>2049 spinoff
>XS, Arrow daughter, and Terry
2049 spinoff
They actually made a black character lighter? Isn't that illegal?
Titanic threesome?
Who's Terry?
Oh right, nvm, I was thinking of CW characters only.
>2049 spinoff
like arrow beyond? nah, cw doesn't have a budget for that
so far their version of the future isn't that far off from their current timeline so it's doable.
then what's the point? if it's gonna look like present time?
younger cast because the current cast is getting old?
so just put them in 2019
Nora and Arrow's daughter can join the Legends.
put the kids in 2019? timeline fuckery happens
won't that be borderline incest or something with Sara?
They are in no way related to Sara Lance? Also, would the presence of a teen superhero on the Waverider mean Sara would instantly try to seduce them?
>timeline fuckery happens
just how I like my cw shows
user, Arrow already has teased all the Beyond settings:
ARCHER is Brother Eye and supposedly able to train anyone into being Ollie
Arrow Beyond would just be an unwitting grunt becoming OMAC-Arrow and having A.I. Ollie in his ear while learning from his daughter, Felicity and Norah.
wait, you're all serious? fucking female spinoff, hahaha cw just stop
she knows their parents, she slept with one of them. she probably considers them blood if she knew about their existence.
Terry is a girl?
user, it's CW.
and they currently have a Supernatural and Arrow sized hole for their programming in the next year. I forget if Batwoman's still a pilot or if it got bumped up to a series order. But 2020/2021 is wide open.
there's no terry on the cw
>OMAC Arrow
Kind of want
>learning from Felicity
She's gone, not happening.
She's gone from Arrow next season (for all eight episodes). The Young CWDC show is a different beast if it goes into production. It makes cameos easier--shit I bet you even Barrowman would show back up for a cameo.
What year is Zari from?
doesn't matter, that future is long gone
2042, so she is definitely in the same era as those two, slightly older though so she could be a mentor
Jenni was always light brown.
Really it would be interesting to see adult Damian in that lineup. Maybe Jon as well.
I say go with Terry