
The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #2
brown girls woohoo

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That is going to suck to clean up

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Kamala more like kameanie

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hey josh

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Ms marvel as Flint ironstagg

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Piece of advice, it's better to put the title of the comic you're storytiming in the subject.

You know josh it kinda feels like you are just Larping as a villain

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It will show up in a catalog search as long as the title is in the OP.

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I see she has been taking Carol's alien lives don't matter classes.

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>It will show up in a catalog search as long as the title is in the OP.
Not on desuarchive though, since subject and OP are two different fields

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I mean, from the sounds of it, Kamala really did fuck him over by turning him into the cops. She knew the only reason he became "Discord" was because of a bunch of shit she indirectly caused, then he got wooed by the fascism patrol. If she just let him escape then he probably would have just gone back to his normal life, just with a chip on his shoulder that might cause him to backslide in the future. He just needed some help, probably a good therapist.

But you turn him into a wanted man, and suddenly the option to just go back to school and seek mental help goes out the window and you have to live a life on the run or go to jail. No shit he'd end up becoming a henchman, literally what other choice did he have?

Ah yeah, sorry about that.
I'm in to this so far but this tone is going to throw out a most of Kamala's casual readers.

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Costume change incoming? Not sure how I feel about that. Her current one is pretty perfect.

So ok Yea Forums, make a decision.
Ms. Marvel or Kim Possible?

thanks for the storytime

Ms. Marvel, easy.

Wonder if this is connected to the Terrible Toad-Men?

He made bad choices.

Wow, he's just personally angry at her?
And not at Becky who dragged him into henching?
Dude, Kamala gave you the easy out.
You could have taken her hand in that bathroom, hung up the Discord costume and walked back into school.
I guess humble pie just wasn't on the menu.

>Josh is a henchman
Hasn't he suffered enough? Either let him come back to his old life or turn him into a proper superhero.
3dpd kamala

Did she just... thanus him?

>Khan SMASH!
Between this and the tenderizer fists last issue, Ahmed seems to be doing an okay job with putting variety in her power use, at least better than Wilson.

Wizards: No sense of right and wrong.

This one has been kinda unnecessarily dark in tone.
But it is a pretty cool setup for why these alien fucks think she's their messiah.
Also her parents were so fucking right about everything. She's gonna get grounded into the next ice age when she comes home.

His call.
He could just decide he wants to be a hero, ask Kamala to make a few calls and he could be set up with support from her countless allies.
Vision would have rooms free now, but he's spooky and his house is full of deadly things.
Maybe those electricians she forcibly recruited during the apocalypse could take in a trainee?
Or he could be a janitor for Stark?
Hell, he could go official with good lawyers and sell out his Hydra handlers for a deal. If Daisy or Coulson are ready to weigh in with SHIELD authoritay, he could probably get into wittness protection or get altogether disappeared into some boot camp.
He quite obviously just has no fucking clue what to do with his life, or how well connected heroes are when they join teams.
Unless she called the mods gay too many times on her fanfic forum...

Given how saccharine and meaningless the book got near the end of Wilson's run, the dark tone is kind of needed to get some actual life back into the plot. It'll likely level out some in the next arc.

She just witness her parent's death. It's a normal reaction. Don't be a dick about it

I wonder how only one villain and her closest friends figured out Kamala's identity. Besides the fact that Kamala canonically sucks at hiding her identity, Bruno repeatedly works alongside Ms. Marvel.

his origin story is basically "my gf turned out to be gay"
honestly he's doing better than you'd expect

No, I mean Kamala is completely floored here, but only for less than an issue and it's immediately clear her parents are still alive.
A bit too harsh on the emotional roller coaster, I think.
But her going full ham on poor Josh was kinda worth it.
He just walked into Kamala on the wrong day and ended up getting stood up and waving her goodbye like the complete tool he is.
>Yeah, I see. Gotta take care of family. Our grudge match over how I blame you for my life being shit can wait for another day.
He's so shit at being bad!

Almost no-one could figure out Peter is Spider-man for years. Despite him pulling stunts like this.

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I'd suck muff, too, if my BF was a complete douche nozzle like Josh.
I mean, I'd drink ayran out of Nakia any time of day. But if I were a chick, yeah... Josh is just "peaked in high school" the character.

All of her friends figured it before she told them in the slumber party chapter

Imagine if this was silver age.
The amount of carelessly insulting stereotypes heaped on her family!
How she'd basically look like a palette swapped valley girl!
The song and dance they'd have to do with Zoe, and the ridiculously misleading covers they'd give each issue!
Also, somehow they'd manage to not recognise any minorities. Not sure how, but they'd find a way.

Lee/Ditko run was pretty woke about the Civil Rights movement though, and that was still the Silver Age. Albeit, just barely.

>I blame you for my life being shit
Oh. I just realized Discord is technically Kamala's Venom.
However unlike Eddie, Josh's powers suck(he only has a third rate supersuit) and his resolve is quite weak.
Even so, there is room to work with the character and improve him if they want to keep him as a supervillain

Shit. Meant Lee/Romita. Ditko was busy dealing with parasites, looters and corporations taking his royalties.

Reminder that North Jersey is shit and South Jersey is where it’s at

Even people who were with Civil Rights would still be incredibly wrongheaded when trying to depict something as exotic as Pakistani immigrants because useful information about the cultural realities and beliefs of them would be very hard to come by.
And you would have to assume the children reading it don't know anything at all, so you're sitting there stringing characters together on lexicon articles and British colonial fiction books from 1895, trying to make shit comprehensible for children who probably never met a PoC.
So it ends up being hot damn mess because you get it all wrong, don't know the religion, the people, the culture, how to draw the faces or the clothes etc.

>Even so, there is room to work with the character and improve him if they want to keep him as a supervillain

I don’t think so.
He is played as a joke and clearly not evil enough to do his job.
He will probably either be a butt monkey forever or get redeemed.

>Even people who were with Civil Rights would still be incredibly wrongheaded when trying to depict something as exotic as Pakistani immigrants because useful information about the cultural realities and beliefs of them would be very hard to come by.
This sounds an awful lot like something a modern SJW that hasn't read 60's or 70's Spider-man would say.

i wonder who hired Josh
maybe the Shocker is back in jersey

Josh was nicer than Zoe who was racist in the first couple chapters.

Dude, you have depictions of Kurt Wagner getting the Frankenstein torch mob in what would be 70s Bavaria.
Also it's not funny if they'd get it right.
Understanding foreign cultures isn't

She was just jealous

You would think a shapeshifter would do better.

Wait, I thought they were cool. Then again I think I missed an issue or two.

Oh, an Ant-man special.

That would require her using her abilities to actually look different which she never does.

Great issue OP, thanks for sharing.
Do you guys think she would be a good Ms Marvel? Saw her in Hanna and I think she'd make a great Kamala:

Too bad they might be looking for actual Pakistani actresses though.

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Nah he just let her go but they both agree to be enemies.

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Thanks for the storytime.

>ywn fuck Kamala's ear
>ywn hear your cock pushing in and out of her ear
>ywn watch her seize and convulse with pleasure as you push against her bouncy brain
>ywn watch her babble incoherently as you literally mind fuck her
>ywn dump a load into her warm and inviting ear
>ywn watch Kamala listen to the cum swirling around in her head
>ywn watch her slowly heal and stretch everything back into place
>ywn consensually grope and fuck her body as her mind recovers
>ywn bask in the afterglow and listen to her cheesy jokes about "having sex on the brain," or how she "can hear the ocean now"
>ywn watch her enjoy being basically deaf in one ear, because of your cum
>ywn watch her spend as much time as possible with your cum dripping slowly out of her ear

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If you're trying to make a point, stop changing the subject.

I love Kamala! She yelled at that lady so now she is a mean hero

It was a white lady so it's alright.

Ah. This is the level of identity politics I can get behind.
>Did y-you just misalignment me you LG scum!?

>what we saw yesterday
I'm drawing a blank on last issue, what happened to them?

This, I thought all they did was fight goop monsters.

This is not the boner I wanted.

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It's unknown yet, they haven't explained what happened. Previous issue had them refer to something that happened "yesterday" too.

Try sent back to Pakistan for good

>comics weren't #woke until five years ago

Avengering aside Kamala has pretty much been strictly a street level hero, so her villains are mostly two bit thugs and wannabe supervillains in costumes, not usually the type to rectify a grudge if they get out of jail, if that. She's famous but that's mostly in Jersey, so she hasn't really popped onto the radar of anyone who would actually bother trying to deduce her identity

How many crucified animals do you have in your backyard, user? I'm gonna say......ten at least?

this does not expand dong

wasn't it bruno doing most of the tracking?

Kamala is cute

The guys are full of shit. The beast guys she beat disintegrated at her touch without her really doing much to defeat them. Kamala questioned it herself.

All of kamalas villains feel like they are just larping as supervillains. That's what makes them fun.

Why are her eyes blue?

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That uh, must've been a wild ride.

>yfw the Jolly Rancher hits

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>two issues
>no Zoe/Nakia/Mike trio, the three actually good characters
This is worse than Wilson's non-conflicts.

Nakia was in the first chapter


And your arguement is disqualified.

Welcome to focused story telling.
This arc is about Kamala being the messiah of some alien civ.

What about that word is disqualifying?
I'm just imagining how hilariously wrong pre-internet people would get demographics they have literally never seen and know nothing about, based on outdated books from biased and misinformed sources.
Do you have a better word for that? Legit question, I'm not an English native.

People still read this SJW crap?

More than they read Carol's book, if nothing else.

Is Kamala ever gonna get an ass or is she gonna be one of those skinny brown girls no one likes?

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But not the Nakia/Zoe/Mike trio which is what I said.

You're right. It's a dumb story and Kamala and Bruno were the worst parts of her own book. Good thing I'm not buying it though so I'll just skim storytimes in hopes of seeing the characters I actually like.

If she decides to go as nuts as Genis did, we're screwed.

This kind of forcing character shit from namesake characters on onto their legacies is why I hate Legacy characters.

Kamala's been the only one I could stand for a while because she wasn't treated like Carol 2.0. Then some unoriginal writer has to go and do just that in a mini hardly anyone even read so lore fags can obsess over it.

I don’t even think 60’s America had prominent Pakistani stereotypes. I mean, the most people from that period really thought of the mind east was 1001 Arabian Knights, Sinbad, and I Dream Of Jeanie.

Oh yeah, her face is perfect for Kamala.

Have sex

No. Women smell.

>Random nigger barely out of school is equipped with a wrist device that can instantly scan one's DNA and tell you everything about them in great detail
>But cancer is very hard to cure boohoohoo

This shit will never stop being not retarded

>Oh how can someone know my indentity
>I mean i keep the same hair style while barely cover my shit skin and face but how? How did they find out?

>But cancer is very hard to cure boohoohoo
The Wakandans literally have cure for cancer, and he's not some random "nigger", he literally was studying abroad in Wakanda.

Don't bully Kamala, she isn't that smart and slightly autistic

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And Wakanda refuses to give the cure because they don't give a fuck about the rest of the world.

>she isn't that smart
She is going to be a doctor. So not true

Hence why it would be British experiences in India that dominate the written sources.
Which would mean jingoism cranked up to 11, depending on what you read.
What else could you refer to?
Anxient religious texts? The only reference for Islam you'd see in NYC would probably be black Nation of Islam guys. Which is like interviewing Irish Catholics on the Greek Orthodoxy.
Naturally, the expected amount of getting it wrong would cause problems later on when they have to either bury the character or retcon the shit out of everything.
Maybe it would be bit of a Pakistani Speedy Gonzales situation where everyone but the moralist busy bodies finds it funny?

Isn't this Captain Marvel's job?

She irrelevant in comics now. Kinda surprised with her movie making a billion, but her "replacement" is still more popular in comics.

She becomes President in one possible future, and we all know you don't have to be smart at all for that.

Still can't believe her bill about concentration camps for white male passed through congress

You faggots realize that if Stan Lee had set out to write a grounded muslim immigrant superhero, that's what he would do and he'd get it right? It seems disingenuous to immediately assume he'd make a Magic Muslim stereotype and use that as "proof" of what Kamala comics would be like in the Silver Age. Literally begging the question.

But, hey, at least there's no more mutants.

Excuse me, but nobody accused Stan Lee of anything. You're the first to mention him.
And we're not citing anything as "proof", just discussing how much harder it would have been in a time and place where you can't just chat with your editor to make sure you got it all figured out and don't call anyone a bitch in Urdu by accident.
This is just a fun thought experiment to transfer the jank of the era onto a book that would be extremely difficult to get verifiable information for, let alone the insight and personal experience of a co-worker.
This is just assuming that a hypothetical writer from NYC (at that point pretty much regardless of race) with no special education or unlikely friends would be bound to fail because it's the premise. Not because we doubt the ability of any actual writer active at the time, but because of the logistics at the time, which conspire against the attempt.
And given there were no attempts of making Kamala before they went and did it, I would argue that nobody considered her a good or obvious idea to write for a number of reasons. The complete irrelenvance of the Indian subcontinent in the public consciousness being likely the foremost.

TO BE FAIR, the one time someone cured cancer Norman Osborn turned it into a gun

This is my one bit of knowledge from how Marvel treated the middle east at the time.

If we extrapolate from this, Kamala would deal with a corrupt and decadent sultan, a handsome freedom fighter trying to spread democracy, and an evil and monolithic oil company.

...Honestly, I would read it.

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>Extra! Extra! Concentration camp scheme fails! Convicts overpower guards and refuse to leave their newly established egalitarian club society!
>Read on page two! Communism achieved in prison camps?! Political science scrambles to study what many called "Anarcho Syndicalist" structures!
>Extra! Extra!

>Kamala's family would be from a fictional middle eastern nation fleeing a totalitarian government
>her father would be a scientist or something with knowledge that the sultan covets or wants to silence
>the sultan would be in cahoots with Roxxon
>Red Dagger would be a freedom fighter
>Basic Becky/Lockup would be Roxxon's enforcer

Yeah, I mean, where and when the fuck is he supposed to be?

And there is massive sympathy for religious extremists because this is like a year before the Shah is overthrown and people understand what it means if you establish a 20th century theocracy.
Oh, and the Russians are somehow involved.

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Also Claremont would introduce a hypnotic belly dancer lady villain with predatory lesbian undertones

>Congress a shit
Sounds like them

Stan Lee IS Silver Age Marvel.

She must be protected

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I don't like her recent emotional trauma

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Then you're not going to like this.

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Says the girl who in her own book pushes away anybody from outside Jersey who tries to help her.

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She got like evelynn powers?

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Apparently, her first arc in Ahmed's run ends with her getting a new suit and keeping it for at least a while.

>black suit stance
>scarf parts sticking out
That shit is alive isn't it?

Not the first time she would have to deal with a living suit.

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Is Kamala going to stab some mofos?

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I want to sniff them.

Into the Kamala verse when?

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Probably a Skrull the whole time.