Is one of the most powerful DC characters

>is one of the most powerful DC characters
>still no movie appearances

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't think any of his fans really want Fate to show up in this trashy DCEU. It's the same for a lot of characters...

"Powerful" isn't a reason.

Also hardly any comic appearances.

Besides, Plasticman is better.

I liked that one comic where he tried to pass down the helm to a young egyptian boy.
It would’ve been sweet.

>hardly any comic appearances
>been around since 1940

At least he made it into Injustice.

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Spectre was BTFO by Mxy.
Htf did Trigon stalemated him?

>Raiden gets more Screentime in Shazam! Than Dr. Fate

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Why would he be in Shazam?

Well it was more appropriate.

Bully’s A champion of Magic, Fate’s also a top dog in the magic world, makes enough sense

What do Lords of Chaos and Order really look like?
Also what are their function?

>what are their function
>order and chaos
Gee I wonder

All because he is an old character doesn't mean anyone around now cares about him, either in terms of comic writers or comic buyers.

Doctor Fate is just another one of those guys who shows up to do nothing important in big crossover events, standing in a crowd during The Big Meeting and watching from the sidelines as the 5-6 justice league members that actually matter do everything important. He was popular once, a long time ago, so not he can never die and will always be hanging around in the background forever.

Because nothing in comics is ever allowed to just go away.

Plastic Man is literally the joke character equivalent of Deadpool for DC.
All he does is act like a smarmy ass, like those "asshole Superman" comics from the 30s.

Well how do they go about it?
How does one monitor/create order?
How does one monitor/create chaos?
I’m just asking how do they do their jobs? Because it seems like a generic good and evil game with no real substance.

>Deadpool for DC
Thats Harley.

>yet one of the captain whatevers makes a hadoken, from Street Fighter, owned by Capcom, which has a long running partnership with Marvel.
Heh, nothing personnel

Maybe that will change now that Billy, Arthur and Diana are the current most successful names.

Harley is the Memepool of DC.

>Harley is the Memepool of DC.
Then she’s the Gwenpool of DC with equal amounts of Waifufagging.

Gwenpool isn't even the Gwenpool of Marvel anymore. Gwenpool, as a role, is obsolete.
desu, Harley is like a mix of Memepool and Gang Weed Joker.

Order basically want the universe to remain in balance. Like if Dr Fate has been assigned to let someone like Superman die he’ll allow it. But since Dr Fate doesn’t like the way they do things he just tries to keep balance. Chaos I don’t know much about but I’ll assume they like destroying things to keep balance

>Basing what you think should get made into a movie on being "one of the most powerful"
Are you literally 12?

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His movie could be fun. Like him holding back the earth’s destruction with his bare hands. Or beating the shit out of Superman. Maybe have him fight enchantress since her popularity has been rising

Whoa dude, don't go giving away ten million dollar ideas like that on the internet, someone might steal them!

He was in Smallville.

you say that like its supposed to make us feel better


Then think of something else dickhead

>it's another "Constantine tricks the helmet into not taking him as its host" episode

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Exactly what’s the relation/hierarchy between Nabu and The Wizard?

>Because nothing in comics is ever allowed to just go away.
No one's ever really gone.

Wizard is definitely superior.
They have a business relationship in my mind though.

He’s probably has dealt with both. Mainly on Mr Mind or the sins. Other that I don’t think they really care about the wizard unless it’s his power

Well yeah I gathered The Wizard was more important given that he’s custodian of The Rock of Eternity and a member of The Quintessence but I just find it strange they never interact. Are Lords of Order just shit?

>are the lords of order just shit
Really they’re dicks but necessary ones in a way

What if, like, the Anti-Monitor shot like a really big beam, because he's super strong, and it's BWOOOOOONGCHUUUUU, and then Dr. Strange is like so strong, so he shoots a beam that isn't as big, and is like PSCOOOO, but then he's like "NAW" and THE BEAM BECOMES BIGGER LIKE BWOOOOOOOOOOOOOSCH.

I think that's really the path to creating a tight screenplay with enjoyable characters and an engaging world.

It's been ages since I read it, but IIRC, we never see the Mxy deal with the Spectre himself. We don't know for sure whether the Jim Corrigan of Injustice's universe actually has the Spectre's powers or is just his host, which is a detail that changes from time to time depending on the writer. If he doesn't have powers, then it's more reasonable for him to be incapacitated and for the Spectre to be incapacitated because his host is.


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It was Joker with 99% of Mxy’s Power, adequate times

I'm mocking your ideas because you seem to conflate "wanking off to power levels" with "being any good", which is beyond stupid.

Do you even know that most of Dr. Fate’s comics are power level wanking

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You do realize that if they ever do make a Doctor Fate movie, they're going to use Inza so they can get another female led film under their belts, yeah?

Which is fine by me, because Inza is best Fate anyway.

>inza is best fate
If I remember correctly, Nabu and the Orders didn’t like her

Green Arrow was in Smallville and got his own tv show.
Supergirl was in Smallville and got her own show.
Hawkman was in Smallville and was a main character in S1 of Legends.
Zatanna was in Smallville and there are talks about a Zatanna movie.

Yeah, because she was actively trying to help people, and gave no shits whatsoever about their cosmic wankery.

Also, Nabu is a massive cunt. Him not liking you is a sign you're doing something right.

I remember sandman had one of the Lords of Order showed up when he wanted to sell off hell but IDK its been years.

d.c.ucks are delusional af

How am I delusional? I just listed three ideas not an actual movie.


Bait. Ignore.
Its been done, even they admit it.
I like your idea though user but I prefer Klarion or Demon lords like Blaze and Satanus (There’s your Shazam reference).

What’s wrong with lewd legs?

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Top kek. D.c. fans are in a sad place right now. I'm over here on my ladder looking at a new x men and fantastic four mcu debut and your "hearing talks" about a Zantana movie? Top kek indeed


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Doesn’t have the same feel.
Really the OG enchantress gave off Zatanna vibes.

Fate's more of a Law and Order sort that uses magic than Magic for magic's sake sort.

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>trashy DCEU
way to signal that you're a pathetic Disneydrone. Plenty of people like the DCEU and I as a Fate fan would love to see him show up. Stop acting like your opinion is the only true fact, dimwit

Injustice right?
How old is Fate anyway?

Very old, like immortal

I wanna know how this would fit in with the whole Doomsday Clock thing?
How will they be brought back into the fold?

How about that outfit with a pointy hat then?

Plastic Man is literally the best Golden Age comic DC owns in its library.

Golden Age is synonymous with joke character, user

Yeah it's Injustice.
Comic-wise, Kent was a kid in the 1920s with Nabu but it's comics so age is fluid as hell; like Jay Garrick and Alan Scott are probably in their 80s or 90s but they don't look a day over 50.

Get rid of the wondy looking suit and give her a robe.
Rope around thighs are pretty ugly looking imo.

Probably something along the lines of "Manhattan does SOMETHING to unfuck his nonsense and poof! JSA is back."

Or at least I hope.

Speedforce aint gotta explain shit.
Magic starheart, maybe even more powerful than a GL ring
The more interesting question would more like why Wild Cat doesn’t age.
Wait... Maybe its that 9 Lives thing.

He had some good stories over the years. The GA material was actually pretty good for a DC book at the time, up until editors insisted the writer chop off his helmet and make the stories revolve around him fighting gangsters and racketeers like every other cape, instead of the supernatural threats he had been facing until then. You can see a sudden drop in quality at the halfway mark of the GA Dr. Fate Archives volume, when his mouth becomes visible.

The DCYou book was pretty good as I remember. I really need to dig out the 80's ongoing I have and give it a try, too.

Dr. Fate could absolutely become a successful solo character. DC just needs to figure out how to use him right.

Speak of the devil I just found this page.
>Billy dating Stargirl but Jay and co don't know he's really a kid and not an older creep.

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>is one of the most powerful DC characters
How many times did I already hear that line?

Jay is pure man who just wants people to be safe. If billy told him the truth I’m pretty sure jay would be fine with it

How old was Billy here?
If he’s about the same age as Courtney why can’t he just reveal it to Jay?

>Batman is a regular human dressed as a bat who gets nailed by some average joe thug every once in a while.
>He's the most popular character to the point of annoying fans of other heroes who get overshadowed

People need to learn it isn't the character's actual power but their character, personality, lore, etc.

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Normies will think he is a Dr Strange rip-off

How deep is B-mans lore anyway?
And How does it compare to the rest of the JL?

Revealing you're actually a child soldier tends to put characters with moral dignity in something of a precarious position.

But why isn’t Courtney in trouble too?
She has way less defense than Billy does or am I missing something here?

He would be like Sokratis in ancient Athens; the good guys would sentence him to death for always being right and also being a dick

Being told how you're a slave to chaos gets old after the 1000x time

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Is powerlevel a requirement to get a movie in DC?

Supposedly the wisdom of Solomon told Billy that resigning from the JSA and breaking up with Courtney/Stargirl was better than telling everyone that he was really a 16 year old boy who occasionally looked 25 with magical superman powers.

Jeez why was Solomon such a cock-blocker?
Makes no sense too.

The problem is very few non-good writers can write him. As MAI NIGGA Doctor Fate is my favorite comic character I'll explain why.
He is OP. Like, really really OP. That in itself isn't a problem, as folks like Superman proves. But, Superman has a very well known mythos, side characters, narratives surrounding him, etc that even non-great writers can shape into something good.
Fate doesn't. He has a few narratives and side characters, but nothing as large and as exposed as Clark.
Which means, if you want to write Fate, you have two options.
Either, write "new fate gets the helmet and tries to get used to it" for 6th time now? 7th? Which one, is boring and two, is very limited, as a story, usually. It doesn't let you build on the character a lot, you need
>this x at his norm and that's what he does
to do that.Origin stories aren't that. So, after the origin is done, you're back to square one mythos-wise.
Or you need a really good writer. Like, DeMatteis for example. Who wrote the GOAT Fate run (even if it started with newbies, it took them through many developments and wasn't just an origin). But not everyone is DeMatteis now, are they? Imagine a character that in theory is as OP as Superman. Also, his mojo isn't punching things, it's reality warping. And psychedelic trips into the mind. It's difficult to write a good Fate story, unless you thin out what makes him Fate completely and get left with a husk.

Sorry for being rude but can you tl;dr this user?

I know, right?
Seeing as CM is a heavy-hitter, he probably didn't want to risk his own villains going after her.

Fuck off marvelfag

It's not that long, but here's the gist. With Fate you have three options
1)water him down-> shit story
2)make new fate gets the helmet for the 9999th time->shit story
3)find a writer capable of writing OP&psychedelic reality warper with no well known mythos and narratives surrounding him

3 is difficult. 1 and 2 don't expand him as a character, which means if you do 1 or 2, the next writer has to be good, or you reboot again.

Side note. I want Morrison to write Dr Fate.

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I’m not gonna judge Solomon here but it would have been a nice relationship.
You think they would try again? In this new DC world?

I know Dr. Fate is more powerful than Dr. Strange, Dr. Fate film would be sweet if done well.

I get it user its difficult to expand on fate.
>Side note. I want Morrison to write Dr Fate.
But ankn Morrison studies Chaos Magic.

Basically writers cannot grasp the true form of Doctor Fate and he's not as fleshed out as Supes or Batman because of it.

His abilities are beyond most writers.

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this just makes Strange easier to write for, and damn they struggled even with him back in the day

Abilities such as?

And you know what? It's not that you /have/ to expand on a character. But for there to be no need to expand on a character, you have to have a large garden of stories that writers can draw elements and ideas from, either to emphasise or subvert them. Or somewhere in between. Or just to be inspired by.
Your Fate garden is limited and mostly origin stories.

>Morrison studies chaos magic
DrFate has ascended to an agent of balance that can go full chaos on you, if you it's needed. It's just that most threats are usually chaos-based, so his order approach is WHAT FATE DEMANDS. Then again, he has used chaos against chaos too. With great success. In this fight.

Hector Hall as fate used that on "the curse".

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Literally everything.
Some of his spells are very unique.

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Huh when did he became an agent of Balance? Could you also recommend me some books for Fate reading?

ITT: good explanations for why fate is so difficult to write about

Fleshing out his powers and story is like thinking of an original word that fits logically into the English language but doesn't exist. it can be done, but it takes a lot of thought. I've always imagined that the reality warping capabilities could be best summarized by a few of those lads that write SCP type things (think scp 3999)

Take one part Doctor Strange to one part Inception
Mix well
Add the tail end of 2001 a Space Odyssey while you're at it.
Don't forget Time travel, Dimensional travel, Cosmic travel
Add a portion of mythological monsters and gods
Add LSD to taste, then dump a truckload more for shits and giggles.

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Why, yes, I can. MAI NIGGA Doctor Fate is my favorite character and yes, whenever he has threads, I usually give recommendations. I haven't read everything that's been written with him, but I have read most and even for those that I haven't fully read, I've read a bit and have the gist.

1)Now, even if it's not THE best Dr Fate story, a great starting point is the Immortal Doctor Fate miniseries. It does something rare, it shows us the main Fate doing his job as Fate. Like, a classical
>this is who I am and what I do
run. You read that, you get what Fate is about. Mostly.

2.)Now, we move on to the best Doctor Fate run, the one by DeMatteis. It has an intro and a main part, the intro is important to the story so read that too.
The DeMatteis run is collected in Doctor Fate vol 1 and in the first half of Doctor Fate vol 2.

3)Also great is the second half of Doctor Fate vol 2. It continues the story, but it's not written by DeMatteis, it's written by Messner-Loebs. Still good. Here you see the first seeds of Doctor Fate as an agent of Balance.

4)Doctor Fate volume 3. I think here is where he calls himself an agent of Balance fully. Self contained story. Not exceptional, but a very good read.

1 through 4 are all solid.
Now, if you want to expand, some extra stuff.

5)Countdown to mystery is an origin of a new Fate but it is an interesting read. Mostly because it's trippy, psychedelic, with multiple endings.

6)Also, 90s edgy Fate has two books Fate and Book of Fate. I forget which came first. I think the first one is better. While these two suffer from 90s-itis, they're not as bad as you think from looking at the cover, but they're not the peak obviously. However, the first one features Alan Scott too and who doesn't like Alan?

7)He appears a lot on side stuff, like JLI (good) and Johns' JSA (not that bad, imo. Regardless of what you think of Johns, his Fate in his JSA wasn't horrible.)

As for the bad stuff, like nu52 Fate. I am not fond of that.

Thanks for the great recs Fateanon have a Magical day, I gtg back to bed cause its night time here.

Continuing, nu52 Fate didn't impress me. Though the covers were good. Earth 2 Fate in the nu 52 had potential, but it was shafted. And right now, if you remember Spectre going briefly crazy villains in Days of Vengeance, well, in JL Dark, Fate does the same. Oh joy.
Generally, nu52 has shat on Fate. I hope with Doomsday clock and the return of the JSA he will be restored to form.

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Time to take notes for future reading. Thanks!

I am happy to have helped anons. Always nice to spread love for my favorite character.

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New 52 was a craps shoot for most characters. Some did great, most... did not.
Now we just need Johns to get his act together and finish Doomsday Clock. I'd like another JSA series before the end of time!

>power level faggot

You are the worst

Again Dr Fate is one of the few characters that kill everyone in all of DC. The guy has always been a power level thing

Dr Fate according to Injustice knows who Black Adam is before he became the champion

Nabu certainly would've known Adam so it isn't a stretch.

When do MK characters start showing up in DC movies

There was a MK vs DC game years ago and they're doing the Injustice games.

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Lol wrong picture.

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>DC just needs to figure out how to use him right
Shove Batman into his book.
Make sure that Batman is on half the covers even if Batman isn't in the issue.

Batman is the only thing that DC has faith in selling. Batman, Batman, BATMAN!

If he comes out now it'll just be endless Doctor Strange comparisons. There's already too many of those before.

It would be bad time to adapt him to film. normal fags will assume him to be a Dr.Strange clone

A lot of people know he was around way before strange. But I bet a lot more people don’t know that

Yeah, Fate was around 20-some odd years before Doctor Strange debuted but leave it to normie plebs to tard out and only think of the fact there was a Doctor Strange film first.

>Also hardly any comic appearances.
What a fucking moron.

I guess having several volumes' worth of books series and being a JSA member means nothing these days.

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>if you don't have a movie then that means you're an unimportant nobody
This is the world we choose.

Comics becoming mainstream is both a blessing and a curse.

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How is it a blessing? It's just a curse.

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The Lords of Order used to be more order as a cosmic force of good, but steadily shifted to a more neutral "muh balance" over time. Nabu/Fate, despite being the mightiest of them, hates their apathy and laziness and more or less goes out to do shit directly. But he also has the cosmic equivalent of PTSD, and it's a dice roll to decide whether or not he decides to nuke the world or not.

The Lords of Chaos are pure evil flat-out, however. They only enjoy causing destruction and madness for its own sake, and nothing else.

>be superhero
>get made into a movie
>your love interest is now black
>your best friend is now gay
>you're played by a mutt
Hollywood is the home of the SOULLESS

Name your favourite Dr Fate story.


>Well how do they go about it?
Muh duality

>Nine lives
Wait is that a thing


Granted things get dumbed down to the lowest common denominator and then there's all the pandering nonsense in the mainstream, but there's a remote possibility of the films unmolding a normie's ignorance about a character. Maybe they'll get interested and become one of us and they read the actual comics or source material.
Perhaps instead of a casual fan with a tacky superhero t-shirt because it's "hip", they become a genuine fan.

Lots of perhaps and maybes in there but you gotta start somewhere.

Yeah there's actually a storyline where Jay kills Ted so he can revive and loophole his way out of a magic prison.

Spectre is cooler

You mean phantom stranger

What's his most significant story appearance?

Shazam was in Smallville (sort of?).

Weird ways of spelling Ragman.

Which season?

Now that you mention it...

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He should be used sparingly.

And lots of chances that actually, comic stuff get watered down or altered to appeal to the moviecasual.

name your favorite Captain Marvel or Ant-Man story

Does Inza ever not get pissed at Kent about being Fate?


>best Doctor Fate run, the one by DeMatteis.
Also a good idea to know who Meher Baba is to fill out any blanks you might have

I'm hoping Fate or Spectre get a DCTV show on DCU.

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Fanart, I imagine.


Is there a recommended reading list for him?

user. Read the thread. I made an effort.

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We should have an elseworld weekly short-story based on the 52 earths.

We have an extremely watered down earth x ongoing, at least.


Ah, wait, I misread. You meant us. On Yea Forums.
Sorry. I meant DC has a current Freedom Fighters book, set in earth x.

There is one? What is it about?

>"DCEU sucks"
>"fuck you marvel faggot
They can both suck, guys. They can also both not suck. Shazam, for example, is a good movie, and also a part of the DCEU. Superman v Batman can suck my dick. Infinity war was hot trash. The original iron man was pretty good. It's not mutually exclusive, formulate your own opinions instead of immediately bringing the conversation down to bipartisan american ape shitflinging on the behalf of snyder and his chucklecucks or the mouse.

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Why do all the characters I like have to die in that asinine game?


Did Fate show up in any new CW shows?

Not that I know of

I want my booster gold movie


And blue beetle

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Was Stargirl seen anywhere after Rebirth?

Was seen talking to Billy.
Maybe Johns is thinking of hooking them up again.

Oh hey, for real? When did that happen?

shazam 2 would be a perfect way to implement him

Damn, I forgot!
I think it was Doomsday Clock? But I am not sure.

They all rip off Spider-Man in joke cracking.

This, characters like Fate or heavy Wank flash make other heroes like Batman and even superman useless and redundant. It's their personality that draws people in.

You could say that any brooding character is a Batman rip-off too in that department.
You can’t copyright being a smart-ass, user.

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Went to bed, back up now.
Freedom fighters is about the resistance in Earth x, against the nazis. The problem is, instead of the impressive nazi JL villains, you have some schmucks that are just there for the good guys to triumph.
Meh. Like, it's nazis, got to beat them, but there's more weight when the nazis are nazi batman, nazi supes and the like.

While you were gone I read some of it.
Are the Plasstik men one guy or multiple guys?

Is that inza

Not sure, one but can multiply? Can't recall.
Linda Strauss.

Overman is endgame plus he is still depressed. Plasstik man is pretty terrifying though, he’ll do fine.
We’ll just have to see.

>Plasticman is better.

Plasticman would be great if it's written by the same guy who wrote Shazam. The humor was great and would fit Plasticman.

She has a nice ass

She also wanted to bang a ten year old.

It's not as fun as leatherwing and sexy blonde evil valkyries.
Also, it's pretty obvious from the
>we don't need overman
that they're hiding the fact he's left the regime and probably earth all together.

>Jeez why was Solomon such a cock-blocker?
Solomon dindu nuffin

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>most powerful
>gets fucked by charcoal

>powerful means good

>WW pegs underage boys with developed bodies

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As someone who used to like Deadpool and Harley, I'm disgusted with how bad Deadpool has become and how Harley is somehow even fucking worse.

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>powerful means bad

I miss the old Bewitched looking costume.

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Clearly we need to make Doctor Fate appeal to kids today. He needs to be from the streets. Me? I'm from the streets. And drop the lame Doctor from the name. Doctors aren't street.

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They’ve been alluding to another mkvs dc for awhile now

To raise the stakes


Her husband's kid (she was the stepmother) was her fated lover from previous incarnations and she felt "drawn" to him. Once Nabu ages the kid up and they (the kid and her) are both doctor Fate (they merge) she wants to literally fuck him. Of course, he freaks out, because adult body or not, he's still a kid in his mind.
Then he dies, she mourns him, she dies and once they are both reincarnated in new adult bodies, they are a couple

Is this evil or good enchantress

He could possibly appear as a cameo in a later Snyder film if he ever plans on featuring the Justice Society.

However, apart from that, he's more of a supporting character and while I do enjoy him, it's sort of difficult to make a movie out of him when his Marvel counterpart, Dr. Strange, who came out later, came out with one first.

Please do not let Snyder touch Dr Fate. He’d ruin him

Strange and Fate have basically nothing in common besides being sorcerers so it won’t matter much


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Hopefully it isn't as clunky as the first one.

>DC heroes can only do brutalities and not fatalities
Kinda defeats the purpose of a MK game but Injustice is a decent in-between, story insanity aside.

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Is this real?

It's hard to make powerful characters interesting. They need to have meaningful stakes and a chance of losing.

Also, just generally speaking, magic is hard to put on film without looking corny.

Oh, definitely. Like this too.

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You know I would totally read a Doctor Fate/Enchantress team up book

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I liked this one.

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That’s quite the crossover


Who wins?

Who wins?

Who wins?

In most crossovers they just work together in the end

Plastic man makes joke but he is not a joke character, DC doesn't have gag characters because even characters that are funny are played straight.

There's usually more of winner or loser on one side or the other.


Didn't Fate show up in Shadowpact?

These are always cool

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These don’t actually exist right

Oh, no just the covers, this guy makes them. Super Team Family: The Lost Issues.

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Didnt see the filename so when the picture was loading all I could think was why the spectre was a girl

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it is for DCHUDs

Damn, when did Shadowpact come out again?

Not bad

Wouldn’t they be enemies

If Enchantress goes coo-coo then yes.

What's the context?

From a Drawthread

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Can some user give me a list of Dr. Fate villains? I wanna know.

I only remember 2. Klarion and Curse

Who's Curse?

Mordu, Wotann, Typhoon
dr fate vol 3 villian here:

Can I get a Quick rundown on Mordu, Wotann and Typhoon?

Typhoon and Mordu are Lords of Chaos.
Eldritch horrors. Typhoon appears in doctor fate vol 2, by torturing a kid that becomes dr fate later, in an insane asylum with the help of a doctor that would become anti-fate (and then redeemed later, irc). Then typhoon team ups with fate to fight a universe-ending problem, betrays him and gets smacked around.
Mordu you've seen before. Remember that DCAU JLU episode with booster gold? Remember the threat the JL faces while Booster is busy? That being they all team up to take down? That's mordu. He features a lot as a dr fate enemy and a JSA enemy in Johns' JSA. Also, he will appear in the current JLDark to help against fascist Nabu.
Wotann is a reincarnated sorcerer who fought Nabu in the past. Nabu made him green, so he'll always be green in future reincarnations and Nabu and his allies will be able to spot him. His deal is, life after life collecting more and more magic knowledge.


>DrFate has ascended to an agent of balance
I guess you're not reading JL Dark? Tynion has Nabu controlling, I guess Kent's body, and going full autist about destroying magic on Earth to restore order as a result of some shit that went down in No Justice. Also, Nabu imprisoned Khalid but Kurt Langstrom freed him. Nabu and several other Lords of Order are about to destroy the JLD. I think the next issue resolves the arc.

Yo!!! Khalid is back?
What issue?

JSA shows Nabu before he became Fate and Adam as the Wizard's champion associating in ancient Egypt and Khandaq. Prince Khufu, one of Hawkman's many past lives was there too.

We are obviously ignoring nu52's approach to fate. We're talking about what Fate has done in the good runs. Yes, I'm read JLDark.

Justice League Dark #8 or 9. #10 comes out next Wednesday

Now I want a hawkman and fate team up

Funny you mention that. In JSA, the Helmet of Fate is worn by Hector Hall, Hawkman's son. If you haven't read JSA, you should.

And he's also dr fate in dr fate vol 3

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Nabu needs to take a chill pill or twelve. He always goes off the rails.

He already got one and tons of development, but current writing ignores that.

Does he have hawkman’s anger?

Hector was always pretty chill, aside from when his search for his missing wife Lyta pushed him to the edge emotionally. He found her eventually and then was happy chillin' in Fate's tower for about a minute before being ignominiously killed off. I cry every time I think about it. He was too beautiful for this world.

There haven't been that many movies yet

It's the same situation as the spectre, they had to water his powers down after COIE only for Ostranders run that competently displayed his powerset with crazy, cool stories.

Will never not be mad DC got stuck with 90's gore and vintage porn aesthetic of Mortal Kombat while marvel got the classic street fighter treatment

>That being they all team up to take down? That's mordu. He features a lot as a dr fate enemy and a JSA enemy in Johns' JSA.
and lots and lots of Legion of Super-Heroes where he first appeared, a thousand years into the future.
He's the white bearded man on the left on this page from the Books of Magic miniseries

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The "Weaken the Spectre" was apparently what Steve Gerber wanted when he was set to write The Spectre after CoIE. He asked Moore (for Swamp Thing) and Thomas (Last days of the JSA) to weaken the Spectre.
Then he got kicked off the book because he was chronically late with scripts, and decided to visit the Howard the Duck film set instead of do his deadlines. Moench replaced him.

Ironically, a similar thing happened years later with Doctor Fate. Gerber had been pitching a Doctor Fate series for years, and Infinite Crisis gave DC the opportunity to let him write it. Hector Hall got killed off for Gerber's new OC to replace him. Only, Gerber was so sick that the new series kept getting delayed. DC rushed out that "Helmet of Fate" set of one-shots to fill in time for Gerber to be ready.
"Countdown to Mystery" finally came out as a TIE IN to "Countdown to Final Crisis," and Gerber died a few issues in, leaving others to write the ending.
Hector wasn't really chill in Infinity Inc. He was kind of a douche because he didn't have a soul, and then went full villain before his death and resurrection as Sandman. Then Gaiman came along and retconned the circumstances of his time as Sandman a year later.

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If there was demand for a Fate film, how would the story and premise go?

Almost seems like it would play out like a cross between the Mummy and Shazam but trippier like Doctor Strange.

I don't think a good fate film starts with fate becoming fate. You have fate already established, but bittered/detached and gradually (inza's support?) he gets more active again. You tell the origin with flashbacks.
Dr Fate's "rise up to the occasion" moment that has to be the central arc, isn't becoming Fate, that's something that's forced on him and he ends up orphan, with crazy powers, an adult body and only a magical entity supporting him. Of course he becomes Fate.
His "rise up to the occasion" is continuing to be Doctor Fate after merging with an eldritch horror and becoming a new being, tasked with maintaining an ever collapsing world order and knowing the fate of most things and being fucking sick of it.

I haven't actually read Infinity Inc but I've always been interested, and of course I've heard about the soul thing. Was that something Roy hinted at through subplots all along or did it just kinda happen?

Can we use Dr Fates personality from injustice

Those insults are glorious

Hector was the kid of two established archeologists, and they were loaded. Even in flashbacks to childhood or his teenage years, he was written a bit like a stereotypical preppy asshole. I don't know if the soul thing was planned from the start, because a lot of Roy's writing had characters being snarky to each other by default.
I'll try to find some pages of young Hector.

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Don't the guardians of OA do the exact same thing?

Based Fateanon.

Female fate is cute