Every other actor in the movie seems to do just fine with banter and ribbing but as soon as there's anything but 100% praise thrown her way she flips the fuck out, it's like she's devoid of any sort of charisma.
So what exactly is wrong with Brie Larsen?
It probably just boils down to her being a jerk. Some people are just like that.
Also she was homeschooled. Homeschooled kids often tend to be weirdos with no social graces.
She triggers Incels.
Not only them. Even normies are starting to dislike her
Has anyone noticed how corporate Brie's brand of "social justice" feels?
Every other celebrity that claims to be a feminist or whatever and actually mean it I constantly see them on twitter talking about one issue or another bee it women, trans or racism. Meanwhile Bree just mostly talks about whatever notorious woman she finds in her timeline while tooting her own horn because of her movie, as if she's really afraid to legitimately step on any toes.
Hell, in her big speech where she criticized male critics she could've picked any number of issues in the industry but she picked the one that had the absolute least chance to cause any sort of blow-back to her career, given that critics hold no real power over her success or any other's, and even in that same speech she chose to defend Wrinkle In time, a Disney movie, when she could've picked a thousand other movies to make her point.
Everything about her persona just feels like she cares more about how others view her, her career and her image than to actually help or care about other people.
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the very reason Disney picked her to play Carol Danvers is exactly because she was the perfect corporate stooge.
I think that when it comes down to it, Brie simply doesn't want to be there. She wants the paycheck, she wants the high-profile gig, but she doesn't actually give a shit about the films.
No wonder she's such a void of charisma, I don't know how Marvel plans to make her the face of the franchise if so far every single actor that has been at the front has loved the fuck out of playing the characters they do.
I've seen her in other movies and she was OK, even in Room. It's just that she can't fucking do action movies and comes off as if she's bored while trying to be badass. Also she got to a point where she feels pretty entitled to everything so the Directors probably have a hard time making her do shit.
I think it might also have something to do with the Captain Marvel production itself because everyone seemed like they were phoning it in.
this 100%
Her movie made a billion so she's going to be here for the long run, unless she pisses off other actors into not renewing their contract or pisses off someone important she probably will stay until her own contract is done.
I'm not an incel, and shit triggers me """"yeah, shes a cunt"""" instincts.
They've got Chadwick Boseman, who also headlined a billion dollar film and is pretty fucking personable opposed to Brie.
Brie Larson is the fakest person in the Avengers ensemble.
Terminal fungal infection.
True but Feige has been pushing Captain Marvel more than anything for a long time and keeps saying how she's going to be the center piece of the MCU, etc... Unless Brie fucks up big time,alienates every other MCu actor or pulls a Norton she's going to stay.
There's nothing wrong with her, incels just do not understand a woman that does not act like an anime waifu
It might be time to pull a Cheadle on her.
If Larson gets canned, will she develop her own schizophrenic system of alternative mathematics like Terrence Howard did?
Why is Brie Larson awful?
Feige seems smart enough to know that he can play both sides and to dial things down if needed. I'm not necessarily talking about booting Brie, I'm just talking about making her the face.
The whole movie seems really half assed. Like everyone involved really didn't know anything about the characters or even the universe they set up at all. They just quickly read a wiki article then got to work writing a script.
She doesn't really come off as angry. She just looks incredibly bored and uninterested with everyone around her all the time.
>as if she's really afraid to legitimately step on any toes.
That's probably how she got a fungal infection on hers
>>In a 2015 interview with Rolling Stone, Howard explained that he had formulated his own language of logic, which he called Terryology, and which he was keeping secret until he had patented it. This logic language would be used to prove his contention that "1 x 1 = 2".[31] "How can it equal one?" he said. "If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it's two, and that cannot be."[31] Howard blames his leaving Pratt over disagreements with a professor regarding this hypothesis. He also stated that he spends many hours a day constructing models of plastic and wire that he patented and claims to confirm his belief.[31] In 2017, Howard published his proof of his claim that "1 x 1 = 2" on his Twitter account.[32] It was heavily criticized by his followers, due to containing multiple logical errors and faulty reasoning.
He really didn't take too well to losing his Marvel paycheque, did he?
Brie has an ego which is pretty apparent in her interviews especially when she was asked about the all female Avengers idea, first thing she said was something along the lines of "Well duh I'm going to lead, well I mean we would take a vote but if they want me of course I'll lead" she couldn't take not being the lead.
Really? got a source for that
She is a prime example of why women can not be leaders. All she does it vindicate """"incels"""" with being a horrible person. Literally a spoiled white daddy's little princess.
I guess perfect for Disney's prime demographic.
Keep drinkin that semen, baby.
Have sex
Get better material.
You first deary.
Because she thinks that since she's a lead, she's better than Kat Dennings.
It's basically boob envy she had ever since the Raising Dad show where a plot was she hadn't gotten big tits yet - her older sister played by Kat Dennings obviously did.
She's just upset that the hot chick with big tits in Thor got more attention than her after all these years - she's constantly being trying to be a known actress and outside one or two parts, she's nothing.
She's also incredibly fucking delusional and neurotic and refuses to discuss her private life, like right down to "what hobbies I have" out of fear of being "judged"
She is literally gender bend Trump.
>the end goal of the MCU was to send actors crazy and revolutionize our understanding of math
I hope Kate plays Circe in the DCEU
that video is literally banter... are you autistic, stop grasping for straws
I don't know if she could get the misanthropic vamp thing that Circe has going. She could probably pull off Veronica Cale's low-key snide.
Women have it easy in society
She's a method actor
And she exclusively plays characters that are cunts.
Leaders, no matter the situation if its sports, politics, clubs ect needs to bring the best out of their team. Brie doesn't bring anyone up. She'd rather bring herself up as a "captain" than her own team.
Yikes personified
>All she does it vindicate """"incels"""" with being a horrible person.
Has she ever even uttered the word "incel"? Or do you just attribute every retard who posts "have sex" online to being Brie Larson in secret?
>what are jokes
have sex.
wow she is such a bitch.
A cunt only a ladderfag could love
Brie has the toenails and skin quality of a regular incel shut-in.
So orgy? Alright but I'm not buying the pizza.
>have sex
did, with a conservative chick. They laugh how ugly and fat you are.
She’s an arrangement diva with an ego that may actually rival Trump’s own. She talks of everything being for the women but listen to her talk enough and you realize that not only is she completely about herself but she just plain exists in a different reality than the rest of us
Male tears is slang for semen.
>being so triggered by memes you try to astroturf an urbandictionary definition
I mean it was a term used long before this stupid shit came about, but use what ever hand wave technique you can and try to make your self feel better. You sound like you need it more then I do.
I feel it's more of how corporations are just doing what she wants but not by her hand, it's just happy coincidence that her and Disney match complete bitch and asshole mode.
now she will be known for destroying the MCU
one movie isnt going to do it.
it's a term long used before. Hence the phrase "only time I cry is through my penis"
To an extent she has - nobody is interested in anything after her movie came out other than "Avengers Endgame". Because she will be part of the new breed and her movie was considered a flop compared to the rest of them except possibly antman
You faggots do realise it was just banter right?
>I'll take a few last swipes at Hated Female!....!....!
Talk about early days
>her movie was considered a flop compared to the rest of them except possibly antman
It's the opposite, her movie made a billion. antman is the runt of the mcu who makes wholesome movies not on a massive scale
Ant-Man is basically Shazam with double box-office.
You do realize you're not getting paid right?
Should we assume you are?
Or are you just working out emotional issues?
Based aussie shiposter Chad.
Nah, I'm just laughing at a shitty person.
>ladderbro meltdown
in 321
(People thinking they don't rehearse their back and forth banter before these kinda interviews to play up their outward personas.)
Fucking idiots.
(Also people thinking that Chris Hemsworth saying his most inspirational person being a cartoonish fictional character compared to Brie Larson and Don Cheadle overtly serious answers wasn't also a joke set up ahead of time.)
You are going to have to learn to let her go, user.
She's not paying any rent, so it's counter-productive to let her shack up in your noggin.
You need to meditate, take a walk in the park, drink heavily or whatever it takes, so you can stroll past these threads without expressing outrage.
>I don't know how Marvel plans to make her the face of the franchise
Word from the rumor mill is that they don't.
See? here's the right idea. This user just repeats his Ladderbro mantra and it gives him the ability to cope with all of this.
Good on him.
Too fucking easy
There you go, you won user. You won and now you can go Darla-post in peace.
Good job guy!
Brie's personality is worse than her ass and feet combined. FACT!
Based Brie's gf wrote her Time 100 profile.
>I mean it was a term used long before this stupid shit came about
It most definitely wasn't. Why lie in here as if you were on Twitter or Reddit?
sorry it hurts you to know people had sex and you never will.
yeah it was, just because you are younger than this board doesnt mean it wasnt done. The world doesnt revolve around you.
They just don't understand this because they're so entrenched in their vendettas they take everything at face value.
Meanwhile Gal Gadot says she'd beat Thor and nobody bats an eye. The double standard is obvious.
>uhm virgin
When has gal ever said that
>Meanwhile Gal Gadot says she'd beat Thor and nobody bats an eye. The double standard is obvious.
>Can't fly
>Get taken out with one headbutt by Superman
creeiiinnngggge have seeeeeeexxxx verrrregiiiiiiinnnnnnn meeeeeemmmmeeeeeeee
Then Chris Hemsworth says she totally would and holy shit, do you people serious still not get them playing this up for appearances and humor?
There's even a video of it, and on top of that, Chris Hemsworth agreed:
But as usual, people have very short memory spans.
>Meanwhile Gal Gadot says she'd beat Thor
Technically, she's right. It's been proven a number of times that WW can defeat Thor. And it was a playful jab that Hemsworth owned up to. Also, it's Gal Gadot. Most of the comic book fans actually like her, unlike this cunt Brie Larson.
>moving the goalposts this hard
Nah, fuck you. Specially this
>Also, it's Gal Gadot. Most of the comic book fans actually like her
Which is a severe case of revisionism too. I still remember how people here got up her case because of her lack of ass, definition, and numerous awkward stunts.
I personally can't stand Gal Gadot
>Brie Larson saying white duded shouldn't review movies with female characters was an *epic* act
What's sad is that Gadot is everything that triggers autists about Brie, but she's ok because they are desperate for some success.
I'm here to say that Carol and her fans suck shit!!!
Fuck Brie Larson too. PEACE
That was BEFORE her movie got released. But fine. Have your own narrative.
I think the difference between them is that Gadot is actually pretty.
Hi ladderbro. Still thinking that people who hate Brie are all DC fans?
I miss the "Shazam dabs on Captain Marvel" memes.
I'll admit her plastic armor gives her a nice figure.
But that's like admiring Michael Keaton because he's so swole.
She sure doesn't give a fuck about the original character.
It is because Gal Gadot doesnt have a square ass jaw
When has Gal ever been anything other than charming in a public appearance? Autists got triggered by her looks, her being jewish, her accent, her acting, her being named a women's ambassador at the UN, her movie being pushed by journos as revolutionary, but she never, ever had anything to say in public or on twitter that could trigger whatever flavor of MRA/incel/other Brie did.
Its true, she's transitioned nicely.
Gal also wants to children in palestine.
/pol/tards are crazy man.
I realised there was a bias when Amber Heards nutjob revelations came out, we'll see when the time comes if she's in AM2 and no "boycotts" or Amber hates men thing happens
The bias is she's hot and crazy. Brie just has the crazy, that twitter sexual assault rant and fungus feet.
Whats the current status of her and Johnny's allegations???
Gadot is everything SJWs wish Larson was, but they can't like her because she's Israeli.
White privilege and being a snarky cunt of a a complete bitch that she is, all due to the fact that she’s devoid of any likable traits that a proper woman has and spends too much of her time hating men for no real reason.
Feige is banging larson. Or else he would not push her so hard.
Several of the other actors aren't happy with her (chadwick and olsen for example)
>Several of the other actors aren't happy with her (chadwick and olsen for example)
They all like her
Yep, they totally hate her, you can see how uncomfortable they are around her.
You mean that unsourced thing where Olsen allegedly said she was pissed she didn't get a movie first? Because that's hardly specifically directed at Larson herself.
"Oh no! Now I'm getting a starring role in what will likely be the most popular streaming service for years to come."
Cosmic Book News are garbage.
>and even in that same speech she chose to defend Wrinkle In time, a Disney movie, when she could've picked a thousand other movies to make her point.
What other sci-fi movies are about black women?
Your brand of cynicism is probably going to lead you to be the type of person who selectively applies standards like "activist enough" or "activist in the right way" that will lead you to play gatekeeper when it suits you.
I wouldn't say she gets angry, but more like she just doesn't take those kinds of jokes well. Seems like she takes any of the snark as being serious and actually dissing her.
She's a stuck up cunt, like most models/actresses.
At least she's honest about who she is, half the actors pretending to be cool are probably huge douchebags IRL.
Have you seen her speak in real life? She's one of those rich arrogant entitled white women that somehow still thinks she's oppressed. You think THAT'S gonna be fun to be around?
Just don't ask for her number. She HATES that!
Have sex.
>Even normies are starting to dislike her
This, most normies are blind sheep who have to REALLY be pushed before the hate on something that they are being spoon fed...
No one does honestly
There's only so much one can infer from a random photo, its easy to put on mask for single instance, not so much for an extended period of time. Even Don Cheadle looked uncomfortable near the end, but im sure you could find pics of her and Cheadle posing together
>Yea Forums is full of white feminists from tumblr
>Idolise Cheddar
Checks out
>Even Don Cheadle looked uncomfortable near the end, but im sure you could find pics of her and Cheadle posing together
Dude don't be stupid, he doesn't look comfortable in most instances.
You guys flip the fuck out with ANYTHING she does, it's like she can't be herself, she has to be whatever the fuck everyone wants her to be.
News flash: that's not how humans work, retards.
She is herself, and herself is a cunt. All well.
If being yourself is unpleasant, you should try to fix your attitude.
>You want to get on your plane
>You're prepared to get to your gate
>Some TSA guy is looking at you
>Smile back, be nice, just want to get this over with and get to my gate
>He asks for my phone number
>What the hell am I supposed to say to that?
>Is he going to give me shit for saying no?
>Or is he going to think I'm a bitch for saying no AND still give me shit?
>I can't say yes, I'm never going to call this person
>Who asks for a phone number while a person is prepared to go on a 9 hour flight?
>Risk saying no and just hope he doesn't give me shit
>Shit, that was awkward
Like, yeah, she was a tad dramatic over Twitter about it, but if a TSA guy asked for my number after just smiling at him I'd be annoyed as shit too.
only when it came to the marvel universe
She can be whatever the fuck she wants, that doesn't entitle her to me liking her, the same way me not liking her isn't an order to her to be someone else. Because yeah, that's not how humans work.
>thingkin bout stan :(
>By the way here's my new shoes and hat and sun glasses and dress and jewellery and tasty drink me me me me me
Gee I don't know why people would think she's a bitch
Sure, but no need to go to twitter to bitch about it. That's pathetic
People can bitch about what they want on twitter, it's not like she even named the guy or airport.
Its not my fault her default is being an unlikable cunt, if she actually had acting skills then maybe she could at least pretend to be decent person...
She's a privilegied public personality that constantly bitches about everything. Why people shouldn't bitch at her in return?
The poor dear. I guess she'll just have to dry her eyes with those millions upon millions of dollars ;_;
>She's a privilegied public personality that constantly bitches about everything.
But she doesn't. She literally doesn't. A couple of tweets don't prove this. You made this a bigger deal than it is.
>Perpetual victim doesn't take jokes well
It has been a long time since I genuinely hated a "celebrity"....
Okay, incel.
>Who asks for a phone number while a person is prepared to go on a 9 hour flight?
Presumably someone who spends half of their life around people who are about to board a plane, like someone who works at an airport. What's so special about boarding a flight anyway ?How is it any more inappropriate than in any other place that's not a bar ? And even in a bar people don't always think it's appropriate.
It seems like a good half of your annoyance came from assuming the guy would give you shit, which Brie never even implied was the case.
And people can judge you for what you bitch about on twitter. Freedom of expression comes with people hearing what you're saying and judging it.
Star Trek Discovery.
Or Cameron's Avatar I guess.
>How is it any more inappropriate than in any other place that's not a bar ?
Because he's in a position of power as a TSA? He's basically a cop who can detain people at will and has the authority for it.
And besides it's the place of work, not some "bar". It's also the worst place to flirt and make conversation.
I know right, I've been hit on before and even had that person try to pay me for sex, but all I did was just say im not interested and that I hope he finds luck in finding someone else... Thats literally all you have to do...
it's not innappro it's how you mingle
What are they supposed to do? Write a post on twitter how much they dislike her? Go to a Kimmel interview and say how they hate working with their fellow actors? ...Wait.
It's called being courteous and professional. And we don't know what's going on behind the scenes. If there was one person being unprofessional it's Larson herself.
>What are they supposed to do? Write a post on twitter how much they dislike her?
So how you exactly assume they all dislike her, then? Because this nonsense was made up by a blog and people with a very specific agenda started parroting it everywhere.
>why aren't you catering to 5% of the population
Why can't we just have good movies instead of intersex queer mullato identity politics
ITT arrogant ignorant privileged entitled feminists worship and defend a RICH arrogant ignorant privileged entitled feminist
I will never understand a whole fucking thread just to shit on one person who's done nothing wrong.
You guys are just really sad, aren't you? Poor souls.
Discovery is a series and Avatar isn't about black people. She was talking about white male sci-fi movie critics criticizing what she saw as black female sci-fi movies. There's not thousands in this category.
Have sex
And you browsing 4chin
pretty much
except be racist
When was she being racist?
Well that's different, yes it's the specific case Brie faced but her being about to board a place isn't the issue, the issue is him potentially abusing his power. Which would probably not go over well with his supervisor. I'm pretty sure if a TSA agent pointed to a Hollywood actress for a random cavity search after she refused to give him her number he'd get fired and publicly humiliated.
>And besides it's the place of work, not some "bar". It's also the worst place to flirt and make conversation.
Literally still the 2nd most common way people meet their significant other is at work. Yes, even in the era of dating apps and #metoo. It's also the place aside from your bed where you'll spend the most of your life. If you rule out work as a potential meeting place you're ruling out a lot of opportunities.
Isn't it even sadder wasting time to berate anonymous posters on a thread that you have no interest in...
That's not what I'm saying at all and, it's besides the point, but the nature of marketing these movies has always been identity politics; target demographics being male and white doesn't magically make white and male non-identities.
It's almost like you can still criticise something that's not about you, nigger. Maybe we should ignore all those white guys that gave Toe Fungus's movie positive reviews because "it wasn't made for them". Oh and that goes for white FEMALE critics too. They really need to shut their fucking mouths about movies "not made for them"
>the issue is him potentially abusing his power.
That's what I'm saying, it is an issue because he shouldn't have been doing that in first place. If a bartender had tried to flirt with her and she reacted this way, I can assure you I wouldn't be saying shit in her defense, because it would have been wrong.
Potato face girl
user, he's borderline sweetieposting, learn to detect bait.
>Wanting people to actually watch your movie is identity politics
It's not, marketing to the majority is how a business sells, marketing to a small segment then throwing a bitch fit when everyone else thought it was garbage is whining
>>the issue is him potentially abusing his power.
What power? She's a rich famous celebrity. She just has to point her finger at him and watch his life go up in flames.
>She just has to point her finger at him and watch his life go up in flames.
Are you really this delusional or it's just sarcasm?
Keep dreaming you fucking retard.
But he didn't try to abuse his power, and she didn't imply that she felt threatened specifically by his position of power. Which again, lol at that, she's a Hollywood actress, she probably could have gotten him fired even if he didn't ask for her number. The power dynamic here is in her favor, not the other way around.
>he shouldn't have been doing that in first place
I disagree. TSA agents shouldn't be forbidden from flirting because people make assumptions that they're abusive cunts. Where does that stop? Should librarians be forbidden from flirting because an asshole one might stick late fees on a girl who says no?
So you actually believe this shit? TSA agents in the US are among the cuntiest, ruthless people that exist, the kind that can order people to do cavity searches and stop travelers and migrants from entering the country. Just because she's a celebrity it doesn't mean she has more power above people than he does. What a retard.
You're changing the subject and assuming that I'm black because I'm aware that there aren't thousands of black female sci-fi movies. I never said anything you're suggesting is right and, if I recall correctly, neither did she. And I'm not even saying that there should be more black female characters, just that this statement is wrong
>and even in that same speech she chose to defend Wrinkle In time, a Disney movie, when she could've picked a thousand other movies to make her point.
>The power dynamic here is in her favor, not the other way around.
Not really
>I disagree. TSA agents shouldn't be forbidden from flirting because people make assumptions that they're abusive cunts.
LMAO the hoops and loops people are going through to defend that sort of behavior, holy shit.
She's an entitled cunt who won an Oscar for some movie no one has heard of and she got herself attached to a multi billion dollar mega film franchise. Meanwhile, multinational mega corporations and internet virgins keep white knighting her, feeding her already engorged ego.
>Rich famous person has less power than random nobody
Sheer delusion lmao I bet you think she's "oppressed"
So you think if she went to the cops and then on TV to talk about how this TSA agent (which she could name in this context) ordered a cavity search on her AFTER she refused to give him her number, he'd keep his job and wouldn't face public scorn?
>We could have had literally any other actress than the fucked up feet and depressed ass
Nobody's saying she's "oppressed" you imbecile, it's the implication that just for being rich it means she's above the law. Don't be a fucktard.
No, she didn't do any of that, all she did was a tweet. A fucking tweet. There's no point on arguing hypotheticals like these because you can concoct whatever scenario makes you look right. Truth is, she's not above the law, and yes, there would have been hell to pay. But she still would've gone through that cavity search regardless.
That sort of behavior? Bruh it's literally just asking for her number, her refusing and him going "okay". Don't act like he took out a latex glove and looked at her with predatory eyes.
If you are black, why are you throwing a tantrum?
If you are not black - why do you care? Do you think that black people give a fuck about you and your movies? Trust me, they couldn't care less, so stop worring for other people's sake.
I just fucking realized she was Envy is Scott Pilgrim , thought she looked familiar.
>Bruh it's literally just asking for her number, her refusing and him going "okay".
He's not a random dude, it's a TSA agent, how many times do you have to read that in order to understand it's wrong behavior? He's basically a cop. Cops shouldn't flirt with those who are under their purview.
she does not want to do superheroes movies, she does not like it and it shows.
she does it for the money (like everybody else) but she thinks it degrades her professionally and can not hide it...still she likes the $$$
That's not a tantrum. You're insane.
>No, she didn't do any of that
I know. Hence "if". And the guy didn't order a cavity search, he asked her number. Her fucking number. She said no and literally nothing else happened.
>There's no point on arguing hypotheticals like these
Oh the fucking irony when we're only having this discussion on the hypothetical that he could have abused his power.
> Truth is, she's not above the law
Neither is he. It's not "the law" to ask a girl's number and then abuse every power you have when she says no. He knows that, I'm sure he'd rather not lose his job and public standing, that is if he even wanted to take this petty virgin revenge route in the first place.
>But she still would've gone through that cavity search regardless.
But she didn't. Are you trying to be this inconsistent with your thinking?
>she does not want to do superheroes movies, she does not like it and it shows.
Wrong, she actually enjoys it and has said so as much. Watching some clips taken out of context and place does not mean she's some hateful cunt, but not like /pol/tv/ needs much of a proof anyway.
>Oh the fucking irony when we're only having this discussion on the hypothetical that he could have abused his power.
He still abused his power by addressing her in a way that wasn't seemingly for his position. It was not professional.
this is the weakest insult i've seen in a while. "shove a fire extinguisher up your ass" would've been far more effective insult than whatever you came up with
>He's basically a cop.
lol, no he's not. And even cops are smart enough not to fuck with celebrities without proof.
And it's not even flirting.
Gal said it and smiled. Even (most of) the retards here know she was talking shit for banter. It's called charm. Gal has it. The Little Angry Cheese has none.
>He still abused his power by addressing her in a way that wasn't seemingly for his position.
"No." If he had obtained her number by pretending it's for administrative reason, he would have. As is, he hasn't, and she was able to refuse to give him her number without any consequences because he clearly wasn't exerting any power on her.
>It was not professional.
Sure, I can agree with that.
"Get laid" and "get bent" is a classic though.
>Gal said it and smiled. Even (most of) the retards here know she was talking shit for banter.
The same banter between Hemsworth and Larson, except they were face to face unlike Gadot who said it in a rehearsed interview. Context matters.
The more I read your excuses the more I realize you just decided to hate her no matter what, and no amount of justification can sway you.
Maybe it's you, user.
I think you've decided that BL is what you'll be angry at in 2019. Good luck with that.
People hate her because she has little to no charm and exudes passive-agressiveness. She can't pull off banter.
It's not excuses, she's just not very likable is all.
Gal has some measure of charm and doesn't act like a cunt all the time.
So, I hope you're not implying that this is Brie Larson being playful and smiling.
Because Jesus Fucking Christ I won't want to see her angry.
I guess BL is the rich white woman you'll be defending in 2019. Good luck with that.
That's her secret, user.
She's always angry.
I didn't say anything about "smiling" though? I said banter, playful. She doesn't have to act like some Barbie model the way Gadot does. Don't be a retard.
OH LOOK SHE'S SMILING HERE, must be CGI according to the retards in this board.
None of that is suggested here:
>>why aren't you catering to 5% of the population
>Why can't we just have good movies instead of intersex queer mullato identity politics
In this case, marketing demographics are identity politics. White and male are marketing demographics.
then say it like that. just saying "sex" is for twitter-browsing newfags who are too afraid to sound vulgar
OK, let's be generous and call it a smile. What is with that woman and her forced-as-fuck smiles?
>She doesn't have to act like some Barbie model the way Gadot does.
She probably should pull that stick out of her ass at some point. Maybe her online reputation wouldn't be so bad then.
>She doesn't have to act like some Barbie model the way Gadot does.
I like how you try to frame "not being an unpleasant shithead" as some kind of negative attribute.
>OK, let's be generous and call it a smile
Gadot was a model, that's all she knows to do. Wasn't she Miss Israel or some shit at some point too? Obviously she was trained to just smile and take it.
Also OMG look how much of an abrasive cunt she is in this picture, radiating hatred and misandry. Wow!
have sex
>Not being a cunt is "acting like a Barbie model"
No, it's proven to get (you)s because people like you split hairs over what you think is newfag wrongthink. "Have sex" combines the old burns with the new hotness which is "incel" and people can't help but reply because the word is somehow more contentious than "cuck".
That's... Not what was said at all.
RDJ come on now, you're too old and rich to be worrying about the manlet thing buddy. It's time to let it go.
Good job missing the point, fucking dumbass
>Acting like a nice person is bad
Hi roastie
>m-missing the point
Look at her, she really doesn't want to be there, she wants to nuke all these Korean kids.
You're saying that, not me.
>Gadot was a model, that's all she knows to do
>Can act as well as Brie and also not be a shitty obnoxious person
Marvel missed out yo
>formerly chuck
>Nazi salute
It's not identity politics because movies you claim are for white males don't spend every ten minutes talking about how much better they are than everyone else they exist for everyone to enjoy, its not the entire worlds fault that by in large white males, and china that you keep conveniently leaving out, have disposable income to watch these movies
The only thing people were on her about is the lack of Muscle Definition (they wanted someone with a Lucy Lawless/Xenia build) and her Accent that the other actresses on Paradise Island had to act around. Aside from that no one really bitched about her
But A Wrinkle in Time didn't do that. We are only talking about it because Brie talked about marketing demographics. If she said something like "I'm more interested in what chicks have to say about this chick flick" we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Who the fuck am I kidding? Yes we would.
>Aside from that no one really bitched about her
Look pal, I was there, and I can fucking assure you these were not the only things people complained about. Again, the revisionism is pretty evident here, people hated the fuck outta her and I remember even during Justice League how they thought she looked out of place (to the point of being a "Mary Sue" because she arrived and beat Doomsday).
It's just... Fucking obvious what you're all doing.
Does Chris Hemsworth look like an incel to you
Black latino here that works and it's not a parasite to society.
You're 100% correct manito
In an admittedly needlessly vindictive and roundabout way, that is what she was saying
>"I don't need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn't work about A Wrinkle in Time," she said, according to USA Today. "It wasn't made for him! I want to know what it meant to women of color, biracial women, to teen women of color." She added, "Am I saying I hate white dudes? No, I am not. What I am saying is, if you make a movie that is a love letter to women of color, there is an insanely low chance a woman of color will have a chance to see your movie and review your movie."
>what you're all doing
user, stop.
>I remember even during Justice League how they thought she looked out of place (to the point of being a "Mary Sue" because she arrived and beat Doomsday).
Huh? First of all - I remember people enjoying Gal Gadot's appearance in BvS. She was praised for having a lot of charm in her scenes with Bruce Wayne and it was in that movie she proved that she can pull off WW. I've also been there.
Because it's BvS were are talking about not JL, right?
>It's just... Fucking obvious what you're all doing.
Watch it, paranoia is dangerous.
Brie has more charisma in her pinky than Gal has in her entire body.
>how could saying she didn't want white males to review her movie come off as a bitchy thing to say it's not like if the roles were reversed and a male said he didn't want women to watch his movie women wouldn't be frothing at the mouth
you don't get to pick who reviews your movies so that you get a favorable review
Have sex
>Larson everywhere
>no ScarJo
>no Karen Gilian
Have sex
Maybe she's so deep in character she inherited Carol's bitchiness.
She didn't pick them. She absolutely doesn't have that power, she did another interview in which she stated she wanted to give MORE opportunities to POC and women to review her movies, which didn't mean at all removing the credentials of those white men who already did, but to give more voices.
Both have been in interviews. These pics are from a North Korea show, but I've seen other stuff with ScarJo in it as well as Gillian (though the latter barely figured in them).
And to you saying you don't want type X reviewers because they aren't likely to give positive reviews over a bad movie isn't picking them?
That's not what was implied. Full quote here
There's nothing wrong with wanting to know what chicks think of a chick flick. I want to know what guys think of the Crank series. I'm not going to be looking for woman of color perspective of the film and if the industry, and more specifically the genre was driven by black female critics, it might not have had a sequel.
She was so cute in Community
Humans will work the way I say they work, you don't dictate my reality.
>because they aren't likely to give positive reviews
That's not the implication here, it's more like they wouldn't understand it in the same way someone from the demographic would. And A Wrinkle of Time was trashed anyway, so that's not it.
She's still not picking reviewers.
>Brie Larson is committed to making the press tour for “Captain Marvel” as inclusive as possible. For her recent interview with Marie Claire, the Oscar-winning actress handpicked Keah Brown to be her interviewer. Brown called the designation the “biggest opportunity” she’s had in her career and noted that “nobody usually wants to take a chance on a disabled journalist.” By becoming more active in determining her press opportunities, Larson is hoping to heighten inclusive voices.
>“About a year ago, I started paying attention to what my press days looked like and the critics reviewing movies, and noticed it appeared to be overwhelmingly white male,” Larson said when asked about her reasons for choosing Brown as her interviewer. “So, I spoke to Dr. Stacy Smith at the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative, who put together a study to confirm that. Moving forward, I decided to make sure my press days were more inclusive. After speaking with you, the film critic Valerie Complex and a few other women of color, it sounded like across the board they weren’t getting the same opportunities as others. When I talked to the facilities that weren’t providing it, they all had different excuses.”
At no point she's picking anyone to review her stuff, she's ensuring more people get to do it.
Not that guy, but no. She's saying she is personally more interested in what the target demographic thinks and commenting on the disparity of black female sci-fi critics. That's not unusual, that is standard practice.
>caring what puppets are interested in
There's your problem, movies are entertainment not a social experiment
Woah, absolutely not. I'm not a big fan of Gal Gadot, but at least she is charismatic. And she seems to be a nice gal (geddit?) too. Exactly what Brie is not
>there is an insanely low chance a woman of color will have a chance to see your movie and review your movie."
Says who? Why?
So, if that what she wanted to say, why didn't she say so?
"I am interested in what the target demographic thinks about this movie, I value their opinions and I think we should give them a chance" sounds a bit better than "I don't care what some old dude thinks about it, it wasn't made for him". It's sounds more inclusive, diplomatic and much less hostile. And serves the same purpose. Nobody told her how to behave in public properly and that as a public person her every word will be accountable?
But Brie Larson has a bad habit of running her mouth first and thinking about consequences later.
>It's on the job which is just unprofessional
>She has to interact with the person to board the flight
>It's in the line to an airplane and flying is already a misserable expirence
I see you point, but take your pick. Its just not a good time to whip that out.
I mean this thread just proves the fucking insane leaps and bounds people will make to create a narrative against Larson.
I really want to know why so many people decided this hill was the one they wanted to die on.
>they weren’t getting the same opportunities as others. When I talked to the facilities that weren’t providing it, they all had different excuses.”
I would like proof that they weren't getting the same opportunities and if confirmed I would like hear these excuses and assess their validity.
Good thing we had these threads a long time ago and I compiled some evidence back then.
Uh huh right user and if I stood in front of a bunch of people and said I didn't want to hear what a black woman had to say about 12 Angry Men but that honestly I don't hate black women, how many people do you think would really believe me?
And so what were these excuses and what is the actual reason there are more males pursuing journalism than females?
The narrative used to protect her it’s just as retarded
Where do you think you are?
Seriously, what the hell is it with leddit migrants. What the fuck kind of site do you think this is?
>more males pursuing journalism than females
I don't think that's it, though. The evidence shows that it's more men who get these journalism roles, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're the ones most "pursuing" them. We don't know whether it's men getting more opportunities and women are being rejected/held back, or if men are actually seeking these jobs more. All we have is these statistics, which openly correspond with what we know.
Also, as an addendum: the graph related specifically to the bigger outlets. It's also likely women seek more independent outlets, which would also justify Larson here, because these independent outlets often don't have the same opportunities as bigger ones do. So it's a mix between gender imbalance and mainstream reach.
Oh, yes "the partriarchy is putting us down" narrative.
I guess the reasoning that "some women are simply not interested in some jobs" does not fit?
>I will never understand a whole fucking thread just to shit on one person who's done nothing wrong.
She views it as a paycheck The other MCU actors all care about their characters and want to please the fans, so they bring their A game.
Who do you think is the least doucherest on Disney pay check? inbe4 cap hydra
Fair enough, but that comes across more of an issue of big companies with big movies denying smaller outlets rather than a gender or race issue. If in fact bigger outlets were discriminatory in favour of white men and against women and non-whites, then yes I would agree with her.
You're deriving a narrative here that isn't stated in those graphs though. This is simply evidence that for some reason in those bigger outlets, there's 2/3 men and 1/3 women despite women graduating in the opposite proportion. Like I said above, it's possible there's more women in independent outlets, but the graph doesn't reflect that.
>She views it as a paycheck
All the interviews where she talks passionately about the character says otherwise, but you don't watch those, you only watch the ones from sites like these who distort shit on purpose.
>Fair enough, but that comes across more of an issue of big companies with big movies denying smaller outlets rather than a gender or race issue.
Well now you're getting it. It's a systemic imbalance that has some roots in that sort of reach, which could in some ways explained as gender/race issue (because of the composition of said outlets) or simply because said outlets basically have the budget to monopolize the interviews. The point here is to give these independent outlets the same voice.
he had to wear those in most of the films he did for ten years. I'm assuming he just got to use to them
This. Olsen sounds genuinely excited by the Disney Plus series. I doubt she cares apbout what Larson is doing.
She just trigger the Yea Forums autism that is in you, OP.
Whoops, the picture somehow didn't upload correctly. Here.
Isn't that understood though? The only reason she verbalized it was because the majority out numbered the minority target demographic. You can say that the 12 Angry Men audience is white males, the only reason why it's less tasteful to declare the obvious is because deliberately excluding a minority is oddly redundant so it calls in question the motives; as far as critics go, the odds were already stacked in 12 Angry Men's favor. What Brie said was speaking about a majority voice.
Chuck, as in the tv show.
How can anyone possibly not think Captain Marvel wasn't Feminist trash when they turned fucking Mar-Vel into a women for no goddamned reason other than not letting Brie Larson get her powers from a man?
>his pro-Alita videos get a lot less views than his anti-Captain Marvel videos
Fuck, I posted it and hadn't noticed. Good detail.
I’m a norm who saw movie with my gf and we thought she was kinda plain and boring don’t hate her she just doesn’t have the charisma
I genuinely feel bad for Mar-vell fans. The character is being erased from existence just because he was a guy.
I think the worse and most obvious feminist message was when Carol said she had to fight all the time with a hand behind her back, that she has been held back then "I'm just a girl" starts playing when she "frees" herself from oppression.
As if women were oppressed in the West...
People love a trainwreck. Negativity is practically the new clickbait.
If she's the one flipping out, she's the one getting triggered.
Western women wouldn't know oppression if they were stoned with it.
>is what user believes
Ah okay so the overall message doesn't matter because women aren't AS oppressed as those in the East, got it. I forgot we were playing oppression olympics here, and that the only women who matter are the ones in "The West" (code for Europe + USA, since Latin America doesn't matter).
Excellent argument. Got some more?
I'm not sure you'd understand them.
there's literally no women oppression in the west, all you read is fabricated and based on witchhunt logic and simpsons quotes.
Shut up, incel.
>there's literally no women oppression in the west
>the west
Did you miss the part where I said
>(code for Europe + USA, since Latin America doesn't matter)
The last 30 years, women and girls have recieved nothing but massive waves of unprecedented encouragement and support, and before that, yes all western nations highly valued women beyond all other cultures. Women have it exceptionally well right now in America and Europe
Another faggot who keeps missing the point. Yes, AMERICA AND EUROPE are very privileged, thank you, they're not who I'm talking about, I openly addressed the fact that whenever a discussion about THE WEST is made, is never about all of America, but specifically America as in the US, while neglecting everything that's below Texas. And I can assure you, as someone who lives down here, there is plenty of sex slavery, oppression, gender imbalance, pay gay and overall misogyny.
Every discussion against feminism tries to frame it around how privileged women in THE WEST are doing, but never about how they're doing right in the same continent below them, because that's not convenient since THE WEST only counts for privileged countries, not the objective West.
I honestly don't know where this hatred comes from. I've watched all the evidence provided in this thread and I honestly don't see anything wrong. She's not as charismatic an individual as some of the other talent but she likes Metroid so I guess that's cool? Eh... Don't see how she's a "cunt".
The "white men shouldn't be the only or majority of reviewers" thing.
No that's not racism. Yes Yea Forums is filled with idiots. Don't fall for the bait, just lurk until you can tell the difference.
I can tell you're ugly. This is ugly fat girl logic
>Every discussion against feminism tries to frame it around how privileged women in THE WEST are doing
I mean that's probably because pop-feminism, the one that people actually follow, doesn't give a flying fuck about oppression in non-white countries. And you're pretty foolish for thinking "west" is a literal term.
>And you're pretty foolish for thinking "west" is a literal term.
I'm only pointing out the hypocrisy of it, because I'm sick of hearing people talking about "The West", pisses me off because it's a very US-centric vision of geopolitics.
It's rehearsed, prepared banter, Brie is just kind of a bad actress.
>its mens fault I majored in dance theory instead of mathematics
imagine being this insecure in your own choices
>Western women
Less and less people are believing your lies
They both major in the same discipline, can't you read a simple graph?
Okay, I'm convinced you faggots have heavy reading comprehension issues.
So why doesn't YOUR government do something about it
"The west" is code for "white" and people are commenting on what they know best. A vote here in USA won't make a change to reproductive rights in Mexico City.
Was this one of the fuckboys trying to manufacture some sort of beef between Alita and Capt Marvel? Bad enough Alita didn't get the support it deserved, faggots trying to shoehorn it into their shitty internet culture wars didn't help.
He was such a good Rhodes. Cheadle never felt right to me. He's too frail and old looking. Why'd they can him again?
I've never seen this website this triggered over one person. Of all people why her? She's a mid/low tier actress.
>YOUR government
You don't even know where I am. And you don't even know what steps are being done to fix this, but knocking down "feminism" based on whatever privileged white women say while there's actual issues feminists IN GENERAL (not just them) address that get ignored simply because under your view, since they aren't oppressed, no one is.
But this is precisely why you can't simply assume you're talking to privileged people, because even within the US there's a lot of poverty and issues that should be addressed in the same manner, yet since it's purple-haired chicks talking about pay gap, that definitely means poor underprivileged women don't exist and feminism and equality are flawed.
>Every other celebrity that claims to be a feminist or whatever and actually mean
No such thing. In fact, most people who claim to be feminist in the internet are just some tweeter weirdos who are in for the joyride on shitting on people online. The actual philosophy of the different schools of feminism are niche at this point.
It's like if Objectivism was in vogue and everyone said they were one for good boy points but they do not make any self reflection and challenge it, expand it. It's just "male thing bad, girl thing good" ad nauseum because that's what the mainstream Zeltgeist demands.
But I'm not a feminist and I don't give a single fuck about your issues. Feminists do or at least claim to, so it's their and your responsibility to shit or get off the pot. So yeah, I'm going to keep mocking feminists in my country because why shouldn't I?
Well I'm not expecting you to care faggot, what made you think I was? Wasn't you who asked why my government wasn't doing anything about it? Was I asking for help?
>In fact, most people who claim to be feminist in the internet are just some tweeter weirdos who are in for the joyride on shitting on people online.
This is fucking stupid for many reasons. Get out of your bubble.
>formally Chuck
that get me right there.
Just keep in mind it's pretty much just Yea Forums and Yea Forums adjacent Twitter. Most everywhere else at least tolerates her, not hates her. There's definitely not as big a genuine fandom for her as an actress as other MCU talent though, certainly.
I don't want to solely blame misogyny or anything, because if that was the case, we'd see a lot more hatred for Gal Gadot and the like. I think people in general just have a bias against anything to do with Carol in the first place, so if someone playing her isn't absolutely dripping with "I love the bantz" then they're going to get buttmad. Which I mean, fair, comics Carol is more often than not really shitty. But MCU Carol is basically an entirely different character. Idk.
I actually agree.
EVERYONE felt like they were coasting, except Ben.
He knew he wasn't playing a villain and he easily seized the chance to steal the show (which he totally did).
>Implying feminism isn't just another tool used by the wealthy elite to divide up the lower classes along gender lines to perpetuate conflict amongst themselves
I haven't seen the movie yet but what the FUCK?
lose weight femcel
You're so redpilled, you're right, it's the elites fomenting gender war, and Soros is behind it.
>All this focus on Toecheese instead of Adorabug
Feminism in N.America and Europe is a joke
Feminism anywhere else is serious business.
Wonderwoman is infinitely superior to Captain Marvel, because she felt like an actual individual with personality.
Marvel was just.....there. She was flat as a character.
Telos snatched the spotlight from her in her own film!
Where were you during gamergate? Kindergarten?
>all of Yea Forums is Yea Forums
Never payed any of that scandal attention because I figured it was autistic screeching. Turns out I was right. Only thing I remember is that opening the floodgates to new users.
>Actually thinking this
>opening the floodgates to new users
Sort of like cinematic universe shit and Yea Forums
Gal easily outclasses Brie, who is pretty bland in her performance as Marvel. In fairness, the script gave her very little to work with.
"You have memory loss. That's pretty much it. Good luck!"
I don't agree with putting down other women to prop others up, at least, not for petty reasons.
But yes. Everyone should love Mantis. Pom is great too.
I dunno, I thought MCU Danvers was fun enough. But fair opinion.
I miss when you could just enjoy a movie and didn't have to worry about some shitty culture war between spergs breaking out every time. Social media was a mistake.
She was okay. But Ben injected his performance with far more life.
based, GTFO politics
>Social media was a mistake.
Honestly, the only real way to replicate the college experience (the entire rationale behind social media) is to make fake colleges.
Pretty much this. Most amazing thing in the entire run of every incarnation of the character and it gets sidelined because Marvel is obsessed with pushing Carl.
t. bonobo
Women aren't oppressed at all in the west. Western women have no grasp of the concept of oppression. They can do whatever they want to do and because they're not guaranteed success at it they cry about being oppressed.
Yes and no, the tech is a good idea but the people running it aren't. Anyone who censors for any reason has an ideology that can't stand up to debate
Post-script: he's right BTW. Why did Shakespeare rhythm "fellow" with "fellow"? He's Shakespeare.
>Muh Incel boogeyman1!1!
You have to go back
Yea Forums should be renamed Yea Forums at this point
I never said nor implied they were.
The only memorable thing for most people when it comes to Mar-Vell is his death, so these few fans (among myself) who read Starlin shouldn't be bothered they didn't include him since he doesn't have many memorable stories. Warlock, on the other hand...
I’ve seen better insults from middle schoolers. Try harder, tumblr faggot.
Constant sex decreases your masculinity
He's like JLAW, but unlike her, he isn't even bothering putting up the act that he's like one us. And hopefully, just like JLAW, her career will suffer because no one in the entertainment industry can stand it.
>cinematic universe expands
>surprised people start talking about new movies
What kind of retard are you?
I wish you movie fags would just fuck off to Yea Forums. It's not a comic or a cartoon, so it goes there.
You mean faggots from tumblr and Yea Forums flocked here to shit up the board with live action
This comment won't make girls like you more
Nevermind what I said then.
The difference is that Heard is by all accounts perfectly pleasant to work and interact with, she's just a complete scumbag in her personal life.
By reading social cues and their body language towards each other like normal people? Watch the interviews and see how they interact.
>Watch the interviews and see how they interact.
I've seen them, and I haven't noticed anything wrong. Maybe you're just looking for something that isn't there, just watch her with RDJ.
To be honest, we got a shit actor for a shit character. Carol deserves her.