes again.

You’re never gonna get more. And even if you did the government would stomp you out like the pathetic wannabe revolutionaries you are.

I too have read the comics.

>implying Moonman isn't getting CIA funding as we speak

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Based Moonman


Why do so many black people like Moonman? Is he just what they expect white rappers would be like if they could be?

Did some moddie got spoiled or smth?

Mac Tonight as a murderous white supremacist is just so bizarre it's impossible to take seriously, so it's amusing.

>I already learned all this shit while on Yea Forums
Too many syllables, do it right or don't do it at all.