Where are my Kurtfags at?
The Amazing Nightcrawler #3 Storytime
>muh stan page
And purchase at your LCS if you enjoyed it or w/e.
>copy-and-pasting Kurt and girl from panel one onto panel two
Bravo, Marvel.
>Kurt fucks the Marvel universe
>Where my Kurtfags at?
Buying the floppy so Marvel actually lets best boy have a run.
As much as most people have nothing bad to say about him Kurt's books don't last long do they? I think I've gotten every one since 2000.
Yeah its sad but inevitable everyone knows Nightcrawler but no one can really point out his stories. He's much more of a supporting character than a main character. I cling to his books on the vague hope that this time he'll have his run.
So, he didn't fuck his mom? :(
Sadly, I don't think an Age of X-Man tie-in is gonna last too long :(
At least Noctune will be canon.
Did Kurt fuck his mom, Yea Forums?
The answer is
> Where are my Kurtfags at?
it was his retirement match... at the greatest stage of them all... and they made him job to that bald bastard baron corbyn
...are you talking about Kurt Angle?
>that entire premise
Sounds ridiculous.
Sell me on it, OP; I love Nightcrawler, but the whole idea of Age of X-Man sounds like I should pass on it.
Honestly, I can't. Obviously Age of X-Man is just a thing for Marvel to tell new diverse stories in a way that they can completely sweep under the continuity rug if they want.
Kurt is the protagonist of a harem anime where every woman around him is super hot but the world setting is such that he shouldn't sleep with all of them.
Friendly reminder that X-Man is objectively right and an absolute individualist, zero-family, zero-romance society is objectively perfect.
I think that's kinda true for most X-men until the force the stories enough they become a thing.
There was a gambit book and a Nightcrawler book in the 2000s and they both ended up dealing with the same things. Maybe they should combine them and have some Voodoo/Magic hunting books.
I don't mind diverse stories, I'm not one of those people. But can't we get a Kamala Khan/Miles Morales/Robbie Reyes maybe Amadeus Cho? I don't know deal where diversity makes sense and is well written? Does diversity have to be America Chavez levels of nonsense now? Marvel was doing so well just a few years back.
Wow. Yeah, I think I'm giving this one a miss. I'd be absolutely down with a story in which Nightcrawler finds out about a daughter he didn't know he had, but not in these "I thought I smelled box office failure" circumstances.
Jesus Christ my dude, "diversity" isn't a fucking codeword for "brown people." You literally have problems.
It kind of is when it comes to comics. But you're right, I misunderstood and I'm sorry.
It's okay my dude, I kinda overreacted.
You forget, absolutely everyone on Yea Forums, and Yea Forums by extension, loathes brown people (along with Jews, black people, Latinos and LGBTwhatevers) and wants to exterminate them all from the face of the Earth.
Well I'm glad we can finally drop the pretense.
It's time for Yea Forums to drop its hypocrisy anyways.
Are we gonna admit we're all into transvestites too?
That's just ironically. Yea Forums doesn't really like transvestites, they're too much like transexuals for their tastes.
Magma is hot
God DAMN! Amara has some massive breasts in this reality
And yet there will never be an end to manbaby crying about their cartoon boobies.
Fuck off incel
>kick her @#$%&
So, this isn't "ass", I imagine. Does "ass" get censored in Marvel comics?
It's clearly kick her pussy which is a reference to Dave Chapelle.
I wonder where they're going with this. For a bunch of 5 issue mini series, They're pretty slow.
How does he take a knee to the balls and keep fighting?
Cause that's mystique's signature move and she probably didn't go in as hard knowing he's her kid.
Presumably you're talking about yourself as much as the rest of us. Since you're here, you're one of us whether you like it or not. Your only escape is to leave.
They all do.
I may be completely alone here, but I enjoyed his whole crisis of faith arc in Casey’s Uncanny run back in the early 00s. It’s one of the few times he really got the spotlight in the series and it was cool seeing him basically be the team leader.
For some reason I now want a barrage of funny videos involving psychics getting surprised by teleporters.
The problem is that the X-men generally aren’t solo characters. What you usually need to do is have an X group book and then have a favorite character as the main focus for stories. Being able to pull from t rest of th X cast gives more stories for the character to bounce off of when an obstacle occurs for the sake of character growth.
I might just pick this up for the pure reason that I want more Kurt. Haven't had anything remotely good involving him since Amazing X-Men.
same desu
>Cucking Captain Britain AND Spider-Man
What the fuck Kurt, aren't you supposed to be a priest
>Nightcrawler cucks the Marvel Universe
So let it be written, so let it be done.
This book is sexy, but bad.
God, I hate this about the X-Men
Even when telepaths are doing the decent thing they lord that shit over the people who's minds they read as if it's an inconvenience for them to keep their mouths shut and just pretend they aren't violating people's privacy 24/7
bad? I don't think so, it's a bit above average. It's miles better than Uncanny
Mutant telepaths usually have an 'always on' base. So yeah, if I could always detect peoples thoughts I would hate it too, if it were a toggle switch then things would be easy but it's not
True, but not exactly what I meant. The scene is structured like it's somehow laudable that she doesn't share everyone's privat shit with everyone just because she can see it, when it's the normal, decent thing to do. And furthermore you don't need to embarrass people like that either. Let them keep a semblance of privacy instead of reminding them constantly that you're encroaching on their personal space.
It's like you have a roommate that expects praise for not announcing to the entire house that you masturbated in your room last night.
Just learn to shut up.
this is Age of X-Man and all of these things are supposed to be reported.
It's more about how she'll keep it secret as thanks for letting two of the hive mind sisters work together for them. Age of X-Man is a mini event where relationships are barred. Being caught usually results in a mind wipe or being sent to prison. The book implies that they're all in X-Man's head. Only a few mutants are aware of the real situation.