Alright lads here we go. Beware of the ship that everyone hates, it gets fanservice for pages here.
Adventure Time: Simon and Marcy Issue #4 Storytime
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Whoops! I'll delete that page as soon as I get the chance to. Fucking 4chanx.
I like Bubbline, speak for yourself
Well I guess I'm skipping those pages then! faggot.
it's a tragedy
At least there's no PB in the next two issues.
dare I post the others or skip over this anons
I'm willing to take the risk. I'm curious to see how the miniseries will end.
Terribly, just like the show.
Muto isn't writing this
And that's the end of issue 4. Is Betty going to be split off and revived? What hoops will the comic jump through that the show wouldn't for Finn?
Only thing left out really is Finn getting shit on.
What's with all AT media and having Finn off to the side doing something else whenever a moment between those two happens? The first arc of S11, Sky Witch, Varmints, Stakes, The Finale, etc and now this.
That's the end of the book lads
At least we get more of Finn comforting Marcy without being pushed away.
I can't say much for the series since Muto is a piece of shit, and S11's first arc is a flaming pile of ass.
Speaking of the comic, one of the S11's writers (the one who likes Finn) told some stuff regarding the comic this weekend.
>Only thing left out really is Finn getting shit on.
The VAs care more about the characters than the fucking writers.
The only VA I see still giving a heck about the characters is Olivia (It's a gig and that sweet lesbian money). Shada (rightfully) hasn't talked much about it besides in Q&A's at fancons. John is fomenting at the mouth on twitter, Walch still has interest retweeting art (Man, she really loves doing Starfire!) and Tom Kenny still refuses to go on social media.
He can't even watch her and PB have a moment and say "Real happy for you guys!" It's so....weird not having the main character be able to acknowledge such a prominent thing.
Thanks, OP.
Thanks for the link. It looks like he had some neat ideas, and I'm glad that he doesn't try to pass the finale off as a masterpiece. Also, he's officially my guy for liking Susan.
So when is Finn gonna get some lip service again
When BOOM hires Ted again to write another comic, since he's the only guy who likes Finn.
>What's with all AT media and having Finn off to the side doing something else whenever a moment between those two happens? The first arc of S11, Sky Witch, Varmints, Stakes, The Finale, etc
It wouldn't have made sense for Finn to be there in those particular episodes, but I get what you're saying. I think the main reason is that they didn't want to fully pull the trigger on bubbline at the time, and having Finn acknowledge their relationship would've required that. We might've gotten to see his reaction to it had there been another season, given how they were ramping it up. We sort of get that in Marcy and Hunson in which Finn seems to know that something's going on between them.
bump so I can read
where's cat BMO at in that last panel
>Wouldn’t have made sense for Finn to tag along in an adventure
Dudes literally been sent on quests for things they want and he deliberately gets knocked out so he can’t join.
The point of Sky Witch was to develop PB and Marcy's relationship, so yeah, it wouldn't have made sense for Finn to be there, at least not from a writing perspective.
The real shame is that they didn't create other chances for them all to hang out.
I dunno. Intentionally knocking him out so he can't tag along and making him so inept that he can't hear words correctly for the benefit of a ship doesn't sound so good.
Talk about nitpicky. There doesn't need to be a reason for PB and Marcy to hang out without Finn. They could've left Finn out of the episode entirely and that would've been fine. The real issue is that there weren't other episodes with them all hanging out, not that there are a couple with just PB and Marcy. They needn't come at the expense of the other.