WILMINGTON, NC (WECT) - DC Universe’s Swamp Thing will end production earlier than expected in Wilmington...


>WILMINGTON, NC (WECT) - DC Universe’s Swamp Thing will end production earlier than expected in Wilmington, according to crew members working on the show.

>Cast and crew members got word of the changes during filming on Tuesday night. The reaction on the set was one of shock, said sources who did not want to be named.

>The show was scheduled to premiere on a new DC Universe streaming service at the end of May. Leaders in the film industry expected it to shoot several seasons in Wilmington.

Realistically they probably cut it to see how it fares and will pull a Titans with a split season. But also not a great sign.

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DCU is going to be part of that big combination of Waner Media services like Boomerang and HBOGo

>13 episodes
>Ends at 10

So it's Titans all over again. Thank god Doom Patrol got to finish production first.

yes, I samefagged my own thread. I'm not proud. But I did it.

You used the name field but i think you wanted the subject field lol

I wonder if the failure of hellboy has something to do with it?
suits fearing that a superhero franchise where the hero is a monster won´t sell

I hope titan get´s cancelled
shit looks terrible

But DC fans told me the streaming service was huge success

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That is unfortunate. I didn't mind it with Titans because I only barely cared enough to have it on while I did other stuff.

Well...Titans was pretty okay, maybe Swampy will be as well? I'm bummed out regardless
And here's the company war tards

They already finished shooting the entire first season, right?

yep. doubled down hard on the fuck up but hey no one else even noticed this news yet

Imagine being a cameraman who lives in fucking Wilmington and this is your only job lined up for the entire year and then it gets cancelled.

No, that's why this news is out.

There were supposed to be 3 more episodes, but they're cutting it short because WB doesn't know if they're going to keep the streaming service going.

They will keep DCU as a standalone for the people who want the comics, community and other stuff.

They will sell their Warner media streaming service and offer add-on bundles, like Criterion, DCU and other stuff.

Disney is going to bundle Hulu, for example, with their Disney+, and probably other stuff, it's no indication of anything one way or another.

They can always drive the 6 and a half hours to Atlanta

>living in fucking Wilmington

Never forget entire generations grew up there because of Dawson's Creek productions.

>yes, I samefagged my own thread. I'm not proud. But I did it.
relax user, I do it all the time

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That would be the smart thing, but AT&T and WB aren't exactly known for doing the smart thing.

gtfo you mouse shill! Titans is an amazing show. lot of blood and violence, so dark and edgy - I loved every episode

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Would be stupid to cancel now since they've got over 500,000+ downloads in android despite only opening their services in the american market. They also announced the Xbone partnership recently so unless they'd want to piss off over 500,000+ customers, the app should be here for the long haul

Just because they downloaded the app doesn't mean they're paying for the service. And even if they were these shows cost millions to make and if they're only getting a few hundred thousand in return they won't be able to afford keeping it going.

You mouse shills must be desperate. They've already paid for Titans and Young Justice many times over with the money they got paid for the streaming rights outside North America.

I don't think they made as much money on Doom Patrol (Many times over the cost) but they certainly made enough to guarantee a second season of that, especially give that it's been so well received critically. And the Titan's budget could pay for DP, Swamp Thing, the Lex and Lois Without Superman show and ever other bullshit idea Cereal Lord wants to crap out.

It's already in the works, ladderbro, relax.

Don't you have Endgame spoilers to fight back against?

>Swamp Thing
who cares about that ugly fucker? I want more waifus, like Raven and Dove. I don't care about canon, comics accuracy, storylines etc.

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>‘Swamp Thing’ series star Virginia Madsen has confirmed on Instagram that the series has been cut short. “I’m beyond sad. What a terrible decision. We have been cut to the core by those who have never set foot into the Swamp.”

>While originally scheduled to film 13 episodes through May in Wilmington, the show will now wrap at just 10 episodes with a new ending currently being written. The outlet also says that WB may be shutting down production early to evaluate the future of the DC streaming service, DC Universe.

The service is gonna get shelved. I don't think that the WB streaming service will happen either. AT&T doesn't want to spend the money when they can just let Amazon and Netflix pay for the shows. But, it's all still being worked out.

The comics portion will be folded into Comixology Unlimited via a deal with Amazon.

They should've just brought out the WB streaming service from the onset, tbqb. This DC-only shit seemed like poor value early on, despite how good TT and Doom Patrol ended up being.

Geoff Johns should kill himself

>I don't think that the WB streaming service will happen either. AT&T doesn't want to spend the money when they can just let Amazon and Netflix pay for the shows.
This. They've already sold off their Hulu stake because of all the debt they have and with Disney+ there's no way any service WB had could compete.