Would you agree with the statement that some wiafus are just better than others?

Would you agree with the statement that some wiafus are just better than others?

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Meh, all just opinion based

No, all a matter of tastes.

Okay I lol'd, but is that pic any legit? I thought Sweden had the hottest blondes?

Yes, but on a subjective level.

"waifu" doesn't mean "female character"

Any physical attractiveness is drowned out by annoying amounts of wokeness.

Swedish women are all weird looking and crazy, Norwegian and Danish are much nicer

Yes. My waifu is better than your waifu.

Carefully cherrypicked models, most are wide-shouldered flat uggos

My life has been a lie
Are at least the eastern european chicks really ara-ara worthy?

>Eastern European chicks
Only for a short window of time, and then they turn into Babushkas.

Most of the blondes I've ever met have pretty faces but their bodies are pretty much just planks. Flat and rectangular

It's a statement indicating that the speaker does not understand what a waifu is.

t. never been there

eastern europe differed from the west in that there is a higher percentage of really generally attractive girls. they arent as super trad as /pol/ would have you believe, but they are trad to varying degrees.

Also to answer OP: yes. My waifu is better than all of yours and this is a fact.

Legit question , I genuinely would like to know , how are you guys attracted to cartoon and comic book characters? It's just something I never understood. They aren't real.

It's autism. On your side actually.

Perhaps southeastern Europe.

>They aren't real
The chance of any of us literally scoring any of our waifus is as slim as scoring with a normal girl, so why the fuck not?

For me it's a matter of an ideal type, a veritable northern star. I can justify further based on ontology and reason, but the aforementioned is the basis.

The same way you get 'emotionally' invested in a character. You get immersed in a world, you see/hear/project onto a character and imagine how they would look and act in the real world. With the visual aspect of comics and the step further with animation and voice acting you can get a better picture of them in a modern, down to earth setting. Drawing from life and seeing a woman through, say, a painting from the enlightenment-baroque. Of course with enough detail, you can see a beautiful woman and sexualize them and or find them attractive. Now with cartoons, you can exaggerate proportions, styles and so forth. Yet you can still distinct body types, eyes, facial structures and personalities enough to picture them interacting with you. Man has done this since cave paintings, it's not a foreign ideal.

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To add, if one extensively contemplates ontology and the nature/essence of being/existence, one sees that proving that others exist is no different from that of a seemingly fiction character. That is, doing so is impossible. Because they are equally as impossible, they are equally as possible.

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>All of these people not telling the frogposters to fuck off
It's like you want them to taint this board
Fuck off frogposter

You are deficient as a human.

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I wanna do something to spite you now

Spoken like people with shit taste.